Silverado Gold Mines: Positiver Turnaround-Thread
Allerdings muss ich zugeben das ich inzwischen allergische Raktionen gegen das Wort "anticipate" entwickele. ;)
Wolltest Du nicht wegbleiben oder sinnt es Dir wieder nach neuen Freunden ?
Bin nächste Woche in München sollen wir uns dann mal treffen ?
Wann lässt der Dollar denn jetzt den Euro ab und wann ist Gold zum völlig wertlosen Metall verkommen ?
Danke für die Info, ich möchte auch mal so viel shorten, wie Du... :)
imho speku
ps auf eine grüne woche.
und 0,02 ist nicht mal im Ansatz ein guter Preis zum verkaufen. ;)
Ansonsten im Laufe des Tages und der erste der sie entdeckt postet sie.
lg speku
ps hoffe sie verschwinden recht schnell
wer hat noch in Erinnerung, was hat oder hatte Silverado mit der FutureGen Allianz zu tun?
Kann aufgrund des anhängenden Titel Silverado provitieren?
Department of Energy Takes Another Step Forward on FutureGen Project in Mattoon, IL
Washington, D.C. - The Department of Energy today issued a National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Record of Decision to move forward toward the first commercial scale, fully integrated, carbon capture and sequestration project in the country.
July 14, 2009
Department of Energy Takes Another Step Forward on FutureGen Project in Mattoon, IL
Record of Decision Issued for First US Commercial Scale Carbon Capture and Storage Project
Washington, D.C. – The Department of Energy today issued a National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Record of Decision to move forward toward the first commercial scale, fully integrated, carbon capture and sequestration project in the country. The Department’s decision is based on careful consideration of the proposed project’s potential environmental impacts, as well as the program goals and objectives.
“The carbon capture and sequestration technologies planned for this flagship facility are vitally important to America and the world,” said Energy Secretary Steven Chu. “This step forward demonstrates the Administration’s commitment to developing clean energy technologies, creating jobs, and reducing emissions of greenhouse gases.”
The Record of Decision and a cooperative agreement signed by DOE and the FutureGen Alliance allow the Alliance to proceed with site-specific activities for the project. Over the next eight to ten months, the Alliance will complete a preliminary design, refine its cost estimate, develop a funding plan, expand the sponsorship group, and, if needed, conduct additional subsurface characterization.
Following these activities, which will be completed in early 2010, the Department and the Alliance will decide whether to continue the project through construction and operation. Both DOE and the FutureGen Alliance agree that a decision to move forward is the preferred outcome and anticipate reaching a new cooperative agreement for the full project. Funding will be phased and conditioned based on completion of necessary NEPA reviews.
The Department of Energy’s total anticipated financial contribution for the project is $1.073 billion, $1 billion of which would come from Recovery Act funds for carbon capture and sequestration research. The FutureGen Alliance’s total anticipated financial contribution is $400 million to $600 million. The total cost estimate of the project is $2.4 billion, consequently, the Alliance, with support from DOE, will pursue options to raise additional non-federal funds needed to build and operate the facility, including options for capturing the value of the facility that will remain after conclusion of the research project, potentially through an auction of the residual interests in the late fall.
When fully operational, the facility will use integrated gasification combined cycle technology with carbon capture and sequestration into a deep saline geologic formation. It will be designed to capture 90% of the carbon emissions by the third year of operations but may be operated at 60% capture in the early years to validate plant integration and sequestration capability. This technology should sequester one million tons of CO2 annually when it reaches full commercial operations.
Read the full Record of Decision.
naja wenigstens haben wir nun fast 1,4milliarden aktien was den handel erleichtern sollte,und gebohrt wird nun ja auch.
auf eine goldige zukunft mit slglf,hoffe nur das die zukunft nicht zu weit entfernt ist,solange leben wir nämlich nicht.
lg speku
Schaut man durch die Nachrichten gibt es kaum einen der nicht für die nächsten Jahre astronomisch hohe Goldpreise auf uns zu kommen sieht.
Ich fühle mich hier wunderbar aufgehoben. Mein eigenes Alter zugrunde legend gehe ich mal davon aus das meine Rente sicher ist. ;)
lg speku
auf einen grünen tag