$$ Savi Media Group $$
US-Kürzel: SVMI
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Dies stellt keine Kauf- oder Verkaufsempfehlung dar, sondern spiegelt nur meine Meinung wieder. Jeder handelt auf eigenes Risiko.
SAVI MEDIA GROUP drehte am Freitag unter Rekordvolumen auf!
20,213,422 Aktien bei einer Kurssteigerung in Höhe von 75 % wurden gehandelt.
Noch nie wurde SVMI so heftig gehandelt. Dieses Handelsaufkommen ist absoluter Rekord. Das durchschnittliche Handelsaufkommen pro Tag (letzte 3 Monate) beträgt lt. yahoo.com 769,262 Aktien. http://finance.yahoo.com/q?s=SVMI.OB Das Freitagsvolumen lag also weit über 25 mal über dem Durchschnittshandel!
Lt. yahoo.com 201,26 Millionen outstanding Shares und davon sind 106,18 Millionen Aktien im Free Float http://finance.yahoo.com/q/ks?s=SVMI.OB
D.H., daß fast 20 % der handelbaren Aktien alleine am Freitag umgesetzt worden sind!
Erst dachte ich an ein Pump & Dump-Spielchen einiger US-Zocker. Doch hierfür war das Volumen wohl doch etwas zu groß. Immerhin wurden am Freitag bei einem angenommenen Durchschnittskurs von 0,007 über 140,000 Dollar umgesetzt.
Nein, ich bin mir sicher daß die Handelsexplosion eine andere Ursache hat. Bei meiner Recherche stieß ich dann auf was äußerst interessantes.:
SVMI entwickelt ein System für die Automobilindustrie, das Emissionen verringert und zugleich Kraftstoff spart. Und dies alles noch mit einigen anderen positiven Eigenschaften. kombiniert.
Das System nennt sich DynoValves (TM). Dieses System gibt es für Benzinmotoren (DynoValve TM - Gasoline) und für Dieselmotoren (DynoValvePro TM - Diesel) Alles schön nachzulesen auf der Firmen-HP: http://www.savimedia.com
Eigenschaften von DynoValve TM - Gasoline:
(Angaben lt. Firmen-HP)
- Verbessert Durchschnittsverbrauch
- Vermindert Emissionen wie HC, CO und NOx
- Laborgeprüft und EPA genehmigt!
Eigenschaften von DynoValvePro TM - Diesel
(Angaben lt. Firmen-HP)
- Verbessert die gesamte Haltbarkeit von Dieselmotoren
- Reduziert NOx Emissionen durch Senkung der Verbrennungstemperatur
- Beseitigt schädliche Kurbelgehäuse-Emissionen
- Geringerer Kraftstoffverbrauch
Und jetzt kommen wir zur meiner persönlichen Spekulation warum ich mir SVMI ins Depot geholt habe. Das System DynoValve TM sollte bereits im Januar seine Markteinführung bekommen!
...SaVi Media Group has today announced that so far, it is on schedule for the product launch of our DynoValve product for the month of January 2006....
Die Markteinführung fand aber weder im Januar noch im Februar statt. Auch im März wurde die Markteinführung noch nicht bekanntgegeben. Zumindest kann ich nirgends was finden was die tatsächliche Markteinführung im Januar bestätigt.
Ich bin mir zu 99 % sicher dass für das extreme Handelsvolumen vom Freitag Insider verantwortlich sind, die bereits jetzt schon wissen dass die Markteinführung kurz bevor steht.
Man muß sich nur mal eins vor Augen führen. Es wurden fast 20 % des Free Floats am Freitag gehandelt. Dies sorgte für einen Kursausschlag in Höhe von 75 %. Zeitweise in Höhe von weit über 100 %! Dies alles OHNE News. Was wird erst geschehen wenn die Markteinführung bekanntgegeben wird?
Die Kursfantasie dürfte keine Grenzen mehr kennen. Man schaue sich nur mal den Chart an. Aufgrund der hohen Volatilität und des hohen Risikos aber streng limitieren!
& SaVi Media Group
Date: May 8, 2006 8:57 AM
Subject: Gas Mileage
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Please checkout a product named Dynovalve from Savi Media Group (SVMI) Dynovalve is a great solution and should get some attention in your piece today on ways to get more miles per gallon of gas
The DynoValve TM is a newly patented Positive Crankcase Ventilation (PCV) Valve. The DynoValve is designed for use in Automotive gasoline powered vehicles. The DynoValve TM replaces OEM PCV valves. The DynoValve TM eliminates the vacuum problems associated with todays standard PCV valves by optimally regulating the flow of engine blow-by gases. SaVi Media Group, Inc. accomplished this unique ventilation with the use of an electronically controlled switch. The Electronically Controlled DynoValveTM precisely regulates the flow of blow-by gases returning to the engine intake system.
SaVi Media Group, Inc. creates and commercializes blow-by gas and crankcase engine emission reduction technology. They have created the first truly simple gasoline and diesel engine emission reduction technology, allowing them to provide their clients with lower-cost, more effective and more efficient emission reduction and engine performance. With 20+ years of emissions and materials R&D behind it, the Company was formed to create, support and license a patented supplementary vehicle emissions reduction and fuel efficiency technology that can reduce emissions by up to 40% and improve efficiency 30%. Using proprietary methods and processes, SAVI increases fuel efficiency at the same time decreases emissions and extends component life
--Mal schauen..
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they would move into a 100,000 sq. ft building to meet their growing
company. In my very honest opinion, Savi Media Company is a real
company with real products, the Dynovalve and Dynovalve Pro (I have
pictures…TRADE4Money will post them for me!).
In my first visit, there was much to do to clean up the facility since
they just barely moved in. However, in my most recent second visit, I
noticed a change. They have cleaned out most of their junk and instead
replaced it with what I believed are manufacturing machineries for the
Dynovalve and Dynovalve Pro. It is my understanding; these machineries
can produce a manufacturing capability of up to 50,000 units per
SVMI management is very excited of the company’s future. It is my
understand, large transportation companies and China have expressed
a strong interest in the Dynovalve Pro. They may be in contacted with
each other because during my visit I noticed Chinese tractors/cranes outside the facility. It is my opinion that they probably may have been talking to large trucking companies, governmental agencies, shipping yards, railroad companies,and large vessel shipping companies on utilizing the dynovalve. The Dynovalve is just the tip of the iceberg. I am expecting them to come out with more very very exciting PRs such as additional patents may be in the pipline."
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Posting 1992-1999
Vom Handel ausgesetzt ? Nicht in den USA
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In my opinion everything went extremely well on my 2nd visit to SVMI Facility.
Everything that Mario said he was going to do a month ago was done or in the process of being worked on at the facility. Such as about 30 days ago in one large room it looked like there were about 10 ton of junk, well I was pleasantly surprised that the area was cleaned and had recently purchased new and used manufacturing equipment that was set in the room. There were two workers preparing the room to be painted (scrubbing down the walls).
I talked with Serge Monros during most of the time while we were there. He is the inventor of dyno valve and many other SVMI products that the company is going to market and manufacture.
At this facility SVMI has large rooms with equipment that will be used for production which should be up and running in 30-60 days with the manufacturing capability of up to 50,000 units per month. It seems like
their current plan is to contract out manufacturing to larger manufacturing companies when their facility can no longer keep up with sales. It also seems like initially they intend to market the dyno valve pro to large trucking companies, shipping vessels, railroad companies, etc. I believe they have made contacts, had discussions, and reached understandings with specific companies. Of course I asked if the had a Letter of Intent, Memorandum of Understanding or a contract, however, they would not answer that question in fear of violating any federal regulations regarding news releases.
I believe their proposed plan is to provide major companies with the dyno valve pro equipment at no costs for the product or installation on a temporary basis (30-60 days) in exchange for their honest, open, non coerced testimonial on the dyno valve pro and dyno valve performance. As an example of one major California trucking company that spends 1.2 billion a year on diesel fuel, Serge estimated that the dyno valve pro could save that company 300 million a year in diesel fuel costs. ANOTHER BIG BENIFIT is that the oil savings will be close to the same because the Dyno Valve & Dyno Valve Pro seals the engine (blow-by tube return to motor to be recycled).
It is also my understanding that SVMI is planning on distributing 1000 dyno valve units for cars with the same requirement that they provide an honest, open, non coerced testimonial on the performance experienced by them. You cane see the pictures taken by Lawsson of the un-assembled 1000 car dyno valves they currently have ready to go, I believe they are waiting until the manufacturing plant is near or finished before they start distributing the dyno valve or dyno valve pro.
I was told that SVMI has 4-6 full time employees and 4-6 part times
Employees, they stated that additional employees will be hired when the
Manufacturing facility is fully operational.
The California Environmental Engineering testing facility (EPA recognized & CARB certified) is also located within the same facility. Serge stated that he has already received EPA APPROVAL for the DYNO VALVE under the name of Auto Tech E0372, the company of which SVMI emerged from, if you research this it should come under Serge Monros (mothers maiden name Monros), instead of Serge Vallve.
In my opinion Serge and Mario are very excited. They are also under
Staffed. I am going to make a recommendation to Mario that they hire staff to help in marketing, PR, business planning, production, distribution, etc. Serge and Mario stated that they don't want to PR until they have the manufacturing plant up and running and units distributed to potential clients in order to obtain honest, open, non coerced testimonials. They don't want stock hyped on hot air but rather on proven testimonials and sales.
It is my opinion that they probably have been talking to large trucking
companies, governmental agencies, shipping yards, railroad companies, and large vessel shipping companies on utilizing the dyno valve pro; for your information the dyno valve is small for automobile vehicles but the dyno pro larger and larger for trucks, trains, and ships.
It also seemed like they are working on numerous sales and marketing efforts that are probably in the works however, they would not say to conclusively one way or the other to us.
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Deine profunde Recherche lässt auf eine gute Quote schließen ... beim Würfeln .. aber nicht bei diesem Wert
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Das hier ist ein Wert, der kurz vor dem Turnaround steht, das Produkt ist real und nicht wie manch eine Briefkastenfirma oder Neue Markt Spekulation aus der Luft gegriffen.
In Posting #160 hast Du Links, die Dich zu den Fotos der Firma führen.
Das Produkt DynoValve, um das es hier in erster Linie geht, wurde im Oktober 2005 angekündigt, es erscheine im Januar auf dem Markt. Da jedoch SVMI zu der Zeit noch einige Verbesserungen anzubringen hatte, um DynoValve bei Trucks anbringen zu können, wurde die Markteinführung bis auf weiteres Verschoben.
Nach gesprächen mit dem Management wird das Produkt in etwa 2 Monaten eingeführt.
DynoValve kostet $250 (diesbezüglich findest Du relevante Zahlen in meinen vorherigen Postings. Es dauert 15-20 Minuten es im Auto einzubauen, verringert die CO2-Emissionsgase um 40% und erhöht die Farzeugleistung um 30%.
Verträge sind wie gesagt schon abgeschlossen. Solltest Du davon nicht überzeugt sein, solltest Du Dich mit dem Management direkt in verbindung setzen, Mario wird Dir alle Deine Fragen beantworten. Ansonsten kann ich nur das Video auf der Homepage empfehlen.
Wenn Turnaroundwerte nicht Dein Fall sind, weiß ich Deinen Rat zwar zu schätzen, wunder mich aber, dass Du hier dennoch Postest
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On March 31, 2004, the Company entered into a letter of intent to acquire 20% of SaVi Group, the name under which Serge Monros was conducting business in the ownership of numerous patents he had developed. The acquisition of 20% of SaVi Group was completed in the second quarter of 2004 upon the Company's payment of 38,500 in cash and the issuance of 4,000 shares of the Company's common stock to Serge Monros.
Subsequent to the acquisition, the Company changed its name from Redwood Entertainment Group, Inc. to SaVi Media Group, Inc. and Serge Monros began operating as His Devine Vehicle, Inc. The Company. Further discussions between the Company and Serge Monros led to a September 1, 2004 agreement (the "Agreement") under which the Company acquire 100% of the rights to numerous patents (the "Patents") owned by Serge Monros and the name under which he now operated in holding those patents, His Devine Vehicle, Inc. The Agreement was amended and modified on December 30, 2004 and again on April 6, 2005. The most important patented technology, for which the Company acquired rights, was technology to produce a relatively simple gasoline and diesel engine emission reduction device that the Company intends to sell to manufacturers of new vehicles and owners of presently operating automobiles.
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SaVi Media Group Moves into New 100,000 Square Foot Testing/Office Facility
Monday October 10, 2005 6:00 am ET
ANAHEIM, Calif., Oct. 10, 2005 (PRIMEZONE) -- SaVi Media Group (OTC BB:SVMI.OB - News) has announced that it has completed its two week transition and has moved into a new 100,000 square feet testing/office facility located at 2530 South Birch Street, Suite A, in Santa Ana, California at the CEE testing facility. The move is in response for our DynoValve product testing to update our Executive Orders, increasing sales inquiries and customer focus.
``The ability to meet the regular environmental testing requirements of our varied products, demands more on-location time and access, which congruently has led to the expansion of our on site testing as well as our growing marketing and sales departments. Now instead of constantly outsourcing and traveling from facility to facility we have a permanent physical address of our own for the purposes of R & D and continual testing upgrades. This will also allow shareholders and constituents to come out and visit us on a regular basis to see our numerous operations and consistent progress,'' commented Dr. Mario Procopio, Chief Executive Officer of SaVi Media Group.
While Savi Media Group's physical address has changed, our mailing address will remain the same, 9852 W. Katella Ave. # 363, Anaheim, California. 92804.
For person's interested in touring the testing facility plant, please call (800) 916-5420 to schedule an appointment.
For more information, visit savimediagroup.com
Safe Harbor Statement: This release contains forward-looking statements, which are made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. We use words such as ``anticipate,'' ``believe,'' ``expect,'' ``future,'' ``intend,'' ``plan'' and similar expressions to identify forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements include, without limitation, our ability to increase income streams, to grow revenue and earnings, and to obtain other Joint Ventures. These statements are only predictions and are subject to certain risks, uncertainties and assumptions, which are identified and described in the Company's public filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
SaVi Media Group
Dr. Mario Procopio
Source: SaVi Media Group Inc.
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Enters into a Lucrative Contract
SaVi Media Group -announces that the Company has entered into a contract with Category Management, Inc. to create and implement an aggressive sales and marketing program for the Company's POWERVALVE ECV-1 and COREC System. The POWERVALVE ECV-1 and COREC System have the potential to revolutionize engine competence by increasing horsepower and fuel efficiency while reducing air pollutants and operation costs. Management feels this strategic marketing relationship could produce first-year revenues estimated at $50,000,000. The sales efforts will encompass a national blitz on all major channels of distribution within the consumer marketplace and will target Category Management's direct relationships with fortune 500 corporations.
Category Management has an impressive history of helping outside organizations successfully procure millions of dollars in purchase orders. Category Management's personnel have over 20 years of experience in strategic brand positioning, servicing the nation's largest retailers. The group will work closely with the political action arm of SaVi to investigate potential opportunities pertaining to the current Energy Bill before Congress.
Dr. Mario Procopio, CEO of SaVi Media Group, said, "This relationship is extremely important to SaVi Media as it gets us one step closer to the widespread distribution of our ECV-1 Power Valve. With proven expertise in opening large distribution channels and implementing precision marketing plans, Category Management anticipates a national product roll out within the next six to nine months. The ECV-1 Power Valve is Good for the Country, Good for the Environment and Good for the Pocketbook." About SaVi Media Group SaVi Media Group, Inc. is the catalyst of today's industry in blow-by gas and crankcase engine emission reduction technology. Through the development of the patented POWERVALVE ECV-1 and COREC System, SaVi Media Group has revolutionized engine competence by increasing horsepower and fuel efficiency while reducing air pollutants and operation costs.
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