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Eröffnet am: | 01.03.12 17:24 | von: stockworld88 | Anzahl Beiträge: | 174 |
Neuester Beitrag: | 13.03.12 07:43 | von: brauchmehrk. | Leser gesamt: | 15.673 |
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Frechheit von denen, so eine Meldung zu veröffentlichen.
der Mod verehren die ja da wie einen gott...naja ich sag da nichts bei sovielen aktien passiert..valcom,fritz (da haben sie geschrieben das eine bank fritz übernehmen will) bebra und genug andere aktien...
Forging a New Path.
Saturday, 03 March 2012 10:17
As the President Of Xelleon, there are things I feel need to be known to people who come in contact with Xelleon. I need people to understand our devotion to what we do. I'm not asking anyone to put their faith in anything, I'm telling you. we have a system that would litterally take 4 Million years to hack. I didn't make that number up. that number was calculated based on what I was told by the non biast, professional, third part audit firm who audited the impervio technology.
There's a great deal of buzz starting about our technnology, and from time to time there will be thing I need to discuss with the general public. I can't stress enough how much this technology could change the playing field for so many industries.
Did you know that nearly 80% of the software applications, that are installed on computers around the world today, are pirated. 80%!!! Now, I'm a pretty smart guy, I dont know everything about everything, but I can add.
So lets say Xelleon could get into a partnership deal with a large software company, lets say CompanyX for instance. and lets pretend that CompanyX sells 100,000 copies of APP CS per month.
Now, lets imagine that APP CS could no longer be pirated, because CompanyX decided not to distribute APP CS through any other means except when its protected by impernvio
This would mean that developers who want the latest version of the application would have no choice but to buy it. There would be NO pirated copies available.
Now, one might argue, "Not everyone can afford APP CS and piracy allows more people to use APP CS. Then when those people have the money, they will buy APP CS instead of stealing it." That's a hopeful statement, however it couldnt be further from the truth.
That excuse was probably cooked up, in my opinion, by someone looking to keep their job, maybe someone in marketing or distribution. Because it sounds better then, "We're sorry, we can't stop people from stealling our software." and secretly we all know that people in a boardroom environment will say anything to make themselves look good, look smart, protect their positions and their livelyhood.
So now, lets say CompanyX's Software couldn't be pirated for a long, long, long time, and instead of 1 Million years, we say 5 years. Let's just pretend impervio is only 5 times better than our leading competitors piracy protection software.
All that CompanyX would have to do is upload various uncompiled versions of APP CS to their Cognitive Scripting server (which we would set up for them), and customers could choose what features they want enabled in their version of APP CS. That means, every single version of the application can be entirely different, every time it's purchased. Plus, every feature could hold a price tag, giving CompanyX the ability to price a basic version of APP CS with no bells and whistles at a low enough price to attract the students, non-profits and everyone else who can't afford over $100 for a piece of development software like APP CS.
Then, professional developers, who make large purchases of APP CS could add the features they want, and better budget their software upgrades.
I can't stress enough how much Xelleons technology can change the way digital data products are sold and distributed online. Now if you don't think that would be a change for the better let me know, in the comments below.
Dadurch dürfte sich der Titel dieses Threads schneller umsetzen als sich manch einer wünschte?
... und sich selbst mein eigener Wunsch, mit etwas Glück morgen früh nochmals 20k. unter 12 Cent und damit einen MK um die13 zu bekommen ganz klar zerschlagen haben!
Schade nur für die bereits Investierten, dass der CEO ausgerechnet noch heute, am heiligen Sonntag für die Klarstellung gesorgt hat. Wie bereits gepostet, wird der ein oder andere dadurch ein nochmaliges Verbilligen seines derzeitigen Mischkurses vergessen können.
Mal sehn, einen frühzeitigen Versuch morgen um 8 Uhr an der Frankfurter Börse ist es allemal Wert, bei Xetra-Eröffnung um 9 Uhr könnte der Kurs schon über die 20+X Cent gelaufen sein, wobei er dann immer noch sehr weit unter den 65 Cent von letzter Woche stünde.
Langsam aber sicher stabilisiert sich die 15; link Der Weg zu den 20 ist bald frei!