PEARL ASIAN nächster 10000%er?
hab meine paim aktien verkauft, in meinem depot sind aber immer noch die oben genannten aktien - die wurden ja irgendwie getauscht oder so? kann mir jemand erklären wie die oben genannte aktie mit paim in verbindung steht? hab das damals wie das umgebucht wurde nicht ganz verfolgt oder besser gesagt ich kenne mich überhaupt nicht mehr aus was da eigentlich abläuft.
Danke und LG
wenn man sie dann heute noch verkauft, was soll da noch eingezogen werden
wer kann dich zwingen den alten Bestand herzustellen
und müsste die Bank nicht sperren und die Order streichen!!
Bei Comdirekt zB sind die Aktien gesperrt, bei Consors noch Handelbar.
Mir wurde aber weitgehend übereinstimmend gesagt, dass man in einem Segment unterwegs ist, das der höchsten Zockerkategorie angehört, daher ist man selbst verpflichtet, die Meldungen des Unternehmens zu lesen usw... das heißt, man sei verpflichtet in so einem Fall die Meldung an die man über die Homepage des Unternehmens kommen müsste(ist hier der Fall) zur Kenntnis zu nehmen, was heißt wer zu viele aktien verkauft hat ist damit short gegangen. dies wurde mir unabhängig voneinander von verschiedenen banken bestätigt, das so ein fall möglich ist. außerdem sind die Outstanding shares laut pink sheets nur noch die 450 mio, also scheint es wirklich so zu sein, dass es zum short squeeze kommt.
ich warte nun erstmal, bis meine alten eingezogen werden. wieviele aktien aus dem depot genommen werden bestimmt wohl die AGN(siehe pressemeldungen)
die heute gekauften aktien fallen wohl nicht mehr drunter, und werden angeblich nicht eingezogen.
das erklärt diesen schnellen anstieg. ich hatte heute auch glück zu 0,0006 reinzukommen.
denn im moment bekommt man die aktien umgerechnet für 0,00006 ( 0,0012$ * 0,05 )
die Marktkapitalisierung liegt bei ca. 550000$ statt bei 4 Mio
- meine meinung-
- keine kaufempfehlung-
Bin jamal gespannt was hier abgeht ,habe Scheine noch vom letztem Jahr zu liegen.
271,946.674 as of Jul 24, 2007
Outstanding Shares
453,244,457 as of Jul 23, 2007
Number of Share Holders of Record
5,280 as of Jul 23, 2007
453,244,457 as of Jul 23, 2007
der Rückkauf scheint umgesetzt, womit die aktien wohl in der nächsten zeit eingezogen werden. bin mal gespannt was mit den nach montag gekauften aktien passiert, aber die meinung meiner bank ist, dass diese zu den 5 % gehören. dann verkauf ich die erst bei 0,015$ ;);)
-keine kaufempfehlung-
95 % davon wieder einziehen, zwangsweise und weit unter
Na, das machen wir doch dann auch so, wer macht mit?
Ich raff's immer noch nicht.
"I Believe" In PAIM's Gold Mine Projects: A USA Shareholder Buys 50 Metric Ton Processing Gold Plant For Gango Gold Rush- Bukidnon Mine Site
MANILA, Philippines, Jul 27, 2007 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Pearl Asian Mining Industries, Inc. with Stock SYMBOLS: U.S.A. (OTC common shares: PAIM)(OTC preferred shares: PAIMP) announces that the Board of Directors during their Corporate Re-organization Special Board Meeting held on July 23, 2007, resolved that the current Authorized Common Shares of UNLIMITED be reduced to Four Billion (4,000,000,000) Authorized PAIM Common Shares.
"Pearl Asian Mining commends the DTCC led by Danielle Harris for working diligently in cooperation with the company's transfer agent AGN Associates & Stock Transfer Services, LLC to making our company's re-organization transition run smoothly and effectively. We appreciate and commend Ms. Harris & Mrs. Alice Navas who worked so hard and tirelessly to make this mandatory buy back fully executed, that almost 95% of the PAIM Common Stock had been fully accounted for," exclaimed CEO Jason Piamonte.
Lastly, Two USA Shareholders who visited the Philippines Mine Sites share personal experience to fellow PAIM shareholders:
"In June, I was privileged to enjoy the amazing hospitality of the PAIM Gold team and explore in person their mine sites at Binasan, Cagayan De Oro, the XYZ, and Aroroy, Masbate Island. The energy and enthusiasm of the PAIM team are infectious and the highly knowledgeable engineers were generous with their time, showing us the full infrastructure at Binasan (fully operational when rain does not compromise worker safety) and at Aroroy, where we were able to observe active gold refining underway. As a final treat, we were able to view gold flakes or placer free gold from Binasan and gold nuggets produced at Aroroy. I was pleased to observe the care that is being taken in all sites to conduct operations with minimal negative impact on local communities, health, and the environment. Indeed, the Binasan villagers welcomed us with gifts, demonstrating the positive and mutually beneficial inter-action they have with PAIM It is a pleasure to support a company accessing such a rich natural resource with a true effort to promote sustainable development and local community rights," said Clare Aslan.
"When I accepted the offer for this trip, I had no idea what to expect, especially after reading all of the warnings about travel in this part of the world. But, I knew I had to go. Not for the same reason most investors would go, but a reason near and dear to my heart. And what I saw and experienced was beyond my wildest dreams. Let me begin by stating that I had never read any investor boards prior to this trip, so I did not have any preconceived notion about this company other than its positive outlook. All I can do at this point is tell you what I saw. It was unlike any other organization I have ever encountered, (and I have owned and operated my own business for 16 years). One of the reasons I came was to answer the question: Why so much outreach? For the life of me, I didn't understand why so much community outreach, but now I understand. This isn't the USA. There are different rules here, much different. The people / tribes who actually own the mineral claims, and the abundant potential wealth, also control who and how it is to be extracted. The dichotomy of it all is that in spite of all of this potential wealth, they are very, very poor people. They work incredibly hard, but with the tools and ancient technology they currently employ, they are only able to pull out of the ground enough gold to feed their families and keep a roof over their head. This is where PAIM has had a brilliant business model. Establish a reputation that will bring these mineral claim holders, and their potential wealth, to them. The investment in Binasan and the many other outreach projects has created a reputation for PAIM in this area that no amount of advertising could ever bring. Study the history of the Philippines. These people have been occupied and hurt by foreigners over and over again. It is not easy to gain their trust. PAIM has successfully created partnerships and joint ventures with these people, not because of what they have said they will do, but because of what they have already done for others. Actions speak louder than words. Now, about the people involved. From the CEO, Jason Piamonte all the way down the company ladder, the people I encountered were kind, courteous, but most important, extremely competent and qualified for their positions. I spent 4 days with Brother Manny and his team in Cagayan De Oro, Rochelle, Arlene, Dahlia, Cindy and Elvis, and others whose names have escaped me. They are working hard for us all, and near the point of processing the ore, which is there and in abundance. This will create the beginnings of the revenue stream which will drive both the company's earnings, as well as the stock price. I was also able to spend 6 hours in Manila with Gary Gotanco. He is a gifted man who knows his business. In summary, what I saw: Gold mines, both tunnel and open pit; Mining equipment; Gold processing plant (currently being overhauled) at the Gango Gold Rush site, as well as a nice new PAIM office building near completion to manage the operation once the processing plant is online. Actual gold that has been processed; as well as tons of ore are ready to be processed. Tribes and cooperative groups who have partnerships with PAIM are grateful and excited about their futures. In a nut shell, everything that I was told PAIM has done and is doing was right there, tangible, palpable and on track for future success and continued growth as the leader in the mining industry, set up in such a way that everyone involved wins. Seeing is believing. I believe!" said Dr. Tom Wellbrook.
"Pearl Asian Mining is appreciative of our shareholders, in particular Dr. Wellbrook, as he invested a lump sum of money directly to the company to purchase the 50 metric tons of gold processing plant for the Gango Gold Rush in Bukidnon, thus helping in the increase of gold productions and potential increase of PAIM revenues. The Gold Team are currently re-conditioning and setting up the gold processing plant which is estimated to be in full operations the last week of August, 2007," added President /COO Engineer Ricardo Bernardo.
Forward-Looking Statements
Forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause our actual results, performance or achievements to differ materially from the anticipated results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements in this release include statements regarding the Company's projections regarding gold production in future periods. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from anticipated results include risks and uncertainties such as: risks relating to estimates of reserves, mineral deposits and production costs; mining and development risks; the risk of commodity price fluctuations; political and regulatory risks; risks of obtaining required operating permits and other risks and uncertainties. Penny Stocks are very highly speculative and may be unsuitable for all but very aggressive investors. The Company disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.
SOURCE: Pearl Asian Mining Industries Inc. - Philippines
CONTACT: Pearl Asian Mining Industries Inc. - Philippines
Gary Gotanco
USA: 310-728-6907 or 866-732-7888
P.I.: 011-63-2-567-5163
FAX: 877-317-4430
Copyright Business Wire 2007
eben doch short squeeze, mal schauen wie lange, müsste allein durch die verknappung der aktien ja um die 0,012 werden.
Market Cap bei 0,005 sind ca 2,3 Mio$
Wer weis was mit Trendinvestor alias NoggerT los ist? Bekomme
seit gestern keine Infos mehr, Greetz VG
was wenn man mehrere male gekauft hat, zB, im Juni06 im Oktober 06 im Dez 06 im März 07....
kann man dann die stückzahl vom Juni 06 jetzt steuerfrei einsacken? (byback umgerechnet natürlich)?
wann handelt nite wieder (großer mm in usa), hatte sich bislang noch zurückgehalten wegen der unstimmigkeiten. aber heute müssen ja die letzten offenen positionen gedeckt werden, also muss auch nite wohl nun die aufträge ausführen.
also wie gesagt, denke ab 15:30 wirds wieder richtig spannend!
In Framkfurt sind wir schon bei 0,006!!!
09:24:53 0,006 1500000
09:23:51 0,005 1500000
09:15:16 bG 0,004 6075000
ich denke dass ich vor 0,025€ keine abgeben werde.
habe alle meine aktien zu einem $ reingestellt, die Shortseller sollen aus panik den Kurs ruhig nach oben treiben.
das könnte schön für Papi Staat werden. Hauspsache mir reichts mein neues Auto und ein fettes Fahrrad ;) lange genug gewartet.
Viel Spass und eine Schöne Woche
Immernoch auf der 6 ;-)