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Evergreen Solar Breaks Ground on New Manufacturing Facility in Massachusetts
Devens plant to substantially increase Company's employee base in the State
Joined by Massachusetts Energy and Environmental Affairs Secretary Ian A. Bowles, Evergreen Solar, Inc. (Nasdaq: ESLR), a manufacturer of solar power products with its proprietary, low-cost String Ribbon(TM) wafer technology, today broke ground for its new $165 million facility in Devens, Massachusetts. Other dignitaries included Greg Bialecki, Assistant Secretary of Housing and Economic Development, Robert Culver, President & CEO of MassDevelopment, and numerous state and local legislators.
The new manufacturing plant will increase Evergreen Solar's production capacity in Massachusetts by 75 megawatts and double its employee base in the state to more than 600. Evergreen currently operates its prototype production and manufacturing facility in Marlboro, Massachusetts.
"Over the last three years, we have shown that our string ribbon technology is scalable as we have increased annual sales fourfold to approximately $100 million in 2006 through our joint venture in Europe," said Richard M. Feldt, Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer of Evergreen Solar. "Our new plant in Massachusetts is a natural evolution of this market penetration as we focus on the significant opportunities in the United States. Several states aggressively pursued our planned new facility. Governor Deval Patrick's vision for broad scale solar power adoption, through an innovative solar incentive program and the creative financial incentive programs that the Governor and the Legislature are expected to provide, were key factors in our decision to expand in Massachusetts."
"Governor Patrick is committed to making Massachusetts a global leader in clean energy technology, and having Evergreen Solar build its first large scale US manufacturing plant here is a big step in that direction," said Secretary Bowles. "Today, we are breaking ground not only on a factory, but on the Commonwealth's clean energy future."
Feldt noted that the new factory will use the Company's revolutionary Quad furnace technology with its state of the art automated ribbon cutting feature. This innovative wafer production process provides substantial opportunity to further increase yield, cell efficiency and labor productivity as well as to reduce the Company's already industry-leading silicon consumption.
The support program provided by the state includes $23 million in grants, up to $17.5 million in low-interest loans, and a low-cost 30-year lease of state-owned property in Devens. The new production facility is expected to start shipping product in the third quarter of 2008 and reach full capacity by late 2008 or early 2009.
About Evergreen Solar, Inc.
Evergreen Solar, Inc. develops, manufactures and markets solar power products using proprietary, low-cost manufacturing technologies. The Company's patented crystalline silicon technology, known as String Ribbon, uses significantly less silicon than conventional approaches. Evergreen Solar's products provide reliable and environmentally clean electric power for residential and commercial applications globally. For more information about the Company, please visit www.evergreensolar.com.
Source: Evergreen Solar, Inc.
Devens plant to substantially increase Company's employee base in the State
First graph, first sentence of release should read: ...yesterday broke ground... (sted ...today broke ground...)
The corrected release reads:
Devens plant to substantially increase Company's employee base in the State
Joined by Massachusetts Energy and Environmental Affairs Secretary Ian A. Bowles, Evergreen Solar, Inc. (Nasdaq: ESLR), a manufacturer of solar power products with its proprietary, low-cost String Ribbon(TM) wafer technology, yesterday broke ground for its new $165 million facility in Devens, Massachusetts. Other dignitaries included Greg Bialecki, Assistant Secretary of Housing and Economic Development, Robert Culver, President & CEO of MassDevelopment, and numerous state and local legislators.
The new manufacturing plant will increase Evergreen Solar's production capacity in Massachusetts by 75 megawatts and double its employee base in the state to more than 600. Evergreen currently operates its prototype production and manufacturing facility in Marlboro, Massachusetts.
"Over the last three years, we have shown that our string ribbon technology is scalable as we have increased annual sales fourfold to approximately $100 million in 2006 through our joint venture in Europe," said Richard M. Feldt, Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer of Evergreen Solar. "Our new plant in Massachusetts is a natural evolution of this market penetration as we focus on the significant opportunities in the United States. Several states aggressively pursued our planned new facility. Governor Deval Patrick's vision for broad scale solar power adoption, through an innovative solar incentive program and the creative financial incentive programs that the Governor and the Legislature are expected to provide, were key factors in our decision to expand in Massachusetts."
"Governor Patrick is committed to making Massachusetts a global leader in clean energy technology, and having Evergreen Solar build its first large scale US manufacturing plant here is a big step in that direction," said Secretary Bowles. "Today, we are breaking ground not only on a factory, but on the Commonwealth's clean energy future."
Feldt noted that the new factory will use the Company's revolutionary Quad furnace technology with its state of the art automated ribbon cutting feature. This innovative wafer production process provides substantial opportunity to further increase yield, cell efficiency and labor productivity as well as to reduce the Company's already industry-leading silicon consumption.
The support program provided by the state includes $23 million in grants, up to $17.5 million in low-interest loans, and a low-cost 30-year lease of state-owned property in Devens. The new production facility is expected to start shipping product in the third quarter of 2008 and reach full capacity by late 2008 or early 2009.
About Evergreen Solar, Inc.
Evergreen Solar, Inc. develops, manufactures and markets solar power products using proprietary, low-cost manufacturing technologies. The Company's patented crystalline silicon technology, known as String Ribbon, uses significantly less silicon than conventional approaches. Evergreen Solar's products provide reliable and environmentally clean electric power for residential and commercial applications globally. For more information about the Company, please visit www.evergreensolar.com.
Source: Evergreen Solar, Inc.
By 2010, if we achieve our three-grams-per-watt goal, our total costs may be low enough
so that we are able to achieve grid parity without subsidy.
sagt Feldt im Interview mit Motley Fool ;)
Wenn man die Meldung liest, könnte man auf den Gedanken kommen, daß die patentierte 'Quad Furnace' Technologie von Evergreen Solar zum Einsatz kommt, die sowohl in der nächsten Produktionsstätte von EverQ in Thalheim, als auch in Devens (ESLR's eigener 75MW Anlage in den Staaten) zum Einsatz kommt!
Der kommende IPO von EverQ, die bis dahin schon mindestens die dritte Produktionsstätte im Bau (wenn nicht sogar fertig) hat, wird ausschließlich Evergreen's Quad Furnace verwenden und lizensieren. Der IPO und die vergebene Lizenz von ESLR dürfte ordentlich Geld in die Kassen von ESLR spülen und die Basis für weitere Produktionsstätten in den Staaten sein. Dort gibt es z.Zt. nur eine 15MW Anlage, eine R&D-Abteilung und die kommende (im Bau befindende) 75MW Produktionsanlage auf Basis von Quad Furnace, die Ende 2008 in Produktion geht.
EverQ wird bis 2012 ca. 600MW an den Start bringen, Evergreen Solar will alleine in den Staaten bis 2012 auch noch mal 500MW an den Start bringen. Alle neuen Produktionsstätten mit 'Quad Furnace'-Technologie. Auch REC's Produktionsstätte in Singapur dürfte somit auf dieser Technologie basieren, zumal REC selber nur Siliziumlieferant ist und auf Technologie anderer Solarplayer angewiesen ist ;)
Mehr zu Quad Furnace hier:
Die wären ja schön blöd, wenn sie nicht Evergreen's Technologievorsprung nutzen würden!
By Kevin Kerr
NEW YORK (Dow Jones) -- There is no doubt about it, peak oil is here.
If you haven't felt it yet just wait a few months.
Old man winter is about to knock on may of our doors and so will the heating oil and natural gas bills, likely to be 30% to 40% higher than last year.
With an economy already reeling from high agriculture prices, a subprime housing problem and mounting debt, the specter of high gasoline and heating costs is likely to break the bank for many Americans.
The fact of the matter is that many more Americans are living paycheck to paycheck, even people who have never had to before.
Inflation is rearing it's head at every turn and meanwhile the Fed seems to be oblivious.
The good news -- yes there is some -- is that when things get this bad Americans seem to be at their best. From an investment standpoint there are going to be many opportunities because of triple digit oil.
Time to get serious
The next twelve months can guarantee a few things:
A) We will hit $100 a barrel for oil
B) We will all have to sit through endless pointless political ads
C) Smart investors will find a way to make money from it.
Those three things to me are certain, and I want all of you to certainly take advantage of C.
Alternative energy is the obvious and yet not so obvious play as oil closes in on $100.
Clearly alternative energy plays become very attractive when oil gets to these levels, but the spectrum of investments in this area can be daunting.
I suggest narrowing the field down to a few sectors you like and sticking with them.
For myself those are solar and electric and sugar and bio-fuel.
As alternative energy investors we want to look for companies that are established but not yet on the full radar screen.
In the solar space we want to find companies that already have the technology, and materials (vital), also the company that's most desirable would already have power contracts with major companies. Evergreen Solar (ESLR) fits that bill.
And while surging energy prices might make oil stocks look appealing, why not buy sugar which is much cheaper and possibly will get a big boost if ethanol and sugar tariffs are lifted or reduced? With oil approaching $100 a barrel, the political incentives could certainly make that possible.
The good news is that with oil reaching above $90 and well on the way above $ 100 we will see more and more money and investment pour into these alternative energy companies and ideas. The trick is picking the right one.
Friday November 2, 11:23 am ET
Evergreen Solar Shares Surge After Analyst Upgrades on Outlook for Wafer-Cutting Technology
NEW YORK (AP) -- Evergreen Solar Inc. shares rose sharply on Friday after an analyst upgraded the solar-products company, saying its wafer cutting technology in development is on track.
The company's stock gained $1.17, or 10.6 percent, to $12.26 in morning trading. The shares have traded in a 52-week range of $6.97 to $13.21.
After visiting the company's production facilities, ThinkEquity Partners analyst Jonathan Hoopes lifted his rating on Evergreen shares to "Buy" from "Accumulate" and raised earnings estimates.
Hoopes is "more confident" that Evergreen's so-called Quad Ribbon equipment will produce higher quality silicon wafers using less silicon than traditional machines.
"While the next-gen Quad Ribbon wafer technology is still in lab stage, the main technical issues appear to have been resolved, and the company is presently engaged in improving the platform and output," Hoopes said.
Evergreen's target to start production in the second half of 2009 is "well within reach," he added.
Last week, Evergreen reported improving results, expansion plans and the intention to make an initial public offering for its EverQ joint venture. The company narrowed its third-quarter loss due to cost-control initiatives and profits from its stake in EverQ, which was formed to license Evergreen's ribbon-cutting technology.
Evergreen Solar Inc.: neutral (JP Morgan Chase & Co.)
New York (aktiencheck.de AG) - Die Analysten von J.P. Morgan Securities stufen die Aktie von Evergreen Solar (ISIN US30033R1086 (Nachrichten)/ WKN 578949) in einer Ersteinschätzung mit "neutral" ein. (05.11.2007/ac/a/u) Analyse-Datum: 05.11.2007
Zeitpunkt: 06.11.07 18:40
Aktionen: Löschung des Beitrages, Nutzer-Sperre für immer
Kommentar: Regelverstoß / spam-id - mfg peet
Zeitpunkt: 06.11.07 18:40
Aktionen: Löschung des Beitrages, Nutzer-Sperre für immer
Kommentar: Regelverstoß / spam-id - mfg peet
Hier geht's um Evergreen Solar und Nichts Anderes! Capice?
Evergreen Solar (Nachrichten) - Kürzel: ESLR - ISIN: US30033R1086
Börse: Nasdaq in USD / Kursstand: 12,30 $
Kursverlauf vom 11.07.2004 bis 05.11.2007 (log. Kerzenchartdarstellung / 1 Kerze = 1 Tag)
Rückblick: Die EVERGREEN SOLAR Aktie markierte nach langfristiger Kursrallye im März 2006 bei 17,50 $ ein Hoch und korrigierte anschließend abwärts bis 6,97 $. Nach einer Erholung bis an die 12,84 $ Marke konsolidierte die Aktie in den letzten Monaten oberhalb der 8,11 $ Marke, bevor sie im Oktober eine neue Aufwärtsbewegung startete. Aktuell notiert sie wieder am Widerstandsbereich bei 12,84 - 13,20 $. Das kurzfristige Chartbild hat bullische Tendenz, das mittelfristige ist noch neutral zu werten.
Charttechnischer Ausblick: Die EVERGREEN SOLAR Aktie hat nach der Stabilisierung oberhalb des EMA200 in den vergangenen Monaten jetzt gute Chancen auf eine deutliche, mittelfristige Kursrallye. Der BUY Trigger liegt klar definiert bei 13,20 $. Steigt die Aktie per Tages- und Wochenschluss über 13,20 $ an, wird ein Kaufsignal mit Zielen bei 17,50 und 20,75 $ ausgelöst. Darüber würden langfristig weitere Kursgewinne bis 45,00 - 50,00 $ möglich werden. Kurzfristig sind noch Rücksetzer bis 10,23 - 10,49 $ möglich. Kritisch wäre jetzt erst ein Rückfall per Wochenschluss unter die 8,11 $ Marke zu werten, Abgaben bis 6,97 und darunter 5,15 $ werden dann wahrscheinlich.
Bin über 50% im Plus! Yippiejayeah Ihr Schweinebacken ;)