Mustang Minerals
oder später die alten Höchstkurse (ca. 0,95 €) wieder sehen werden!
Um mal einen Eindruck von Mustangs Potential zu bekommen und
mal ein Größenordnung für ein Kursziel zu nennen, hab ich mal
mir nur mal (!) die Daten des Makwa-Projekts rausgesucht:
Sollte Mustang mit Makwa planmäßig in Produktion gehen,
sollte das bei aktuellen Nickelpreisen von 12,46 USD/lb so aussehen:
Um die Rechnung zu vereinfachen, lasse ich die Beiprodukte trotz
höherer Erträge mal weg, dafür nehme ich jedoch den bereinigten cashcost-Satz.
Mit 8,2 Mio lb Nickel/Jahr zu je 12,46 $ mit cashcosts von 2,7 $/lb,
wäre dies ein Gewinn von 80 Mio $ VOR Steuern (8,2x(12,46-2,7)=80),
after tax ca. 80x0,6=48 Mio $.
Bei aktuellen 157 Mio shares wäre das 0,3 $ EPS,
mit KGV 10 -> Kursziel 3,00 €
mit KGV 20 -> Kursziel 6,00 €
Ob es zur Produktion kommt oder Western Areas NL vorher
Mustang übernimmt, oder keins von beiden, muß jeder selbst für sich entscheiden.
Aber wenn eine, wenn auch gebrauchte, Mühle gekauft wird,
ein wohl nicht ganz ahnungsloses Milliarden-Unternehmen wie Western
knapp 20% an Mustang hält und dann noch Insider mehrere 100.000 $
privat investieren, dann denke ich:
Das muß was dran sein!
Schönen Abend!
ich bin jedenfalls ganz zufrieden in diesen schweren Zeiten
MUM TSX-V $0.395 +0.025 +6.8% vol 402,750
ok, am Schluss haben sie noch nen 5 raufgezogen.
Warum sind alle Minen & Metalle schwach ?
Goldmann Sachs hat herausgegeben, dass nun der Anstieg der Rohstoffe beendet sei.
Ob dies wirklich stimmt (bei dieser Gelddruckerei) wird erst die Zukunft aufzeigen.
Auch sind sie ja Spitze, insbesondere im verbreiten von Meldungen und hintenrum das Gegenteil machen )
Hier so mögliche Ziele (aus Stockhouse Board)
I have not seen a play like this in a very long time. This is something very exciting to be a part of and going forward who knows what valuation Robin and the gents would accept as fair value. MUM is Robins' baby and he appears to have been in no rush in the past to sell out even when the stock was north of $1.50. I believe he knows the value and has a price in mind and with MUM and partners being less than 2 years away from actually mining their assets who knows what insiders would accept for their shares, but I would think it should be $2.50 and up.
MUM TSX-V $0.425 +0.03 +7.59%
vol 421,303 
I have not seen a play like this in a very long time. This is something very exciting to be a part of and going forward who knows what valuation Robin and the gents would accept as fair value. MUM is Robins' baby and he appears to have been in no rush in the past to sell out even when the stock was north of $1.50. I believe he knows the value and has a price in mind and with MUM and partners being less than 2 years away from actually mining their assets who knows what insiders would accept for their shares, but I would think it should be $2.50 and up.
MUM TSX-V $0.425 +0.03 +7.59%

Deine Posts haben mir Mut gemacht, meinem Gefühl nach zu geben und trotz (bis dato knapp 90% Verlust) diese "Verliereraktie" nach zu legen.
Nu bin ich fast schon wieder im Plus.
und der hier ist nur für Dich

um Mustang haben sich jedoch nun stark verbessert (vor allem war
sie ja billiger geworden ;-) ) und die Insiderkäufe
waren dann doch der Hammer.
Was schnell hochgeht, kann auch schnell wieder runterkommen, aber
mittelfristig wird der Markt sie wieder auf die alten Hochs schieben...
viel Spaß!
letzte Woche raus
nun wieder rein
Zitat: |
Stillwater Mining, largest PGE producer in the Western Hemisphere sits right next door to this vastly under-explored Mustang property. |
2 Mio Optionen allein im September
East Bull Lake Drill Program Commences
TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - April 10, 2012) - "Mustang Minerals Corp. (TSX VENTURE:MUM)(FRANKFURT:NJF) and Western Areas NL (TSX:WSA)(ASX:WSA) have initiated a drill program at Mustang Mineral's East Bull Lake property located west of Sudbury and near Massey, Ontario. A minimum of seven (7) drill holes and two thousand (2,000) meters are planned to be drilled. These drill holes will test the Ni-Cu-PGE potential of a number of interesting geophysical anomalies (including TDEM and ZTEM anomalies) associated with the East Bull Lake mafic-ultramafic intrusive complex.
"Three drill holes will be drilled at each of the Parisien and Bullfrog grids where previous drilling has intersected sulphide mineralisation. Additional drill holes will test deep ZTEM targets, one of which was recently refined with Quantec's Titan 24 magnetotelluric (MT) system. The drilling will be carried out by Denis Crites Drilling Ltd. of Porcupine, Ontario. In addition to this drilling, Mustang and Western Areas are conducting further ground geophysical surveys (TDEM) at two areas, known as the Sables West and Savage grids, to refine anomalies identified from airborne geophysical surveys."
East Bull Lake is an interpreted 20 km long mafic intrusive complex consisting of two separate zoned intrusions joined by a 5 km-long feeder dyke. Numerous occurrences of base metal and PGM mineralization have been identified in outcrop and shallow drilling around the margins of the interpreted intrusive complex. Under the terms of the East Bull Lake Agreement (as amended) Western Areas retains a right to earn up to 65% interest in the East Bull Lake Property by electing to fund exploration payments of $3.5 million over a period of 3 years.
Mustang is also continuing with exploration drilling at the Mayville Cu-Ni-PGM Property in Manitoba. A thirty hole drill program is ongoing with two drill rigs. Targets include extensions of the PGM Zone and on strike and depth extensions of the M2 Zone (Cu-Ni-PGM).
Western Areas NL owns 19.9% of the common shares of Mustang Minerals.
David Stevenson M.Sc. P.Geo. is the National Instrument 43-101 Qualified Person for Mustang Minerals Corp.
Drill holes MAY12-58, MAY12-56 and MAY 12-49 were drilled at 200 meter centers over a strike length of 400 meters on the west part of the Mayville Deposit All three holes had mineralized intercepts below previous drilling on the respective sections. The results of the 2012 drilling are shown along with the 2006 drilling on the respective section. Mineralization is proximal to the volcanic gabbro contact with a number of the holes encountering massive sulfides with locally significantly higher grades. The mineralization remains open at depth.
The MAY12 series holes drilled recently are tabulated below with the MAY06 series holes (drilled in 2006) drilled on the respective section.
Hole From Interval Copper Nickel Ag Au+Pt+Pd
(m) To (m) (m) (%) (%) (g/t) (g/t)
Section 27W
MAY12-49 197.00 200.50 3.50 1.09 0.28 4.3 0.79
and 206.50 209.50 3.00 0.27 0.14 2.5 0.18
and 237.00 341.00 82.00 0.40 0.15 1.9 0.27
including 261.13 301.50 40.37 0.56 0.22 1.6 0.37
MAY06-58 159.15 161.81 2.66 1.34 0.53 NA 0.41
and 179.24 179.85 0.61 0.42 0.86 NA 0.53
and 191.23 195.73 4.50 0.35 0.20 NA 0.13
and 207.93 287.20 79.27 0.41 0.18 NA 0.19
Section 29W
MAY12-56 240.68 362.00 121.32 0.38 0.16 0.9 0.23
including 241.46 245.00 3.54 0.75 0.52 1.4 0.40
including 253.70 256.00 2.35 0.89 0.19 1.7 0.30
including 260.00 264.00 4.00 0.61 0.23 1.2 0.50
including 275.00 277.00 2.00 0.46 0.19 0.8 0.50
including 287.88 290.33 2.45 0.62 0.30 0.8 0.40
including 312.50 314.70 2.20 0.71 0.24 1.1 0.40
including 327.70 334.10 6.40 0.43 0.28 1.1 0.30
including 339.00 357.46 18.46 0.52 0.20 1.4 0.30
MAY06-74 207.01 229.27 22.26 0.44 0.23 NA 0.22
including 212.80 222.48 9.68 0.53 0.32 NA 0.31
Section 31W
MAY12-58 211.00 217.57 6.57 0.93 0.20 3.9 0.25
including 212.04 215.60 3.56 1.40 0.15 5.5 0.30
MAY05-34 120.73 140.09 19.36 0.67 0.19 NA 0.21
Widths shown are core width and not true widths. NA-not available
The Company is pleased to see the continuation of the M2 Zone to greater depth on the west side of the M2 Deposit. A number of the drill holes have been surveyed with downhole EM and specific areas are targeted for follow up drilling. Notably, the wide zone of mineralization in MAY12-56 appears to have further potential to depth. Follow up drilling in the area of MAY12-57 is also planned. MAY12-57 was drilled on the eastern part of the deposit and intersected 25.0 meters which assayed 1.05% copper and 0.45% nickel.
The follow up drill program is planned to start in August 2012. Thereafter the Company anticipates completing a resource update for the Mayville Property targeting a significant resource upgrade. Follow up work will be funded from existing cash and working capital of the Company.
The Mayville Intrusion hosts the M2 Zone resource which is a magmatic nickel copper system. Sulphide mineralization consists of chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite, pentlandite and pyrite and a variety of textures ranging from disseminated to locally massive. The M2 Deposit has a current strike length of over one kilometer and is open at depth. The current near surface resource is 9.2 million tonnes at 0.61% copper and 0.23% nickel.
Drill hole cross sections of the recently completed drill holes have been posted on the Company website at .
QA/QC Program
All core samples are sent to Accurassay Laboratories in Thunder Bay, Ontario. Analysis is completed for nickel, copper, cobalt and silver using an Aqua Regia digestion followed by AAS/ICP finish. For gold, platinum and palladium, fire assay of 30g aliquots followed by combination fire assay and AAS finish is employed. Drill core is logged and split on the Makwa site by Mustang personnel with half the core retained and stored. Mustang implements a QA/QC program on drill core including inserting blanks, duplicates and commercial standards at regular intervals with all sample submissions to the laboratory.
About Mustang Minerals Corp
Mustang Minerals has two near surface deposits located in southeast Manitoba as well as a several exploration properties in Ontario;
1. The Makwa Ni-Cu Deposit has a NI 43-101 outlined reserve estimate
completed in February 2010 by Micon International Limited of 9.86
million tonnes in the Probable Ore Reserve category containing 0.541%
nickel, 0.113% copper 0.433 g/t PGM at the Makwa Project.
2. The Company's Mayville Project is located approximately 35 km by road
from Makwa and has a NI 43-101 Indicated Resource of 9.227 million
tonnes containing 0.61% copper, 0.23% nickel and 0.174 g/t palladium
Mustang is completing additional exploration at Mayville and on its
surrounding mineral claims.
Carey Galeschuk P.Geo. is the National Instrument 43-101 Qualified Person for Mustang Minerals Corp.
Western Areas NL, (asx:WSA) CA:WSA +28.21% an Australian based nickel producer owns 19% of the common shares of Mustang.
To find out more about Mustang Minerals Corp. CA:MUM 0.00% visit our website at .
We seek safe harbour.
This news release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and forward-looking information within the meaning of the Securities Act (Ontario) (together, "forward-looking statements"). Such forward-looking statements may include the Company's plans for its mineral projects in Manitoba, the overall economic potential of its properties, the availability of adequate financing and involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements to be materially different. Such factors include, among others, risks and uncertainties relating to potential political risk, uncertainty of production and capital costs estimates and the potential for unexpected costs and expenses, physical risks inherent in mining operations, currency fluctuations, fluctuations in the price of nickel and other metals, completion of economic evaluations, changes in project parameters as plans continue to be refined, the inability or failure to obtain adequate financing on a timely basis, and other risks and uncertainties, including those described in the Company's Management Discussion and Analysis for the most recent financial period and Material Change Reports filed with the Canadian Securities Administrators and available at .
Shares Outstanding: 198,160,658
Mustang Minerals Corp.
David Black
Investor Relations
SOURCE: Mustang Minerals Corp.
Mustang Minerals Corp, (TSX VENTURE: MUM) (FRANKFURT: NJF) (“Mustang” or the “Company”) Mustang Minerals today announced that it is resuming drilling at its Mayville Property. The planned drill program is for a minimum of 2,000 meters. The purpose of the drilling is to complete resource definition for the purposes of completing a new updated resource estimate for the Mayville M2 Copper-Nickel Deposit.
The drilling completed at M2 deposit in the first part of 2012 encountered broad zones of copper-nickel-pgm mineralization beneath previously drilled holes. Narrow intercepts of semi-massive to massive copper-nickel-pgm mineralization were also encountered. Down-hole borehole geophysics has defined several EM targets warranting additional drilling in the immediate vicinity of the previous holes. These EM targets will be tested as part of the upcoming program.
A long section showing the approximate location of the upcoming holes has been posted on the Mustang website at
The Company has scheduled a NI 43-101 resource estimation update following completion of the drilling.
“The completion of resource drilling at Mayville will be an important next step in development of our property tenements in the Bird River Sill area of southeast Manitoba”, said Robin Dunbar President and CEO of Mustang. “The Mayville Gabbro Complex is a strongly mineralized magmatic copper-nickel-pgm system located in an area of excellent infrastructure. Quantifying the near surface resource potential at Mayville will be an important next step for Mustang.”
Mayville is located 35 km by road from the Company’s Makwa Nickel Deposit. Currently, the outlined mineralization at the two properties is detailed below.
The Makwa Ni-Cu Deposit has a NI 43-101 outlined reserve estimate completed in February 2010 by Micon International Limited of 9.86 million tonnes in the Probable Ore Reserve category containing 0.541% nickel, 0.113% copper 0.433 g/t PGM at the Makwa Project.
The Company’s Mayville Project is located approximately 35 km by road from Makwa and has a present NI 43-101 Indicated Resource of 9.227 million tonnes containing 0.61% copper, 0.23% nickel and 0.174 g/t palladium.
Carey Galeschuk P.Geo. is the National Instrument 43-101 Qualified Person for Mustang Minerals Corp.
Western Areas NL, (ASX: WSA) an Australian based nickel producer owns 19% of the common shares of Mustang.
Project Summary
The PEA outlined the scope for the project and a summary of the key operating and cost parameters of the
project are as follows:
The project was evaluated as owner operated.
Net smelter return revenue of C$1.739 billion is from sale of copper and nickel concentrates.
Average net smelter return per tonne is C $45.
Initial capital cost of the project is C$209 million (including contingency)
to build the mine, site
infrastructure, sulfide flotation plant and purchase of new mining equipment to achieve commercial production. Total capital cost including sustaining is C$301million. ( the PEA did not account for use of mill equipment currently owned by Mustang )
Operating costs include open pit mining costs of $2.00 per tonne and concentrat or operator costs of $10.50/t.
Metallurgical recoveries used in the study for Makwa were 73% for nickel and 80% for copper. For Mayville the nickel recovery used was 40% for nickel and 90% for copper.
RPA selected indicative terms for concentrate payment and charges typical for the current market
The project has operating cash flow of C$637 million. Pre - tax cash flow was $336 million and the Net Present Value (7.5%) was C$109 million with a 17% Internal Rate of Return. After tax Net Present Value of the project (7.5%) was C$97 million.
Jan 9/15 | Jan 8/15 | Dunbar, Robin Edward | Indirect Ownership | Common Shares | 16 - Acquisition under a prospectus exemption | 833,333 | $0.015 |
Jan 9/15 | Jan 8/15 | Dunbar, Robin Edward | Direct Ownership | Common Shares | 16 - Acquisition under a prospectus exemption | 1,166,666 | $0.015 |
Jan 20/15 | Dec 20/14 | Western Areas NL | Direct Ownership | Common Shares | 16 - Acquisition under a prospectus exemption | 1,602,411 | $0.030 |
Oct 10/14 | Oct 10/14 | Meredith, Thomas W. | Direct Ownership | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition in the public market | 200,000 | $0.015 |
Oct 9/14 | Oct 8/14 | Dunbar, Robin Edward | Direct Ownership | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition in the public market | 1,000,000 | $0.010 |
Sep 24/14 | Sep 24/14 | Dunbar, Robin Edward | Direct Ownership | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition in the public market | 500,000 | $0.015 |
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