Montezuma Mining Mangan Gigant vor dem Erwachen
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ich für meinen tei hab so ein ob noch nie geshen, ganz ganz krasser spread. erst nach etwa 45min kamen die ersten verkäufer und die auch erst jenseits der 30ig..bin mal gespannt wies hier weiterläuft. auf jeden fall ist die mk ein regelrechter witz, um das mal festzuhalten. keine verwässerung, knapp 8mio cash, div aktienpakete und die gesamten projekte alles für weniger als 15mio€...?? krass. da stürzt sich alles auf sir...lass mal die geschichte mit dem dso jetzt losgehen und noch ein paar kleine treffer auf butcherbird machen. raketen sind dagegen langweilig ;-))
Vielleicht steigen die kurse gerade ab;-)
Bei entsprechend guten Bohrresultaten geht das hier immer sehr schnell hoch.
was das ob angeht, fliegt hier einmal der Deckel, dann aber richtig. mzm ist mit ganz dünnem vol zurückgekommen und die meisten sitzen hier noch auf sehr teueren shares. die glauben aber an die story und halten, bis auf ganz wenige kleinanleger, die kasse machen müssen.
kommen jetzt bald aber die entscheidenen news zur produktionsaufnahme vom dso und evnt noch was vom kupfer, gibts bei der mk kein halten mehr. n.m.m
"Montezuma remains very well funded with $8.6 million in cash at the end of the June 2012 quarter, yet the company currently has a market cap. of just $17 million.
The company also has additional key share positions in Auvex Manganese, Buxton Resources (ASX: BUX), Lithex Resources (ASX: LTX) and Exterra Resources (ASX: EXT) worth around another $2 million - therefore the Enterprise Value of its projects is around just $7 million.
It is also worth noting that the Butcherbird Project hosts the largest onshore manganese occurrence in Australia, which occurs in shallow flat lying zones with the ore occurring as discrete high grade bands interbedded with clay waste.
These zones are often overlain by a cap of high grade ore which is being targeted as potential direct shipping ore material.
Importantly - the style of the mineralisation at Butcherbird is amenable to relatively low cost beneficiation which contributed to the positive outcome of a Scoping Study completed in 2011.
Taking this highly prospective nature of the project into consideration, along with Montezuma's additional interests in other projects such as Durack (earning 85%) gold, copper and Mt Padbury (100% of gold) gold, manganese, iron - Proactive Investors considers that the Montezuma valuation is slight with the potential for a near term re-rating. We believe the share price should be trading in the $0.30 - $0.45 range.
Highlighting the possible Montezuma upside, the company is currently trading at just $0.25 a share, down from the 12 month high of $0.80 in November when the company announced some very impressive high grade copper intersections at Butcherbird."
Comment: Let's summarize:
17,0 mio market cap
- 8,5 mio cash
- 4,5 mio Peak Hill at current RNI valutation (above)
- 2,0 mio other share positions
2,0 mio enterprise value for our manganese and copper assets. Talk about UNDERVALUED ....
Irgendwann dieses Jahr kommen die Bohrergebnisse Mangan/Kupfer und dann gehts los
(siehe 617 Posting)
Habe heute meine teuren Shares verbilligt und in Ausgangsstellung gebracht!
MZM go go go
Buxton exploriert doch m.M. nach in der Nahe von Sirius und Matsa.
Argonaut (broker) values the price at 60c, and very recent too. I expect the SP to increase just on the current gold resource alone. However, drilling will commence soon on some promising EM targets down below MZM. A strike there could see a different ballgame.
Anyway the SHs of MZM have to approve the deal. One way for RNI to sweeten things is to get its SP up. We might all be very happy one day.
tendenz steil steigend
die Beteiligung könnte auch wieder ein paar Kauforders vertragen
Immerhin 311000 Oz. mit 4,4 g/T Au nur 2,6 M AUD MK.
Drilling Report
Exterra Resources Announces Resource Increase at Linden Gold Project
Exterra Resources announced that, following the completion of a 9 hole diamond drilling programme, the Company has announced an increase to the high-grade Second Fortune lode Resource at the Linden gold project (Exterra 100%). The combined Indicated and Inferred Resource for the Second Fortune Main lode and associated hangingwall and footwall lodes at a 4.00g/t Au lower cut-off now totals 461,900t at 8.8 g/t Au for 131,200oz. The Resource has now been defined to approx. 300m below surface and remains open at depth. The Resource contains both footwall and hangingwall lodes, immediately adjacent to the main lode, which will increase gold ounces per vertical metre.
RMS Latest News
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Acquisition of Vivien Gold Deposit
Aquisition | Operations Update
Acquisition of Vivien Gold Deposit
• Acquisition of the high grade Vivien gold deposit from Gold
Fields for A$10m
• Mining study and approvals to commence on settlement
• Milling agreement to facilitate near term production
Ramelius Resources Limited (ASX: RMS) is pleased to announce that it
has signed a Letter of Intent to purchase the Vivien gold deposit from
the Agnew Gold Mining Company a subsidiary of Gold Fields Limited, for
A$10m cash and a production royalty. Ramelius will also enter into a toll
milling agreement with Gold Fields for ore produced from the project.
The purchase of the project contemplated in the Letter of Intent is
subject to completion of formal agreements and the consent of the
relevant government authorities.
The Vivien gold deposit is located near the Agnew Gold Mine, west of
the town of Leinster in Western Australia. The deposit is a high grade
vein style deposit and has an estimated Indicated Resource of 579,000
tonnes at 8.3 g/t Au for 154,000 ounces of gold.
After completion of the formal agreements and government consents,
Ramelius intends to undertake a mining study for the project and to
complete further drilling intended to extend the orebody at depth and
down plunge.
This acquisition, if completed, allows the Company to achieve its growth
targets and objective of having multiple gold operations. In addition, the
provision of toll milling by Gold Fields will reduce the capital and time
frame required to develop the project, and allows the milling to be
completed at a cost below that which could be achieved with a small
standalone mill.
For further information contact:
Ian Gordon, Managing Director on 08 9202 1127
Duncan Gordon, Adelaide Equity Partners on 0404 006 444
10 October 2012
Exterra completes Scoping Study which estimates net cash (pre-tax) of A$52.3 million
Scoping Study based on Main Lode quartz vein undiluted grade of 18.20 g/t Au
Estimated operating costs of A$660 per oz
Exterra commits to detailed Underground Mining Study
The Scoping Study indicates the project has the
potential to be cashflow positive after capital expenditure of A$5 million, however further work is being
undertaken, including obtaining firm quotes via tender, to confirm these details.
nun kein wort mehr davon.. weiß einer mehr?
sonst sieht der q-bericht aber gut aus!!
hatte jmd mal kontakt zu einem aus dem MM von montezuma? gibts ne aktuelle email adresse?
hatte auf meine letzten anfragen keine antwort gekriegt..
gruß black.jack