$$ Matrixx Res. Unglaubliche Resourcen? $$
...na vielleicht gibt es ja noch eine Schlußrallye....?!
Schade schade
Aber was für News müssen die Amis denn bekommen damit sie auch kaufen??
Oder heißt es hier erst einmal abwarten?
Danke schonmal...
...ein schönes Wochenende
Aber eins ist sicher, es kommen positive News, da es hier nur um die Bestätigung (A-Zapft is ) des Vorkommens geht.
ich bleibe ganz sicher LONG und decke mich weiter ein...
Texas Sandy Point Drilling to Commence Date: 10-29-06
Texas Sandy Point Drilling to Commence
Houston, TX – October 30, 2006 -- Texhoma Energy, Inc. (“Texhoma”) (OTC: TXHE) is pleased to announce that the operator, Sunray Operating Company LLC (“Sunray”), has secured a drilling rig and is preparing the location for the drilling of the Sandy Point No. 3 Fite well in Brazoria County, Texas. Sunray estimates the cost to drill to 7000’ to be $442,000. The cost for Texhoma’s 10% working interest of $44,200 has been pre-paid.
Sunray considers this to be a high potential location with gross possible reserves of 225,000 barrels of oil and 400 million cubic feet of gas. Drilling is expected to commence by mid-November 2006.
This well will offset the Company’s Sandy Point No. 1 Fite and is close to existing infrastructure for immediate production. If successful, Texhoma will be responsible for a nominal completion cost.
Web Site: www.texhomaenergy.com Email: info@texhomaenergy.com
Investor Relations Inquiries:
Terje Reiersen 713-457-0610