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Neuester Beitrag: | 20.04.23 11:20 | von: AlexBoersian. | Leser gesamt: | 2.071.657 |
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net so gierig. heute über 32000 stück gekauft. gestern auch schon ein grossen batzen sich ins depot gelegt. ist es franki? na egal aber wird immer wieder grosse aktien gezogen und mit kleinen runtergehandelt. aber ich bin noch voll dabei schöne kaufkurs.
thielert wird bald wieder gross im geschäft sein
Gruß REX
About Cessna 172’s refitted with diesel engines.
DieselAir is in the process of investigating the world fleet of Cessna 172's which were retrofitted with a Thielert or Centurion/Thielert diesel. These can be 1.7 or 2.0 liters, powers being 135 and 155HP. A constant speed propeller always was supplied with the conversion. We remind you that virtually all conversions were made before Thielert's financial difficulties which led the firm to be put under judiciary administration; that thanks to this disposition (equivalent to a Chapter 11 in the US) the engine manufacturer never interrupted business, has succeeded to sell and service their engines while offering and recommending parts replacements and preventive maintenance programs, and has sold engines as OEM equipment to at least 2 aircraft manufacturers. Also, you probably remember that Cessna intended to sell a variant of their ubiquitous plane with a Thielert as original equipment in 2008, aiming at the export market, and immediately discontinued this attempt due to Thielert’s financial difficulties.
To our best knowledge quite a few 172’s were converted in Europe (most), in the US (a few), and at least in South Africa; also we understood that some 172’s converted before the supplier went through Chapter 11 were refitted or updated with Centurion’s supplies since. We did not receive any negative information about converted 172’s since Thielert has been under new management.
We will welcome information from you if you own a Cessna 172 diesel; if you know who owns and operates such planes; if you occasionally rent one; if you have been working as a mechanics or other on such planes; and of course if your firm is active in such retrofitting’s today.
Danke für die Info
Also, you probably remember that Cessna intended to sell a variant of their ubiquitous plane with a Thielert as original equipment in 2008, aiming at the export market, and immediately discontinued this attempt due to Thielert’s financial difficulties.
DieselAir is in the process of investigating the world fleet of Cessna 172's which were retrofitted with a Thielert or Centurion/Thielert diesel. These can be 1.7 or 2.0 liters, powers being 135 and 155HP. A constant speed propeller always was supplied with the conversion. We remind you that virtually all conversions were made before Thielert's financial difficulties which led the firm to be put under judiciary administration; that thanks to this disposition (equivalent to a Chapter 11 in the US) the engine manufacturer never interrupted business, has succeeded to sell and service their engines while offering and recommending parts replacements and preventive maintenance programs, and has sold engines as OEM equipment
bald sehen wir thielert in ganz anderen dimensionen. was man von thielert liest nur positive news. spätestens nächstes jahr geht die thielert rakete los.
was demnächst kommen mag oder wird?? habe jetzt zum zweitenmal ne mail an ahrendt geschickt. sieht mir danach aus als ob sie dort auch die füsse stillhalten müssen für einige zeit noch. sollten mal alle investierten ihn mit mails vollbombadieren. irgendwann muss auch er mal zum thema stellung nehmen.,
Zeitpunkt: 30.10.12 12:43
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Regelverstoß - derartige Aussagen bitte belegen oder vermeiden.
Hallo Crowd,
habt Ihr bei Euren Betrachtungen berücksichtigt, das Thielert auch Zulieferer ist für UAVs, e.g. http://www.thielert.com/typo3/index.php?id=514 ?
Sollte man nicht unterschätzen, finde ich.
Regards, m2g
Oder zu faul um ein bischen herumzu blättern , deine Quereinsteiger Quatschereien sprechen nicht von Inteligenz .
Oder doch?
Würde doch eher Sinn machen einen komplett neue AG zu Gründen. Da hat man aber als Aktionär der alten AG nichts von.
Gruß REX
okdannmal was anderes stell mal solch dumme fragen B green innovation wie ich sehe bist du dort auch dick in den miesen:)) lach eine ami null aktie. geh lieber woanders spielen. als hier andere mit solch öden fragen zu belästigen:))
Aktuell haue ich gerade mein Geld bei Wacker, Klöckner und Golden Resource raus ... da passt ja Thielert noch gut ins Portfolio :))
@ Rex, danke für die Antwort.
THIELERT"s UAV Programms are:
General Atomic"s Grey Eagle for US Army mit heavy fuel strategy:
HybridAirVehicle"s HAV266:
In Europe, TAI joint forces with EADS in order to build a "European Future UAV". In Europe alone, there will be some 600 UAS and some 200 UAV required, Quelle: see below!
And who knows what EMT is choosing for an engine for the new X-13? In any case a heavy fuel injection engine…..