Local.com aussichtsreich

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63697 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudanQuery by local powering search on the internet

24.10.14 22:14

63697 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaAbsurde Divergenzen

25.10.14 00:41
I believe, it is a joke, that RUBI with only a little more revenues like Local Corp has a market cap of 311 million and Local Corp a market-cap of idiotic low 42 million.

Guidance: of Rubicon Project
As of October 23, 2014, the Company is providing full year ending December 31, 2014 expectations and guidance as follows:
• Revenue between $122 million and $123 million;
• Adjusted EBITDA2 between $9 million and $10 million; and
• Non-GAAP loss per share2 between $0.06 and $0.03 based on approximately 32.1 million non-GAAP weighted-average shares outstanding.

Fiscal 2014 Financial Guidance: of Local Corp
Revenue for 2014 is expected to be in the range of $103 million to $107 million, which at the mid-point is an increase of 11% over 2013 revenue.
Adjusted EBITDA** for 2014 is expected to be in the range of $3 million to $4 million, or between $0.13 and $0.17 per diluted share,

63697 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaGibt es Besseres?

25.10.14 00:45

63697 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaDas sehen auch andere so

25.10.14 08:54

Local Corporation’s Mobile App Wins 2013 Internet Advertising Competition’s “Best Mobile App Award”

IRVINE, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Apr. 24, 2013-- Local Corporation (NASDAQ: LOCM), a leading online local media company, today announced that its Local.com mobile app for iOS® and Android™ enabled devices has won a 2013 Internet Advertising Competition "Best Mobile App Award."

The Internet Advertising Competition Awards are produced by the Web Marketing Association to honor excellence in online advertising, recognize the individuals and organizations responsible, and showcase the best in award-winning Internet advertising.

Local Corporation's mobile app was specifically developed for on-the-go consumers enabling them to search for information on local businesses, including products and services. It is one of the first local search apps to include "smart" suggestions, which proactively help consumers discover local businesses that directly meet their needs.

"Local mobile search is expanding rapidly, so we're especially honored to be recognized for our Local.com mobile app," said Carlos Caponera, Local Corporation, vice president, consumer properties. "This award is testament to our mobile app's innovation, including its streamlined interface, relevant search results and broad feature set."

Additional features of Local Corporation's mobile app include:
Ability to search using keyword, location, category and voice search
Personalized home page, with local maps and weather information
One touch access to call businesses, view business locations, maps and directions
Access to user reviews, including the ability to rate and review businesses
Ability to take photos from phone or device and post to reviews
Ability to create a custom profile, save to favorites and share with friends via social media


63697 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaFakten zu Local Corp und ihrem Markt

25.10.14 11:07
80% of consumer
purchases occur
within a 3-mile radius
of a consumer’s home

Consumers spend
$10.7 Trillion
annually on goods
and services

$176.3 Billion
total U.S. online
ad spend in 2017

$71.4 Billion total
U.S. local search
and display spend
by 2017

$57.3 Billion local
mobile display
spend by 2017

92% of consumers
research online
before purchasing

25% of searches
are local and

Many searches start
on major search
engines, leading to…
…Local and
thousands of our
network sites

Why Local Corp? - Conclusion  
Innovation yields competitive advantages

• nQuery™ – hosted local
search opens up new
enterprise channels and

• Krillion® – continued leverage
from technology across

• IP – Licensing and strategic

Complimentary local search businesses

• O&O: Content and traffic
acquisition improvements
delivering growth

• Network: Focus on quality
and advertiser’s conversion
are expected to yield longterm

Market opportunity is growing.

Mobile is the fastest
growing segment of
search & mobile local ad
revenues are projected to
grow 3X in 5 yr. to
$15.7B in 2018*

Source: Corporate Overview – Q3 2014

And excellent constellations in the existing business: Synergy across local search and network

Significant leverage within business modell for growth

Owned & Operated (Traffic)
- Local Corp's flagship site and app offer consuments relevant, local content search experience
- 24 million unique visitors

Distribution Network (Reach)
- A diverse group of mobile, app and desktop publishers, allowing us to monetize more consumer interactions
- 3 billion impressions monthly

63697 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaYelp und Local Corp

25.10.14 21:34
Die folgenden Zahlen von Yelp sind in etwa viermal so hoch wie bei Local Corp.

Net revenue was $102.5 million in the third quarter of 2014, reflecting 67% growth over the third quarter of 2013.

Cash flow from operations was $19 million in the third quarter.

Die Marktkapitalisierung von Yelp ist aber auch nach dem Kursrutsch mit 4290 Millionen immer noch 101-mal so groß wie die von Local Corp mit etwas mehr als 42 Millionen Und bei diesen Relationen zieht auch das noch hohe Umsatzwachstum nicht, das vor allem durch die weltweite Expansion entstanden ist, während in den USA nicht mehr viel dazu kam. Weltweit ist aber nichts mehr zu machen, da man überall drin ist, wo man konnte – in China und Japan hat man und wird auch kein Bein auf die bekommen. Noch schlimmer ist aber, dass sie Yelp mit der Zeit selber kanabalisiert: Wenn Du Deinen Lieblingsfriseur oder Deine Stammkneipe gefunden hast, brauchst Du Yelp nicht mehr – und zum Kauf eines Apple-Produkts eines von Samsung liest Du sicher keine Erfahrungsberichte bei Yelp,, dich interessiert vielmehr, wo die Geräte vorrätig sind und zu welchem Preis – und da punktet Local Corp.  

63697 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaSolche Menge von Blödies führt zum Short-Squezze

25.10.14 22:51
Der momentan niedrige Kurs wäre nur dann gerechtfertigt wenn Local Corp kurz vor der Pleite stehen würde - aber das ist fast unmöglich, weil Local Corp kaum Schulden hat.

Wie blöd die Menge der vielen kleinen Shortseller ist, die vom Criminal Crime behind The Street Sweeper verblödet wird (der übrigens längst auf die Käuferseite gewechselt ist), zeigt die Argumentation der bezahlten BasherID's auf den Message-Boards, die den vielen kleinen manipulierten Blödies die Geschichte erzählen, dass die Schulden eines Unternehmens nicht höher sein dürften als der Kassenbeand. Dass das jede Fremdfinanzierung von Investitionen ausschließt, muss ich Euch nich erzählen - obwohl das bei Local Corp fast der Fall ist. Eine solche Ansammlung von kleinen Blödies beim nackten Shorten kann nur in einen extremen Short Squezze münden.  

63697 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudanQuerry

26.10.14 11:16
Our innovation efforts are advancing with great strides. This quarter in the mobile segment of our business we achieved a major milestone with the launch of nQuery™, our new white-label search experience that opens up the market for mobile carriers and other enterprise partners to participate in revenue from mobile search. Our initial nQuery relationships are expected to give Local Corporation potentially significant market share in the Tier II mobile phone carrier marketplace and contribute significant incremental revenue later this year and into 2015. Mobile is the fastest growing segment of search, according to BIA/Kelsey, as mobile local ad revenues are projected to more than triple over the next five years, reaching $15.7 billion in 2018.

“As we move through the second half of 2014 and into 2015, our new product releases are expected to drive incremental top-line growth and improved profitability. We remain excited about the large opportunities ahead of us in the local search space and reiterate our 2014 guidance.

63697 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaWas ich nicht weiß ist, welcher

26.10.14 20:37
der  nachstehenden Top Five mit Local Corp zusammenarbeitet. Aber selbst wenn es "nur"  U.S. Cellular mit seinen 4,65 Millionen Subscribern wäre, wäre das besser als nichts - auch wenn die 123.5 million von Verizon Wireless sicher besser wären.

"In July we launched nQuery by Local, a white labeled hosted search solution that powers customized search experiences and supports the company’s goal to populate local search across the internet of everything. The company recently entered into partnerships with entities that specialize in monetizing subscriber traffic for mobile operators in public and private WiFi networks.

Through these partnerships Local Corporation expects to power search for a major U.S. mobile carrier, 18 international and prepaid MVNOs and over 10,000 U.S. hotels.

nQuery is already powering millions of user searches per month and is expected to grow significantly with the onboarding of new partners."

Source: Read the complete text of the conference call direct at Seeking Alpha Less Less

Big Question: Which of this 5 wireless telecommunications facilities-based service providers workig together with Local Corp over nQuery?

The top 5 wireless telecommunications facilities-based service providers by subscriber count in the United States are:

Verizon Wireless: 123.5 million (2014 Q2)[2]
AT&T Mobility: 116.6 million (2014 Q2)[2]
Sprint Corporation: 54.3 million (2014 Q2)[2]
T-Mobile US: 50.5 million (2014 Q2)[3]
U.S. Cellular: 4.65 million (2014 Q2)[4]

63697 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaDas kommt Local Corp entgegengelaufen:

26.10.14 21:10
Mobile Commerce and Engagement Stats
• 56% of American adults are now smartphone owners. (Source: Pew Internet & American Life Project, 2013)
•75 percent of Americans bring their phones to the bathroom. (Source: Digiday, 2013)
•Mobile now accounts for 12 percent of Americans’ media consumption time, triple its share in 2009. (Source: Digiday, 2013)
•27% of companies worldwide planned to implement location-based marketing in 2013. (Source: Econsultancy, 2013)
•Of the 70 percent of shoppers who used a mobile phone while in a retail store during the holidays, 62 percent accessed that store’s site or app and only 37 percent of respondents accessed a competitor’s site or app.. (Source: ForeSee, 2013)
•Retailers’ apps with store mode gather five times more engagement. (Source: Point Inside, 2013)
•Last year, only 12% of consumers bought anything through social media. (Source: PwC, 2013)
•By the end of 2013, there will be more mobile devices on Earth than people. (Source: Cisco, 2013)
•46% of showrooming shoppers still ended up making a purchase in-store, an 11-point increase from 2011. (Source: Pew, 2013)
•The number of US mobile coupon users will rise from 12.3 million in 2010 to 53.2 million in 2014, driven by the rapid adoption of smartphones. (Source: eMarketer, 2013)
•Retailers’ apps take up the most of consumers’ time at 27%, followed by online marketplace at 20%, purchase assistant at 17%, price comparison at 14%, and daily deals at 13%. (Source: AdMedia Partners, 2013)
•Consumers spent six times as much time in retailers’ apps in December compared to a year earlier. (Source: Flurry, 2013)
•25% of international media and marketing executives see mobile as the most disruptive force in their industry. (Source: AdMedia Partners, 2013)
•65% of U.S. shoppers research products and services on a PC and make a purchase in-store. (Source: Cisco, 2013)
•54% use or would like to use digital touchscreens in-store. (Source: Cisco, 2013)
•48% use or would like to use a smartphon Less

Source : digby-mobile-statistics - Read more direct on this excellent site!

63697 Postings, 7368 Tage Libuda#7310 zum Durchklicken

26.10.14 21:12

63697 Postings, 7368 Tage Libudazu #7309

26.10.14 21:26
Wer sich dahinter verbirgt, muss sich auch noch herauskristallisieren: "18 international and prepaid MVNOs"

Erläuterungen aus Wikipedia:

"In den Anfangszeiten der Mobilfunk-Wiederverkäufer überwog die technische Definition eines MVNO (Mobile Virtual Network Operator, z. B. laut einer Ovum-Studie aus dem Jahre 2000): ein Unternehmen, das über eigene GSM-Infrastruktur wie etwa ein Mobile Switching Center (MSC) und ggf. auch ein Core Network verfügt, d. h. über alle Infrastruktureinrichtungen eines Mobilnetzbetreibers oder Mobile Network Operator (MNO) mit Ausnahme des Radionetzes (der so genannten Luftschnittstelle). Nach dieser Definition gäbe es allerdings weltweit nur wenige MVNO.

Als Alternative zum Aufbau eines echten MVNO gilt die Nutzung der Dienste eines MVNE (Mobile Virtual Network Enabler), der tatsächlich (zumindest teilweise) in Infrastruktur investiert und diese dritten Unternehmen zur Nutzung anbietet, ohne dass diese selbst investieren müssten.

Mittlerweile hat sich eine Definition nach dem Marktangang durchgesetzt, nach der es zwei Typen MVNO gibt. Der Lifestyle-Anbieter, der sich auf bestimmte Ziel- und Kundengruppen konzentriert (z. B. Viva), und der Discount-Anbieter, der möglichst günstige Tarife bei wenig Aufwand anbietet (z. B. Aldi). In Deutschland haben sich besonders die Discount-Anbieter durchgesetzt.

Die Investition in den Aufbau eines eigenen Home Location Register (HLR), welche mehr Flexibilität hinsichtlich der Auswahl von Gastnetzen und Roamingpartnern brächte, wurde von den meisten im Markt präsenten Anbietern vermieden, weshalb die MVNO-Definition mittlerweile auch auf Mobilfunkprovider ausgedehnt wurde. Diese Wiederverkäufer entsprachen jedoch noch nicht der Definition eines Discounters, da klassisches Laufzeitvertrags-Geschäft mit Gerätesubventionen und diversen besonderen Service-Leistungen (Added Value) betrieben wurde. Bekannte Non-Discount-MVNO in Deutschland sind Mobilcom, Debitel, die aus dem Zusammenschluss von Alphatel, Telco und VictorVox hervorgegangene Drillisch Telcom GmbH[1] oder das nicht mehr am Markt agierende Quam."

63697 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudanQuery ist der Hammer

27.10.14 22:47
Our initial nQuery relationships are expected to give Local Corporation potentially significant market share in the Tier II mobile phone carrier marketplace and contribute significant incremental revenue later this year and into 2015

Our innovation efforts are advancing with great strides. This quarter in the mobile segment of our business we achieved a major milestone with the launch of nQuery™, our new white-label search experience that opens up the market for mobile carriers and other enterprise partners to participate in revenue from mobile search. Our initial nQuery relationships are expected to give Local Corporation potentially significant market share in the Tier II mobile phone carrier marketplace and contribute significant incremental revenue later this year and into 2015. Mobile is the fastest growing segment of search, according to BIA/Kelsey, as mobile local ad revenues are projected to more than triple over the next five years, reaching $15.7 billion in 2018.

“As we move through the second half of 2014 and into 2015, our new product releases are expected to drive incremental top-line growth and improved profitability. We remain excited about the large opportunities ahead of us in the local search space and reiterate our 2014 guidance.”

"In July we launched nQuery by Local, a white labeled hosted search solution that powers customized search experiences and supports the company’s goal to populate local search across the internet of everything. The company recently entered into partnerships with entities that specialize in monetizing subscriber traffic for mobile operators in public and private WiFi networks.

Through these partnerships Local Corporation expects to power search for a major U.S. mobile carrier, 18 international and prepaid MVNOs and over 10,000 U.S. hotels.

nQuery is already powering millions of user searches per month and is expected to grow significantly with the onboarding of new partners."

Source: Read the complete text of the conference call direct at Seeking Alpha Less Less

nQuery is already powering millions of user searches per month and is expected to grow significantly with the onboarding of new partners.

We also continue to explore new ways to monetize our proprietary assets including our Krillion data ingestion and localization technology. We believe the value of Krillion is that it seamless ingests normalizes and localizes various types of data and presents relevant content across multiple channels in customer use cases. The most recent use case was a launch of new ad formats and where-to-buy solutions for web, social and mobile in the shopping space. We look forward to discussing this more in the future

63697 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaExzellent

28.10.14 11:00

63697 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaPowering the Search of Everything

29.10.14 11:00

63697 Postings, 7368 Tage Libudazu #7315

29.10.14 11:08
Our innovation efforts are advancing with great strides. This quarter in the mobile segment of our business we achieved a major milestone with the launch of nQuery™, our new white-label search experience that opens up the market for mobile carriers and other enterprise partners to participate in revenue from mobile search. Our initial nQuery relationships are expected to give Local Corporation potentially significant market share in the Tier II mobile phone carrier marketplace and contribute significant incremental revenue later this year and into 2015. Mobile is the fastest growing segment of search, according to BIA/Kelsey, as mobile local ad revenues are projected to more than triple over the next five years, reaching $15.7 billion in 2018.

“As we move through the second half of 2014 and into 2015, our new product releases are expected to drive incremental top-line growth and improved profitability. We remain excited about the large opportunities ahead of us in the local search space and reiterate our 2014 guidance.”

"In July we launched nQuery by Local, a white labeled hosted search solution that powers customized search experiences and supports the company’s goal to populate local search across the internet of everything. The company recently entered into partnerships with entities that specialize in monetizing subscriber traffic for mobile operators in public and private WiFi networks.

Through these partnerships Local Corporation expects to power search for a major U.S. mobile carrier, 18 international and prepaid MVNOs and over 10,000 U.S. hotels.

nQuery is already powering millions of user searches per month and is expected to grow significantly with the onboarding of new partners."

Source: Read the complete text of the conference call direct at Seeking Alpha  

63697 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaCash Flow Summary of Local Corp (Millions)

29.10.14 23:18






Net Cash Provided by Operating Activities





63697 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaWhat is state of pay-per-call marketing?

29.10.14 23:53
Pay-per-call marketing is going through a renaissance period. Traditional pay-per-call marketing, which existed via TV, print and radio advertising, has been around for years. Now, though, the game is changing, as the “mobile threshold” has been broken. As more Internet traffic comes from mobile devices, it makes sense for advertisers generating leads to have their leads call in directly to a call center rather than trying to get a consumer to fill out a lead form on a mobile page and attempt to connect with them later.

However, it doesn’t have to be one way or another. We see the largest opportunity for both advertisers and publishers alike by creating multi-action, multi-channel pay-per-call campaigns. This gives the user a choice to either dial in right now or to fill out a lead form. Not only do multi-action campaigns increase performance for the publisher, but they provide the user a better experience by giving users the choice of how they want to connect with the advertiser.

Source: Search Engine Journal  

63697 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaInvesting in Innovation

30.10.14 19:52

48% of employees will work in reseach & development by the end of 2014.

Intend to continue making significant investments in initiatives to diversify our revenue sources and promote our future growth "As we continue to diversify our technologies and traffic sources, we remain focused on technology and advertising offerings that will improve the experience for our end users, and allow our network and other third party partners to enhance their service offerings and lower their costs. While we are still very focused on the local search industry, we believe there are additional opportunities in technology and advertising that we and our customers can benefit from, while diversifying our revenue sources. We intend to continue making significant investments in initiatives to diversify our revenue sources and promote our future growth."

63697 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaInnovation yields competitive advantages

30.10.14 22:03
• nQuery™ – hosted local
search opens up new
enterprise channels and

• Krillion® – continued leverage
from technology across

• IP – Licensing and strategic

Complimentary local search businesses

• O&O: Content and traffic
acquisition improvements
delivering growth

• Network: Focus on quality
and advertiser’s conversion
are expected to yield longterm

Market opportunity is growing.

Mobile is the fastest
growing segment of
search & mobile local ad
revenues are projected to
grow 3X in 5 yr. to
$15.7B in 2018*

Source: Corporate Overview – Q3 2014  

63697 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaWenn ich nicht schon 110.400 Stück hätte,

31.10.14 22:53
und aus Gründen der Risikostreung kürzer treten muss, hätte ich dieses Posting hier nicht reingestellt:

Extreme low debts

June 30, 2014 Balance Sheet

- $6.7 million in total cash, up 3.0 million from March 31, 2014

- $8.9 million line fo credit balance, $700,000 lower than March 31, 2014

- Well-positioned to address the $ 5 million in April 2015 convertible

Source: Corperate Overview - Q3 2014 (filed to SEC) Less

Total Cash Flow From Operating Activities in last four quarters
View: Quarterly Data All numbers in thousands
Period Ending Jun 30, 2014 Mar 31, 2014 Dec 31, 2013 Sep 30, 2013
Total Cash Flow From Operating Activities 4,409 (727) 877 1,441
6.0 million positive Total Cash Flow From Operating Activities in last four quarters
View: Quarterly Data All numbers in thousands
Period Ending Jun 30, 2014 Mar 31, 2014 Dec 31, 2013 Sep 30, 2013
Total Cash Flow From Operating Activities 4,409 (727) 877 1,441

63697 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaOninichannel positiv für Local Corp

01.11.14 10:48
This trend is Local Corp's friend: “More and more, with retailers like Wal-Mart and Target, the brick-and-mortar location is becoming a localized distribution center.”

CEO Thiel of Local Corp: Most of the top 100 retailers have omnichannel programs in place, with sophisticated and well-developed ecommerce sites and brick-and-mortar stores.

More and more, with retailers like Wal-Mart and Target, the brick-and-mortar location is becoming a localized distribution center. It doesn’t matter if you’re buying online, picking up in-store, having something delivered in a store or ordering it online for home delivery. Retailers just don’t care. What they care about is that the purchase is made, and they’re setting up their systems so that omnichannel becomes the core mantra.

63697 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaLocal Corp is a potential merger, but ot under $10

01.11.14 16:44
Extreme undervalued Local Corp is a potential merger - but never under $10 .

Most important questerion: Who are the potential buyers? After my estimate Yelp, IACI, Groupon, Yahoo, Alibaba (China) and Rakuten (Japan) are my favorites for large bids for Local Corp. Also able are Google , Amazon, eBay, and Microsoft

That are by 23.4 million outstanding shares only 234 market-cap and by 105 million revenues in 2014 only 2.2-times-revenues.

63697 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaMein Favorit für eine Übernahme ist Rakuten

01.11.14 22:57
My favorite for a merger of Local Corp is Rakuten

Rakuten Marketing Drives the Omni Experience

Newly unified services structure and branded website introduces Rakuten Marketing's best-in-class, omni-channel offering

Rakuten Marketing September 23, 2014 10:00 AM

NEW YORK, Sept. 23, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- Rakuten Marketing, the global leader in omni channel marketing and a division of Rakuten, Inc., today introduced its vision for the future of digital marketing – the omni experience. Omni experience goes beyond the operational view of omni-channel marketing by viewing the experience through the eyes of the consumer, and orchestrating the customer experience across all channels so that it is seamless, integrated, consistent, and can be easily tracked. Cornerstone to the Rakuten Marketing omni experience are the cross-channel insights gathered through the combination of Cadence, the cross-channel reporting platform launched in January, and attribution provided by the company's recent acquisition of DC Storm. The newly unified and restructured line of business and branded website maintains Rakuten Marketing's core services – Rakuten Affiliate Network (formerly LinkShare), Rakuten Attribution (formerly DC Storm), Rakuten Display (formerly MediaForge), and Rakuten Search – which independently deliver best-in-class advertising solutions, and together transcend marketing borders that drive the omni experience.

"The consumer experience has been largely overlooked. Consumers don't perceive your brand in channels; they perceive the overall experience with your brand. Advertisers need to market to consumers during each phase of their sales journey thinking about the best way to influence consumers at each touch point," said Tony Zito, President, Rakuten Marketing. "This requires streamlined insights across channels, devices, social networks, and offline performance that enable marketers to make better decisions and drive better performance.  

63697 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaPay Per Call Advertising Per Local Corp

02.11.14 08:56

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