Local.com aussichtsreich

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63700 Postings, 7368 Tage Libudaomnichannel becomes the core mantra

23.09.14 23:08

eMarketer: So when consumers search on mobile, what’s the retailer’s goal? Is it to get consumers to buy something online, to get them into the store, or show them an mcommerce ad, perhaps?

CEO Thiel from Local Corp: Most of the top 100 retailers have omnichannel programs in place, with sophisticated and well-developed ecommerce sites and brick-and-mortar stores.

More and more, with retailers like Wal-Mart and Target, the brick-and-mortar location is becoming a localized distribution center. It doesn’t matter if you’re buying online, picking up in-store, having something delivered in a store or ordering it online for home delivery. Retailers just don’t care. What they care about is that the purchase is made, and they’re setting up their systems so that omnichannel becomes the core mantra.

Newest Strong Expanded List of Krillion-Retailers
• AT&T
• Ace Hardware
• Ann Taylor
• Apple
• Bed Bath And Beyond
• Best Buy
• Big 5 Sporting Goods
• Blockbuster
• Carters
• Catherines
• Coldwater
• Creek
• ColumbiaCostco
• #$%$ Sporting Goods
• Express
• Foot Locker
• Fossil
• Fry's
• GameStop
• Harbor Freight
• Harry & David
• Home Depot
• JC Penney
• Kmart
• Levi's
• Lowe's
• Macy's
• Micro Center
• Nordstrom
• Orchard Supply Hardware
• Office Depot
• OfficeMax
• PC Mall
• Pauls Tv
• Petco
• Pottery Barn
• Pottery Barn Kids
• RadioShack
• Rite Aid
• Saks Fifth Avenue
• Sony Store
• Sperry Top-Sider
• Staples
• Sur La Table
• Target
• Teavana
• The Children's Place
• Toys R Us
• True Value Hardware
• Walgreens
• Wal-Mart
• Williams Sonoma

63700 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaInvestoren achten auf Fakten und ignorieren

24.09.14 22:32
Shortsellerspielchen mit einer Ausnahme - nämlich sie nutzen sie zu Käufen:

Twitter has with 57,221,020 Monthly U.S-Unique Visitors only the 2.5-fold of the 22,992,894 Monthly U.S.-Unique Visitors of the Owned & Operates-Division of Local Corp.
But Local Corp has only a market-cap of idiotic low 44 million.

63700 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaHeftige Divergenzen, die nie und nimmer

24.09.14 22:40
Bestand haben werden:

Twitter has with 57,221,020 Monthly U.S-Unique Visitors only the 2.5-fold of the 22,992,894 Monthly U.S.-Unique Visitors of the Owned & Operates-Division of Local Corp
But Local Corp has only a market-cap of idiotic low 44 million.

63700 Postings, 7368 Tage Libudazu #7178

25.09.14 07:20
The market-cap of Twitter is with 32.13 billion the 730-fold of the idiotic low 44 million lof Local Corp.  

63700 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaStart einer neuen Erlösquelle

25.09.14 08:25
"There is no question that the pay per call industry is undergoing a significant modern renaissance. Pay per call is not a new concept, but rather one that is receiving a new boost courtesy of the mobile revolution. Pay per call strategies have existed for decades via print, radio, and TV ads, but with millions of people carrying smartphones in their pocket, today’s pay per call strategies focus on mobile lead generation. Today we’ll look at how pay per call can provide a positive return-on-investment (ROI) for the plumbing industry."

Source: Ring-Partner Less

Andrew D’Silva - Merriman Capital
And then pay per call, do you still think you can do $2 million to $3 million in sales for this year?

Fred Thiel - Chairman and CEO of Local Corp
Yeah, pay per call, we’re signing up new top national advertisers, we’re bullish on our outlook for pay per call, and we do anticipate at that level approximately for the year.

Source: Read the complete text from the last conference call direct on Seeeking Alpha

And Local Corp has 5 Pay-Per-Call Patents

- Four Search/Menue Patents

- Five Pay-Per-Call Patents

- Two Web Domains/Other Patents

- One very important Local Shopping Patent

- One Ad monetization Patent

63700 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaDiversifikation und Wachstum

25.09.14 20:46
Intend to continue making significant investments in initiatives to diversify our revenue sources and promote our future growth

"As we continue to diversify our technologies and traffic sources, we remain focused on technology and advertising offerings that will improve the experience for our end users, and allow our network and other third party partners to enhance their service offerings and lower their costs. While we are still very focused on the local search industry, we believe there are additional opportunities in technology and advertising that we and our customers can benefit from, while diversifying our revenue sources. We intend to continue making significant investments in initiatives to diversify our revenue sources and promote our future growth."

Source: Q-10

10342 Postings, 6012 Tage kalleariLibuda geht wieder nach Süden

25.09.14 21:18
Hab hier kleinen Gewinn mitgenommen. Bevor  wieder weiter runter geht. Befinden uns immer noch in Bodenbildung. Denke unten rein und oben raus, wenns dreht. Könnte eine Strategie sein.  

10342 Postings, 6012 Tage kalleariChart dazu

25.09.14 21:21

63700 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaFür mich is Local Corp ein Ten-Bagger

25.09.14 23:06
selbst wenn dieses Wort durch den Der-Aktionär-Waldi dem einen oder anderen verbrannt vorkommt, aber nur 43 Millionen Marktkapitalisierung bei 105 Millionen Umsatz sind absurd.

Why lLocal Corp is a Ten-Bagger on the base of the market-cap of idiotic 43 million of today by 105 millione revenues in 2014

80% of consumer
purchases occur
within a 3-mile radius
of a consumer’s home

Consumers spend
$10.7 Trillion
annually on goods
and services

$176.3 Billion
total U.S. online
ad spend in 2017

$71.4 Billiontotal
U.S. local search
and display spend
by 2017

$57.3 Billionlocal
mobile display
spend by 2017

92% of consumers
research online
before purchasing

25% of searches
are local and

Many searches start
on major search
engines, leading to…
…Local and
thousands of our
network sites

Why Local Corp? - Conclusion

Innovation yields competitive advantages
• nQuery™ – hosted local
search opens up new
enterprise channels and
• Krillion® – continued leverage
from technology across
• IP – Licensing and strategic

Complimentary local search businesses
• O&O: Content and traffic
acquisition improvements
delivering growth
• Network: Focus on quality
and advertiser’s conversion
are expected to yield longterm

Market opportunity is growing.
• Mobile is the fastest
growing segment of
search & mobile local ad
revenues are projected to
grow 3X in 5 yr. to
$15.7B in 2018*

Source: Corporate Overview – Q3 2014 Less

And excellent constellations in the existing business: Synergy across local search and network

Significant leverage within business modell for growth

Owned & Operated (Traffic)
- Local Corp's flagship site and app offer consuments relevant, local content search experience
- 24 million unique visitors

Distribution Network (Reach)
- A diverse group of mobile, app and desktop publishers, allowing us to monetize more consumer interactions
- 3 billion impressions monthly

63700 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaWhite-labeld consumer search from Local Corp

26.09.14 08:04
White-labeld consumer search from Local Corp - anywhere there's access to the internet
New channels, new devices, new experiences - globally

nQuerry by Local
- Mobile carriers & operators
- ISPs
- Consumer devices & appliances
- Digital signage Less

"In July we launched nQuery by Local, a white labeled hosted search solution that powers customized search experiences and supports the company’s goal to populate local search across the internet of everything. The company recently entered into partnerships with entities that specialize in monetizing subscriber traffic for mobile operators in public and private WiFi networks.

Through these partnerships Local Corporation expects to power search for a major U.S. mobile carrier, 18 international and prepaid MVNOs and over 10,000 U.S. hotels.

nQuery is already powering millions of user searches per month and is expected to grow significantly with the onboarding of new partners."

Source: Read the complete text of the conference call direct at Seeking Alpha  

63700 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaDa hat der Skontrenführer einen nervösen Zocker

26.09.14 13:47
abgeldert, dem der Kursanstieg nicht schnell genug ging:

WKN: A1J4TP ISIN: US53954W1045 Symbol: LOCMTyp: AktieAufnehmen in Watchlist/Depot
Times & Sales: Tradegate Zeit    Kurs  Stück  
12:54:31  1,379 €   2.900  
12:54:24  1,379 €   1.050  
12:53:31  1,429 €   1.050  

Local Corp ist eine Aktie für Anleger -  weniger für nervöse Zocker, die lieber die Finger davon lassen sollten.  

63700 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaVergleiche hinken zwar, aber wenn ddie Divergenzen

28.09.14 15:43
so groß sind, haben sie trotz des Hinkens Aussagekkraft:

Facebook has with 168,106,773 Monthly U.S-Unique Visitors only the 7.3-fold of the 22,992,894 Monthly U.S.-Unique Visitors of the Owned & Operates-Division of Local Corp
But Local Corp has only a market-cap of idiotic low 44 million.

63700 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaFred Thiel speaks at Siemer Summit 2014-Part 1of 2

28.09.14 17:18

63700 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaAus #7188: "Good consecutive grwoth rate 30% over

28.09.14 17:59
the past six years."  

63700 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaAus "7188: "We control 10% of all US internet user

28.09.14 18:22
- all of whom come to us or through us, when they are searching for products and servies - that mean: htis not people searching for Justin Bieber's latest adventures in Canada or Mexico or ever.  

63700 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaAus #7188: "Local Corp serves over three billion

28.09.14 21:48
ad impressions a month - that is more than 3% of the US market for ad impressions."

Fred Thiel at Siemer Summit 2014

63700 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaServices 600 million search queries a month

28.09.14 23:03
"Outside of our owned and operated sites we services 600 million search queries a month - that's three percent of all search querries who include their server in North America."

reported from CEO of Local Corp Fred Thiel

63700 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaNur $43 Millionen Marktkapitalsierung - ein Witz

29.09.14 09:01
• "We control 10% of all US internet user
- all of whom come to us or through us, when they are searching for products and services - that mean: these are not people searching for Justin Bieber's latest adventures in Canada or Mexico or ever. "
Fred Thiel speaks at Siemer Summit 2014

• Local Corp serves over three billion ad impressions a month - that is more than 3% of the US market for ad impressions."
CEO of Local Corp Fred Thiel

• "Outside of our owned and operated sites we services 600 million search queries a month - that's three percent of all search queries who include their server in North America."
Reported from CEO of Local Corp Fred Thiel  

63700 Postings, 7368 Tage Libudazu #7193

29.09.14 21:38
Our user are people , who want to buy a car, stereo, tv and something and they are doing research

"We control 10% of all US internet use - all of whom come to us or through us, when they are searching for products and servies - that mean: this are not people searching for Justin Bieber's latest adventures in Canada or Mexico or ever. Our user are people , who want to buy a car, stereo, tv and something and they are doing research."

Fred Thiel speaks at Siemer Summit 2014

63700 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaWe update on 13 million businesses

30.09.14 08:23
"We update on 13 million businesses that makes us the leading location for people to search for buisinesses and products online either through Google or directly on our site through the app we have."

Fred Thiel speaks at Siemer Summit 2014 - Part 1 of 2

63700 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaOver three billion ad impressions a month

30.09.14 10:21
"We threw over three billion ad impressions a month."

Fred Thiel speaks at Siemer Summit 2014 - Part 1 of 2



63700 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudanQuerry

30.09.14 10:35

63700 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaErreichen 10% der US-Bevölkerung

30.09.14 21:49
und daher sind 45 Millionen Marktkapitalisierung bei 105 Millionen Umsatz und einem positiven EBITDA von 4 Millionen eine absurd niedrige Bewertung:

"We have access to the intensions love of 10 percent of the US-popoulation
The fact that we have reach we have access to the intensions love of 10 percent of the US-popoulation and they're searching to buy products and services."

63700 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaMeine Schätzungen für Q3

02.10.14 08:38
Revenues in Q3 will be 27.0 million, EBITDA positive 1.3 million and Net Income positive with 0.2 millionafter my estimate.

63700 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaMulti-billion dollar corporation overtime

02.10.14 10:55
“My vision for Local Corporation is to take the very strong position we have today broaden to a global platform and monetize mobile much stronger - that's were I think building a multi-billion dollar corporation overtime."

Reply Fred Thiel speaks at Siemer Summit 2014 - Part 1 of 2


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