Local.com aussichtsreich

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63706 Postings, 7369 Tage LibudaGemischt, aber insgesamt positiv

12.08.14 23:08

Revenues not excellent, but all other numbers

Second Quarter 2014 Financial Highlights:
• Reported total revenue of $22.5 million; O&O revenue grew 14% year-over-year.
• Increased cash balance to $6.7 million at June 30, up $3.0 million from March 31.
• Improved net loss 63% year-over-year to $1.3 million.
• Delivered Adjusted EBITDA of $1.0 million, positive for the sixth consecutive quarter.
• Reported $204 revenue per thousand visitors (RKVs), up 8% sequentially, the second consecutive quarter of improvement.
• Reiterated 2014 guidance: Revenue midrange expected to increase 11% compared to 2013, and Adjusted EBITDA is expected to be between $3 million and $4 million. Less

63706 Postings, 7369 Tage LibudaDie Entwicklung der Umsätze ist

12.08.14 23:24
enttäuschend - da müsste man die Erkläruungen abwarten. Aber vermutlich hat man nicht rentable Zukaufs-Traffics radikal reduziert.

Sensationell gut ist natürlich der Kassenüberschuss von 3 Millionen in diesem 2. Quartal - vermutlich die Folge aus dem Verzicht auf nicht rentable Geschäfte.

Das EBITDA von einer Million entspricht in etwa meinen Erwartungen, die bei 0,9 Millionen lagen. Ich hatte hier mit Belastungen durch die Abgänge des CEO und COO gerechnet, die aber dann iin Q3 und Q4 wegfallen dürften.  

63706 Postings, 7369 Tage LibudaHier der Quartalsbericht zum Durchklicken

12.08.14 23:34

63706 Postings, 7369 Tage LibudaExcellent Guidance

12.08.14 23:47

We remain excited about the large opportunities ahead of us in the local search space and reiterate our 2014 guidance

“Our innovation efforts are advancing with great strides. This quarter in the mobile segment of our business we achieved a major milestone with the launch of nQuery™, our new white-label search experience that opens up the market for mobile carriers and other enterprise partners to participate in revenue from mobile search. Our initial nQuery relationships are expected to give Local Corporation potentially significant market share in the Tier II mobile phone carrier marketplace and contribute significant incremental revenue later this year and into 2015. Mobile is the fastest growing segment of search, according to BIA/Kelsey, as mobile local ad revenues are projected to more than triple over the next five years, reaching $15.7 billion in 2018.

“As we move through the second half of 2014 and into 2015, our new product releases are expected to drive incremental top-line growth and improved profitability. We remain excited about the large opportunities ahead of us in the local search space and reiterate our 2014 guidance.”  

63706 Postings, 7369 Tage LibudaO&O with improved traffic and monetization

13.08.14 00:06
“Our Owned & Operated (O&O) business, led by our flagship site, Local.com, continues to execute on strategic initiatives. Our focus on the consumer search experience and our enterprise partner relationships yielded year-over-year revenue growth for O&O with improved traffic and monetization."

Source: Report about Q2/2014

63706 Postings, 7369 Tage LibudaDer Cash Flow nach US-Lesart sehr postiv

13.08.14 07:22
Net cash provided by operating activities was 3.682 million in Q2/2014.

63706 Postings, 7369 Tage LibudaKey Takeaways of Local Corp Okay

13.08.14 07:40
• Q2 revenue of $22.5M
• Q2 Adjusted EBITDA $1.0M, positive for the sixth consecutive quarter
• Q2 O&O revenue up 14 percent from the prior year period
• RKV of $204 up 8% from Q1 2014

• Ended Q2 with $6.7M in total cash
• 2014 guidance: Revenue between $103M and $107M, and Adjusted EBITDA between $3M and $4M

• Launched nQueryTM by Local which is already powering millions of user searches per month

63706 Postings, 7369 Tage LibudaIn Deutschand scheint man wieder

13.08.14 09:56
zu warten, bis der Kurs über zwei Dollar geklettert ist. Ich habe mit meinen jerzt 106.600 Stück jedenfalls vorgesorgt - auch wenn ich das in in diesen Dimensionen für den Normalanleger nicht zur Nachahmung empfehle. Aber eine Beimischung von bis zu 3% des Depotwertes könnte die Performance aufbessern, wobei diese Entscheidung selbstverständlich von der Riisikoneigung abhängt.  

63706 Postings, 7369 Tage LibudaZur 5 Mio-Wandelanliehe, über die Shortseller

13.08.14 11:39
auf US-Boards sich immer wieder auslassen, dass Local Corp diese Minianlieihe nicht berückzahlen könnne:

CFO Ken Cragun: "The company also had $5 million outstanding related to convertible notes, at the moment we believe we’re well-positioned to address the maturity date of the convertible notes in April 2015."

Source: Transcript of Conference Call on Seeking Alpha

Ganz abgesehen davon, dass der Wandungspreis bei nur $2,01 liegt und über diesem Kurs keine Rückzahlung anstünde, sondern die Wandlung, die alllerdings die Aktienzahl von momentan 23,5 Millionen auf 26 Millionen ansteigen liieße. Übrigens halte ich schon heute Kurse von über zwei Dollar für wahrscheinlich als Kurse unter zwei Dollar.  

1243 Postings, 4739 Tage onkel jamesWas macht unser Oberpusher ?

13.08.14 19:24
Sprachlos ?

Von Dir wurden heute Kurse über 2 Dollar angekündigt...sieht ja schwer dannach aus !

Die Zahlen waren ja "überragend", unfassbares Wachstum gegenüber den
hier oftmals verglichenen Yelp & Co.

Sehe aber gerade Du kämpst im US Yahoo Board mit Dauerposts wieso und warum !

Mal gut, dass Dir in D keiner mehr deine Scheinchen abnimmt, sind doch immer so prima Kaufkurse.  

63706 Postings, 7369 Tage Libuda"Our total 24 million unique visitors for O&O

13.08.14 22:22
which is approximately 10% of the U.S. internet browsing population.

We believe these visitors are high intent, local consumers looking to find businesses near them and the products and services they want to buy from them. As a company we want to ensure the best user experience for our consumers and a positive engagement for our advertisers. As such we will continue to devote resources to focus on how we deliver the most personalized and relevant consumer experience as well as new and engaging ad formats."

Source: Read the complete transcript of the Conference Call direct at Seeking Alpha

63706 Postings, 7369 Tage LibudaBusiness Highlights of Q2 aus dem Quartalsbericht

13.08.14 23:26

• Local Search Growth: Local Corporation continues to implement improved traffic acquisition and monitoring tools, infrastructure updates and
user interface enhancements to increase search traffic, which delivered 14% growth for the company’s O&O business. During the second quarter,
overall traffic reached 73 million monthly unique visitors (“MUV”), up from 72 million in the first quarter of 2014, and RKV increased to $204
from $189 for the same periods. The company is also encouraged by recent enhancements to the relevance of local search results by one of the
major search engines. This is expected to result in a significant increase in organic traffic and ad conversions, which the company believes will
lead to an improvement in gross margins.

• New Mobile Initiatives: Local Corporation continues to be committed to taking local search across multiple screens where consumers are
spending more time searching for the products and services they need and want. The company recently launched nQuery™ by Local, which
provides a white-labeled, hosted search solution that powers customized local search experiences and supports the company’s goal to populate
local search across the Internet of everything. The company recently entered into partnerships with entities that specialize in monetizing
subscriber traffic for mobile operators and Wi-Fi networks. Through these partnerships, Local Corporation will power search for a major U.S.
mobile carrier, 18 international and prepaid MVNO’s and 10,000 US hotels currently under contract. nQuery is already powering millions of user
searches per month and is expected to grow significantly with the onboarding of new partners.

• Local Shopping Expansion: The company is in the process of integrating an engaging consumer shopping discovery experience powered by
Krillion® into its O&O properties. This destination is expected to grow and further monetize the highly relevant O&O traffic base as well as
increase repeat visitor traffic. We believe the value of the Krillion technology is that it seamlessly ingests, aggregates and localizes various types
of dynamic data and distributes this rich content across multiple channels.

• Innovation Focus: The company recently established Local Labs, which is expected to serve as a digital technology hub and start-up incubator
focused on innovating the digital ecosystem. This team will be spearheading concept creation for several new product categories and customer
use cases. The company is keenly focused on investing in innovation as a primary vehicle for growth.

• Intellectual Property Update: This quarter, the company was granted its thirteenth patent, which covers an online advertising monetization and
yield optimization method and/or system and also began the process of establishing a flexible organizational structure to pursue its Krillion data
and IP licensing strategy. In July, the company’s cascading menu patent trial was stayed pending completion of an administrative action with the
United States Patent and Trademark Office. The trial is expected to resume after the completion of such action.

• Strengthened Leadership: In June, the board appointed two new directors. David M. Hughes, CEO of The Search Agency, brings 15 years of
strategic executive leadership experience with specialties in global digital marketing and managed services and software-as-a-service platform
products. John M. Payne, CEO of SimpleAir, Inc., has 30 years of experience leading public and private companies specializing in early stage
software and technology companies, as well as IP licensing strategies.


63706 Postings, 7369 Tage LibudaAuch das ist positiv

14.08.14 07:49
Local Corp increased the cash 3 million and decreased the revolving line of credit near 1 million.

Revolving line of credit drecreased from 9.567 million on 03/31/14 to 8.867 million on 06/30/2014.

Der Hauptgrund dafür waren der Abbau der stark angewachsenen Forderungen. Und die Ursache dafür war offensichtlich, dass man beim Network radikal ausgemistet hat und mit nicht solventen und rentablen Partnern die Zusammenarbeit eingestellt hat. Das hat in Q2/2012 beim Networik allerdings auch zu erheblichen Umsatzeinbußen geführt, die man aber im Laufe des Jahres durch den Zugang qualitätiv besserer Partner wieder aufzuholen gedenkt.


63706 Postings, 7369 Tage LibudaInstitutionals

14.08.14 08:10
13 Institutionals increased their positions 624,866 shares

9 Institutionals decreased their positions 225,139 shares

Von mittleren einstelligen Zahlen ausgehend, haben wir inzwischen etwas mehr als 25% erreicht. Von meinem Umgang mit der ebenfalls von Shorsellern heimgesuchten Aktie ICG Group weiß ich, dass die Macht der Shortseller erst dann gebrochen werden kann, wenn der Anteil der Instis steigt.

Und auch der gestrige Kursverlauf ist mir von ICG Group her bestens bekannt. Immer dann wenn gute Zahlen kommen - und das war trotz Umsatzrückgangs der Fall - erhöhen die Shortseller ihre Bestände, um naiven Gemütern den Bären aufzubinden, dass die Aktie selbst bei guten Zahlen falle.

Meist stellt sich dann heraus, dass Lügen kurze Beine haben - bei ICG Group waren das auf dem Weg von $3,40 zu ca. 15 Dollar immer die besten Einstiegszeitpunkte, wenn man genügend Zeit und Sitzfleisch mitbringt. Wer diese beiden Eigenschaften nicht hat, sollte die Finger von der Akite lassen, denn den machen die Shortseller nervös.  

63706 Postings, 7369 Tage LibudaWarum Local Corp trotz schwächerer Umsatz

14.08.14 08:38
seinen Ausblick bei 103 bis 107 Millionen beließ und lediglich die Aussage kassierte, dass man eher am höheren Ende liegen werde:

Local Corp. Uses Krillion API to Grow in New Markets

Friday, July 18, 2014 (ProgrammableWeb)

Expertise in working with APIs and big data is paying off for Local Corp. Local built a $100 million business by aggregating huge amounts of data and then serving ads to consumers searching for local business and product listings. Local is now using APIs to extend its local-search business into fast-growing markets such as mobile shopping apps.

"Krillion by Local" offers powerful API access to real-time data about 120,000 retail stores, 4,300 shopping categories and 3 million product SKUs.

Local acquired local-search startup Krillion in 2011 for its local-shopping data engine. Local invested heavily in Krillion's technology development, leveraging Local's expertise in working with large data sets to scale Krillion's API resources. Local reaches 10% of U.S. Internet users through its sites and syndication network and serves more than 3 billion ads a day. These huge traffic numbers are supported by sophisticated back-end technology. Local made it easier to get data into Krillion programmatically, and its product data set grew exponentially.

Krillion by Local now powers local-shopping experiences for apps, brands and retailers. Krillion provides apps with real-time access to data on products, pricing and in-store availability at popular retailers, including Best Buy, Sears, Target and Wal-Mart.


63706 Postings, 7369 Tage LibudaLocal Corp hat hier gigantisches Potential

14.08.14 12:57
Fighting against Amazon and Ebay can be a big success, if brick and mortar use the right help: Each month Local Corp serve billions of impressions to millions of consumers

RETAILERS & MANUFACTURERS: More exposure means more local shoppers
Take advantage of Local Corp's vast network of publishers and partners.

Increase store traffic
With Local Corp's new nStore™ where-to-buy solution, direct buyers to authorized dealers that have the products they’re looking for in stock.

Drive more qualified sales
Capture online shoppers who are ready to buy with ocal Corp's real-time StockCheck™ technology.

Optimize Your Advertising
With Local Corp's new nFuse™ data-driven mobile ad solution, reach more qualified on-the-go consumers and drive both online and in-store purchases.

Local Corp's proprietary technology aggregate, normalize and re/target
- Purchase Intent Traffic
- Buisiness Data
- Product Data
- Consumer Data & Insights

and deliver
- Insights
- Price Comparison
- Database
- APIs
- Where to Buy
- Pay-Per-Call
- Ads

- Owned & Operated Sites
- Network
- Apps
- Partners

63706 Postings, 7369 Tage Libudanoch zu #6990

14.08.14 13:38
Seventy-three percent of consumers use their mobile phones to research products while shopping. Try out Local's own Havvit iPhone app to see the potential of real-time stock checking functionality to affect consumer behavior.

Local also demoed some cool products at the Seimer Summit this week in Santa Monica, Calif. "Geofencing" technology allows brands and retailers to message consumers with offers that incorporate real-time product data when they come within a certain distance of a store. "Ambient data" feeds allow retailers to place store hours and location information next to product-related YouTube videos.

"Krillion's dynamic data feeds enable advertising and app data to be delivered in highly personalized ways," says Local CEO Fred Thiel. "Marketers can reach targeted consumers based on where they happen to be, where they are going and what products they have been researching."

Investing in APIs is strategically important for Local. The Krillion API allows them to work with large corporations willing to subscribe to expensive data feeds. Local previously focused more on selling advertising packages to small and medium-sized business. Also, more than half of Local's revenue comes from partnerships with Yahoo and Google, so Local is now able to diversify its revenue and reduce dependence on those two tech giants.

The Krillion by Local's developer site gives a broad overview of what is possible with Local's APIs.

63706 Postings, 7369 Tage LibudanStore by Local

14.08.14 18:16

nStore by Local = Interactive ad content to consumers at precisely the time they need it

• Highly interactive: Animation, rolling text and image carousels

• Location aware: Nearest store, directions and ambient data

• Integrates mobile features: Maps, tap to call, and calendar reminders

• Localized content: Store availability, offers and pricing

And best of all: 24% performed secondary localized actions after opening (vs. 2.9% industry benchmark)

63706 Postings, 7369 Tage LibudaWenn das im zweiten Halbjahr so weiter geht, .....

14.08.14 18:46
Net cash provided by operating activities will be more than 7 million in 2014, if Local Corp add to the 3.682 milliion net cash provided by operating activities from the first half of 2014 the same amount in the second half of 2014.

63706 Postings, 7369 Tage LibudaOwned and Operates läuft gut

14.08.14 21:36
"This quarter in O&O we continue to improve our traffic acquisition processes with the deployment of new tools while we also optimized our sites with the major search engines and added new content to increase search traffic and content quality. Our relationship with one of the major search engines continues to bear fruit and most recently we’re seeing increased organic impressions for our O&O properties.
We believe this will lead to an increase in our O&O traffic and ultimately an improvement to our gross margins. With O&O local.com our flagship site specifically benefitting from these relationships and improvements."

Source: Read the complete transcirpt of the last Conference Call direct ast Seeeking Alpha:  

63706 Postings, 7369 Tage LibudaLocal Corp: Vision

14.08.14 22:34

63706 Postings, 7369 Tage LibudaKostensenkung

15.08.14 06:58
These will lower the costs in Q3 0.5 million and in Q4 too

"On May 8, 2014, we entered into a separation and general release agreement with our former chief operating officer, Michael Sawtell. Under the terms of the separation and general release agreement, we recognized a severance cost due to Michael Sawtell of $563,000, representing one year's base salary and all of the bonus payments received by Michael Sawtell in the four fiscal quarters immediately preceding the date of separation, payable, over one year, in accordance with the schedule set forth in the separation and general release agreement. The total amount of severance was expensed in the second quarter of 2014 of which, $503,000 remains in accrued compensation in the accompanying condensed consolidated balance sheets. "

Source: Q10

63706 Postings, 7369 Tage LibudaRetailers introducing nFuse by local of Local Corp

15.08.14 09:27
Increase visibility and reach more local shoppers.
Now you can promote your products across a vast network of high-quality, location-based publishers and partners by including your national and local store assortment in the Krillion® localization engine

Make your ads more than an introduction
Better engage with mobile shoppers to drive them in-store with nFuse ™, our new dynamic mobile ad solution that retrieves up-to-the minute local store information, product, pricing, and availability information.

Dynamic data elements available through nFuse include: time-zone adjusted store hour messaging, maps, image galleries for promoted categories, updated sale pricing, and an opt-in add to calendar feature for future sale reminders, plus many more.

63706 Postings, 7369 Tage Libuda30 Institutional Holders: 6,004,598 Shares Held

15.08.14 09:48

Owner Name


Shared Held

Change (Shares)

Change (%)

Value (in 1,000s)



























































































63706 Postings, 7369 Tage LibudaInstitutional Ownership is now the 4-fold

15.08.14 20:23
against the numbers a year ago. Institutional Ownership iincreased from about 6% a year ago to now 26.59%.

New Positions = 197,838 shares

Sold Out Positions = 36,648 shares

Increased Positions = 751,406 shares

Decreased Positions = 66,013 shares


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