Local.com aussichtsreich

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Neuester Beitrag: 25.04.21 00:22
Eröffnet am:03.11.09 12:52von: LibudaAnzahl Beiträge:10.314
Neuester Beitrag:25.04.21 00:22von: Franziskakuf.Leser gesamt:669.641
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63718 Postings, 7371 Tage LibudaAuch mal mit den Bashers einig

14.04.14 23:55
I agree with the bashers in one point: I can't understant the low ownership of the management.

And therefore I am happy about the strong increase of the ownership of institutionals, who can better fight against robberies of the management. Especially excellent is the big ownership of a smaller investment-company like Goldman Capital.

63718 Postings, 7371 Tage LibudaEs sind immer noch zehn

14.04.14 23:58

63718 Postings, 7371 Tage Libudazu 6552

14.04.14 23:58

63718 Postings, 7371 Tage LibudaSchier unglaublich

15.04.14 08:46
For 2014, Yelp guided reveneus of 253 million - 358 million, Local Corp between 103 million - 107 million. The revenues of Yellp are only the 3.38-fold of Local Corp. But the market-cap of Yelp is with 4,420 million the 108-fold of the idiotic low 41 million market-cap fo Local Corp.

Such a divergence will never lasting.

63718 Postings, 7371 Tage LibudaIm Vergleich zu gestern nach 22.00 Uhr

15.04.14 08:49
sind die Spreads jetzt auch etwas fairer:

Geld- und Briefkurse Handelsplatz  Geld-Stk.  Geld  Geld-Brief  Brief  Brief-Stk.  Spread   Zeit  
Tradegate  1.200  1,25 €     1,299 €  1.154  3,92%  08:20:47  
Stuttgart  3.000  1,252 €     1,299 €  3.000  3,75%  08:20:11  
Frankfurt  1.200  1,25 €     1,299 €  1.155  3,92%  08:20:11  
Berlin  1.200  1,25 €     1,299 €  1.154  3,92%  08:20:46  
München  2.500  1,235 €     1,315 €  2.500  6,48%  08:22:03  
Nasdaq  100  1,47 $     1,78 $  2.500  

63718 Postings, 7371 Tage LibudaConsumer Sites And Apps

15.04.14 15:55
One million visitors a day.

Local Corporation"s online and mobile properties — which include our flagship Local.com website and a network of approximately 1,600 partner sites — help more than a million consumers find the products and services they need every day.


As our flagship local search site, Local.com helps consumers find the best local products, services, events and activities. Search with ease, using the Local.com website or mobile site from any mobile device. Having received numerous industry awards, Local.com remains one of the most visited and fastest growing local search sites on the web today.

Visit Local.com to learn more

Local.com Mobile App

The best places are just around the corner. Finding the best businesses, activities, savings and reviews just got easier. The Local.com mobile app is a fun, free way to discover the best places, events and savings in your neighborhood.

Get this App today: iOS or Android

Publisher Network

In addition to our consumer properties, Local Corporation supports approximately 1,600 partner sites across the country to help them engage customers better and increase revenue. Using our advertiser tools, local search directory, content feeds, new ad formats and audience engagement features, we enable some of most recognized web publishers in the country to get more value from their desktop and mobile experiences.

Learn more


It"s like having a personal shopper in your pocket. Havvit follows the brands and stores you love, tracks prices for the best time to buy, and performs price comparisons to make sure you get the best deal. It even checks for local in-store availability, to save you precious time. When you"ve got to have it—Havvit.

Learn more | Get this App today

63718 Postings, 7371 Tage LibudaAbsurde Spreads

16.04.14 08:16
Geld- und Briefkurse Handelsplatz  Geld-Stk.  Geld  Geld-Brief  Brief  Brief-Stk.  Spread   Zeit  
Tradegate  1.264  1,194 €     1,279 €  1.179  7,12%  08:03:54  
Stuttgart  4.500  1,191 €     1,268 €  4.500  6,47%  07:57:31  
München  2.500  1,196 €     1,276 €  2.500  6,69%  07:49:52  
Berlin  1.264  1,194 €     1,279 €  1.179  7,12%  07:49:06  
Nasdaq  1.500  1,72 $     2,01 $  700  16,86%

132 Postings, 5914 Tage ICJensNoch

16.04.14 11:37
immer die Zahlen,wann kommen die Neuen?


63718 Postings, 7371 Tage LibudaMassive Kostensenkung

18.04.14 10:14
Cease of of direct SMB sales reduced costs dramatically: salareis for more than 100 sale-employees
"Our Consumer Properties includes our O&O business and our Network business. O&O accounted for 46% of our revenue in 2013 and Network, our most profitable revenue source, accounted for 53% of our revenue in 2013. At the beginning of 2013, we ceased our direct SMB sales efforts."

63718 Postings, 7371 Tage LibudaLocal Corp ist ein gefundenes Fressen für Alibaba

18.04.14 11:19
Alibaba looking at the Large Number of Local Business and Product Listings and Local Content of Local Corp

With over 12 million local businesses indexed and approximately 3 million localized products using our proprietary technology, we offer users of our websites and Network partner websites and our third party partners with a resource for local businesses and products in their area, including various photographs, user ratings and reviews, video, product information, inventory information, coupons and hours of operations, among other things. We believe that our ability to aggregate this content and deliver relevant, targeted results in response to user search queries ensures our users and those accessing our partner websites with a good experience when using our services. When an advertiser’s targeted ad listing is combined with a large pool of similarly targeted ad listings, we believe our advertisers have a better chance of reaching their target audience. Additionally, we believe the combination of user and advertiser satisfaction with our local search service is important to the acceptance of our service by our Network partners and the success of our Flagship-website and Krillion local shopping platform.

132 Postings, 5914 Tage ICJensSehe ich auch so,

18.04.14 11:52
kann mir dies aber nicht wirklich vorstellen.Patente dann nach China...????
Soll die Konkurrenz hier komplett schlafen, denke da z.b. an GO,YA,Bing  und auch FB oder auch Apple....?
FB traue ich in Zukunft alles zu,  mit der Zulassung einer Bankenlizenz erst recht???
Abwarten,schaun mer mal was die Zahlen bringen.

Erholsames Osterfest!


63718 Postings, 7371 Tage LibudaDu darft nicht vergessen, dass Yahoo

18.04.14 16:22
sehe intensiv mit Local Corp verbandelt ist, die aber auch mit Google zusammenarbeiten.

Interessant ist dabei, dass der Schwerpunkt der Zusammenarbeit früher bei Yahoo lag, dann gewann Google an Boden, in 2013 gab es aber wieder eine ziemlich abrupte Veränderung zugusten von Yahoo.

Und Yahoo ist einer der größten Anteilseigern, wenn gar nicht der größte, von Alibaba.  

63718 Postings, 7371 Tage LibudaThe value is 18 million by 25%-tax

18.04.14 19:58

At December 31, 2013, the Company had federal and state income tax net operating loss carryforwards of approximately $74.4 million and $71.6 million,
respectively. The federal and state net operating loss carryforwards will expire through 2031 unless previously utilized. Under Section 382 of Internal Revenue
Code, if a corporation undergoes an "ownership change" generally defined as a greater than 50% change (by value) in its equity ownership over a three-year
period, the corporation's ability to use its post-change income may be limited. The Company performed a Section 382 study during the fourth quarter of 2010
and determined that it has more likely than not undergone five ownership changes as described in IRC Section 382.

This allows taxpayers to use the losses in one year to offset the profits of other years.

63718 Postings, 7371 Tage LibudaDurch die Decke

18.04.14 22:35

63718 Postings, 7371 Tage LibudaStrong rebound of Monthly Unique Visitors

19.04.14 22:23
on the flagshipsite of Local Corp from 16,963,491 Monthly Unique Visitors in 02/14 to 20,166,283 Monthly Unique Visitors in 03/14.

About a half of this increase has the reason, that March has 3 days more than Feburary -the other half of the increase is organic.

63718 Postings, 7371 Tage LibudaPlus Network

19.04.14 23:41
And Local Corp has additional between 7 and 10 million Monthly Unique Visitors over the network - this between 7 and 10 million Unique Visitors were counted by the more than 1,600 members of th the network.

In the last presentation, filed to the SEC, were reported from 27 million Monthly Unique Visitors from the flagshipsite and the network. I believe, it makes sexse, that Local Corp ever reported by such aggregated numbern, how many Unique Visitors come from the flagship-site and how many Unique Visitors come from the network.  

63718 Postings, 7371 Tage LibudaUnd kommende Woche kommt Alibaba

20.04.14 09:14

63718 Postings, 7371 Tage LibudaMehr US-Monthly Unique Visitors als Yelp

20.04.14 09:41
Yelp has with 25,720,561 US-Monthly Unique Visitors less than the between 27 and 30 million US-Monthly Unique Visitors of Local Corp from the falgshipsite and the network.  

63718 Postings, 7371 Tage LibudaMeiners Erachtens eine der besten itunes-Apps

20.04.14 17:56

63718 Postings, 7371 Tage LibudaErweiterung von #6568. die schier unglaublich ist

20.04.14 23:03
Yelp has with 25,720,561 US-Monthly Unique Visitors less than the between 27 and 30 million US-Monthly Unique Visitors of Local Corp, but with 4,630 million the 107-fold market-cap of the idoitic low market-cap of only 43 million.  

63718 Postings, 7371 Tage LibudaH a v v i t

21.04.14 16:07

63718 Postings, 7371 Tage LibudaMobile Developers should take a look at Local Corp

21.04.14 23:17
Build robust applications with leading local data.

Power web and mobile apps with our patented local product search technology and provide consumers with tailored, real-time shopping data.

The best applications start with superior local shopping data

We partner with over 50,000 retailers nationwide to capture the most robust and accurate data –including product, pricing, and inventory availability – across thousands of consumer brands

63718 Postings, 7371 Tage LibudaConsumer found you online, now drive them in-store

23.04.14 10:10
Local Corp now featuring an important new product for manufacturers
Powering the future of local shopping
Our Krillion™ technology provides cross-channel shoppers with instant intelligence to help them quickly find, compare, and buy products locally.
Krillion creates new opportunities for retail marketers to convert more searches into sales.
Our local shopping data is growing daily!

~120,000 retail store locations
Over 4,300 consumer shopping categories
Nearly 3 million localized products

Drive online visitors to purchase your products online or offline
Provide online and on-the-go shoppers with a seamless shopping experience that makes it easy for them to buy your products anywhere they are sold, nearby or online

Now featuring an important new product for manufacturers:

Consumers found you online. Now drive them in-store.
Add dynamic, localized where-to-buy functionality to your online product pages that will engage ready-to-buy shoppers. Leverage our turn-key JavaScript® implementation or tap our powerful API to support your retail channel and help shoppers find your products at stores nearby. Desktop, mobile and tablet compatible, our solution supports your customers by providing local buying options

Our Solution Features:
• Real-time store availability
• Dynamic nightly pricing updates
• Rich-store level details
• Flexible API
• Powerful reporting analytics

63718 Postings, 7371 Tage LibudaTHE DATA-Gorilla Local Corp

23.04.14 19:05
As a result, our patented data normalization platform offers the most comprehensive cleansing and distribution capabilities in the available today We scrutinize and verify local product data on a continuous basis to meet the stringent demands of the modern retail environment.

First Step: Collect
We aggregate information from retailers and brands to create a rich index of products and store locations with in-store stock availability.

Second Step: Cleanse
We cleanse, enhance and normalize data from a vast pool of data sources to ensure the data is highly usable and consumer-friendly.

Third Step: Verify
We continuously refresh our database to provide accurate product and pricing information, as well as real-time inventory availability information.

Fourth Step:Distribute
We disseminate our data through a network of regional media publishers, local shopping directories, manufacturers, and product locators in a format that is compatible with web, mobile and tablet devices

132 Postings, 5914 Tage ICJensZahlen werden gemeldet, 08.05.14

24.04.14 15:17

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