Local.com aussichtsreich

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Neuester Beitrag: 25.04.21 00:22
Eröffnet am:03.11.09 12:52von: LibudaAnzahl Beiträge:10.314
Neuester Beitrag:25.04.21 00:22von: Franziskakuf.Leser gesamt:671.814
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63772 Postings, 7379 Tage LibudaZu #5348: "We expect to see additional revenue and

04.07.13 17:04
earnings per share growth in the second quarter." Diese Aussage zum 2. Quartal, dass Umsätze und Ertäge gegenüber dem 1. Quartal noch besser werden vom 9. Mai im Rahmen des letzten Conference Call wurde bisher nicht korrigert, sodass wir wohl davon ausgehen können. Im folgenden der Zusammenhang, in dem diese Ausage auf dem letzten Conference Call fiel:

"On our last call, I outlined 2Q objective this year. Expanding gross margins on our largest revenues stream, which is our O&O business and expand our network revenues, which is our largest gross margin. We executed well in the first quarter against both of those goals, which resulted in $0.07 per share swing in our bottom line, driving adjusted earnings per share from $0.04 loss in Q4 to $0.03 profit in Q1. We expect to see additional revenue and adjusted earnings per share growth in the second quarter."

Quelle: Transcript des Conference Call auf Seeking Alpha (den Ihr Euch dort auch komplett einmal durchlesen solltet)  

63772 Postings, 7379 Tage LibudaZiemlich heftige Divergenzen (Beispiel 1)

04.07.13 22:50
und es gibt dafür außer Pushen der Inkubatoren von Yelp, die noch auf großen Beständen sitzen (beim IPO gab es nur 10%), und Shortselling bei Local Corp, weil sich da vor drei Jahren offenbar ein Hedge Fund verfixt hat und noch erhebliche Mengen covern muss, meines Erachtens kene anderweitigen Gründe.

Local Corp in Compare

Yelp has only 80% of US-Monthly Unique Viisitors of Local Corp, but with 2,220 million the 65-fold market-cap of the idiotic low 34 million.

Local Corp’s (market-cap = 34 million) Flagshipsite development of Unique Visitors:

11/2012: 18,745,842 Monthly Unique Visitors

12/2012: 22,738,206 Monthly Unique Visitors

01/2013: 26,410,927 Monthly Unique Visitors

02/2013: 24,017,605 Monthly Unique Visitors

03/2013: 24,427,755 Monthly Unique Visitors

04/2013: 23,785,928 Monthly Unique Visitors

05/2013: 27,804,187 Monthly Unique Visitors



11/2012: 19,358,705 MONTHLY UNIQUE VISITORS

12/2012: 21,017,483 MONTHLY UNIQUE VISITORS

01/2013: 22,293,301 MONTHLY UNIQUE VISITORS

02/2013: 21,063,155 MONTHLY UNIQUE VISITORS

03/2013: 23,364,095 MONTHLY UNIQUE VISITORS

04/2013: 22,252,993 MONTHLY UNIQUE VISITORS

05/2013: 22,550,797 Monthly Unique Visitors  

63772 Postings, 7379 Tage LibudaDas zweite Quartal wird noch besser

05.07.13 22:53

63772 Postings, 7379 Tage LibudaDenn inzwischen haben wir den 5.7.

06.07.13 00:28
und Montag gar den 8.7. und es liegt keine Meldung von Local Corp vor, das die positve Einschätzung aus dem letzten Conferece Call korrigert.  

63772 Postings, 7379 Tage LibudaMy newest estimate for Q2/2013

06.07.13 19:42
Revenues = between 24.0 and 24.5 million

Adjusted net income = between 1.6 and 2.4 million

Cash Flow from Operations = between 1.3 and 2.5 million  

63772 Postings, 7379 Tage LibudaBei hochgerechneten 93 Millionen Jahresumsatz

06.07.13 22:09
und einer Marktkapitalisierung von absurd niedrigen 34 Millionen hätten wir ein für diese Branche absurd niedriges Kurs-Umsatz-Verhältnis von 0,37.  

63772 Postings, 7379 Tage LibudaSelbst beim hochgerechneten unteren

07.07.13 08:33
Wert für das Adjusted Net Income wäre das KGV nur unglaublich niedrige 5,3.  

63772 Postings, 7379 Tage LibudaUnd noch sei eine nicht minder heftige Divergence

07.07.13 10:13
With 39,123,674 Monthly Unique Visitors has Linkedin only the 1.4-fold Unique Monthly Vistitors of Local Corps 27,804,187 Monthly Unique Visitors, but the market-cap fo Linkedin is with 21.00 billion the 618-fold market-cap of the market-cap of Local Corp

of only extreme idiotic low 34 million. Local Corp is not only a 10-bagger - after my estimates a 20-bagger and more.

Newest Numbers of Monthly Unique Visitors May from Siteanalytics for Local Corp and Linkedin (include 05/2013)

Local Corp’s Flagshipsite development of Unique Visitors:

11/2012: 18,745,842 Monthly Unique Visitors

12/2012: 22,738,206 Monthly Unique Visitors

01/2013: 26,410,927 Monthly Unique Visitors

02/2013: 24,017,605 Monthly Unique Visitors

03/2013: 24,427,755 Monthly Unique Visitors

04/2013: 23,785,928 Monthly Unique Visitors

05/2013: 27,804,187 Monthly Unique Visitors


Compare with the development of Linkedin’s Unique Visitors:

11/2012: 26,050,157 Monthly Unique Visitors

12/2012: 26,216,865 Monthly Unique Visitors

01/2013: 30,495,948 Monthly Unique Visitors

02/2013: 27,410,040 Monthly Unique Visitors

03/2013: 32,219,045 Monthly Unique Visitors

04/2013: 35,008,094 Monthly Unique Visitors

05/2013: 39,123,674 Monthly Unique Visitors

RANK (BY UVS): 25  

63772 Postings, 7379 Tage Libudazu #5358: Und es kommt noch "doller"

07.07.13 13:58
Local Corp has additional to the 27,804,187 Monthly Unique Visitors from the flagshipsite more than 12 million Monthly Unique Visitors from the network = together about 40 million Monthly Unique Visitors. The result: Local Corp has more US-Monthly Unique Visitors than Linkedin, but the market-cap of Linkedin is with 21.00 billion the 618-fold market-cap of the market-cap of Local Corp of only extreme idiotic low 34 million.  

63772 Postings, 7379 Tage LibudaNoch etwas aus Absurdistan

07.07.13 18:46
Compare of ANGI’S and Local Corp’s development of Unique Visitors (Source: Siteanalytics, include May 2013)

Local Corp’s development of Unique Visitors:

Local Corp (market-cap of 40 million) development of Unique Visitors:

11/2012: 18,745,842 Monthly Unique Visitors

12/2012: 22,738,206 Monthly Unique Visitors

01/2013: 26,410,927 Monthly Unique Visitors

02/2013: 24,017,605 Monthly Unique Visitors

03/2013: 24,427,755 Monthly Unique Visitors

04/2013: 23,785,928 Monthly Unique Visitors

05/2013: 27,804,187 Monthly Unique Visitors

Compare with the development of ANGI’s Unique Visitors:

11/2012: 2,603,340 Monthly Unique Visitors

12/2012: 2,551,023 Monthly Unique Visitors

01/2013: 3,454,644 Monthly Unique Visitors

02/2013:3,185,928 Monthly Unique Visitors

03/2013: 3,907,160 Monthly Unique Visitors

04/2013: 4,052,875 Monthly Unique Visitors

05/2013: 4,278,597 Monthly Unique Visitors Less

Local Corp has additional to the 27,804,187 Monthly Unique Visitors from the flagshipsite more than 12 million Monthly Unique Visitors from the network = together about 40 million Monthly Unique Visitors. The result: Local Corp has near 10-fold US-Monthly Unique Visitors than Angies List, but the market-cap of Angies List is with 1,630 million the 48-fold market-cap of the market-cap of Local Corp of only extreme idiotic low 34 million.  

63772 Postings, 7379 Tage LibudaDer Criminal Crime behind The Street Sweeper

07.07.13 22:00
tobt sich momentan wieder einmal auf den US-Boards darüber aus, dass es eines Bonus-Programm gibt, was aber in einer Branche, in der Local Corp tätig ist, enorm wichtig ist, um gute Leute zu binden und neue zu gewinnen.

Meines Erachtens ist das Bonus Programm vorbildlich, da es sich sehr stark am Ebitda orientiert - und das sowohl nach oben als auch nach unten überproportional.

The FPGs will be subject to a minimum performance threshold; under which no bonuses related to the FPG is paid (the “Minimum Target Bonus”). In calculating the Maximum Target Bonus and Minimum Target Bonus with respect to an FPG, any
overachievement or underachievement of an FPG shall result in an increase or decrease in the bonus payable with respect to such individual FPG, as follows:
For the FPG related to achievement of certain Revenue targets, as set by the Compensation Committee:
FPG Achievement Percentage % of Bonus Payable with Respect to Such FPG
Under 85% 0%
85% to 100%
100% less 1.667 percentage points for each percentage point under 100% of the FPG
Over 100% to 110% 100% plus 1 percentage point for each percentage point above 100% of the FPG Target.
Over 110% to 125% 100% plus 2 percentage points for each percentage point above 100% of the FPG Target.
Over 125% 150%
For the FPG related to achievement of certain Adjusted EBITDA targets, as set by the Compensation Committee:
FPG Achievement Percentage % of Bonus Payable with Respect to Such FPG
Under 70% 0%
70% to 100%
100% less 1.667 percentage points for each percentage point under 100% of the FPG
Over 100% to 110% 100% plus 1 percentage point for each percentage point above 100% of the FPG Target.
Over 110% to 125% 100% plus 2 percentage points for each percentage
point above 100% of the FPG Target.
Over 125% 150%
The amount represented by the Threshold Target Bonus, the Maximum Target Bonus and the Minimum Target Bonus is referred to as the “Bonus.”

For the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), the Bonus is measured based upon achievement of the following:
40% of the Threshold Target Bonus is based upon achieving the Revenue targets for the Company as a whole, as set by the Board in its approved budget for
the applicable period;
60% of the Threshold Target Bonus is based upon achieving the Adjusted EBITDA targets for the Company as a whole as set by the Board in its approved
budget for the applicable period.
The CEO has no PPGs.  

63772 Postings, 7379 Tage LibudaWas im Markt von Local Corp "abgeht"

07.07.13 23:15

63772 Postings, 7379 Tage Libuda5081 Stück gibt es in Frankfurt für 1,181 Euro

08.07.13 08:02
Geld- und Briefkurse










1,159 €

1,181 €





1,51 $

1,54 $





1,129 €

1,209 €





1,129 €

1,21 €





1,161 €

1,25 €




63772 Postings, 7379 Tage LibudaDas zweite Quartal wird gut ausfallen und

09.07.13 10:56
damit die Bewertung noch absurder:

"We expect to see additional revenue and earnings per share growth in the second quarter"

Since last conference call on May 9,2013 exist no other message and after nine days after the end of Q2 there will no big correction come and it is clear: Q2 will be better than the very positive Q1. Overlining was part of this speak:

"On our last call, I outlined 2Q objective this year. Expanding gross margins on our largest revenues stream, which is our O&O business and expand our network revenues, which is our largest gross margin. We executed well in the first quarter against both of those goals, which resulted in $0.07 per share swing in our bottom line, driving adjusted earnings per share from $0.04 loss in Q4 to $0.03 profit in Q1. We expect to see additional revenue and adjusted earnings per share growth in the second quarter."

Source: Transcript on Conference Call of Seeking Alpha (Read more direct on Seeking Alpha)

313 Postings, 6203 Tage p.huettlMöglichkeit in den deutschen Markt einzusteigen?

09.07.13 11:42

Bin jetzt schon seit ca. 3 Jahren sowohl in DCI als auch in Local corp. investiert. Was mir auffällt:

Beide versuchen im jeweiligen Heimatmarkt mit guten Technologischen Ansätzen und einem zu bildenden "Netzwerk" im Bereich Internetmarketing erfolgreich zu werden. Beides sind Firmen nahe am Turnaround und Smallcaps mit niedriger Marktbewertung.

Local ist stärker im Bereich Positionierung in Marketing und Netzwerk hat aber auch einige Patente in Sachen Internet-"Suchalgorythmen". DCI hat eine aussichtsreiche Technik entwickelt (ebenfalls Patente in US und Europa) um Firmen das Direktmarketing anzubieten. Local hat in Amerika einen relevanten Kundenstamm im mittelständischen Bereich und baut ebenfalls fleissig am Netzwerk.

Wären Local und DCI nicht die perfekten Joint-Venture Partner um in den jeweils anderen Markt einzusteigen?

Wäre schön, wenn ihr hier (Danke für Eure Diskussion in der Vergangenheit) das mal beleuchten würdet.

Ich empfehle zur Analyse von DCI den entsprechenden Thread in wallstreet online.

Herzliche Grüße,


P.S. Hab das ganze größtenteils auf W:O so geschrieben und hier copy-paste mit Anpassungen.

63772 Postings, 7379 Tage LibudaDas Problem aus Sicht von Local Corp

09.07.13 12:48
dürfte sein, dass die momentan nicht sehr viel riskieren können und die Konzentration sowie die finanziellen Mittel auf den Ausbau des Netzwerkes gelegt werden muss, der sich als Bereich mit hohen Margen herauskristallisiert hat und durch die vorhandenen Voraussetzungen auch kapitalschonend ausgebaut werden kann. Alles was viel Geld frisst, wie z.B der aufgegebene Aufbau des Vertirebs oder auch Investitionen in die Integration mit einem zweiten, kann sich Local Corp nicht leisten bzw. eine Finanzierung über die Erhöhung der Aktienzahl würde für die bisherigen Aktionäre den Kurs sehr stark verwässern - sodass sich das für die Altaktionäre nicht rechnet.  

63772 Postings, 7379 Tage LibudaBuy tickets = Verdienen durch Lead Generation

09.07.13 18:42

63772 Postings, 7379 Tage LibudaDie Argumente der Basher und die Realität

09.07.13 22:21

63772 Postings, 7379 Tage LibudaDaran kommt niemand vorbei

10.07.13 08:07
nicht einmal Libuda, um einen Uralt-Kalauer aufzunehmen:

"We expect to see additional revenue and earnings per share growth in the second quarter"

Since last conference call on May 9,2013 exist no other message and after nine days after the end of Q2 there will no big correction come and it is clear: Q2 will be better than the very positive Q1. Overlining was part of this speak:

"On our last call, I outlined 2Q objective this year. Expanding gross margins on our largest revenues stream, which is our O&O business and expand our network revenues, which is our largest gross margin. We executed well in the first quarter against both of those goals, which resulted in $0.07 per share swing in our bottom line, driving adjusted earnings per share from $0.04 loss in Q4 to $0.03 profit in Q1. We expect to see additional revenue and adjusted earnings per share growth in the second quarter."

Source: Transcript on Conference Call of Seeking Alpha (Read more direct on Seeking Alpha)

63772 Postings, 7379 Tage LibudaHuffington Post ist ein Minderheitenprogramm

10.07.13 22:18
Many if not most of us get our news from local papers, small- and medium-sized publications whose online stories probably aren't glamorous enough to be aggregated by the Huffington Post

Most of us don't live in New York City. Most of us live in much smaller towns like Milwaukee or St. Louis, or in the suburbs. And many if not most of us get our news from local papers, small- and medium-sized publications whose online stories probably aren't glamorous enough to be aggregated by the Huffington Post.
And while this may come as a shock to some media bigwigs, many of us out in the hinterlands are actually interested in local news.
Sure, we want to keep up with the war in Afghanistan and the fight over the budget deficit. But if I want to know how the public schools that my kids attend are doing, or find out if my property taxes are going up, or know whether the local zoning board approved a new mall on the edge of town, chances are I'll need to check my local paper for that.
And who's to say that people wanting such local news wouldn't be willing to fork over something for it, either by paying for access to the paper's website or by subscribing to the print version and getting free access to the website thrown in?


63772 Postings, 7379 Tage LibudaDer Video-Content von Local Corp ist exzellent

10.07.13 23:31
und an ihn lassen sich hervorragend diverse Formen der Online-Werbung anbinden.


63772 Postings, 7379 Tage LibudaDirectory of over 18 million local businesses

11.07.13 09:51
Directory of Local Corp's flagship-site has over 18 million local businesses

Our extensive flagshipsite directory of over 18 million local businesses – which can be filtered by locale, optimized for social media sharing and private labeled for you – gives you the power to generate additional revenue by selling new ad formats and premium listings while securing immediate passive ad revenue. Your website will rank higher and drive relevant traffic with our proven SEO strategies, custom content and deep shared links.

63772 Postings, 7379 Tage LibudaAbsurde Divergenzen (I)

11.07.13 12:37
Zillow has less than half Monthly Unique Visitors of Local Corp, but the 61-fold market cap of Local Corp

Local Corp (market-cap of 35 million) development of Unique Visitors:

11/2012: 18,745,842 Monthly Unique Visitors

12/2012: 22,738,206 Monthly Unique Visitors

01/2013: 26,410,927 Monthly Unique Visitors

02/2013: 24,017,605 Monthly Unique Visitors

03/2013: 24,427,755 Monthly Unique Visitors

04/2013: 23,785,928 Monthly Unique Visitors

05/2013: 27,804,187 Monthly Unique Visitors

Compare with the development of Zillow’s (2,120 million market-cap) Monthly Unique Visitors:

11/2012: 10,978,144 Monthly Unique Visitors

12/2012: 11,366,564 Monthly Unique Visitors

01/2013: 14,298,071 Monthly Unique Visitors

02/2013: 13,415,496 Monthly Unique Visitors

03/2013: 16,374,138 Monthly Unique Visitors

04/2013: 16,762,386 Monthly Unique Visitors

05/2013: 18,346,672 Monthly Unique Visitors

Local Corp has additional to the 27,804,187 Monthly Unique Visitors from the flagshipsite more than 12 million Monthly Unique Visitors from the network = together about 40 million Monthly Unique Visitors. The result: Local Corp more than double US-Monthly Unique Visitors than Zillow, but the market-cap of Zillow is with 2,120 million the 61-fold market-cap of the market-cap of Local Corp of only extreme idiotic low 35 million.

63772 Postings, 7379 Tage LibudaAnnounces Record Mobile Search Traffic

11.07.13 15:08

Local Corporation Announces Record Mobile Search Traffic

Press Release: Local Corporation – 1 hour 31 minutes ago.. .

Local Corporation (LOCM), a leading online local media company, today announced record mobile search traffic for the second quarter of 2013.

The company achieved mobile search traffic of 34 million monthly unique visitors (MUVs) during the second quarter 2013, up 79 percent from 19 million MUVs during the year ago period and up 6 percent from 32 million MUVs during the first quarter 2013.

“With 80 percent of local searches expected to be done via a mobile device by 20181, mobile continues to reshape the local search landscape. We believe our growth in mobile illustrates that we are well-equipped for this transformation,” said Heath Clarke, Local Corporation chairman and CEO. “We are uniquely positioned with five patents issued in the mobile advertising format known as pay-per-call/mobile lead generation. We expect these will become the leading ad products for monetizing local mobile searches. With advertisers committing increasing budgets to mobile, our record mobile traffic and intellectual property represent an opportunity to capitalize on this trend.”

According to BIA/Kelsey, U.S. local ad spending on mobile is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 49.3 percent, from $1.2 billion in 2012, to $9.1 billion in 2017.

63772 Postings, 7379 Tage LibudaEs muss nicht jeden Tag acht Cent nach oben gehen

11.07.13 16:15
wenn es bis zum Jahresende im Schnitt an jedem zweiten verbleibenden Börsentag der Fall ist, reicht das auch - dann wäre irgendwo zwischen sieben und acht Dollar und die Bewertung des Unternehmens läge erst so zwischen 185 und 190 Millionen. Das ist gerade einmal ein Umsatzmultiple von 2.  

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