Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. (LEH)

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Neuester Beitrag:28.01.25 14:39von: jacky6Leser gesamt:2.267.130
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Clubmitglied, 38547 Postings, 6254 Tage TerasBernanke, Paulson & Geithner zu Lehman:

06.11.14 04:19
Sep 29, 2014:  Drei Friseure 'mal wieder beim Frisieren derer Facten erwischt...

168 Postings, 4101 Tage jacky6hab zwar keine zeit um

06.11.14 11:47
links einzustellen. die müsst ihr selber raussuchen. jedenfalls ist in den letzten tagen einiges passiert. z.b ist jetzt gerichtlich entschieden worden dass sämtliche Claims ehem. Mitarbeiter ANSPRUCHSLOS sind, da sie als equity klassifiziert wurden. es geht hier um ca. 300 mio usd von 200 ex-employees. wichtige Entscheidungen stehen nun an. z.b. endet der POR am 6.12.14, das winding-down und liquididation am 6.3.15. der plan trust kann um 3 jahre Extended , also erweitert werden. derzeit findet ein grosser kampf zwischen den gläubigern und dem plan trust statt.  

Clubmitglied, 38547 Postings, 6254 Tage TerasDocket #46842 - Agenda of Matters:

07.11.14 00:12
NOV/06/2014:  Notice of Agenda of Matters Scheduled for the Seventy-Ninth Omnibus and Claims Hearing on November 7, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. filed by Robert J. Lemons on behalf of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. with hearing to be held on 11/7/2014 at 10:00 AM at Courtroom 623 (SCC) (Lemons, Robert).
Case: Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.
Related:  none.

Doument:  http://dm.epiq11.com/LBH/Document/GetDocument/2538145  

Clubmitglied, 38547 Postings, 6254 Tage TerasDocket #46843 - Adjournment of Hearing:

07.11.14 01:30
NOV/06/2014:  Notice of Adjournment of Hearing: Notice Of Adjournment Of Hearing With Respect To Certain Claims On The Four Hundredth And Four Hundred Twenty-Second Omnibus Objections To Claims (related document(s) [35787], [38050]) filed by Benjamin Rosenblum on behalf of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. with hearing to be held on 1/15/2015 at 10:00 AM at Courtroom 623 (SCC) (Rosenblum, Benjamin).
Case: Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.
Related:  35787, 38050.

Document:  http://dm.epiq11.com/LBH/Document/GetDocument/2538185  

Clubmitglied, 38547 Postings, 6254 Tage TerasDocket #46845 - Matters, Amended Agenda:

07.11.14 01:40
NOV/06/2014:  Notice of Agenda: Notice of Amended Agenda of Matters Scheduled for the Seventy-Ninth Omnibus and Claims Hearing on November 7, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. filed by Robert J. Lemons on behalf of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. with hearing to be held on 11/7/2014 at 10:00 AM at Courtroom 623 (SCC) (Lemons, Robert).
Case: Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.
Related:  none.

Document:  http://dm.epiq11.com/LBH/Document/GetDocument/2538214  

Clubmitglied, 38547 Postings, 6254 Tage TerasDocket #46852 - SUBPOENA issued:

07.11.14 23:50
NOV/07/2014:  Statement / Notice of Subpoena Issued Pursuant to Order Granting the Debtors Authority to Issue Subpoenas for the Production of Documents and Authorizing the Examination of Persons and Entities (related document(s)[5910]) filed by Jacqueline Marcus on behalf of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. (Marcus, Jacqueline).
Case: Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.
Related:  5910  ==>  "Docket #5910 - Subpoena AUTHORITY granted"

Document:  http://dm.epiq11.com/LBH/Document/GetDocument/2538476  

Clubmitglied, 38547 Postings, 6254 Tage TerasDocket #46853 - RSU-Claims AUFgewertet,

08.11.14 02:40
... indem sie nämlich, obwohl sie doch Restricted Stock Units (RSUs) betreffen, unseren Forderungen aus denen von uns noch gehaltenen Common Stock Units (CSUs) dennoch ganz eindeutig gleichgesetzt worden sind! - Schon vor etwas mehr als nunmehr 3 Jahren hatte ich diesen sich abzeichnenden Schritt sehr begrüßt, weil er uns den unwürdigen Klein-Krieg zwischen denen Interessen derer Lehman-Angestellten, die uns die Scheixe
ja mit angerührt haben, und denen auf ihr Können vertrauenden Klein-Anlegern Schluss-endlich beilegen würde:

NOV/07/2014:  Order Sustaining Omnibus Objections and Reclassifying Claims for Restricted Stock Units and Contingent Stock Awards signed on 11/7/2014 (White, Greg).
Case: Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.
Related:  none.

Document:  http://dm.epiq11.com/LBH/Document/GetDocument/2538503

Ab sofort gilt:  Ehemalige Lehman-Angestellte und Klein-Anleger der LEHMAN Brothers Holdings Inc. endlich gemeinsam gegen  ==> '20fache "Forderungs"-Einreicher'  und sonstige Gegner unseres gemeinsamen Anspruchs!

LG: Teras.  

Clubmitglied, 38547 Postings, 6254 Tage TerasDocket #46854 - Agreed Settlement approved:

08.11.14 03:50
NOV/07/2014:  Order for Approval of Settlement Agreement Among Putnam Structured Product Funding 2003-1 Ltd., Putnam Structured Product Funding 2003-1 LLC, U.S. Bank National Association, as Successor Trustee, Lehman Brothers Special Financing Inc., and Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. (Related Doc #[46364]) signed on 11/7/2014
(White, Greg).
Case: Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.
Related:  46364.

Document:  http://dm.epiq11.com/LBH/Document/GetDocument/2538501  

Clubmitglied, 38547 Postings, 6254 Tage TerasDocket #46855 - Supplemental Order granted:

08.11.14 04:00
11/07/2014:  Sixth Supplemental Order Granting One Hundred Seventeenth Omnibus Objection to Claims signed on 11/7/2014 (White, Greg).
Case: Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.
Related:  none.

Document:  http://dm.epiq11.com/LBH/Document/GetDocument/2538524

Betrifft offenbar die "Forderungen"
#460, #4618, #7258, #10365, #14399, #14400 und #32308...  

Clubmitglied, 38547 Postings, 6254 Tage TerasDocket #46856 - "Mediation" angemahnt:

08.11.14 04:15
NOV/07/2014:  Order Regarding Claims Number 37355 and Number 37356
signed on 11/7/2014 (White, Greg).
Case: Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.
Related:  none.

Document:  http://dm.epiq11.com/LBH/Document/GetDocument/2538504

Zündets Euch ein Stückchen Tobacco,
damit das Schlichtungs-Gespräch flotter vorangeht!

Sachen gibt's...  

Clubmitglied, 38547 Postings, 6254 Tage TerasDocket #46863 - Adjournment of Hearing:

11.11.14 04:35
NOV/10/2014:  Notice of Adjournment of Hearing filed by Bennette D. Kramer on behalf of LM Moore LP, MF Moore LP (formerly Moore Global Fixed Income Fund (Master) LP), Moore Capital Advisors, L.L.C., Moore Emerging Markets Funder (Master) LP, Moore Global Investments, LTD., Moore Macro Fund, L.P., Moore Macro Fund, LP, Moore Macro Markets Fund (Master), LP, SJL Moore, Ltd, Trade Process Corporation; with hearing to be held on 12/10/2014 (check with court for location) (Kramer, Bennette).
Case: Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.
Related:  none.

Document:  http://dm.epiq11.com/LBH/Document/GetDocument/2538856  

Clubmitglied, 38547 Postings, 6254 Tage TerasDocket #46868 - Affidavit of Service:

13.11.14 12:00
NOV/10/2014:  Affidavit of Service of Christina Siguenza of Epiq Bankruptcy Solutions, LLC (related document(s) [46785], [46789]) filed by Epiq Bankruptcy Solutions, LLC (Claims and Noticing Agent) (Garabato, Sid).
Case: Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.
Related:  46785, 46789.

Document:  http://dm.epiq11.com/LBH/Document/GetDocument/2538911

(Betrifft die 483. Omnibus Objection to Claims).  

Clubmitglied, 38547 Postings, 6254 Tage TerasDocket #46872 - Affidavit of Service:

13.11.14 12:10
NOV/10/2014:  Affidavit of Service of Carol Zhang of Epiq Bankruptcy Solutions, LLC (related document(s) [46814]) filed by Epiq Bankruptcy Solutions, LLC (Claims and Noticing Agent) (Garabato, Sid).
Case: Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.
Related:  46814.

Document:  http://dm.epiq11.com/LBH/Document/GetDocument/2538915

(Betrifft die 449. Omnibus Objection to Claims).  

Clubmitglied, 38547 Postings, 6254 Tage TerasDocket #46894 - Affidavit of Service:

13.11.14 12:20
NOV/11/2014:  Affidavit of Service of Christina Siguenza of Epiq Bankruptcy Solutions, LLC (related document(s) [46843]) filed by Epiq Bankruptcy Solutions, LLC (Claims and Noticing Agent) (Garabato, Sid).
Case: Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.
Related:  46843.

Document:  http://dm.epiq11.com/LBH/Document/GetDocument/2539111

(Betrifft die 400. und 426. Omnibus Objections to Claims).  

Clubmitglied, 38547 Postings, 6254 Tage TerasDocket #46913 - Affidavit of Service:

13.11.14 12:35
NOV/11/2014:  Affidavit of Service of Christina Siguenza of Epiq Bankruptcy Solutions, LLC (related document(s) [46852]) filed by Epiq Bankruptcy Solutions, LLC (Claims and Noticing Agent). (Garabato, Sid).
Case: Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.
Related:  46852.

Document:  http://dm.epiq11.com/LBH/Document/GetDocument/2539248

(Betrifft offenbar eine Subpoena).  

Clubmitglied, 38547 Postings, 6254 Tage TerasDocket #46914 - Withdrawal of Claim(s):

13.11.14 12:40
NOV/12/2014:  Withdrawal of Claim(s): filed on behalf of BNP Paribas (Suisse) SA regarding proof of claim no. 35899 filed by Epiq Bankruptcy Solutions, LLC
(Claims and Noticing Agent). (Baer, Herbert).
Case: Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.
Related:  none.

Document:  http://dm.epiq11.com/LBH/Document/GetDocument/2539492  

Clubmitglied, 38547 Postings, 6254 Tage TerasDocket #46918 - Notice of Hearing:

14.11.14 00:30
NOV/12/2014:  Notice of Hearing as to Certain Claims on the One Hundred Seventy-Third Omnibus Objection to Claims (No Liability Employee Claims) filed by Garrett A. Fail on behalf of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. with hearing to be held on 12/10/2014 at 10:00 AM at Courtroom 623 (SCC) (Fail, Garrett).
Case: Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.
Related:  none.

Document:  http://dm.epiq11.com/LBH/Document/GetDocument/2539550  

Clubmitglied, 38547 Postings, 6254 Tage TerasDocket #46919 - Withdrawal of Claim(s):

14.11.14 00:40
NOV/12/2014: Withdrawal of Claim(s): Number 12774 filed by Credit Suisse First Boston Mortgage Securities Corp, et al. filed by Epiq Bankruptcy Solutions, LLC
(Claims and Noticing Agent). (Garabato, Sid).
Case: Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.
Related:  none.

Document:  http://dm.epiq11.com/LBH/Document/GetDocument/2539548  

Clubmitglied, 38547 Postings, 6254 Tage TerasDocket #46943 - Affidavit of Service:

14.11.14 01:00
NOV/13/2014:  Affidavit of Service of Christina Siguenza of Epiq Bankruptcy Solutions, LLC (related document(s) [46853]) filed by Epiq Bankruptcy Solutions, LLC
Claims and Noticing Agent). (Garabato, Sid).
Case: Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.
Related:  46853...

Document:  http://dm.epiq11.com/LBH/Document/GetDocument/2539903  

Clubmitglied, 38547 Postings, 6254 Tage TerasDocket #46941 - Affidavit of Service:

14.11.14 01:20
NOV/13/2014:  Affidavit of Service of Cassandra Murray of Epiq Bankruptcy Solutions, LLC (related document(s) [46785]) filed by Epiq Bankruptcy Solutions, LLC
(Claims and Noticing Agent). (Garabato, Sid).
Case: Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.
Related:  46785.

Document:  http://dm.epiq11.com/LBH/Document/GetDocument/2539901

(Betrifft die 483. Omnibus Objection to Claims).  

45 Postings, 5102 Tage Joge25Depot

14.11.14 10:45
habe noch Lehman im Depot. Was soll / kann ich damit noch machen?
Wahrscheinlich nichtsmehr oder? Meine Bank wollte das ich eine Verzichtserklärung unterschriebe. Soll ich das machen?  

Clubmitglied, 38547 Postings, 6254 Tage TerasZu: "Soll ich das machen?" - NEIN..!

14.11.14 11:44
LG: Teras.  

45 Postings, 5102 Tage Joge25Grund?

14.11.14 18:48
Kannst Du mir noch bitte den Grund erläutern?
Ich hatte bislang noch nie solch eine Situation.
Was ich dazu vielleicht noch sagen muss, ich hatte die Aktien als Pennystock gekauft.  

22261 Postings, 5292 Tage The_HopeGrund

14.11.14 19:01
Du wirst wertlos ausgebucht, wenn Du da deinen Friedrich- Wilhelm

darunter setzt


Clubmitglied, 38547 Postings, 6254 Tage TerasDocket #46947 - Withdrawal of Claim(s):

14.11.14 23:40
NOV/14/2014:  Withdrawal of Claim(s): 67254 on behalf of Todaka Mining Co., Ltd,
filed by Epiq Bankruptcy Solutions, LLC (Claims and Noticing Agent). (Garabato, Sid).
Case: Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.
Related:  none.

Document:  http://dm.epiq11.com/LBH/Document/GetDocument/2540025

(A Total of $2,233,687.58 hereby withdrawn).  

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