Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. (LEH)
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"LEHMAN Brothers and the Royal Bank of Scotland have received $1.4 billion (£865 million) in interest and repayments on loans they gave Formula One owner, CVC Capital.
This outstrips F1’s profits.
In 2006, private equity firm CVC acquired F1’s rights-holding company SLEC Holdings. It was fuelled with $2.9 billion of debt provided by RBS, now largely State-owned and Lehman Brothers, the defunct US bank whose assets are now held by an affiliate.
Since CVC acquired F1, it has made $662.7 million in interest payments and repaid $762.3 million of its loans. In contrast, over the same period the sport is believed to have made a net profit of $1.2 billion.
Last year F1 paid $397.7 million in debt and interest leaving $2 billion of its loans outstanding. F1’s chief executive Bernie Ecclestone has said the debt will be clear by the end of 2014, paving the way for even greater returns.
F1’s accelerating fortunes have caught the eye of Rupert Murdoch and Italian investment fund Exor who are considering a possible joint bid."
Read more: http://www.express.co.uk/money/view/...-and-Lehman-Bros#ixzz1PhdHljq1
Etwas mehr als die HÄLFTE derer noch aufrecht erhaltenen Claims gegen LEHMAN sind nach meiner Schätzung mild bis heftig DERIVATER Natur.
Das Platzen der Derivaten-BLASE würde die Chance eröffnen, dass LEHMAN einen großen Teil derer gegen die Company gerichteten Forderungen schlicht und ergreifend auf- oder wegkaufen könnte.
War halt nur 'mal so ein Gedanke.
Der olle Teras.
Zeitpunkt: 20.06.11 16:12
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Regelverstoß - Threadfremde Aktie
Zeitpunkt: 20.06.11 16:12
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Regelverstoß - Threadfremde Aktie
Wie funktioniert das?
Gegen eine Gebühr leihen sich Spekulanten Aktien z.B. von Kreditinstituten und verkaufen diese.
Fällt nun der Kurs, kaufen sie die Wertpapiere ensprechend billiger wieder ein und geben die "Leihgabe" zurück.
In Frankfurt muß dieses Geschäft innerhalb von drei Tagen nach Verkauf abgewickelt werden.
Da in Deutschland das Verbot für ungedeckte Leerverkäufe Ende Januar 2010 aufgehoben wurde, ist diese Art von Geschäften hier wieder möglich.
Meines Wissens nach können Banken Aktien, die mit einem Verkaufslimit versehen wurden, nicht verleihen.
jeder investierte der ein höheres kursziel im auge hat - und welcher anleger hat das nicht - sollte so handeln. jedes andere handeln ist für mich bei lehmq nur mit unwissenheit oder lethargie zu begründen.
Danke für diese Ausführung, war mir so nicht bewusst.
Nix da, meine Aktien werden nicht verliehen oder sonstwas
....und dann noch von sonstwem...tztztz......gg.....
Somit wurden meine "Lehman-Sammlung" zu einem "günstigen" Aktienstückverkaufspreis hochgesetzt...ggggg......
Drücken wir uns die Daumen für ne Erfolgsstory......!!??!!??!!....ggg
Zeitpunkt: 20.06.11 14:27
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Werbung - für threadfremde Aktie
Zeitpunkt: 20.06.11 14:27
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Werbung - für threadfremde Aktie
Archstone building at 800 Sixth Avenue Barclays and the estate of Lehman Brothers Holdings are in a dispute over how to unwind real estate investment trust Archstone, a $22 billion investment made at the peak of the commercial real estate boom that contributed to Lehman's downfall.
According to the Wall Street Journal, Barclays is pushing to sell the company or its assets privately whereas Lehman favors a longer-term approach: taking the company public in what would be the largest real estate initial public offering ever. Meanwhile, Bank of America, the third and final partner, has yet to decide on a favored strategy. It has, however, voiced worry about how much value an IPO would create; Analysts predict between $4 billion and $6 billion in equity.
Archstone was made private in 2007, in a leveraged buyout led by Lehman, which now owns 47 percent of the company. Bank of America and Barclays, which provided more than $5 billion in financing and $4.8 billion in equity, own 28 percent and 25 percent, respectively.
Most analysts believe that Archstone is worth much less than the $22 billion Lehman paid. [WSJ]
Lehman Brothers shifts tactics, considers new Soho development
June 22, 2011 09:30AM
Old International Toy Center at 200 Fifth Avenue Having just leased the first 10 apartments at 25 Broad Street last month, Lehman Brothers Holdings lives on and is looking to make some profit from prime New York properties, and perhaps pay off some creditors, according to the New York Observer.
Set to update a bankruptcy court on plans next week, Lehman has apparently shifted its tactics. The firm is moving to sell its share of key Manhattan assets such as the old International Toy Center at 200 Fifth Avenue and 1107 Broadway, and quietly considering a new development at 235 West Broadway in Soho, the Observer reported.
The Toy Center, marketed by Eastdil Secured's Doug Harmon and Adam Spies, is valued at $750 million and last sold for $480 million in 2007. The eventual price for Lehman's 95 percent stake could set a "new benchmark for midtown south," according to Real Capital Analytics' Dan Fasulo.
Lehman hopes to liquidate its New York assets by September 2013, the Observer said.
Lehman has held off on selling assets en masse so far. While many financial firms held fire sales, it mostly waited for signs of recovery in the market. "Looking back on it, it was a smart thing to do because of pricing," said Bill Elder of RXR Realty.
Also, wenn ich an ein Investment nicht mehr glaube, verkaufe ich - auch mit Verlust. Die Entscheidung musst letztendlich immer DU treffen!
Habe immer gesagt "Sekt oder Selter" Wenn, dann wird mein Investment mit diesen Papier untergehen. Sooooviel, dass ich gleich arm bin hab ich hier auch nicht drin. Für mich isses wie Lotto!
U.S. Bankruptcy Judge James M. Peck today approved the accord, struck in April between the second-biggest U.S. bank and the trustee liquidating the remains of the brokerage, Lehman Brothers Inc.
JPMorgan was the main clearing bank for the Lehman brokerage, processing billions of dollars of transactions and lending it tens of billions of dollars daily, according to court filings. While some loans were secured by securities in the brokerage’s accounts, the bank didn’t have a valid lien on the $800 million in customer property that is being returned, according to filings.
“Customer property held by the LBI estate available for distribution will increase by more than $800 million,” the trustee, James Giddens, said in an e-mailed statement today. “This is a significant and positive result from two years of investigation and close cooperation with JPMorgan.”
Consenting to return the assets in April, the bank said the settlement would have “no material financial impact,” as most of the assets had already been set aside to satisfy potential claims by the trustee.
Separately, JPMorgan is seeking dismissal of an $8.6 billion lawsuit by the Lehman parent.
The brokerage bankruptcy case is Securities Investor Protection Corp. v. Lehman Brothers Inc., 08-01420, U.S. Bankruptcy Court, Southern District of New York (Manhattan).
To contact the reporter on this story: Linda Sandler in New York at lsandler@bloomberg.net.
To contact the editor responsible for this story: John Pickering at jpickering@bloomberg.net.