Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. (LEH)
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LEHMAN SUES JPM..just out !!
Lehman's Bankruptcy Estate Sues J.P. Morgan http://online.wsj.com/article/...7202.html?mod=WSJ_business_whatsNews
läuft er beim Anclicken leider auf FEHLER...
Ganz lieben Dank im voraus:
Der olle Teras.
By Mike Spector and Susanne Craig
Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.'s bankruptcy estate sued J.P. Morgan Chase &
Co. (JPM) Wednesday, alleging J.P. Morgan illegally siphoned billions of
dollars from Lehman in the days before the troubled investment bank filed the
largest bankruptcy in U.S. history.
The lawsuit alleges that J.P. Morgan Chief Executive Jamie Dimon and other
top executives used inside knowledge to take advantage of Lehman as its
financial state worsened. J.P. Morgan coerced Lehman to turn over $8.6 billion
in collateral in September 2008, triggering a liquidity squeeze that
contributed to Lehman's collapse, the suit said. The estate is hoping to recoup
billions in collateral the bank demanded, and other damages.
(This story and related background material will be available on The Wall
Street Journal Web site, WSJ.com.)
The lawsuit, long expected, contains among the most-significant allegations
to date about the interplay between Lehman and its one-time Wall Street
J.P. Morgan served as Lehman's main "clearing bank," meaning it acted as a
middleman between Lehman and its lenders and investors. In this capacity, it
knew more than most market players about Lehman's financial state, which was
growing more dire in the summer and fall of 2008.
The lawsuit alleges J.P. Morgan used this advantage to squeeze billions of
dollars out of Lehman by demanding more collateral to cover its risks, ensuring
J.P. Morgan "would stand ahead of all other [Lehman] creditors--not just for
its clearance exposure, but for all possible exposure that could result from [a
Lehman] bankruptcy."
Lehman bowed to J.P. Morgan's demands, fearing that if J.P. Morgan ceased its
clearing activities, it would have triggered the firm's immediate collapse, the
suit said.
A J.P. Morgan spokesman said the lawsuit "is ill-conceived and meritless, and
we will vigorously defend it."
J.P. Morgan's collateral calls amounted to coerced "fraudulent transfers"
related to agreements that should be undone, Lehman said. Lehman said J.P.
Morgan should return the $8.6 billion seized before the bank's collapse, along
with billions in damages.
"A century ago, John Pierpont Morgan used his position atop the world of
finance to shore up a teetering firm and rescue the nation from the brink of
financial collapse," the lawsuit said, referring to Morgan's efforts during the
financial panic of 1907. "A century later, when the nation faced another epic
financial crisis, Morgan's namesake firm stripped a faltering Lehman Brothers
of desperately needed cash."
J.P. Morgan emerged from the depths of the financial crisis relatively
unscathed, with Dimon boasting in 2008 that the bank logged "exceptional"
market share gains in a wide range of businesses after Lehman's collapse, the
legal complaint said.
Click here to go to Dow Jones NewsPlus, a web front page of today's most
important business and market news, analysis and commentary:
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use this link on the day this article is published and the following day.
BRIEF-Lehman sues JPMorgan - court
"May 26 [2010] (Reuters) - LEHMAN Brothers Holdings Inc:
* Sues JPMorgan Chase&Co - court filing
* Accuses JPMorgan of taking billions of dollars more than it needed from LEHMAN, and accelerating LEHMAN's freefall into bankruptcy by denying it opportunity for more orderly wind-down
* Says JPMorgan's actions cost LEHMAN estate tens of billions of dollars of value
* Sees $5 billion direct damages, as well as other damages from JPMorgan's misconduct"...
SOURCE / QUELLE dieses Ausschnitts:
Wow, das hätte ich so nicht erwartet.
JPM kommt nun endlich berechtigterweise von _allen_ Seiten Druck. Hoffen wir nur, dass die zuständigen Richter/Richterinnen endlich auch ein Einsehen haben und der politische Druck nicht so derart groß sein wird, dass sie nun endlich _Recht_ sprechen können.
Ich wünsche JPM alles schlechte dieser Welt :) Auf dass sie ihren Hampelverein nach der Zahlung aller Kosten dicht machen können :)
Na, denn: Prost Mahlzeit!
Abwartend: Teras.
LEHMAN Sues JPMorgan to Recover Billions of Dollars (Update2)
May 26, 2010, 6:55 PM EDT
(Updates with collateral payments in 10th paragraph.)
By Linda SANDLER and David McLAUGHLIN:
"May 26 [2010] (Bloomberg) -- Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. sued JPMorgan Chase & Co. to recover tens of billions of dollars in “lost value,” accusing the bank of precipitating its downfall and preventing it from winding down in an orderly fashion.
JPMorgan, which was Lehman’s main short-term lender before its September 2008 bankruptcy, helped cause the failure by demanding $8.6 billion of collateral as credit markets tightened during the financial crisis, Lehman said in a complaint filed today in U.S. Bankruptcy Court in New York.
“On the brink of LBHI’s bankruptcy, JPMorgan leveraged its life and death power as the brokerage firm’s primary clearing bank to force LBHI into a series of one-sided agreements and to siphon billions of dollars in critically needed assets,” Lehman said in the complaint.
Lehman, once the fourth-biggest investment bank, has said it may spend another five years selling assets to pay unsecured creditors as little as 14.7 cents on the dollar. Any money recovered through lawsuits may increase the payout.
“The lawsuit is ill conceived, and the costly litigation will cause a further drain on the limited resources available to the Lehman bankruptcy estate,” Joe Evangelisti, a JPMorgan spokesman, said.
The lawsuit follows a report by Lehman examiner Anton VALUKAS, who said in March that Lehman might have grounds for suing JPMorgan and other banks.
Lehman said JPMorgan’s top managers took advantage of privileged information they gained as Lehman’s primary clearing bank to “capitalize” on a Lehman bankruptcy"...
SOURCE / QUELLE dieses Auszugs:
WKN: 891041
Change %:12.00%
Kurs von 08:20:22
Date | Symbol |ShortVolume|TotalVolume|Market| %
2010-05-26| LEHKQ | 100 | 1.975 | O = 5,063
2010-05-26| LEHMQ | 492.302 | 893.479 | O = 55,098
2010-05-26| LEHNQ | 400 | 1.600 | O = 25,000
nochmal: "Allein in den vier Geschäftstagen vor dem Zusammenbruch von Lehman habe JPMorgan 8,6 Milliarden Dollar als Sicherheit abgezogen.JPMorgan habe Lehman finanziell die Pistole auf die Brust gesetzt, heißt es in der Klageschrift."
ex ceo fuld sagte nämlich dass es jp morgan war, die lehman wegen dem gezielten abzug von sicherheiten in die pleite gerissen haben. es geht hier nicht nur um die 8 mrd usd, es geht vor allem darum:
so siehts aus und nicht anders. bleibe long wie immer - unabhängig vom newsflow.
auf jedenfall wird es wieder spannend.
Das kann schnell höher stehen...
Ich erinnere mich an Tage bei Lehman, die so angefangen haben, bei denen am Ende des Tages die Aktie 100% im Plus stand...
Und wir können hier jetzt Vorteil ggü. den Amis nutzen (Stichwort Handelszeit).
Man soll den Tag nicht vor dem Abend loben ;)
Naja ist reine Spekulation, kann auch heute zum Shortsqueeze kommen...bei den Shortzahlen ;)