Die Vision Ballard Power(BLDP) : Auch wenn sie in den letzten Tagen 100% machten ....
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Eröffnet am: | 11.01.00 12:23 | von: Marius | Anzahl Beiträge: | 7 |
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Marius: Die Vision Ballard Power(BLDP) : Auch wenn sie in den letzten Tagen 100% machten ....
11.01.00 12:23
Die Changsen das es so kommt haben in den letzten Tagen enorm verbessert.
Bin selber seit Jahren Ballard Aktionär aber noch nie war ich so Optimistisch wie momentan.
Habe mal eine Gute Zusammenfassung aus Wallsteet Online Kopiert(der Autor möge mir verzeihen):
Mein Gott, welch eine Flut toller Nachrichten hat uns innerhalb weniger Tage über die BSZ im allgemeinen und natürlich Ballard im besonderen überrollt. Die Anleger haben es andeutungsweise gedankt!
Dennoch werden wir sicher noch in kürzester Zeit ein weiteres Highlight in Form des NECAR 5 sehen, der demnächst vorgestellt werden soll.
Ballard hat am vergangenen Wochenende seine neue BSZ vom Typ Mark 900 vorgestellt.
Im NECAR 4, dem bisher aktuellen Typ, ist noch das Vorgängermodell, Mark 700, eingebaut.
Gegenüber der Mark 700 bietet die Mark 900 erheblich mehr Leistung bei gleichzeitiger Reduzierung des Platzbedarfs um ca. 50 % und einer Gewichtsverminderung um ca. 30 %. Zudem gelang es, die Kosten ebenfalls deutlich zu senken.
Ballard wollte keine Aussagen darüber machen, wie hoch die Kosten für die neue Generation seiner Brennstoffzelle sein werden. Analysten gehen von einer Reduktion von 35.000 $ auf 3.500 $ aus! Das heißt, daß die Brennstoffzelle ab jetzt preislich mit herkömmlichen Verbrennungsmotoren konkurrieren kann. Bitte überlegt Euch, was das heißt, denn vor einigen Tagen hatten wir hier noch eine Diskussion über die von manchen noch angenommene Unerschwinglichkeit eines Brennstoffzellenfahrzeugs.
Somit läßt sich auch Ballards Auftrag zum Bau einer Serienfabrikationsanlage für die Mark 900 in 2 Jahren verstehen. Es sollen dort Zellen für eben mal mehr als 300.000 Fahrzeuge pro Jahr hergestellt werden.
Firoz Rasul`s Kommentar hierzu:
``We`re showing a state of technology that`s ready to go into production and that meets all the performance and cost requirements of automakers." Laßt diese Aussage mal auf Euch einwirken - mehr braucht im Moment dazu nicht gesagt zu werden.
Eine andere Meldung ist vielleicht etwas im Freudentaumel der letzten Tage untergegangen. Es handelt sich um eine Meldung der Japan Times vom letzten Wochenende. Der Artikel beschreibt, daß Japan künftig die Entwicklung der Brennstoffzelle zur mobilen und stationären Anwendung fördern wird. Man halte die BSZ für sauber, effizient und sicher. Es soll damit eine Alternative zur Atomernergie geschaffen und natürlich zugleich eine Reduzierung des Kohlendioxyd-Ausstoßes erreicht werden (entsprechend der Ziele des U.N.-Klimagipfels von 1997). Die Suche neuer Energiequellen spiele sich - so der Bericht - aber auch vor dem Hintergrund des Nuklearunfalls vom letzten Jahr ab, durch den ein Mensch getötet und viele Personen verstrahlt wurden. Hierdurch sei es, wie die Times weiter schreibt, "schwierig", den Plan, in Japan 20 neue Atomkraftwerke zu bauen, umzusetzen.
Wie für diesen Times-Artikel gemacht, passt auch hier die Pressemeldung Ballard`s, die besagt, daß man plane, in bereits 2 Jahren Generatoren für den häuslichen und betrieblichen Einsatz in Serie herzustellen und zu vermarkten.
Weiter oben habe ich geschrieben, daß viel Erdöl für immer dort bleibt, wo es am besten aufgehoben ist - im Schoße unseres Planeten. Ich möchte jetzt einen Schritt weiter gehen und behaupten, daß viele geplante Atomkraftwerke ebenso dort bleiben, wo sie hingehören - in den Zeichenschränken der Planungsbüros.
Eines steht fest: Es wird kommen, wie es kommen muß. Wir sind gezwungen, nach neuen Wegen der Energieversorgung zu suchen und wer meint, dies würde - aus welchen Gründen auch immer - auf die lange Bank geschoben, der irrt sich. Immer mehr Signale für die BSZ schalten auf Grün, und wer dies gerade nach dem jetzigen Wochenende mit seinen furiosen Meldungen nicht wahrhaben möchte, an dem fährt dieser Zug vorbei.
daemon: Re: Die Vision Ballard Power(BLDP) : benötige bitte mal die WKN Nummer, danke o.T.
11.01.00 12:31
Dixie: 890704-Heute gut Nachkaufgelegenheit! In USA gestern +24%. Die Deutschen hat heute
11.01.00 12:43
Dixie: Der Kurs erholt sich schon wieder. Die Deppen, die heute vormittag verkauft haben,
11.01.00 13:30
Wer etwas Zeit mitbringt wird Reich mit der Aktie.
Ballard unit in Tokyo Gas deal
(Full text of press release from BCE Emergis E-News)
Ballard, Tokyo Gas to Develop Fuel Processor for Residential Fuel Cell Generator
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--Ballard Power Systems announced today that its
subsidiary, Ballard Generation Systems, signed an agreement with Tokyo Gas, EBARA BALLARD, and Ebara Corporation to
develop a fuel processor for a one-kilowatt natural gas-fuelled fuel cell power generator targeted at the Japanese residential
market. "This agreement takes us into the second phase of our relationship with Tokyo Gas," said Ballard Generation Systems
President Jim Kirsch. "We intend to demonstrate a prototype before introducing a commercial product." The agreement
involves collaboration in the development of a fuel processor, which will be incorporated by EBARA BALLARD in a
one-kilowatt proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell power generator. The co-generation unit will provide electric power
for Japanese homes and apartments as well as heat for space heating and hot water. "Tokyo Gas is committed to finding
residential power solutions that will meet the needs of our customers while also reducing emissions of greenhouse gases," said
Yasuyuki Yamaguchi, Senior Managing Director of Tokyo Gas. "We see PEM fuel cell technology as the best new technology
to deliver clean, reliable and cost-effective onsite residential power generation to our customers." EBARA BALLARD,
EBARA Corporation, Ballard Generation Systems, and Tokyo Gas collaborated on market research and product specification
prior to signing the agreement. "Tokyo Gas has extensive expertise in natural gas fuel processing," said EBARA BALLARD
President Masakatsu Ohya. "Their expertise, combined with that of EBARA BALLARD and Ballard Generation Systems in
PEM fuel cell power generators and EBARA Corporation's manufacturing skill, will accelerate the development of a
commercial one-kilowatt residential power generator for Japan." "EBARA Corporation's broad knowledge and experience in
the development and manufacture of fluid and precision machinery as well as zero-emission technologies will allow us to
support EBARA BALLARD in this undertaking," said EBARA Senior Managing Director Yoshio Hirayama. "We are
confident that the result of this collaboration will be a power product that meets the needs of the Japanese public." Tokyo Gas
is the largest natural gas company in Japan both in terms of the number of customers - over 8.5 million in total - and gas sales
volume. Founded in 1885, its service area now covers 3,129 square kilometres in the heart of the Kanto region, Tokyo and
neighbouring prefectures, the largest and most densely populated region in Japan with a total of some 40 million people. Tokyo
Gas is conducting research and development in many areas including cost reduction, safety enhancement and efficient utilization
of natural gas, and fuel-processing technologies. EBARA BALLARD is a jointly held company of EBARA Corporation and
Ballard Generation Systems. Its mandate is to market and manufacture Ballard Generation Systems fuel cell power generators
incorporating the Ballard(R) fuel cell to customers in Japan. Ballard Generation Systems was formed to commercialize PEM
fuel cell power generators that use the Ballard fuel cell. In addition to Ballard Power Systems, its shareholders include GPU
International Inc. of New Jersey, ALSTOM SA of France, and Ebara Corporation of Japan. EBARA Corporation is globally
recognized as a major developer, manufacturer and distributor of fluid machinery and systems, precision machinery and
environmental engineering systems and as a leader in zero-emission energy technology. Ballard Power Systems is the world
leader in developing, manufacturing and marketing zero-emission PEM fuel cells for use in transportation, electricity generation
and portable power products. Ballard Power Systems' proprietary fuel cell technology is enabling automobile, electrical
equipment and portable power product manufacturers to develop environmentally clean products for sale. The fundamental
component of these end-user products is the Ballard fuel cell that combines hydrogen (which can be obtained from methanol,
natural gas or petroleum) and oxygen (from air) without combustion to generate electricity. Ballard is partnering with strong,
world-leading companies, including DaimlerChrysler, Ford, GPU International, ALSTOM and EBARA, to commercialize
Ballard fuel cells. Ballard has also supplied fuel cells to General Motors, Honda, Hyundai, Nissan, Volkswagen, Yamaha,
Cinergy and Matsushita Electric Works, among others. Ballard's Common shares are listed on The Toronto Stock Exchange
under the trading symbol "BLD" and on the Nasdaq National Market System under the symbol "BLDP". Ballard and the
Ballard logo are registered trademarks of
Ballard, Tokyo Gas to Develop Fuel Processor for
Residential Fuel Cell Generator
VANCOUVER, British Columbia--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Jan. 13, 2000-- Ballard Power
(Nasdaq:BLDP - news; TSE:BLD. - news) Ballard Power Systems announced today that its subsidiary, Ballard Generation
Systems, signed an agreement with Tokyo Gas, EBARA BALLARD, and EBARA Corporation to develop a fuel processor
for a one-kilowatt natural gas-fuelled fuel cell power generator targeted at the Japanese residential market.
``This agreement takes us into the second phase of our relationship with Tokyo Gas,'' said Ballard Generation Systems
President Jim Kirsch. ``We intend to demonstrate a prototype before introducing a commercial product.''
The agreement involves collaboration in the development of a fuel processor, which will be incorporated by EBARA
BALLARD in a one-kilowatt proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell power generator. The co-generation unit will provide
electric power for Japanese homes and apartments as well as heat for space heating and hot water.
``Tokyo Gas is committed to finding residential power solutions that will meet the needs of our customers while also reducing
emissions of greenhouse gases,'' said Yasuyuki Yamaguchi, Senior Managing Director of Tokyo Gas. ``We see PEM fuel cell
technology as the best new technology to deliver clean, reliable and cost-effective onsite residential power generation to our
EBARA BALLARD, EBARA Corporation, Ballard Generation Systems, and Tokyo Gas collaborated on market research
and product specification prior to signing the agreement.
``Tokyo Gas has extensive expertise in natural gas fuel processing,'' said EBARA BALLARD President Masakatsu Ohya.
``Their expertise, combined with that of EBARA BALLARD and Ballard Generation Systems in PEM fuel cell power
generators and EBARA Corporation's manufacturing skill, will accelerate the development of a commercial one-kilowatt
residential power generator for Japan.''
``EBARA Corporation's broad knowledge and experience in the development and manufacture of fluid and precision
machinery as well as zero-emission technologies will allow us to support EBARA BALLARD in this undertaking,'' said
EBARA Senior Managing Director Yoshio Hirayama. ``We are confident that the result of this collaboration will be a power
product that meets the needs of the Japanese public.''
Tokyo Gas is the largest natural gas company in Japan both in terms of the number of customers - over 8.5 million in total - and
gas sales volume. Founded in 1885, its service area now covers 3,129 square kilometres in the heart of the Kanto region,
Tokyo and neighbouring prefectures, the largest and most densely populated region in Japan with a total of some 40 million
people. Tokyo Gas is conducting research and development in many areas including cost reduction, safety enhancement and
efficient utilization of natural gas, and fuel-processing technologies.
EBARA BALLARD is a jointly held company of EBARA Corporation and Ballard Generation Systems. Its mandate is to
market and manufacture Ballard Generation Systems fuel cell power generators incorporating the Ballard® fuel cell to
customers in Japan.
Ballard Generation Systems was formed to commercialize PEM fuel cell power generators that use the Ballard fuel cell. In
addition to Ballard Power Systems, its shareholders include GPU International Inc. of New Jersey, ALSTOM SA of France,
and Ebara Corporation of Japan.
EBARA Corporation is globally recognized as a major developer, manufacturer and distributor of fluid machinery and systems,
precision machinery and environmental engineering systems and as a leader in zero-emission energy technology.
Ballard Power Systems is the world leader in developing, manufacturing and marketing zero-emission PEM fuel cells for use in
transportation, electricity generation and portable power products. Ballard Power Systems' proprietary fuel cell technology is
enabling automobile, electrical equipment and portable power product manufacturers to develop environmentally clean
products for sale. The fundamental component of these end-user products is the Ballard fuel cell that combines hydrogen
(which can be obtained from methanol, natural gas or petroleum) and oxygen (from air) without combustion to generate
electricity. Ballard is partnering with strong, world-leading companies, including DaimlerChrysler, Ford, GPU International,
ALSTOM and EBARA, to commercialize Ballard fuel cells. Ballard has also supplied fuel cells to General Motors, Honda,
Hyundai, Nissan, Volkswagen, Yamaha, Cinergy and Matsushita Electric Works, among others.
Ballard's Common shares are listed on The Toronto Stock Exchange under the trading symbol ``BLD'' and on the Nasdaq
National Market System under the symbol ``BLDP''. Ballard and the Ballard logo are registered trademarks of Ballard Power
Systems Inc.
Ballard, Coleman Powermate to Collaborate on Portable Fuel Cell Power Generators
VANCOUVER, British Columbia/BOCA RATON, Fla.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Jan. 16, 2000--Ballard Power Systems (TSE:BLD - news; Nasdaq:BLDP - news) and Coleman Powermate, Inc. a subsidiary of Sunbeam Corporation (NYSE:SOC - news), jointly announced today that they are collaborating on the development of portable and standby power products using Ballard® fuel cells. As part of the collaboration, Ballard and Coleman Powermate will produce 50 prototype units for initial product testing.
``As a leader in portable power products, Coleman Powermate has a substantial share of the portable power generation market in North America. Their expertise, combined with Ballard's leadership in fuel cells and fuel cell systems, will allow rapid development of products for this growing market,'' said Firoz Rasul, Ballard's Chairman and Chief Executive Officer.
Ballard and Coleman Powermate will work together to pursue market opportunities and develop co-branded fuel cell powered products for portable and standby power markets. It is intended that products developed as a result of the collaboration, as well as the required fuels, will be available to consumers through Coleman Powermate's network of retailers and distributors. Demand for these products is growing due, in part, to increasingly severe weather patterns and periods of intense demand on electric utility grids.
``Fuel cell technology is revolutionizing power generation in a number of areas. Our collaboration with Ballard, the fuel cell industry leader, confirms Coleman Powermate's commitment to providing our customers with the best alternatives in backup power,'' said Coleman Powermate President Steve Krawczyk.
Advantages of portable generators powered by Ballard fuel cells include clean, quiet and reliable operation. The architecture of Ballard's recently introduced Mark 900 fuel cell, which uses low-cost materials and can be manufactured in high volumes, will form the foundation for Ballard's portable fuel cell products as well as fuel cells for transportation and stationary applications.
Coleman Powermate is a North American market leader in portable electric generators and air compressors. The company has been manufacturing equipment in the heartland of the U.S.A. for over 35 years with facilities in Nebraska and Minnesota and corporate headquarters in Aurora, Illinois. Coleman Powermate is a subsidiary of Sunbeam Corporation, a leading consumer products company that designs, manufactures and markets, nationally and internationally, a diverse portfolio of consumer products under such world-class brands as Sunbeam®, Oster®, Grillmaster®, Coleman®, Mr. Coffee®, First Alert®, Powermate®, Health o meter®, Eastpak® and Campingaz®.
This release contains forward-looking statements reflecting Ballard Power Systems' current expectations as contemplated under the Safe Harbor provisions of the US Private Securities Litigation Reform Law of 1995. Investors are cautioned that all forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties, including, without limitation, product development delays, changing environmental regulations, the ability to attract and retain business partners, future levels of government funding, competition from other fuel cell manufacturers, competition from other advanced energy technologies, competition from existing energy technologies, evolving markets for electric power and transportation vehicles, and the ability to provide the capital required for product development, operations and marketing. Investors are encouraged to review the section Management Discussion and Analysis in Ballard's 1998 Annual Report titled ``Operating Results, Capital Requirements, and Risks'' (pages 30-34) for a complete discussion of factors that could affect Ballard's future performance.
Ballard Power Systems is the world leader in developing, manufacturing and marketing zero-emission proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cells for use in transportation, electricity generation and portable power products. Ballard Power Systems' proprietary fuel cell technology is enabling automobile, electrical equipment and portable power product manufacturers to develop environmentally clean products for sale. The fundamental component of these end-user products is the Ballard® fuel cell that combines hydrogen (which can be obtained from methanol, natural gas or petroleum) and oxygen (from air) without combustion to generate electricity. Ballard is partnering with strong, world-leading companies, including DaimlerChrysler, Ford, GPU International, ALSTOM and EBARA, to commercialize Ballard fuel cells. Ballard has also supplied fuel cells to General Motors, Honda, Hyundai, Nissan, Volkswagen, Yamaha, Cinergy and Matsushita Electric Works, among others.
Ballard's Common shares are listed on The Toronto Stock Exchange and on the Nasdaq National Market System. Ballard and the Ballard logo are registered trademarks of Ballard Power Systems Inc.
Ich denke die Perspektiven sind gleich.