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58 Postings, 3849 Tage apollon.tmc...

18.05.15 23:51
nicht nur + 11% sondern auch tolles Handelsvolumen in den USA ... ich glaub diese Woche geht's gen Norden und dann Ende Woche vermutlich erste Gewinnmitnahmen der Zocker.
Geduld ... long and strong ... hier geht noch was! Hoffe ich :-)

62 Postings, 3525 Tage Andi BarNatürlich

19.05.15 14:00
steigt sie jetzt....bin gestern raus....  

3664 Postings, 4568 Tage Monaco1Wie weit geht Sie noch runter?

11.06.15 17:51
Ist das der Boden?  

3664 Postings, 4568 Tage Monaco1Keiner mehr dabei?

19.06.15 10:21

58 Postings, 3849 Tage apollon.tmc... bin noch dabei

20.06.15 15:04
... aber was soll man hier posten - viele Informationen findet man momentan ja nicht im www.
Am meisten Infos findet man bei otc-markets wo die Pressemitteilungen des Unternehmens publiziert werden. Was ich da lese liest sich eigentlich immer recht positiv. Die homepage wurde überarbeitet, neue Leute fürs marketing, etc. - aber ich denke das liest hier eh jeder selbst.
Mich würd interessieren wieviel so ein Unternehmen wert ist wenn es Gewinne erzielt - momentan liegt die Marktkapitalisierung ja nur noch bei rund 40 Mio euro, oder ist das für so eine Bude immer noch viel???
Wie gross ist die Nachfrage nach cbd oil in den USA, wird das ein Renner oder sollten die nicht besser thc-oil produzieren? .... dafür gäbe es ne Nachfrage -:)
Naja, verkaufen werde ich mit Sicherheit nicht - ich verkaufe nicht mit Verlust ... entweder fahre ich das Geld komplett an die Wand oder ich habe irgendwann Gewinne. No risk no fun.
Allen Investierten und mir selbst drücke ich die Daumen.:-)

58 Postings, 3849 Tage apollon.tmcCannavest Chancen und Risiken

23.06.15 00:01
hier eine für mich recht zutreffende Analyse der Cannavest Aktie

"CANV is trading on the lows even after announcing a huge financing that will provide the company with expansion working capital.
CANV is not your typical "pot stock" in that it does real revenues, has real supply agreements in Europe, and apparently has real investors.
CANV is focused on a scale up of operations currently and has invested heavily into R&D - this could mean a near-term expansion of the product portfolio.
Fundamentals at CANV were never bad but clearly have shifted positive in light of recent events - consider CANV for a venture investment into the cannabis space.
CannaVest (OTCQB:CANV), trading just off the 52-week lows, is looking more and more like an excellent microcap play for those looking to enter the volatile but high potential cannabis space. While microcap investing does involve an elevated level of risk and a particular desire to act in a venture capacity it can be incredibly rewarding if you can identify inefficiencies or indiscriminate group selling within a sector.

I've been lucky enough to do this over the last few years with a few names but I've also missed big on a handful of names. Again, this market cap space is about taking targeted shots with measured risk. That said, I think CANV does offer an opening in light of some recent developments at the company.

For those unfamiliar:

"CannaVest Corp. develops, produces, markets and sells raw materials and end consumer products containing the hemp plant extract, Cannabidiol ("CBD"), to the nutraceutical, beauty care, pet care, specialty beverage and functional food sectors (SOURCE: seekingalpha.com)"

First, you should understand that I'm making the argument for a CANV consideration operating under the assumption that cannabis will continue to be legalized nationally and that cannabis derivative products like those sold by CANV will continue to achieve broader social acceptance. While this has already happened to a more than minimum level degree, CANV had ~$10.2 million in product sales in full year 2014, I expect a continued tailwind to be provided at cannabis derivatives are integrated into cultural norms. If I'm wrong on that, or if regulatory stances shift to being more closed off that could in turn press down on my thesis - that's a very real, very unpredictable risk that needs taken into account.

That said, CANV certainly isn't a "pot stock" as it has been grouped in and sold off as - you don't have $10 million plus full year revenues being a pot stock. CANV has real operations, real supply agreements with European suppliers, real distribution capacity, and apparently real investors.

CANV recently closed a $6.5 million financing with an institutional investor that will be provided in a series of tranches. The financing will be used for working capital as CANV looks to continue to scale up its operations. This financing along with liquidity already on the CANV balance sheet should go a long way into achieving company goals.

That's the other thing about CANV that's highly unusual for a microcap. CANV's balance sheet as of Q1/15 reporting looks solid. The company had, prior to the financing, $2.23 million in cash, $1.2 million in AR, $2.3 million in prepaid inventory, and $10.7 million in inventory. Of its total ~$23.4 million in assets only roughly $4.2 million was in Intangibles and Goodwill - such a light weighting is a rarity in the microcap space. CANV also only as Accounts Payable of ~$500,000 and no debt. Again, that's a great place to start.

Operationally, CANV reported ~$2.7 million in revenues for Q1/15 and would have reported an Adjusted EBITDA breakeven for the quarter if it had chosen to back out interest expense which is normally done. As it stands, CANV reported a negative Adjusted EBTIDA of ~$700,000 which is still near breakeven. That said the regression from positive GAAP operating income to negative GAAP operating income (and non-GAAP Adjusted EBTIDA for that matter) was entirely the result of increases to share based comp and a doubling of R&D - which should remain elevated due to an increase in the size of the R&D facility at CANV and the headcount addition in turn. CANV views its R&D, its existing product portfolio - which is expansive, and its history of innovation as significant competitive advantages and defense mechanisms. While the company intends to continue the level of R&D spend the total line item expense should see leverage as revenues scale higher.

It should also be noted that CANV just recently hired an industry veteran to bolster its natural products channel sales initiatives and recently refreshed its website to be more ecommerce friendly. With CANV products showing Y/Y growth in market penetration, as of early-April CANV reported its products being in 50 independent health food stores and 30 healthcare provider offices, I anticipate hearing reports of continued momentum as the year goes on.

Again, now with more working capital substantially more inventory on its balance sheet (roughly 400% increase Y/Y at Q1 reporting) I expect CANV to fill out its financials as the year progresses. CANV has slowly taken the steps needed to ensure as stable a scale up as possible. I don't anticipate CANV needing to execute another raise within the full year and I believe, depending on inventory turn speed, it may not need to raise outside of CAPEX for expansion ever again.

I think CANV is an option that should be considered by investors with a venture appetite looking for entry into what should be one of the fastest growing spaces over the next 5 years or so. This company has made significant fundamental improvements that I don't think should be ignored at today's pricing.

Good luck everybody.


CANV is a micro-cap with shares traded over the counter, where liquidity is often light, which is one of the reasons the stock is so cheap. You can buy the stock well below fair value, but that also means you may have a problem selling at fair value, or at all, in the future. Because of the illiquidity in CANV shares, you should only enter a position if you won't need the money in the near term.
Also, there is competition. The cannabis sector is competitive and while actual pure-play competition and competition at scale in CANV's space is limited there could be companies that enter that are better funded, have longer track records of operations, and/or are in what could be conceived as a better position to access the credit markets.
There is also execution risk. If management does try to significantly grow the business and increase market share organically by increasing expenses, the plan could suffer setbacks and the company could be forced to raise capital at inferior terms if it can raise capital at all. Simply because CANV is participating in a space with attractive historic economics and highly limited competition of scale this does not guarantee that CANV can or will have execution successes and/or will be able to raise funds in the future if necessary.
A final risk factor I'll mention is macro-sector commodity risk. CANV, while not being directly dependent on commodity pricing for revenues, is tethered to overall pricing in its space.
Editor's Note: This article covers one or more stocks trading at less than $1 per share and/or with less than a $100 million market cap. Please be aware of the risks associated with these stocks."

Quelle: seekingalpha.com , Autor: Dallas Salazar  

3664 Postings, 4568 Tage Monaco1Kennt nur eine Richtung

23.06.15 20:01

3664 Postings, 4568 Tage Monaco1Schaut wirklich übel aus

24.06.15 17:57

714 Postings, 3825 Tage chefchenUnd das ist erst der Anfang.....

24.06.15 20:05

965 Postings, 3880 Tage Kampfschwein300Wahnsinn!

24.06.15 20:10
Wollte bei ca. 2 Euro  einsteigen. Dachte damals das es ein guter preis wäre. Gott sei dank nicht gekauft.

Ich denke mal der einstellige Cent bereich wird kommen.


10203 Postings, 3682 Tage Ebi52Hype

25.06.15 14:56
bei Cannabis ist definitiv vorbei!
Hier wurde schon viel Geld verbrannt, rette sich wer kann!  

1783 Postings, 5308 Tage aktiengirlist hier noch jemand drin?

19.08.15 16:36

524 Postings, 3364 Tage Minstacha@aktiengirl

20.08.15 08:09
Hallo - ja manchmal schau ich bei Cannavest rein ob sich hier was tut... :-)  

30 Postings, 3652 Tage GoPro_

20.08.15 10:31
Bin auch noch drin. Ist meine größte Position im Depot.
Ich hoffe, dass der leichte seitliche Aufwärtstrend weiter anhält und dass es bald richtig hoch geht.  

1783 Postings, 5308 Tage aktiengirlich bin am überlegen ob ich noch mal

20.08.15 10:51
eine Position wagen soll. War mal vor ca. einem Jahr kurzfristig drin und beobachte seit dem.  

1783 Postings, 5308 Tage aktiengirldie letzten Zahlen vom 18.08.15:

20.08.15 10:55

524 Postings, 3364 Tage MinstachaMeiner Meinung nach ist

20.08.15 11:39
das Ergebnis trotz verlust noch nicht all zu schlecht (nmM). Die Umsätze wären in Ordnung aber die Kosten...

Bei mir ist Canavest auch Wertmässig die grösste Position (seit Januar 2015 mit einigen Nachkäufen). Ich glaube die Firma hat riesen Potential (nmM).
Ausserdem sind die sogar in Deutschland Ansässig (Düsseldorf - siehe Video).


Die haben also die "Fühler" für den Vertrieb Ihrer Produkte schon nach Europa ausgetreckt.

Hat vielleicht jemand einen Link wo man den vollständigen Bericht (mit allen Erläuterungen usw.) für das 2. Quartal 2015 sehen kann?


714 Postings, 3825 Tage chefchen#166 Danke dafür

20.08.15 11:42
die sehen ja nicht besonders rosig aus ;-(
Wollen wir mal hoffen das die sich für das zweite Halbjahr etwas mehr anstrengen damit sich der Kurs vielleicht Ende des Jahres wenigstens um die 5-10$ bewegt.  

524 Postings, 3364 Tage MinstachaErgänzung zu #167

20.08.15 14:01
natürlich nicht in Deutschland ansässig (Hauptsitz ist natürlich USA) sondern eine weitere Niederlassung als GmbH (in Düsseldorf) - sorry!



1783 Postings, 5308 Tage aktiengirlbin heute mit ner kleinen Position eingestiegen,

20.08.15 20:25
hoffe mal das war ne gute Idee ;-)  

1783 Postings, 5308 Tage aktiengirl@chefchen, 5-10 $ bis zum Jahresende?

21.08.15 14:44
hätte nichts dagegen, aber ist vielleicht etwas zu optimistisch?  

62 Postings, 3525 Tage Andi BarTräumt weiter,

25.08.15 14:13
eher 3  

1783 Postings, 5308 Tage aktiengirl@andi, ich fand´s ja auch zu optimistisch,

25.08.15 14:38
aber mit 3 wäre ich auch zufrieden. Immerhin mehr als 200% ab jetzt.  

714 Postings, 3825 Tage chefchenMit 3 wäre ich auch zufrieden aber ein bischen

25.08.15 20:52
träumen muß doch gewährt sein.....
allerdings wenn man sieht wo sie herkommt ;-(  

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