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Neuester Beitrag: 07.06.12 13:47
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4186 Postings, 4598 Tage carpe_diem# Event in Paris

12.04.12 16:26

Der CEO, Gary Economo, hatte gerade einen Vortrag in Paris, auf dem NR-Symposium:

du PASQUIER Natura l Res ources Symposium in Paris 


>> 2:30 – 3:00 : Focus Metals -Gary Economo, President/CEO 

>> Focus Metals
FMS.V/Graphite, Graphene/Focus Metals Inc. (TSX-V: FMS; OTCQX:
FCSMF) is an emerging, mid-tier graphite mining developer, a
technology solutions supplier and a business innovator. It owns
the highest-grade technology graphite resource in the world
(16%). Focus Metals’ management intends to assume a dominant,
industry leadership position by becoming the lowest cost
producer of technology-grade graphite and subsequently, a
global consolidator of technology graphite production through
international expansion, mergers and acquisitions. And, as a
technology-oriented enterprise with a view to building longterm,
sustainable shareholder value, Focus Metals is invested
in the development of graphene application patents through
Grafoid, Inc., a graphene development joint venture.
Representative : Gary Economo, President/CEO


4186 Postings, 4598 Tage carpe_diem@ Proactive investors - Neues WRITE-UP

12.04.12 16:31

Focus Metals Lac Knife property yields in-demand 46.1% large flake graphite


6206 Postings, 5110 Tage Italymasteran alle

12.04.12 18:11
wichtig - ich habe gekauft - ergo der kurs wird fallen !!  

6206 Postings, 5110 Tage Italymasterbzw

12.04.12 18:12
monate stagnieren....  

23671 Postings, 5292 Tage Balu4u@ #104

12.04.12 22:20

Dann muss ich noch kaufen, dann gehts wieder hoch

Nö, sieht doch gut aus!


2708 Postings, 4699 Tage VollzeittraderNeues aus dem Graphitsektor (TMR Index)

13.04.12 11:45

FMS: "Lac Knife in Quebec, Canada is being developed by Focus Metals Inc.  (TSX.V:FMS, OTXQX:FCSMF, F:FKC), which will soon change its name to  Focus Graphite Inc. It has a NI 43-101-compliant mineral-resource  estimate, with 0.64 Mt of the resource at the Measured level @ 15.6 wt%  CG, 4.3 Mt of the resource at the Indicated level @ 15.7% CG and 3.0 Mt  at the Inferred level @ 15.6 wt% CG (each at a cut-off grade of 5.0  wt%);"


2708 Postings, 4699 Tage VollzeittraderWieder so ne news, die sich vorbei schleicht ;D!

13.04.12 12:04

Focus Metals meldet Update von metallurgischen Tests bei Lac Knife

SGS: 46,1 % große Blättchen bestätigen die erstklassige hochgradige, hochkonzentrierte Graphitlagerstätte des Unternehmens


4186 Postings, 4598 Tage carpe_diemGute Summary!

13.04.12 15:30

Focus Metals issues an Update on Metallurgical Testing from the Lac Knife Graphite Property

Focus Metals Inc. (TSX VENTURE: FMS) presented the results from the  metallurgical testing performed by SGS Metallurgical Services for its Lac Knife graphite property in Quebec. The results have demonstrated the presence of a high percentage (46.1%) of large flake (+48 mesh to +100 mesh, whereby the highest grade, +48 mesh accounted for 16.6%) deposits and smaller, 39% presence of medium flake (+150 mesh to +200 mesh) deposits; the global recovery test rate was 85.9%. These are very promising results as they validate Focus Metals’ concentration of the very type of graphite that will see increasing demand for the manufacturing of graphene (the large flake variety) and Li-ion battery anodes. The Lac-knife results give Focus Metals a very strong position in the increasingly competitive graphite market. CEO, Gary Economo, noted that the Company will also be able to increase the recovery rate by using new purification and processing technology. Focus Metals’ shareholders will be especially pleased by the high percentage of the jumbo flake variety emerging from the tests as this is the rarest type of graphite and the one that can command the highest prices in the market given its strong demand in the high technology sector and the manufacturing of graphene. Indeed, the Lac Knife graphite property is the key to Focus Metals’ graphene ambitions.

The property represents the largest known source of highest grade, 16% graphite. The property is located near Fermont, Quebec, and it can boast reliable grid power generation and reliable infrastructure, including transportation links that make the property commercially viable. Focus Metals bought Lac Knife from IAMGOLD in 2010 and while the property attracted high tech suitors in the late 1990’s, the availability of cheap and abundant graphite from China in the past decade muffled demand. The emergence of a slew of high tech applications and Chinese market restrictions on graphite has renewed interest in Lac Knife.  

Focus Metals’ appeal is its concentration on the high demand varieties of graphite for the technology sector, including the next generation of li-ion batteries, which require higher contents of specific graphite types, such as the fine mesh variety that can be found at Lac Knife. In addition, through its 40% stake in Grafoid Inc., a graphene research company, Focus Metals is on the leading edge of graphene development, including the quest for a commercially viable method to produce scale quantities of graphene, which is finding an ever larger range of applications.    



4186 Postings, 4598 Tage carpe_diem# Ausblick wird besser und besser..

13.04.12 16:43

Investing in Graphite - Prices Up 250% Already

By Nick Hodge
Thursday, April 12th, 2012

Now is the time to take advantage of the graphite bull.

Prices for the mineral have surged 250% in the past few years thanks to a number of factors.

Here's what you need to know...

Investing in Graphite

For starters, graphite is kind of in a “rare earth” type situation because 70% of supply is controlled by China.

Industrialization in that country — as well as in India and other emerging markets — has led to increased demand for graphite in its traditional use as an additive to steel.

The 30% of supply that comes from outside of China is typically used in full by the country where it's mined..

There's only a handful operating graphite mines in the entire world.

So take a look at what all those various market factors have done to graphite prices in the last five years..



4186 Postings, 4598 Tage carpe_diem# Grafoid Präsentation, Brüssel

13.04.12 18:41

4186 Postings, 4598 Tage carpe_diem# 111

13.04.12 18:44

Toward Economically Scalable Affordable Graphene

• Collaboration is the key to the future
• We bring three important elements to collaboration: expertise; knowhow for tailoring graphene, and; developing successful application processes
• Product: the highest-quality graphite in the world
• Process: unique processes and chemistry 


4186 Postings, 4598 Tage carpe_diem# Graphit-Aktien: Neue Info-Seite

17.04.12 15:12

Investing in Graphite Stocks ~ World Market And Company Prices  



4186 Postings, 4598 Tage carpe_diemUpdate - Lac Knife Development Plan

17.04.12 15:17

Lac Knife - Development Plan

• Feasibility studies completed

• PEA completed May 2011

• Expansion drilling Summer 2012

• Targeting ~20,000 tonnes annual production (95%-­‐97%)

• ~3,000 tpa high purity (99.99%) graphite

• Simple graphite ore processing – Crushing, flotation, screening, drying, and bagging

• Pit limits extend to 125 metres depth – 6 metres average overburden thickness

Quelle: Aktuelle Unternehmenspäsentation, Link:


4186 Postings, 4598 Tage carpe_diem# FMS im aktuellen CMR

18.04.12 14:39

Tap Profits in the Growing Graphite Market: Simon Moores
Details  Published on Tuesday, 17 April 2012 10:00
Source: Brian Sylvester of The Critical Metals Report (4/17/12) 

Graphite is the Next Big Thing for resource investors, but as in any sector, due diligence is a prerequisite for success. Enter Simon Moores, graphite market specialist with Industrial Minerals in London. In this exclusive interview with The Critical Metals Report, he explains why graphite is "the perfect mineral," why we're still going to be talking about it years from now and which companies to watch in this emerging industry..




4186 Postings, 4598 Tage carpe_diem# Neues Interview mit Chris Berry

18.04.12 16:07

Ein neues Interview von Chris Berry über den Graphit-Sektor und die Rolle der Juniors

Getting Into Graphite: Why First-In Juniors Will Prosper

(Chris Berry Interview with IRJ)




9189 Postings, 4861 Tage ixurtwas ist denn nur los

18.04.12 23:17
nit dem Kurs... ?

Gestern kurze Verschnaufpause und minimale Erholung und heute dampft der Chart weiter proportional zum Gesamtmarkt ab...

hat einer eine Erklärung ?  

987 Postings, 5334 Tage paulplöndie blase geplatzt?

19.04.12 10:59
es ist schon erstaunlich wie dieser wert innerhalb von zwei wochen eingeknickt ist.
fast muß man annehmen das irgendetwas im sektor graphit werte nicht ordnungsgemäß läuft.
oder kann mir jemand diesen kursverlauf erklären  

2708 Postings, 4699 Tage VollzeittraderKleiner Lichtblick: Insider-buy gestern..

19.04.12 13:01

Ansonsten siehts im Graphitsektor z. Zt. echt düster aus =)!|+Focus+Metals


4186 Postings, 4598 Tage carpe_diem# Comments

20.04.12 14:50

.. bzgl. der jüngsten Graphene Conference in Brüssel:

Graphene 2012 Conference Posters Book




4186 Postings, 4598 Tage carpe_diemAbsolut lesenswert!

20.04.12 15:00

Auszug aus BTM's Graphit-Report, April 2012 - Link:

"Some of FMS flaws are about purity when compared to Bisset Creek at 96.1%C vs. 97.7%C. Recent results from metallurgical testing indicate FMs should be able to achieve 99% to 99.9% similar to Northern Graphite. That being said, Focus Metal’s Lac Knife is still ha a high purity when compared to most other graphite deposits and the grade at Lac Knife more than makes up for percentage point in difference in initial carbon purity results. In the end, both companies will mine at a profit at current graphite prices. Focus Metals will not net as a high price overall per tonne of graphite produced, but they will produce 6 times more graphite per tonne than Northern Graphite making it extremely high value inspite of naysayers opinions about Lac Knife Graphite. The big negative I hear is not enough jumbo distribution. I got news for you folks; the Lac knife grade for jumbo flake alone is 2.57%Cg. That is more than the overall grade at Bisset Creek. ." 


987 Postings, 5334 Tage paulplöngraphit hype ?

22.04.12 13:14
irgendwie wierde ich das gefühl nicht los,das um den bereich graphit,
zu viel euphorie publiziert wird.
--viele hersteller wie zb.sgl carbon verwenden viel künstlich hergestelltes graphit.
--viele batterie hersteller und möchtegern anwender, müssen noch sehr viel in forschung und technik stellen um irgendwann graphit in grosen mengen ein zusetzen.
ich lase mich aber gern vonm gegenteil überzeugen.  

2708 Postings, 4699 Tage VollzeittraderNeuer Artikel von seeking alpha:

22.04.12 19:13

4186 Postings, 4598 Tage carpe_diem# Vortrag von Dr. Gordon Chiu..

22.04.12 21:14

auf der Lithium-Battery Conference in North Corolina am Donnerstag - für jeden Investor u. Interessierten sehr zu empfehlen. Das sind teilweise enorm gute Info vom CS von Focus u. Co-Founder von Grafoid.

"Good morning.

My name is Dr. Gordon Chiu. I’m Chief Scientist for Focus Metals, the owner and developer of the Lac Knife, Quebec, high-grade, technology graphite deposit. I am also a co-founder of Grafoid and hold the title of Vice President.

Focus Metals, soon to become Focus Graphite, is developing its world-leading 16% grade graphite deposit. We anticipate production at Lac Knife will commence in late 2013.

Grafoid was formed last year because Focus Metals founders, President Gary Economo and Chairman Jeff York, had the vision and foresight to embrace and understand that downstream benefits from a technology driven enterprise could be built upon an upstream foundation.."

Link zum gesamten Vortrag:



2708 Postings, 4699 Tage VollzeittraderNeues von seeking alpha

24.04.12 13:36

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