GLCC hebt ab +335%
Seite 8 von 81 Neuester Beitrag: 25.04.21 01:05 | ||||
Eröffnet am: | 27.05.08 16:48 | von: karibik | Anzahl Beiträge: | 3.002 |
Neuester Beitrag: | 25.04.21 01:05 | von: Birgitcejua | Leser gesamt: | 233.345 |
Forum: | Hot-Stocks | Leser heute: | 104 | |
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This is in regards to the dividend and this is how it will work. This is from Minamar and they are trying to clear up a bit of confusion. Hope this helps Your GLCC dividend gives you the exact same rights as any now GLCC shareholder. Your just received GLCC dividends (the ones you just received from MONA for example) will entitle you to NEW GLCC dividends and anything else the GLCC company does and issues. Those shares you just received would be part of any dividend distribution in the future. Your dividend shares are equal and identical to current trading shares with the only difference being they cannot be traded until restriction is lifted. We are working on finding out how we can get GLCC to obtain and issue free trading shares for the new dividend proposed from the buyer. What is complicating the deal is that, for example the buyers stock is trading at 30cents but GLCC is basing the dividend at 10 cents so even if the price falls from 30c to 10c the shareholders are made whole. If it stays at 30c then you guys made off great. See the PR the company issued and the part about growth. That's what they are referring to. In other words your MONA dividend earned you GLCC dividend then GLCC earns you XXXX dividend etc etc No one is left behind meaning free trading or restricted shareholders. GLCC is planing on issuing dividends to attract long term shareholders / followers and to shake off day traders and flippers so pay dates and X dates will be important and announced soon, including the target company. Hope that helps but in the future if you guys are unsure just e mail us and ask or use the helpdesk Thanks
Good Life China (GLCC) Management Update For The Month Of May 2008
Tuesday June 3, 1:09 pm ET
BEIJING, China, June 3 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ - Pink Sheets: GLCC.PK, is pleased to announce the following update for the month of May 2008
- 26 new stores were launched in Beijing, the total transaction is
RMB6,078,700, income is RMB269,100, profit is RMB146,600.
- GLCC has commenced bringing stores of SJJJF online. So far 12 are
integrated the transaction is RMB216,000, distribution income is
- There are 5 convenient stores of the gas stations of Petro China
online, with transactions of RMB104,000.
- 50 new stores were successfully launched in Cangzhou, with the
transaction volume of RMB9,766,700, income is RMB451,000, profit is
- GLCC has also launched 29 new stores in Shijiazhuang, the transaction
volume in RMB 4,674,000, income is RMB220,600, profit is RMB 126,400.
All sums above are reported in Chinese Yuan and are converted to US dollars in the company financial statements filed with Pink Sheets.
About SJJJF: SJJ controls a powerful network of retail supermarket chains in the whole country of mainland China, with strong presence in Beijing and surrounding areas. At present, SJJ has 550 chain stores, including 24 direct stores and 426 franchised stores. The stores located in 15 districts, and counties of Beijing, currently control 83.33% market share of Beijing districts and counties. The joint agreement calls for Good Life to provide logistics distribution and information services to SJJ, on a revenue sharing basis.
GLCC continues to integrate additional SJJJF and Petro China locations to its network.
About Good Life China Corporation.
Good Life China Corporation operates a rapidly growing chain of franchised convenience stores based in Hebei Province, China. It employs advanced retail concepts such as e-commerce enabled POS/back office systems, and achieves significant economies of scale on the supply side of the business. It will be expanding geographically to neighboring Provinces, as well as offering a growing number of additional products and services, such as financial products, as it moves forward.
The Company's North American operations comprise a number of online sub prime financial services, including: the Money Lending; Forex Trading; and Advanced Electronic Funds Management.
Safe Harbor statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: Certain forward information contained in this release contains forward-looking statements that involve risk and uncertainties, including but not limited to, those relating to development and expansion activities, domestic and global conditions, and market competition.
Source: Good Life China Corporation
Also wie seht ihr das, steigt die Aktie wieder in nächster Zeit, oder hat sie sich von ihrem starken Anstieg noch nicht erholt?
Posted by: soyelpato Date: Tuesday, June 03, 2008 3:39:33 PM
In reply to: None Post # of 10022
my opinion on improving share value:
the below was sent to minamar earlier today. they responded to say that my comments would be forwarded to the company, whatever that means.
"To whom it may concern:
I have been following and establishing a long position of Good Life\'s securities in my portfolio. Related to matters of their share value, I feel that delisting from the Frankfurt exchange should happen without delay.
Frankfurt is as corrupt as any exchange on the planet, its mere mention is as bad as \"reverse split\" in many investors\' minds.
I strongly recommend you visit with other companies who have gone to Frankfurt only to be torpedoed by their unsavory practices.
Point notwithstanding, I wish to pass along my compliments to the Officers of Good Life. They share many characteristics, in my mind, with the great Sam Walton."
Das einzige was ich da raus lese ist, das alle Firmen die in Frankfurt an der Börse gehandelt wurden abgestürzt sind...
Oder irre ich mich da?
Meiner Meinung nach auf die Verbesserung der Aktien-Wert:
die unten gesendet wurde minamar heute. sie reagierten zu sagen, dass meine Kommentare wäre an der Gesellschaft, was auch immer das bedeutet.
"An wen kann sie betreffen:
Ich habe und zur Errichtung einer Long-Position von Good Life \ 's Wertpapieren in meinem Portfolio. Im Zusammenhang mit Fragen der Wert ihrer Aktien habe ich das Gefühl, dass das Delisting von der Frankfurter Börse sollte unverzüglich geschehen.
Frankfurt ist so korrupt, wie der Austausch auf dem Planeten, seine bloßen Nennung ist so schlecht, als \ "Reverse Split \" in vielen Investoren \ 'Geist.
Ich empfehle Ihnen besuchten mit anderen Unternehmen, haben nach Frankfurt nur zu torpediert durch ihre Praktiken widerwärtig.
Point ungeachtet möchte ich entlang mein Kompliment an den Offizieren des Good Life. Sie teilen viele Merkmale, in meinem Kopf, mit dem großen Sam Walton. "
Durch die PRs der Firma, durch Daytrader , durch Langfristeinsteiger und durch die Chartechnik.
Die Charttechnik besser gesagt der FAST Stochastic steht kurz vor einem KAufsignal welches morgen eventuell vollendet wird.
Die Indikatoren wie RSI und MACD liegen immer noch auf sehr niedrigem Nivau und bieten sehr sehr viel Luft nach oben.Leider war der Stochastic nach dem starken Anstieg auf sehr hohem Nivau und es folgte die Tage ne Kursabkühlung.Nun steht der Stoch wieder vor einem Kaufsignal.
Also ich rechne morgen mit steigenden Kursen und dann kann es wieder schnell gehen.
Alles nur meine Meinung und dient nicht als Kauf oder Verkaufsempfehlung.
Ich bin nun auch mit von der Partie ..LOL :)
Sieht gut aus hier Leute...50mill OS reduced..nachdem von 2.5bill auf 500mill reduziert wurde...hier geht was planmässig ab...
Letzte 3 Tage war shakeout !! IMO
Ihr seit nicht allein bin auch dabei.Erst mal an alle
die hier schreiben.Alles was ich gelesen habe ist gut geschrieben,
und Gott sei dank keine Spinner dabei.
Also ich denke es kann nach oben gehn.Und wenn nicht dann nicht.
Was haben die vor ?
Und was traut ihr der Aktie zu.
vergisst aber nicht... es sind immer hin nur die Penny`s, also Risiko gibt es hier immer!
uns allem viel Glück Heute und die Woche....
Das ist heut zutage nicht nur bei den Penny`s,hab das auch zum teil im DAX
Aber noch ne frage die wollen was verkaufen was soll das sein.