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1677 Postings, 7604 Tage drubert1Softhouse Website neu !

17.12.05 18:36
läuft jetzt auf der For-online 2.1 Plattform.
Sieht sehr professionell aus.


redi, wir hatten beide Recht, du mit den 2 Toren für Köln und ich mit den 3 für Arminia ;-)  

1677 Postings, 7604 Tage drubert1gmgame /

18.12.05 11:18

Diese Website wird von gmgame betrieben:
Online seit Oktober.
Siehe " 北京网际猎奇网络科技有限公司 = gmgame " in der Fußzeile

Dahinter steckt "孤帆网游工作室" mit 28 Angestellten und Firmensitz in Xian.
Sind die von Gmgame übernommen worden?
Oder Kooperation?
Die Telefonnummern liefern leider keine weiteren Ergebnisse.

Ich verstehe das Geschäftsmodell nicht. Die Übersetzung mit Altavista ist für mich unverständlich.

:-) drubert


1677 Postings, 7604 Tage drubert1gmgame, euncn, primetelecom jobs

18.12.05 13:00
Die aktuellen Stellenangebote, jeweils mit Übersetzung:

1) gmgame

2) primetelecom/euncn (d.h. primetelecom = 100% euncn = 100% gmgame ?)
Hat schon einmal jemand versucht mit "grace" bei euncn Kontakt aufzunehmen?


1677 Postings, 7604 Tage drubert1Ehrenwort, Mr. Forlink, diridari, ....

18.12.05 21:42
ihr habt eine Board Mail wegen unserem Münchener Forlink Treffen


1677 Postings, 7604 Tage drubert1softhouse

19.12.05 08:42
Infos zur neuen softhouse Seite von Tao.

Laut Tao ist die "softhouse Website Plattform" eigenständig und läuft nicht auf der For-online Plattform. Dahinter stecken bei Forlink zwei unterschiedliche Strategien.


1677 Postings, 7604 Tage drubert1Job offer overview 2005-12-19

19.12.05 20:26

1677 Postings, 7604 Tage drubert1wenn es doch nicht alles so schwer wäre ...

19.12.05 22:11

ich denke die haben so langsam die "Knoten gelöst" und die "Weichen gestellt" für 2006.

Das bisherige Geschäft erinnerte mich ein wenig an die Stromverkabelung in Puerto Montt (Chile): happy and smile










;-) drubert



1677 Postings, 7604 Tage drubert1diridari, ehrenwort, mr.forlink ihr habt eine BM o. T.

21.12.05 07:37

1677 Postings, 7604 Tage drubert1Neue Stellenangebote für Chengdu auf 54job

21.12.05 07:49
Auf 54job sucht Forlink für Chengdu gleich 30 (!!!) Shop employee (home consultant):

Anforderungen (Übersetzt mit Altavista):
The enthusiasm, the patience, are good at the customer linking up, has the retail sales profession, market sale examining first.

Starten die jetzt ganz groß mit dem "Online Shop" Geschäft?
Oder haben die die Dienstleistung an einen großen Kunden verkauft?

Diridari, vielleicht kannst du ja Tao mal wieder nach der Anzahl der Mitarbeiter fragen und gleich auch fragen, was Forlink mit den 30 shop employees vorhat?


268 Postings, 7494 Tage diridarizur Stelle drubert

21.12.05 09:32
hier 3 aussagen von frlk bezüglich jobsituation:

1)We are not in the online shopping business. We don't know why the website put an Ad that has nothing to do with our company.

2)We currently have about 300 employees.

3)Our HR department has informed us that new recruitment is mostly aimed at business expansions. For competitive reasons, they did not comment on the details of the recruitment.

zu1) ich glaube er schwindelt
zu 2) kennen wir ja schon
zu3) gefällt mir



1677 Postings, 7604 Tage drubert1Sehr schön diridari

21.12.05 09:58
zu 1) werden wir sehen, ob die Anzeige stehen bleibt oder sehr schnell wieder verschwindet.

Wenn er "schwindelt" hat er ja mit 3) den Grund dafür schon genannt.


1677 Postings, 7604 Tage drubert1Interessante neue "About" Seite bei Softhouse

21.12.05 22:43
Hört sich jedenfalls gut an:


In December 17, 2005, the software room carries on the new edition correction, the new edition software room has absorbed the Web2.0 essence, strengthened and the between 网民 exchange and the interaction, diligently makes the software room a Chinese biggest software exchange gateway website!


1677 Postings, 7604 Tage drubert1shop employee

23.12.05 08:45
Auf 54job sind die 30 Shop employee (home consultant) wieder verschwunden:

D.h. Tao's Aussage scheint zu stimmen.
Ist ja auch positiv.


808 Postings, 7406 Tage ariadneFrohe Weihnachten und nette Tage an alle. o. T.

24.12.05 00:45

1677 Postings, 7604 Tage drubert1Da kann man sich nur anschließen :-)

24.12.05 15:35
Ich wünsche euch allen Frohe Weihnachten und einen guten Rutsch ins Neue Jahr.


Ps.: Ich werde Silvester irgendwo zwischen Lima und Titicaca See weilen. Die von euch, die Neujahr um 6:00 Uhr Morgens noch munter sind, können dann mit mir nocheinmal aufs neue Jahr anstoßen  

1677 Postings, 7604 Tage drubert1Noch etwas von Tao...

26.12.05 16:11
bevor ich Morgen in den Flieger Richtung Südamerika steige.

"1 million visitors/day mark" hört sich wirklich gut an.
Der Daily traffic rank von Alexa ist ja leider nur "Relativ".

Dear xxx,

Softhouse and For-Online 2.1 are 2 different business lines, so it does not run on For-Online 2.1. Softhouse is very popular with people who are interested in Software. Its has exceeded 1 million visitors/day mark.

Best Regards.


Bis Januar

Wegen cnivr/gzesun kam keine Antwort: (=Softhouse Layout, last entry 30.11.2005) (=Ayuan Layout)
Is it a new for-online customer ?
Is it a new forlink website ?


1677 Postings, 7604 Tage drubert1Softwu

26.12.05 18:47

1179 Postings, 7729 Tage redineu bei Forlink

01.01.06 18:27

1179 Postings, 7729 Tage redineu bei Forlink!

01.01.06 18:30

jetzt aber ...

For-mail / For-online: oder  mit For-Online Format! auch mit For-Online Format!  die Liste scheint immer grösser zu werden od.   neu seit 09/2005


Jobs bei Forlink:  23.12.2005  08.12.2005



News von clc-ex nochmal bei Sohu:



1179 Postings, 7729 Tage

01.01.06 18:32

Center Chu Wuliu limited liability company ( = 165net)
Center Chu Wuliu the limited liability company is a specialized third party flows the company, is and center Chu Wuliu the on-line limited liability company invests tenable by the Chinese commodity storage and transport main corporation, the company host camp stores in a storehouse matches delivers, long-distance transport; The import and export cargo declaration, declares for examination, transports collectively, the country tube transports; Land transportation, marine transportation, aerial transport, many combined transports, air movement, air express mail service containerized traffic; Each kind of cargo storing in a storehouse with bonded service and so on; Information system service; The display demonstrated and so on international, domestic flows the service.
Center Chu Wuliu depends on the Chinese commodity storage and transport main corporation to be rich flows the resources, unceasingly develops own thing to flow the service network, formed take has stored in a storehouse as the backing, take the railroad, the road, the waterway, aviation many combined transports as the link, take the computer networking management as the method, take stored in a storehouse matches delivers, the proxy retails, the international freight transportation proxy and so on all-weather, omni-directional, the entire process service as the content multi-dimensional three-dimensional service system.
Center Chu Wuliu set up the subsidiary company in national each main city, has matched delivers the center and the office three levels of service organizations, the service network covers the nation

If is interested, asks the incoming letter to provide the expensive department the cooperation demand.
We wholeheartedly will provide the best synthesis for you to flow the service!

In Beijing Chu Wuliu limited liability company
Telephone: 010-68731710-217
Facsimile: 010-68425248


1179 Postings, 7729 Tage redi156net Kooperation (28.12.2005)?

01.01.06 18:43

The supply chain execution management system management system native place product participates in the competition 2005-12-28  originates from "Negotiable securities Times"

    Beijing wound the Czechoslovakia Stecko technique development limited company recently to bestow supply chain execution management system management system L - SCM in Beijing to the IBM sharing university research project, and Chu Wuliu the limited liability company signed a treaty the cooperation with Beijing in. The L - SCM work execution level including the order form management, stores in a storehouse the management, matches delivers the management, the transportation management, commercial settlement module and so on management, declaration goods generation of management, customer management, foundation management, 基础层 above planned the demand to forecast, the dispatch optimized, optimized level module and so on supply chain optimization. The expert believed, L - SCM in overseas flows the software system unceasingly to occupy the China market share under the big environment, L - SCM set up the domestic native place product and an overseas product competition flag.  


 Chu Wuliu the limited liability company ( =



1179 Postings, 7729 Tage rediZukunftsmarkt ssec-steel, cnsugar und clc-ex !

01.01.06 18:54

Global steel products futures market scanning  


Http:// issued clicks to  2005-10-28  

| 网友 402 time registers immediately the Chinese architecture industry network abundant guest!

On international like large amount cargo and so on the crude oil, soybean's, copper and aluminum all already had corresponding financial growing to guarantee the supply security, dodged the price risk, but the steel products took in the world was only inferior to the crude oil second big commodity variety, the price undulation is extremely fierce, actually the unusual corresponding futures market took 避险 the tool.

First, already went on the market steel products stock

1. Indian steel products prompt sale

In March, 2004, the India many kinds of commodity exchange (Multi Commodity Exchange, MCX) has promoted the global first steel products stock. The MCX steel products stock contract divides into two kinds: Steel dull stock and steel bar stock. The steel plate mainly uses in to make product and so on automobile outer covering, can; The steel bar then mainly uses in product the and so on machine tools manufacture.

India many kinds of commodity exchange steel products contract

The Indian year produces 32 million - 33 million tons steel products, mainly all is constructs the use, the bit and the automobile body and so on the special-purpose steel products then completely come from to import. The Indian steel products production 集中度 is extremely high, 3 - 4 major industries yearly produce 24 million tons steel products, but other small producers only produce the surplus 8 million tons. After the Indian independence, produces can rapidly expand, definitely may be self-sufficient regarding the domestic demand. In 2003 the steel products table view consumption quantity 28.9 million tons, in 14.84 million tons foundations doubled in 1991; The steel products output 32.85 million tons, comparatively in 2002 grow 7.2%. As a result of the domestic and foreign demands fast growth, the Indian domestic steel products price also preserved the strong rise momentum in the nearly several months.

The Indian government and in 1992 has separately cancelled the steel products profession special permission management and the government in 1991 to the steel products profession control. In 2003 the large-scale state-owned enterprise produces 32% thick steel and 43.5% steel products, other parts all come from to the private enterprise. The Indian domestic steel products demand mixes by the steel and iron industry department unification, the supplies gap by imports makes up. Except that the defense industry, the railroad, the industry machinery exportation, the small scale industrial enterprise and the northeast area and so on outside five key departments, the government no longer carries on the control to the profession, also abolished to the steel products price intervention mechanism to January 16, 1992, intends to the establishment by the price guidance demand market mechanism.

In import and export aspect, in order to limit excessively imports, protected the domestic enterprise, the Indian government not only enhanced the customs duty, has set up the higher technical trade barrier, moreover the steel products which imported to Russia and Ukraine levy instead dump the tax. India is the steel products net import country, in order to encourage the export, implements the raw material import tax-free preferential policy regarding the exportation enterprise. But European Union's and US already to the line steel which imported from India levies instead dumps the tax, European Union had also stipulated to the correlation article of importation the lowest selling price and adopted the trade protection method. The Indian steel products exportation fast growth already is resisted by very many developed countries, but India's exportation after changes other countries, still preserves the good momentum.

At present India is the global ninth big steel products producer, also is the ninth big steel products exports the country, therefore the international steel products price undulation can directly affect the correlation industry chain in enterprise's benefit, this in on is objective requests the correlation stock variety the existence to guide the correlation enterprise to dodge the price risk. India promotes the steel products stock the reason to lie in:

(1) the price margin of fluctuation is big.

(2) non- government regulation. The Indian domestic steel products market relieved the government regulation in 1990, the government the intervention mechanism also abolishes to the price along with it, in addition the government also reduced the consumer and producer's corresponding tax revenue.

(3) in the market has the massive middle and small scale private enterprises. The Indian 68% thick steel and 56.5% steel products are have the enterprise by Africa to produce. Along with the policy opening, more and more many private enterprises plan the participation to guide the price by the demand the market.

(4) and the international market relation is close. Since 1980, the South Asia steel products market output has grown by 4.7% years compound rates of increment, up to 2010 estimated the demand grows 43%. The Indian domestic demand and the export quantity also continuously assumed the rise tendency in the past several years. Because the India domestic production construction with the steel products primarily, or imports regarding the special steel products primarily, therefore and the international market relation is extremely close.

(5) quality standardization. The steel plate and the steel bar quality may through the international standard formulation.

But the MCX steel products prompt sale is certainly inactive, holds the warehouse quantity and the business volume is not all big, the price margin of fluctuation very is actually big. This mainly is because the Indian steel products expense relative are less, the enterprise wraps the time to guarantee the value the desire not to be strong, also the investor accepts the demand time to the new tool.

2. Japanese scrap steel prompt sale

Since 2001, already has become in the Japanese market as the electric stove main raw material scrap steel the price to undulate a bigger product, when the scrap steel market demand undulation surpasses ±5%, is extremely easy to cause the price undulation. Japan exported the scrap steel approximately 5 million tons every year, the price fierce undulation has initiated "the accurate prompt sale". Japanese Guandong scrap steel association and Guanxi scrap steel association each month first 10 days of the month all carries on the tender to the middle ten days to the H2 scrap steel, because is selected the reality to load a ship the exportation probably to pass through nearly month-long time, therefore all quarters regard this price with for the Japanese domestic forward price, the exportation price target is two associations' center price-marks. In the present actual transaction, started to Asia's scrap steel exportation price to display the prompt sale the function.

Japan is the international second big steel products production country and the first big steel products exports the country, exports the country mainly to concentrate in the Asian area, connects rails the degree with the international market to have to be higher than India by far. The world waste steel products price undulation is extremely fierce, this is disadvantageous to the Japanese economy, has enlarged the Japanese enterprise's risk, in order to further stabilizes the Japan domestic market scrap steel price, Japan after produces the measure which the province adopts is, develops the multi- varieties scrap steel the prompt sale, reduces the exportation price undulation risk. On October 11, 2005, the waste steel and iron stock contract second is officially big in business volume Japan and middle world seventh big Japan the commodity exchange (C - COM) goes on the market the transaction, this is the global first waste steel and iron stock contract.

Middle Japan the commodity exchange prepared to go on the market the scrap steel stock is in at first the last spring. "The hard regeneration resources circulation stability self-criticism committee" passed through through the being established to this variety has repeatedly proven. This March established "went on the market the board of study", after this committee agreement, also to the respective supervising and managing authority farming and forestry aquatic product province and after produced the province to propose the application, and saw Zhu Yuguan on April 20 the newspaper, entered male shows the period. At the same time, middle the commodity exchange also started to stock broker company transaction training, carries on the full preparation.

In Japan, the scrap steel year capacity approximately is 50 million tons, is many Japanese steel and iron production enterprise's main raw material. Before the scrap steel is the dependence imports satisfies the domestic demand, but exports from 1995 has surpassed the import. Recently exported above 6 million tons, but imported falls into below 100,000 tons, regarding resources quite deficient Japan said this was quite rare. But, said regarding the scrap steel circulation and using the enterprise, most troublesome question or price undulation. In 2001 1 ton price also about 7,000 Japanese Yen, but to in 2004 the autumn, the price rose to 27,000 Japanese Yen, the recent price refalls to 20,000 Japanese Yen about, the price margin of fluctuation is extremely big.

Said regarding the Japanese domestic steel and iron production enterprise and the circulation enterprise between, because stocks with goods and produces goods the time most quickly only to need several days, therefore generally is not unnecessary to carry on the wrap to guarantee. But, the question leaves is exporting. Collects in the harbor and loads a ship the general need two month-long time, if the scrap steel price has the undulation, the enterprise is very easy to sustain a loss. As for the steel and iron production enterprise, although the scrap steel price undulates every day, but an its product price month only then adjusts a time, between this in existence time not synchronized risk. If can use the scrap steel stock, guarantees using the futures market wrap may avoid these risks.

Japanese scrap steel contract standard

Middle this Japan the commodity exchange development waste steel and iron stock contract finalizes the standard is the steel and iron cuts after to expect A, in finalizes in the grade also to have the steel and iron to cut after side material compression A, the steel and iron cuts after on the one hand to expect B and the steel and iron cuts after on the other hand material compression B three grade. Finalizes the place to be possible by the bilateral litigants agreement, or as finalizes the place take the Tokyo bay in the wharf.

Japan therefore promotes the scrap steel stock but is not the steel products stock main reason lies in: Japanese steel products product level diverse, forms a steel products stock the unified standard to be very difficult, but scrap steel such supply raw material product level very few, the standard unifies is relatively easy, therefore promotes the scrap steel stock is Japan holds the fixed price power, dodges the price risk the best choice.

Second, is being arranged the steel products stock

1. London metal exchange

In the past three years, the London metal exchange (LME) continuously promoted the steel products stock contract in the preparation, and has set up the special steel products stock website. In April, 2003, LME carries on the market investigation and study had discovered three perhaps feasible contracts, namely the North America hot rolling volume (HRC), the European hot rolling volume and the Europe and Asia steel bar or the billet, HRC promotes the possibility is biggest. LME pointed out, if these three kind of latent steel stock contract all is allowed to promote, will act according to in the field the transaction and the synthesis transaction timetable, will carry on publicly shouts the price transaction. In the field in the transaction, each kind of metal transaction time respectively has 5 minutes specific transactions time, one day altogether carries on four times, on, afternoon each two. In comprehensive transaction, at the same time all metals transaction. The steel products stock contract also in LME in the Select electron transaction system the transaction, and will carry on outside 24 hours fields through the telephone the transaction. Contract month for each month as well as after continuously 12 months, but 13 - 24 months models of domestic virtue for press the season transaction.

On November 14, 2003, LME once prepared to build the steel and iron stock electron transaction platform, but the LME only then formal notice member exchange not yet prepared for full until November 24. On May 24, 2005, LME announced establishes the steel products stock research team, can to promote the steel products stock the feasibility and the necessity conducts the research, the concrete report will report in October, 2005 for the LME board of directors. LME chief executive officer Simon Heale comments regarding this, for many years, the steel and iron profession continuously will have needed to be able to dodge and to control the risk the tool, the exchange continues to try hard meets this needs.

Moreover, at the international steel and iron association 39th session of annual meeting which holds in the Seoul, South Korea, international steel and iron association Secretary General Ian Christmas stated, because steel and iron product quantity huge, the type is many, its complex degree surpassed LME has operated in the past each kind of different product, the London metal exchange as if already gave up establish the steel and iron futures market the endeavor. The fast growth raw material cost, the iron ore cost causes Ian Christmas to guess in particular that, the establishment (iron ore) the futures market reduces its price the determinism perhaps is not the more feasible solution, and possibly will become establishes the steel and iron futures market from now on the starting point. Now is precisely LME appears the steel products stock feasibility report the final time, lets us wait for.

2. New York commodity exchange

LME positively arranged the steel products, the North America futures market rapidly has also made the powerful response. In March, 2003, the New York commodity exchange (New York Mercantile Exchange) planned in 2004 soon promotes the steel and iron price index using Dow Jones to take the sign the design steel products stock.

New York commodity exchange vice- president Robert Levin pointed out in 2,004 steel and iron risks control strategy high level conference that, the steel and iron manufacturer, the service center, the Canadian industry and commerce and terminal expense business all regarding this extremely are interested, therefore the exchange believed the Dow Jones steel and iron price index finally will transform as the stock form has the necessity very much. The New York commodity exchange is the Dow Jones steel and iron price index consultation organization, says from the technology, the exchange all may promote the steel products stock as necessary, but promotes this variety to need the entire steel and iron profession the coordination, therefore the exchange decision timetable formulation more exhaustive, lets the profession full digestion.

But, until today, NYMEX has not still promoted the steel products stock, the main question lies in, although the present steel products price undulation quite is big, but 因钢 the product usually was directly sold to the customer or the middle business, the steel products consumer very difficultly when the steel price fierce undulation found the control risk the mechanism. Therefore the steel products industry chain enterprise does not appraise regarding this one, among, the steel products production merchant considered stemming from own benefit that, extremely conflicts to the steel products stock. American biggest 小型钢 producer's Vice-President Daniel R. DiMicco believed that, "we did not plan ours product commercialization, the steel products stock cannot enhance our profit margin, also cannot improve between us and the customer relations, therefore we do not need the steel products stock."

However, the steel products buyer and the analyst thought the steel products stock is extremely advantageous to enhances the steel products price the transparency and the reduction trade friction. American steel products senior analyst Charles Bradford pointed out that, the similar situation also once occurred in the aluminum stock recommendation, at that time 反对者 thought aluminum rank too many, existence too many questions, were not impossible to succeed, but the present LME aluminum stock movement is very good.

Third, our country steel products market vicissitude

1. Has existed steel products stock

In March, 1993, the Suzhou commodity exchange took the lead to promote has used of a - diameter 6.5mm line material prompt sale most widespread steel products. Afterwards, the Tianjin union futures exchange, the Shenyang commodity exchange, the Chongqing commodity exchange, the Shanghai building material exchange and the Beijing commodity exchange also one after another promotes this variety the stock contract. But because goes on the market the transaction time hastily, at that time the domestic time city development was not mature, causes the line material stock in the contract design as well as the management mechanism has the serious loophole, a market congenial atmosphere is thick. In March, 1994, stemming from the suppression congenial excessively consideration, the country suspended the steel products prompt sale.

2. Steel products forward transaction market development condition

In the recent two years, domestic appeared one after another with the prompt sale similar steel products electron transaction market, and appear in time ten diversities. Last April, the Shanghai electron market and the Anhui steel products center wholesale market established one after another. The steel products electron transaction took one kind of emerging transaction pattern, is business both sides signs the forward contract, stipulated some will carry on one transaction way for a while in the future which the physical commodity will hand over to, will belong to the forward transaction, by person image being called "accurate stock".

At present the Chinese steel and iron electron transaction market mainly has three, respectively is the Anhui steel products center wholesale market, on the Hayes 迪尔 electron transaction market and the Shanghai large amount steel and iron electron transaction center (= ssec!), carries on the forward steel products transaction. Statistics have indicated, in the scale biggest on Hayes 迪尔 electron transaction market, only a spiral steel variety, has the about more than 300 steel products trades business participation transaction, daily business volume approximately 50,000 - 80,000 tons. The so big transaction scale, its reason lies in multitudinously fords the steel enterprise blockage to set the price, the management risk has the intense demand.

(1) Anhui steel products center wholesale market

The Anhui steel products center wholesale market (ASEC) is located Anhui Province Hefei, is authorizes the establishment by the State Council and the provincial government the specialized steel products center wholesale market. This market take "the Chinese steel products market net" as the transaction platform, face the nation, organizes the steel products on-hand merchandise the network electron transaction, realizes on-line finalizes, the settlement, provides the steel products market information consultation, intermediary, the purchasing, sells goods for the state with charge d'affaires the storage and transport and so on the necessary service. Besides Hefei, this market in Shanghai, Tianjin, Wuhan, Guangzhou and so on the big city has constructed has assigns the warehouse, after the transaction business on-line deal, may nearby choose the delivery point, depends on the market approval to assign the warehouse bill of lading, then may on-line sell the steel products, maximum limit realizes the on-hand merchandise circulation.

(2) on Hayes 迪尔 electron transaction market

On the Hayes 迪尔 electron transaction market is in 2003 approves the establishment after the Shanghai industrial and commercial administration bureau the specialized steel products electron transaction market. The market passes "the Shanghai steel products net" this transaction platform, follows the related electronic transaction standard, provides the spot transaction, the information information, the thing for the steel products correlation enterprise 流配 delivers and so on the service.

(3) Shanghai large amount steel and iron electron transaction center

The Shanghai large amount steel and iron electron transaction center is established April, 2004, by the Zhejiang product metal group limited company, center Chu Wuliu the on-line limited liability company, the Ma'anshan steel and iron limited liability company, Pingsiang steel and iron limited liability company, China constructs enterprise and so on sixth construction bureau invests together sets up, unifies the steel products market the actual situation, promotes the forward contract, the special performance contract, the contract date gathers the same level many kinds of nimble transactions pattern to provide the renewal for the steel and iron correlation enterprise, to be simpler, the more effective cargo buying and selling circulation channel, speeds up the turnover of capital, enhances the transaction efficiency, reduces the correlation enterprise the cost of operation. At the same time, through the strict system design, enhances transaction all quarters the contract to honor an agreement to lead, to advance the steel products market credit system construction.

3. The domestic steel products stock is vivid

Our country is the world steel products first big expense country, but the domestic steel products supply goods the channel dispersible, circulation time longer, the price undulation is frequent, adds China at present to be in the economical high speed growth time, the capital construction scale correspondingly increases with the architectural engineering construction period cost risk inevitably can affect the capital construction enterprise's benefit. At present, signs the long-term steel and iron transaction contract is the large-scale iron and steel enterprise dodges the risk the important way.

The global economy gradually recovers, national and the local steel and iron demand and so on US, Japan, Taiwan is strong, the international steel and iron price assumes the top digit trend, the American steel and iron price even outdoes in the our country domestic price hundred US dollars. Starts the eve in particular in the this year new turn of iron ore international trade, the Japanese biggest steel and iron business new date iron suddenly issues the news, expressed and the Brazilian fresh water river valley company unilaterally reaches the agreement, both sides the iron ore price increase scope finally determination is 71.5%. Our country is compelled to accept 2005/2006 year iron ore price increase scope to achieve 71.5% historical days price. Fords the steel enterprise deficiently to dodge the price risk, the formulation price standard essential tool, positively arranges for this domestic futures exchange to go on the market the steel products stock.

Although domestic to goes on the market the steel products stock to have many worries, but the steel products stock should be the diligently direction, cannot because is imperfect does. In western developed country, because the steel and iron industry is centralized, the merchant direct link supplies goods to the expense business, the price decision-making power by the producer control, thus certainly does not have the oversized price undulation foundation, therefore until now also does not have the steel products stock to be published in the western developed country. But the our country steel products circulation channel relative disperser, the market price undulation is fierce, has dodges the risk the demand, has the massive trades business existence, the existence opens the stock the market foundation.


1179 Postings, 7729 Tage rediCEO Feng Gengzhong von 165net

01.01.06 19:09


"Because global Internet and electronic commerce hot, is various, the family background different thing flows the enterprise to emerge in abundance, comprehensively marches this ' the potential infinite ' the domain, the feudal lord establishes a separatist regime the aspect already initially formed. In the village many freight transportation companies, the transportation enterprise in saw the thing flows the market this huge profit space and the market prospect, between a night has gotten the banner in abundance which 脳脳 the thing flows." Center Chu Wuliu on-line limited liability company chief executive officer ( = CEO ) Feng Gengzhong expressed.


Feng Gengzhong


:-) redi




1677 Postings, 7604 Tage drubert1Alles Gute zum Neuen Jahr aus Peru

01.01.06 20:57
Bin gerade vom Rundflug ueber die Nasca Linien zurueck.
Das Hotelschwimmbecken ist auch nicht schlecht bei ueber 30 Grad im Schatten.


56 Postings, 7317 Tage Ehrenwort2006

03.01.06 12:10
Auch von mir die besten Wünsche für 2006 an alle Forlink'er. Irgendwie doch auch schön, dass wir nicht alle bei 30°C schwitzen müssen, oder?

Gruß, Ehrenwort  

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