Dyesol LTD, es geht weiter !
Seite 336 von 510 Neuester Beitrag: 25.04.21 02:20 | ||||
Eröffnet am: | 21.08.06 18:03 | von: Boersenharry | Anzahl Beiträge: | 13.742 |
Neuester Beitrag: | 25.04.21 02:20 | von: Gabrielexqpja | Leser gesamt: | 2.548.851 |
Forum: | Hot-Stocks | Leser heute: | 1.041 | |
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Seite: < 1 | ... | 334 | 335 | | 337 | 338 | ... 510 > |
Aber sicher: man weiß nie.
Ich denke mir nur, dass seit einiger Zeit sofort 30000er Pakete reingeworfen werden sobald der Kurs leicht ansteigt... kann mich natürlich irren.
Die Zukunft wirds zeigen
Das wäre dann allerdings ein Grund. Denn bei einem Kurs von 0,06 $ bekämen sie dann glatte 100.000.000 Aktien --- das wäre dann sicher ein riesiger Anreiz gewesen.
Es scheint fast so als ob Dyesol doch noch etwas in der Hosentasche hat?! Alles ziemlich aktuell.
Introduction to
... (automatisch gekürzt) ...
Zeitpunkt: 28.05.14 11:18
Aktion: Kürzung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Urheberrechtsverletzung, ggf. Link-Einfügen nutzen - Bitte nur kurz zitieren und Vollzitate vermeiden.
Original-Link: http://www.crcp.com.au/newsletters/...t-polymer-solar-cells
Nur zur Info bezüglich der Vorgangsweise - speziell für dich Pebbles:
3.4. WP 4 - Lifetime/Modules.
The work is organized into three tasks, dealing with device optimization for selected materials developed in WP1-3, fabrication of 10cm2 modules and testing of device stability under heat and light soaking conditions. We have undertaken some preliminary tests, light soaking (1 sun, ~55 °C), thermal stress test (85 °C / 5% RH), and at the end damp heat test (85 °C / 85 % RH). Initial results from lightsoaking indicated promising stability with only 5% relative loss of performance after ~3400 h.Unfortunately, initial results from thermal stress at 85 °C were less encouraging with efficiencies showing ~60% relative loss of performance after less than 300 h. The degradation mechanism is still not well understood at this point. Several actions are in progress in order toimprove the cell stability at high temperature (>80 °C). Our preliminary damp heat testing
showed mixed results. A combination of materials enabled us to obtain good results at
temperatures up to 75 °C without major degradation and loss of performance. However, the
same test performed at 85 °C permanently damage the cells due to sealing failure and other degradation mechanisms seen on the thermal stress long term testing. New encapsulation methods were used and enabled us to prevent cells from delaminating, and performance loss after testing was reduced (~15-20% loss). At high temperature (>70 °C), it is important to use Bynel® instead of Surlyn®, as Bynel® has a higher melting point, as well as to employ a higher boiling point solvent containing electrolyte (HBS). Experiments are now in progress to assess several combinations of sealing materials and encapsulation methods to overcome the delamination problem and further reduce performance loss at high temperature humidity. Once the degradation issues at the macro scale are overcome, it will enable us to fabricate robust DSC cells and focus on understanding the failure mechanisms at the molecular level.
As an additional work, a strong collaboration has been set-up within the EU-India joint
consortia involving DSL and CNR from the EU side and IICT from the India side, to investigate the to plan durability assessment of IICT’s Y1 dye, which is of commercial interest to Dyesol, and to simultaneously carry out modelling to understand the experimental results and facilitate future predictions of material and device characteristics. Y1 and Y2 dyes from IICT have been shipped to DSL and CNR has calculated the binding energies of these dyes against the Black Dye on TiO2. This topic will be the subject of an EU-India joint publication. In order to “improve temporal stability of 1cm2 cells by 15% over state of the art” according to standard test IEC 61646, we focused our work on the two main tests, i.e. light soaking (1 sun,~55°C) and damp heat test (85°C/85% RH), and several materials (dyes, electrolytes, seals…)were tested. All the results are obtained for standard 8.8x11 mm2 cells (0.88 cm2), which are the standard Dyesol test cells. These are small elements extracted directly from the geometries of larger tiles, so the results can be safely scaled to larger dimensions.Results from light soaking indicated good stability up to ~8000h, with only 8% relative loss of performance. A 19% performance drop after ~11000h was however also observed. We were able to get good results also at the damp heat test, with only a 5% loss of efficiency (at 1 sun) after ~1900h, using cells prepared with 18NR-AO TiO2 paste,TiCl4 OL, Z907 dye, Bynel® 80 μm and HBS-based electrolyte. An epoxy secondary sealing was also applied. Cells were further sealed in a metal-polymer pouch. Encouraging results were obtained for heat test (85°C, dry atmosphere) with an efficiency loss of only 3.2% after 1000h (at ⅓ sun) with the Z907 dye,Surlyn® 50 μm, HBS-2-BI electrolyte and epoxy secondary seal.
Our new device fabrication setup enables us to prepare robust cells that meet the requirements for the standard test IEC 61646. We have seen the positive effect of under and over-layer on cell performances and stability of the seals; we have optimised the epoxy secondary seal and started to investigate the use of a very promising metal/polymer pouch as tertiary seal. Stability assessment of the dyes synthesized in India was performed by considering N749-Y1(from IICT-Hyderabad) cocktails. These DSSCs show much higher efficiencies compared to N749 or Y1 alone (~+16%) and also show also a good stability after ~2000h of long-term light soaking test, with no loss of performance.
Additional stability data (albeit on smaller cells) were gathered for the new MC112 ruthenium dye, synthesized by IICT-India and reported in WP1, for which we got essentially no efficiency decrease after 1000h of long-term light soaking.
Produkte von Tasnee wie geschaffen für die DSC-Technik von Dyesol sind...stellt sich
halt die Frage, wann Dyesol mal einen Prototyp zu Stande bringt und das Problem mit der Korrosion löst....ansonsten könnte man auf fast allen Tasnee-Produkte Dyesol-DSC draufklatschen :-))
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Peng Qin , Sanghyun Paek , M. Ibrahim Dar , Norman Pellet , Jaejung Ko , Michael Grätzel , and Mohammad Khaja Nazeeruddin
J. Am. Chem. Soc., Just Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1021/ja503272q
Publication Date (Web): May 28, 2014
Copyright © 2014 American Chemical Society
A low band gap quinolizino acridine based molecule was designed and synthesized as new hole transporting material in organic-inorganic hybrid lead halide perovskite solar cells. The functionalized quinolizino acridine compound showed an effective hole mobility in the same range of the state-of-the-art spiro-MeOTAD and an appropriate oxidation potential of 5.23 eV vs. the vacuum level. The device based on this new hole transporting material achieved high power conversion efficiency of 12.8% under the illumination of 98.8 mW cm-2, which was better than the well-known spiro-MeOTAD under the same conditions. Besides, this molecule could work alone without any additives, thus making it to be a promising candidate for solid-state photovoltaic application.
"Mega NEWS KAUFEN denn hier steht eine TOP Chance bereit !
ISIN: AU000000DYE9
Symbol: D5I
ADE: DGAP-News: Dyesol Limited (deutsch)
Dyesol Limited: Meilensteinzahlung für flexible Solarmodule empfangen
Dyesol Limited / Sonstiges
Veröffentlichung einer Corporate News, übermittelt durch die DGAP - ein
Unternehmen der EquityStory AG.
Für den Inhalt der Mitteilung ist der Emittent / Herausgeber verantwortlich.
Dyesol freut sich bekannt geben zu dürfen, dass seine Tochterfirma STI vom
Verteidigungsministerium $275,000 erhalten hat. Dabei handelt es ich um
eine Zahlung für die Erfüllung des 6. Meilensteins in seinem Vertrag über
die Schaffung flexibler Tarnmodule aus Farbstoffsolarzellen.
Das Erreichen von Meilensteinzahlungen aus seinen Hauptverträgen bildet
eine wichtige Komponente in Dyesols Strategie für die wirtschaftliche
Nutzbarmachung seiner umfangreichen FSZ-Patente und seines Know-hows, die
das Unternehmen in Zusammenarbeit mit weltweit angesehenen Organisationen
Außerdem hat die Firma in Erfüllung eines am 19. Dezember 2007 fälligen
Zwischenmeilensteins, der Defence Science and Technology Organisation einen
Bericht vorgelegt, in dem das Design und die Produktion des kompletten
Elements aus zehn Modulen dargestellt wird. Damit ist der nächste Schritt
in Richtung Herstellung dieses erstaunlichen neuen Solarprodukts
abgeschlossen. Das STI-Design ist einzigartig darin, dass es praktisch
vollständige Tarnfähigkeit bietet und trotzdem noch zum Aufladen benötigten
Strom liefert.
Weitere Auskünfte erhalten Sie von Dr. Gavin Tulloch, Generaldirektor
Dyesol International, unter den Rufnummern +61 2 6299 1592 oder 0416 357
540, oder Viv Hardy bei Callidus PR unter Rufnummer +61 2 9282 4113 oder
0411 208 951.
14.12.2007 Finanznachrichten übermittelt durch die
2007-12-14 10:30:48
Hoffe sehr, dass wir so etwas bald sehen!
Hier ein schöner alter Beitrag:
sekko1982: Schlusskurs in Australien 17.04.08 08:40 #49
1,085 / +17.3% / Volumen:469,627
Hoffentlichen legen wir an der Frankfurter Börse ebenfalls zweistellig nach :)
Mal schauen, vielleicht wirds ja noch was mit der Dyesol-Story, das wäre der Hammer!
Also weiterhin Daumen drücken.
Doch diesmal sind wir dem Ziel aber näher ...
How to Power Buildings With Plant-Inspired Tech
Perovskite solar cell record efficiency 17.9%
29 05 2014
A new record efficiency of the perovskite solar cell has been published in the 2014 NREL chart, at 17.9% power conversion efficiency. This solar cell was made by researchers at KRICT Institute in Daejeon, South Korea, that appear in the picture below.
Seok’s group has been producing outstanding results on this field. Yesterday they published a paper in EES in which they present a 1.4 V solar cell. High voltage perovskite solar cells were demonstrated before by Gary Hodes, but the Korean group shows 6.7% efficiency, which makes this cell a rather competitive candidate for large voltage applications. Note that a single cell is close to the voltage of a standard AAA battery…
S. Ryu, J. H. Noh, N. J. Jeon, Y. C. Kim, W. S. Yang, J. W. Seo and S. I. Seok, Energy Environ. Sci., 2014, DOI:10.1039/C4EE00762J.
eine bessere Plattform hätte es derzeit für Dyesol gar nicht geben können, Caldwell gibt sich ziemlich selbstsicher, klar weiss er mehr als wir, ich erinnere nochmals an seine letzten Zukäufe, ich meine vielleicht steht ja wirklich bald was an??
schönes wochenende !
und pebbels, ich bin guter dinge ! da kommt was grosses auf uns zu !
Der Juni wäre ein feiner Monat für eine werthaltig/nachhaltige News.
Dann würde wohl allerlei Bewegung in die Liquidität der Aktie kommen.