Dragon Oil - Öl vom Kapsischen Meer
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Eröffnet am: | 25.03.04 14:10 | von: Strotz | Anzahl Beiträge: | 61 |
Neuester Beitrag: | 25.04.21 18:53 | von: Jessicarpwja | Leser gesamt: | 30.405 |
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Das Unternehmen sei ein profitabler Öl- und Gasproduzent, der vor allem in Turkmenistan aktiv sei. Dort genieße man größte politische Unterstützung. Mit 870 Millionen USD Cash sei die Gesellschaft hervorragend aufgestellt, um weitere Expansionspläne ohne weitere Kapitalmaßnahmen betreiben zu können. Im vergangenen Jahr habe der Konzern täglich 40.000 Barrel Öl gefördert. Bis 2012 werde die Tagesproduktion auf 100.000 Barrel gesteigert. Wegen der gewaltigen Reserven und Ressourcen von 1,2 Milliarden Barrel sei das Unternehmen auch ein attraktives Übernahmeziel. Die Aktie sei zuletzt von 577 GBp auf 147 GBp gefallen.
Nach Ansicht der Experten von "Emerging Markets Investor" ist die Dragon Oil-Aktie auf dem aktuellen Kursniveau ein glasklarer Kauf. (Ausgabe 05 vom 09.03.2009) (10.03.2009/ac/a/a)
The Board of Dragon Oil plc announces the proposed restructuring of the Company by means of a scheme of arrangement by putting in place a Bermuda-incorporated company as the new ultimate holding company of the Group. Pursuant to the Scheme, Dragon Oil Limited, the Bermuda-incorporated company, will become the new holding company of the Group. Upon implementation of the corporate restructuring, the existing Company shareholders will hold one share in Dragon Oil Limited for every share previously held by them in Dragon Oil plc.
If the corporate restructuring is approved and implemented, the Company shareholders will obtain the entire 100% interest in Dragon Oil Limited. Dragon Oil Limited will make an application for admission of its entire issued share capital to the Official List of the UK Listing Authority (as a primary listing) and of the Irish Stock Exchange (as a secondary listing) and to trading on to the main markets for listed securities of the London Stock Exchange and the Irish Stock Exchange.
The Board believes that the corporate restructuring is in the best interests of Dragon Oil and the Company shareholders, and is the next step in the development of Dragon Oil as an innovative international oil and gas development and production company.
The decision to proceed with the proposed corporate restructuring is the result of extensive consideration by the Board of the advantages and disadvantages of relocating the holding company of the Group to a more logical jurisdiction of incorporation. Following the disposal of its interest in an Irish-based associated company in 2002, Dragon Oil ceased to have any commercial connection with Ireland. Approximately 96% of the Company’s issued share capital is held outside Ireland and the Group’s principal asset is located in Turkmenistan with further working interests in assets in the Republic of Yemen. Dragon Oil plc has for several years convened its Annual General Meeting ("AGM") in London, England in order to accommodate the majority of its shareholders, and all meetings of the Board are held outside Ireland. The Group has been headquartered in Dubai since 1999 and its sole connection with Ireland has been to maintain a statutory registered office for the Company in Dublin.
The Board has given frequent consideration to choosing a more logical jurisdiction of incorporation for the Group’s holding company. Having taken advice, the Board has decided that the features of an appropriate jurisdiction are that it should be an English-speaking, internationally-focussed jurisdiction, which is reasonably similar to the Irish and UK corporate environment. Bermuda is the place of registration of Dragon Oil (Turkmenistan) Limited, the principal operating company of the Group. Bermuda is also a respected location for international business and has been chosen as the jurisdiction of incorporation for several international companies that are traded on the London Stock Exchange and on other leading stock exchanges around the world.
The Board believes that the proposed corporate restructuring will have minimal impact on shareholders, as Dragon Oil Limited will have legal, regulatory, capital, financial, listing and trading arrangements largely consistent with the existing arrangements in place with Dragon Oil plc. Dragon Oil Limited will continue to adhere to UK and Irish corporate governance standards, including the Combined Code on Corporate Governance issued by the Financial Reporting Council, and will incorporate shareholder pre-emption rights and provisions from the UK Takeover Code into its Bye Laws (equivalent to Articles of Association). The Group will continue to prepare its financial statements in accordance with EU-adopted International Financial Reporting Standards. The Board expects the costs of corporate restructuring not to be material.
Furthermore, the proposed restructuring will help streamline certain management and administration processes to create efficiencies and will also allow Dragon Oil to structure future new business ventures forming part of its diversification plans in a tax efficient manner, details of which will be provided in documentation to be posted to existing shareholders of the Company shortly.
The corporate restructuring is to be implemented by way of scheme of arrangement under Section 201 of the Irish Companies Acts 1963-2006 and need to be sanctioned by the High Court of Ireland (the "Court"). It will therefore be subject, amongst other things, to approval by the Company’s shareholders at an extraordinary general meeting, approval by the Company’s shareholders at a separate Court-convened meeting and sanction by the Court. It is currently envisaged that these two shareholder meetings will be held on the same day as the Company’s upcoming AGM. Dragon Oil kündigt Vorgeschlagenes Corporate Restructuring
Freitag, 27 März 2009
Latest Prices
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Dragon Oil 267.75p +3.18%
ISEQ Overall Index 2,622 +4.87%
Oil & Gas Producers 6,869 +0.25%
LONDON (SHARECAST) - Dragon Oil is stronger Tuesday after bumping up production by 19% during the first quarter.
Average daily production rate rose to 43,787 barrels of oil per day (bopd) during the first three months of 2009 from 36,784 bopd a year earlier.
Two wells currently being drilled by Rig 40 and the Iran Khazar rig are expected to come on stream next month. A total of eight wells are due to be completed this year.
Dragon sold 2.5 million barrels of crude oil in the first quarter, more than double the 1.2m sold during the same time last year.
It had cash reserves of $833m at the end of the period, less than the $876m reported for the end of 2008, with no debt.
Möglichweise bereite der russische Ölkonzern TNK-BP eine Übernahme von Zhaikmunai vor. Mit einem Cash-Polster von 833 Mio. USD, keinen Schulden und einem letztjährigen Nettogewinn von 369 Mio. USD würden die Experten Dragon Oil jedoch für wirtschaftlich wesentlich stärker halten. Auch mit einer täglichen Produktion von 43.000 Barrel und Reserven von 640 Mio. Barrel liege Dragon Oil vor Zhaikmunai. Ferner habe Dragon Oil für dieses Jahr eine Produktionssteigerung von 15% angekündigt, während Zhaikmunai eine Kürzung der Investitionsausgaben beabsichtige.
Dragon Oil werde aktuell von fünf Analystenhäusern gecovert, die ohne Ausnahme den Titel zum Kauf empfehlen und Kursziele von bis zu 8,08 USD ausgeben würden.
Die Experten von "Emerging Markets Investor" nehmen die Dragon Oil-Aktie umgehend in ihr Musterdepot auf. (Ausgabe 09 vom 04.05.2009) (04.05.2009/ac/a/a)
Bin leider vor ein paar Wochen zu 2,20 € ausgestiegen.
Nun kann der Ölpreis wieder steigen ;-)
Ich denke bei steigendem Ölpreis sehen wir Dragon vielleicht zweistellig Ende des Jahres !!!
833M $ Cash sprechen jawohl für sich....die Reserven riesig !!!!!
Anleger hätten mit der Aktie im laufenden Jahr schon einen Kursgewinn von über 100% eingefahren. Mittlerweile notiere die Aktie bei knapp 300 GBp. Für das erste Quartal habe das Unternehmen eine Ausweitung der Ölproduktion um 19% auf 43.787 Barrel pro Tag vermeldet. Zudem werde das vorhandene Potenzial bei den Gasvorkommen im kaspischen Meer immer ersichtlicher. Die Analysten von Davy würden davon ausgehen, dass der Konzern im laufenden Jahr ein Lieferabkommen unterzeichnen und 2012 mit der Gasproduktion beginnen werde.
Die Cash-Reserven zum Ende des ersten Quartals in Höhe von 833 Millionen USD würden bereits 40% der aktuellen Marktkapitalisierung abdecken. Auf Basis von konservativ geschätzten Gaspreisen von 125 USD je 1.000 Kubikmeter hätten die vorhandenen Gasreserven einen Wert von 68 GBp je Aktie und die Ölreserven bei einem Ölpreis von 50 USD je Barrel von 313 GBp. Nach Angaben der Experten hätte die Aktie zusammen selbst ohne die Cashreserven ein Potenzial bis 381 GBp. Bei einem Ölpreis von 85 USD würden die Öl-Assets der Gesellschaft bereits 563 GBp je Aktie wert sein. Zudem habe man innerhalb der Branche verstärkt ein Auge auf die Region Zentralasien geworfen, wo auch Dragon Oil tätig sei. Dies würden Gerüchte zeigen, wonach die russische TNK-Bank stark an einer Übernahme von Zhaikmunai interessiert sei.
Die Experten von "Hot Stocks Europe" empfehlen, bei der Aktie von Dragon Oil kein Stück aus der Hand zu geben. (Ausgabe 10 vom 18.05.2009) (19.05.2009/ac/a/a)
Analyse-Datum: 19.05.2009
Analyst: Hot Stocks Europe
Rating des Analysten:
Quelle:aktiencheck.de 19.05.2009 17:07
(the "Company" or together with its subsidiaries "Dragon Oil" or the "Group")
Statement regarding a preliminary approach
The Board of Dragon Oil plc, an international oil and gas exploration and production company, announces that it has received an approach in relation to a possible offer for the Company (the "Approach"). The Approach is of a preliminary nature and there can be no certainty that any offer will be made or as to the terms of any such offer, should one be forthcoming.
A further announcement will be made as appropriate.
Dragon Oil spricht von "Vorgesprächen" ( “talks of a preliminary nature”) ...
Man wird sehen.
Der Artikel aus der FT hier: