Die besten Edelmetallaktien fürs Depot

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1992 Postings, 6744 Tage DasMünzNST über 1 AUD

21.02.12 00:03

1992 Postings, 6744 Tage DasMünzAUN TH 1 CAD

22.02.12 22:23

1992 Postings, 6744 Tage DasMünzResource Estimate 3,67 Moz Gold + 16,4 Moz Silber

27.02.12 17:57

1992 Postings, 6744 Tage DasMünzIVR wieder massiv im plus +16,9%

29.02.12 19:41

OK . Silber kommt grad wieder ein bisschen runter

Dafür ist gestern GCU abgesackt  

1420 Postings, 5541 Tage madoldAbcourt Mines: 12 Month Target C$ 0.80

29.02.12 22:47
Abcourt Mines Inc. February 21, 2012
TSX Venture – ABI: C$ 0.14 ... 12 Month Target: C$ 0.80


8584 Postings, 8734 Tage RheumaxNavarre (ASX:NML)

01.03.12 10:57

schon lange auf der Watch.

Sind seit Jahresbeginn um ein Drittel zurückgekommen auf aktuell 0,24 AUD. Scheint mir ein interessanter Einstiegszeitpunkt(?). Ihre Homepage( www.navarre.com.au) sollten sie allerdings mal aktualisieren / in Ordnung bringen. Und mal wieder ein paar schöne Drills melden, bzw. die erste Resourcenkalkulation vorlegen.

Azimuth (ASX:AZH) läuft auch an einem roten Tag wie heut zu neuem ATH. Da ist es schon besser, sie nicht nur auf der Watch zu haben..  :-)


1992 Postings, 6744 Tage DasMünzRED5 produziert richtig günstig

01.03.12 17:56
Red 5 Provides Production and Cost Guidance for Siana Gold Mine

Red 5 advised that commissioning at the Siana gold mine continues, with the declaration of Plant Commercial Production (30 continuous days at an average of 60% of the interim ore throughput rate of 750,000 dry tonnes per annum) anticipated by the end of March 2012. Production and cost guidance has been reviewed with the following expectations:

4 months to 30 June 2012 - 18,000oz gold production at a cash cost of sub $450/oz;

and 12 months 2012/13 - 75,000oz gold production at a cash cost of sub $325/oz. These numbers are in general accordance with BFS estimates.


1992 Postings, 6744 Tage DasMünzIVR TH 0,42 AUD

01.03.12 18:11
Die warscheinlich wertvollste Silbermine Australiens, vermuten die Aussis.

PPDH 2: 11.6 metres at 3,847 grams per tonne silver from 63.5 metres
including 1 metre at 22,500 grams per tonne silver from 66 metres

über 20 kg Silber pro Tonne hat bisher nur Extorre Gold Mines geliefert, die haben über 700 Mio $ Markkapitalsierung

Falls jemand einen Silber Explorer kennt der über 20 kg Silber pro Tonne nach gewiesen, kann es sich ja melden.


1992 Postings, 6744 Tage DasMünzGDXJ schmiert ab in Richtung 24

05.03.12 23:25

8584 Postings, 8734 Tage RheumaxCanaco (TSX:CAN) wieder nachgekauft

07.03.12 12:57

Gestern runter auf 1,13 $. Waren in Stuttgart für 0,86 € (also pari) zu bekommen.

Für diesen Monat ist eine Resourcenkalkulation geplant. So wenig kann das gar nicht werden, dass für den Kurs nicht reichlich Potential nach oben vorhanden  ist. (Standen vor einem Jahr bei 6 $!)

Ein interessanter Artikel mit ähnlicher Einschätzung wurde von einem User in den Canaco-Thread gestellt:



1992 Postings, 6744 Tage DasMünzBei Golden Rim gab News, schaut euch mal LSA an

07.03.12 18:31


What a nice surprise !!

The "big hit" sample was sent to another lab for Multi-element analysis, checking for copper/iron using the more accurate Gravimetric method and the results came back significantly higher (to say the least)

Netiana returned a significantly higher intercept of :

57m at 40.6 g/t gold, including 8m at 244.8 g/t , using gravimetric assay

Thats is a HUGE intercept and i can't wait for the follow up drills around that zone.

Using this down market to get a few more.

hat echt Potential LSA


1992 Postings, 6744 Tage DasMünzPRO macht ein neues ATH

08.03.12 20:27

Pershimco Resources Announces Completion of C$30,000,000 Bought Deal Offering

Am Anfang sollten es nur C$20,000,000 werden- das erfreut den Markt


Cerro Quema soll auf Produktionskosten von nur 328 US$ kommen  

4186 Postings, 4757 Tage carpe_diemPRO

09.03.12 12:54

Pershimco weiter bärenstark in diesem Umfeld! Der stattliche Bought Deal, bei dem das Bankenkonsortium nun satte 30 Millionen shares abnehmen wird, ist wirklich eine Ansage. Mit dieser Stange Geld werden sie erst so richtig loslegen können. Die Unterstützung und das Vertrauen von Osisko spielen hier passend rein. 

Neue Präsentation ist zwar noch nicht online, die alte aber immer noch lesenswert: http://www.pershimco.ca/NouveauSite/pdf/presentation.pdf


4186 Postings, 4757 Tage carpe_diemPerformance TSX-Venture

09.03.12 12:55

4186 Postings, 4757 Tage carpe_diemPershimco Fahrplan 2012

09.03.12 13:27

4186 Postings, 4757 Tage carpe_diemCanaco Institutionen, # 236

09.03.12 13:30

Folgende Institutionen haben zuletzten ihren Anteil an Canaco aufgestockt:

  • London Life Mid Cap Canada
  • Great-West Life Mid Cap Canada (G) DSC
  • Altamira Precious & Strategic Metal

Quelle: http://quote.morningstar.ca/Quicktakes/owners/...AN&culture=en-CA


1992 Postings, 6744 Tage DasMünzLSA mit Kapitalerhöhung

12.03.12 20:59

1992 Postings, 6744 Tage DasMünzNES Intersects 173.5 Meters of 3.07 g/t Au

16.03.12 19:24

Newstrike Capital Intersects 173.5 Meters of 3.07 g/t Au at the Ana Paula Project, Including a 46.40 Meter Interval of 7.08 g/t Au
Newstrike Capital Intersects 173.5 Meters of 3.07 g/t Au at the Ana Paula Project, Including a 46.40 Meter Interval of 7.08 g/t Au

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - March 14, 2012) -


Newstrike Capital Inc. (TSX VENTURE:NES) ("Newstrike" or the "Company") is pleased to announce the results of the first series of holes completed in the 2012 drill program at the Company's 100%-owned Ana Paula Project, Guerrero Gold Belt (GGB). These drill results are from an exploration and delineation program begun in October of 2010 that continues to test a one by two kilometer exploration target area as defined by anomalous surface gold geochemistry and underlying geophysical anomalies. The results reported here include two drill holes from the ongoing delineation of the high grade Breccia Zone discovery located in the southeast quadrant of the target area, reports results from two holes located in the southwest quadrant that are part of program to follow up the new discovery announced with AP-11-67 (November 28th, 2011 press release), and reports on two drill holes located in the northeast quadrant that are from an ongoing step out drill program that continues to explore new targets.

Highlights from this series include:  

1992 Postings, 6744 Tage DasMünzIVR Update 22m @ 1,318g/t Ag

20.03.12 17:56

Further High Grade Silver Intersections at Paris
Drilling Report
Further High Grade Silver Intersections at Paris

Investigator Resources announced the receipt and assessment of the second batch of assays for the diamond and RC percussion drilling that commenced late last year at the Paris silver prospect. Significant intersections include: Line 7 - Northeast High-Grade Zone - 22m @ 1,318g/t Ag from 73m down vertical hole incl. 9m @ 2,799 g/t Ag from 75m; Line 7 - Western Upper Sheet - 6m @ 191 g/t Ag from 51m down 60o inclined hole; Line 7 - Western Deep Sheet - 3.4m @ 1,564 g/t Ag from 129.6m down inclined hole; Line 8 - Western Deep Sheet - 5m @ greater than 2,294 g/t Ag from 101m down inclined hole; and Line 9 - Western Deep Sheet - 16m @ 331 g/t Ag from 70m. The Company reported a geophysical survey utilising Induced Polarisation is underway at Paris to refine and extend drill targeting  

1992 Postings, 6744 Tage DasMünzKlein aber oho SAM.TO

21.03.12 17:59


Starcore Reports Second Quarter Earnings of $3.5 Million and $6.7 Million for the Six Months Ended January 31, 2012

Nur 55M CAD  echtes Schnäppchen

Resources+ Reserve ca. 180000 Oz. Gold


4186 Postings, 4757 Tage carpe_diemJunior-Index TSX-Venture weiter mit rel. Schwäche

22.03.12 18:10


Small resource stocks are approaching a critical area

3/22/2012 12:11:11 AM | Matt Badiali, Growth Stock Wire

But before we turn into raging bulls on the sector, we need to see this index turn away from its long-term moving average, away from its recent lows, and start working higher

One of the market's most volatile sectors is flashing a warning sign.

This sector is capable of incredible, hundreds-of-percent booms... and brutal, 75%-plus busts.

In February, this sector looked like it was in the early stages of a budding uptrend. Since then, the trend has rolled over... and the stocks that trade in this market are struggling.

The stocks I'm talking about trade in the "Dow Jones of small resource stocks," the Toronto Venture Exchange Index. The Venture is home to the "bloodhounds" of the resource industry: junior resource stocks. These tiny companies scour deserts, jungles, and any other place they believe could host a big deposit.

When junior mining stocks soar, they don't double or triple... they increase by thousands of percent.

That's no exaggeration. Companies like Kaminak Gold, ATAC Resources, and Mirasol Resources all rose over 1,000% from 2009 to 2011, thanks to major discoveries.

But this is the "Wild West" of the resource stock world. Junior explorers are the riskiest area of the market and are notoriously volatile. In January, for instance, I told you that buying junior miners was still a dangerous bet. But in February, things started to look bullish for the sector. 

Today, junior mining stocks are close to breaking back below their 120-day moving average (DMA)... a sign that the sector is struggling.  

As you can see in the chart above, Toronto's Venture Exchange Index peaked in late February... and has since fallen 100 points. The blue line is our 120-DMA. This simple technical indicator works by averaging, in this case, 120 days of closing prices.

By plotting this indicator, we filter out market volatility so we can gauge the general trend. When the market is trading above its 120-DMA, we consider it to be in a bull trend. When it trades below its 120-DMA, we consider it to be in a bear trend. Keep in mind: there's nothing "magic" about this indicator... it simply gives us a rough idea of which way the "trend wind" is blowing.

While I believe the Venture has found a bottom... and while I'm finding some good values in the sector... we can't be 100% certain what will happen here. If you own some small resource stocks, keep holding. But before we turn into raging bulls on the sector, we need to see this index turn away from its long-term moving average, away from its recent lows, and start working higher.

Quelle: http://www.stockhouse.com/Columnists/2012/Mar/22/...hing-a-critical-a


4186 Postings, 4757 Tage carpe_diemMonthly Gold Valuation

25.03.12 17:03

If junior golds are an indicator of market risk or state of the smaller stocks – It isn’t pretty !! : Stockhouse Ticker Trax

Update to Our Monthly Gold Valuation Tables shows valuations moving back to December lows.

Stockhouse Ticker Trax is equity specific research (Canadian listed and market cap < $300 million) published every Monday to paid subscribers. Our free Friday column may feature companies previously featured to paid subscribers (with a minimum one month delay) or discuss topics of interest to the general investment community and relevant to overall portfolio management..




4186 Postings, 4757 Tage carpe_diemAnhaltende Schwäche bei Minenaktien

25.03.12 17:16

HUI - deeply oversold and nearing support

The mining shares have been absolutely obliterated over the course of the last couple of months as their longsuffering owners can all too sadly attest..



Five days of metals and miners: March 24th




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