Neue Novavax: Anstieg nach 1:20 Re-Split

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Neuester Beitrag: 10.06.24 19:00
Eröffnet am:15.05.19 08:23von: moneywork4.Anzahl Beiträge:9.84
Neuester Beitrag:10.06.24 19:00von: Unicorn71Leser gesamt:2.143.626
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1068 Postings, 1271 Tage scooper666vs. OCU

11.06.21 08:39
Der Kurs ist meiner Meinung nach primär wegen Ocugen abgesagt. Auch wenn man beide schwer vergleichen kann. Am Ende gings gut wieder in die alte Richtung.  

2309 Postings, 2046 Tage BananiHatte überhaupt

11.06.21 13:05
nichts mit Ocugen zu tun.
Der komplette Markt (Biosektor) ist abgesackt und hat sich wieder erholt. Der Vergleich Novavax mit Ocugen ist sowieso ein schlechter Scherz. Nur meine Meinung.


2309 Postings, 2046 Tage BananiNews

11.06.21 22:16
Novavax Announces Positive Data from Three Complementary Studies of COVID-19 Beta (B.1.351) Variant Strain Vaccine

- Recombinant spike protein antigen (rS-B.1.351) based on the Beta (B.1.351) virus lineage highly immunogenic in mice and produced neutralizing antibodies
- Primates boosted with rS-B.1.351 induced strong neutralizing immune response to original SARS-CoV-2, Alpha (B.1.1.7) and Beta (B.1.351) variant strains
- Humans immunized with NVX-CoV2373 demonstrated robust antibody responses to original SARS-CoV-2, as well as Alpha (B.1.1.7) and Beta (B.1.351) variant strains
- Data available ahead of publication via preprint server, bioRxiv

…. This work demonstrates that variant vaccines that protect against these newly emerging variants have the potential to be highly effective and may produce broader protection against variants we know of and those that will arise in the future. Clinical trials will provide further evidence on the effectiveness of variant vaccines."  


2309 Postings, 2046 Tage BananiOff-topic

11.06.21 22:49
Italy halts AstraZeneca vaccine for under-60s



2309 Postings, 2046 Tage BananiOff-topic die Zweite:

12.06.21 08:36
FDA Forces Johnson & Johnson To Throw Out 60 Million Doses Of Covid-19 Vaccine

…Johnson & Johnson must destroy 60 million doses of its Covid-19 vaccine because they may be contaminated, according to a New York Times report, while millions of its unused doses were given extra shelf life by regulators.  


2309 Postings, 2046 Tage BananiFT Artikel: sales of $17.9bn in 2022

12.06.21 10:09
The next generation Covid-19 vaccines seeking a slice of the market

…Indeed, newcomer Novavax is forecast to overtake Moderna as the second-largest Covid-19 vaccine maker by revenue next year, with estimated sales of $17.9bn in 2022, according to Airfinity, a London-based analytics company.

Nächste Woche geht die Luzie ab!  


2309 Postings, 2046 Tage BananiData Next Week

12.06.21 11:03
Novavax Will Make Announcement About It's COVID-19 Vaccine Data Next Week  


2309 Postings, 2046 Tage BananiOff-topic die 3te

13.06.21 15:35
AstraZeneca shots should be halted for over-60s - EMA official  


1767 Postings, 7927 Tage hhsjgmrBanani

13.06.21 16:40
warum sollte nächste  Woche    "  die Luzie abgehen "
Zulassungspläne sind doch auf 3. Quartal verschoben wurden ?  

2309 Postings, 2046 Tage BananiHhsjgmr

13.06.21 17:20
siehe meine Postings, News vom Freitag sowie FT Artikel.
Die Zulassung wird uns noch einen weitern Schub geben.
Nächste Woche sehen wir Kurse von $22 bis $250, nur meine Meinung bzw. Einschätzung.  


2309 Postings, 2046 Tage BananiNa ich meinte natürlich 220-250.

13.06.21 18:23
Und am Montag ist noch Stans Auftritt bei der BIO Digital 2021.



1767 Postings, 7927 Tage hhsjgmrBanani

13.06.21 18:28
das war mir schon klar , na da lassen wir uns doch mal überraschen  

2309 Postings, 2046 Tage BananiG7 meeting ends with

14.06.21 07:38
promises on COVID-19, climate, mentions of China

…Canada will donate an additional 13 million doses out of its planned surplus supply.

The majority of it (7.3 million doses) will be the Novavax vaccine, which has not yet been approved by Health Canada. There will be 4.3 million doses from the AstraZeneca-Oxford supply and 1.3 million from the Johnson & Johnson stream.  


1068 Postings, 1271 Tage scooper666geht los

14.06.21 12:11

Novavax 90% efficacy

NEW DATA RELEASE: Novavax #COVID19 Vaccine Demonstrates 90% Overall Efficacy and 100% Protection Against Moderate and Severe Disease in PREVENT-19 Phase 3 Trial

57 Postings, 1455 Tage pessimist365Ergebnisse

14.06.21 12:30
Wie sagt man heutzutage so schön:

To the moon :)

Spaß bei Seite. Es ist halt die Frage wie viel schon eingepreist ist und wie viel Fantasie noch drin ist. Ich hoffe, dass wir neue ATH's sehen  

1068 Postings, 1271 Tage scooper666Insgesamt wohl mehr dahinter

14.06.21 12:33
Da novavax schon Verträge geschlossen hat, dürfte noch etwas mehr dahinter sein.

Timeline ist hier aber auch 3 Monate...  

2309 Postings, 2046 Tage BananiVaccine is 96% Efficacious

14.06.21 12:46
Novavax Reports Its COVID-19 Vaccine is 96% Efficacious, Based on Phase 3 Trial Results  


2309 Postings, 2046 Tage BananiEin Zulassung

14.06.21 12:57
wird den Kurs untermauern und sich wie ein Dominoeffekt auf die Auftragslage auswirken, denn die Auftraggeber warten schon an der Seitenlinie, nur meine Meinung.  


2309 Postings, 2046 Tage BananiShines in Latest Trial

14.06.21 16:19
…Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said, "It's really very impressive," noting that the vaccine was as good as the most effective shots developed so far during the pandemic. "It's very important for the world's population to have, yet again, another highly efficacious vaccine that looks in its trial to have a good safety profile," Fauci told the Washington Post.

As heartening as the results were, the vaccine may not become a key player in the pandemic until late summer or fall.

Erck told the Post that Novavax will apply for regulatory clearance from a half-dozen countries in the third quarter, which begins in July. With tens of millions of doses already in hand, the company plans to boost manufacturing to produce 100 million doses a month by the end of September and 150 million doses a month in the last three months of the year.  


2309 Postings, 2046 Tage BananiZulassungsantrag im Sommer

14.06.21 18:04
Novavax-Vakzin wirksamer als bisher gedacht

Das Portfolio der verfügbaren Corona-Impfstoffe könnte schon bald um ein weiteres offenbar sehr erfolgreiches Vakzin wachsen. Das US-Unternehmen Novavax berichtet von sehr guten Studiendaten - selbst bei Virusvarianten, die die Firma bislang nicht identifizieren konnte.

Das US-Biotechunternehmen Novavax plant nach weiteren positiven Studienergebnissen mit seinem Covid-19-Impfstoff nun einen Zulassungsantrag im dritten Quartal. In einer Studie mit rund 30.000 Teilnehmern in den USA und Mexiko zeigte das Vakzin eine Wirksamkeit von mehr als 93 Prozent gegen die vorherrschenden Virusvarianten, wie das Unternehmen mitteilte. Am Aktienmarkt ging es vorbörslich für die Papiere deutlich nach oben.

Während der Untersuchung sei die erstmals in Großbritannien nachgewiesene Alpha-Variante B.1.1.7 am häufigsten aufgetreten. Studienteilnehmer hätten sich aber auch mit den Varianten aus Brasilien, Südafrika und Indien infiziert, sagte Novavax-Forschungschef Gregory Glenn.

Der Impfstoff schützte Studienteilnehmer, die ein hohes Risiko für einen schweren Verlauf hatten, demnach zu 91 Prozent und zeigte eine Wirksamkeit von 100 Prozent bei der Vorbeugung mittelschwerer und schwerer Covid-19-Fälle. Gegen Varianten, die Novavax nicht identifizieren konnte, sei er zu etwa 70 Prozent wirksam gewesen, sagte Glenn.

Novavax verwendet für sein Vakzin NVX-CoV2373 das sogenannte Spike-Protein von Sars-CoV-2 und reproduziert es massenhaft in Insektenzellen. Das menschliche Immunsystem bildet dann Antikörper gegen das Spike-Protein und kann dadurch eine Covid-19-Erkrankung abwehren.

Novavax hatte bereits zu Jahresbeginn erste Daten aus seiner Studie in Großbritannien vorgelegt, wonach das Vakzin eine Wirksamkeit von gut 89 Prozent zeigte. Das Unternehmen hatte aber mehrmals seine Produktionsziele verschieben müssen und kämpfte mit Engpässen bei Materialien und Zubehör zur Herstellung seines Impfstoffs. Bis Ende des dritten Quartals will der Konzern 100 Millionen Impfdosen pro Monat herstellen und 150 Millionen Dosen monatlich bis Ende des vierten Quartals.  


2309 Postings, 2046 Tage BananiBloomberg Artikel

14.06.21 19:15
A Vaccine the World Badly Needs Looks Better Than Ever

Novavax’s shot has been beset by delays and setbacks, but new data suggests it is a highly effective shot that could play a big role in the global pandemic fight.

Research and manufacturing delays have dogged the arrival of a Covid-19 vaccine from Novavax Inc., one of only six selected by the U.S. government's Operation Warp Speed for a large order. At one point in May, the company’s shares were down 62% from a February high. On Monday, though, Novavax took a step toward a comeback, announcing that its vaccine was 90.4% effective in preventing mild and moderate Covid in a large trial in the U.S. and Mexico and prevented all severe disease.

Late or not, the promising data suggests that Novavax's effort could be crucial in a pandemic fight that won't end soon. Even for those jaded by dozens of data releases, this is an impressive result that should help pave the way for rapid approval and rollout in the third quarter. The vaccine won’t see much initial use in the U.S., where the vaccination rate is already high, but it will be instrumental in inoculating the world, which is vital in the effort to tame the virus, keep variants at bay and minimize the human and economic damage.

While comparing clinical-trial data is fraught, especially during an evolving pandemic, the Novavax results appear to be among the best so far. Everyone pays attention to the headline number, and Novavax fell short of the 94% and 95% efficacy reported respectively by mRNA vaccines from Moderna Inc. and Pfizer Inc.'s collaboration with BioNTech SE, but context matters.

Here’s what makes the shot a standout: Novavax's trial took place when variants began to dominate; they were only a theoretical concern during mRNA vaccine tests. In the U.S. trial, the vaccine was 93% effective against variants of concern and interest. The data isn't perfect; Novavax's results are a bit less conclusive than those from the mRNA vaccines because it recorded fewer infections as cases declined. And most variant infections came from the so-called alpha variant first identified in Britain, limiting information about others such as the concerning delta variant, which was first discovered in India. But the study is still highly promising, especially on top of similar results from an earlier trial in the U.K. The vaccine did allow more infections in a trial in South Africa dominated by the beta strain first identified there, which partially evades vaccines. But notably, the shot still prevented all severe disease and death. The vaccine may be delayed, but the timing means more confidence that it works in the current environment.

The shot's combination of efficacy and availability is particularly exciting. Novavax has pledged 1.1 billion vaccines to COVAX, the organization leading the effort to vaccinate lower-income countries. Insufficient funding and manufacturing delays have left the group struggling to hit targets; Novavax’s doses are badly needed. The company hopes to make 100 million doses a month by the end of the third quarter and 150 million in the fourth quarter. The vaccine is also more stable and easily stored than mRNA vaccines, which will be helpful in broad distribution.

Novavax has also been especially willing to license its vaccine to manufacturers in other parts of the world, including South Korea's SK Biosciences Co., Japan’s Takeda Pharmaceutical Co. and the Serum Institute of India. Once those plants are up to speed, they should help more quickly vaccinate their home countries and further increase global availability.

On top of setting the vaccine up as a key tool this year, Monday's data suggests Novavax will have a long-term role in keeping the virus tamped down, which had been an unknown for investors. It's a validation of the underlying technology, which uses tiny virus protein fragments and an immune-boosting substance called an adjuvant to prompt a protective response. The company is testing a third dose as a six-month booster, and early data suggests it produces a strong immune response. Novavax is also part of a study in the U.K. examining mixing different vaccines, and good results could bode well for broad booster use. The company is also developing vaccines tailored to specific strains, and a combination flu and Covid shot, which could see use for years to come.

Novavax still has to deliver on its data by winning approval, delivering doses and speeding the next generation of shots to market. But at the very least, we know that when its vaccines arrive, they'll do a great deal of good.  


2309 Postings, 2046 Tage BananiBarrons Artikel

14.06.21 19:53
Novavax Vaccine Is Real Competition for Pfizer and Moderna  


2309 Postings, 2046 Tage BananiFirst Study of Influenza Vaccine

15.06.21 06:04
Novavax Announces Positive Results from First Study of Influenza Vaccine and COVID-19 Vaccine Candidate Administered Simultaneously
Jun 14, 2021 at 4:05 PM EDT

- COVID-19 vaccine candidate efficacy in those 18 to <65 years old was preserved in influenza vaccine recipients
- Influenza vaccine immunogenicity preserved
- Study demonstrated no early safety concerns
- Data available ahead of publication via preprint server, medRxiv  


614 Postings, 2244 Tage Charly66Warum dann wieder Tagesgewinn futsch?

15.06.21 08:44
Gute Nachrichten und die Novavax-Aktie schmiert von +15% auf Minus ab. Warum?  

2309 Postings, 2046 Tage BananiDer Kursverlauf gestern

15.06.21 13:34
war echt verrückt und typisch für Novavax.
Heute gab es ein neues Kursziel von Cantor Fitzgerald von $217 auf $272.  



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