Copper Fox Metals. Kupfer-Gold-Molybdän-Silber

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Neuester Beitrag: 25.09.21 09:47
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15890 Postings, 8562 Tage Calibra21Ich breche zusammen.

15.04.10 12:08
Dass Copper Fox geil ist wusste ich. Aber dass der Kurs derartig durch die Decke geht, hätte auch ich nicht erwartet.

7786 Postings, 6138 Tage videomartInsider Trades 07.06.

08.06.10 10:47
Insider Trades by Symbol- TSX Venture Exchange
Company Name: Copper Fox Metals Inc.
Last Updated: June 7, 2010

Date: 06/07/2010
Symbol: CUU
Insider Buys Volume: 20,000 0
Insider Sells Volume: 0
Insider Buys Value $: 5,700.00
Insider Sells Value $: 0.00
Insider Buys Transaction: 1
Insider Sells Transaction: 0
Currency: CAD  

6809 Postings, 7561 Tage alpenlandSuperstärke dieses Titels

19.08.10 11:35

CUU  TSX-V[b] $0.43   [/b]+0.04  +10.26%    volume 2,385,351 !!

Kommentare aus Stockhouse

8/18/2010 10:06:53 PM |  | 206 reads  | Post #28507287 Rate thisclarity
 I don't think that there will be any major pullback in the shareprice. The increase of the past few days have added a measily $30 million Market Cap to Copper Fox. We are still being valued at $118 million for our World Class project.

When we start hitting $400 million Market Cap ( roughly $1.45    a share) I may start thinking that I should skim off a little profit. But to suggest that we are getting slightly bloated at $.43 a share is almost laughable.

- man vermutet dass Händler im Vorfeld auf 0.33 runter gedrückt haben

- es ist ein 60 Mrd Projekt, China oder Andere könnten sehr interessiert sein


6809 Postings, 7561 Tage alpenlandes herrscht Kaufwut !

30.08.10 17:24

CUU TSX-V$0.46  +0.045 +10.84%  0.46(130) 0.465(1,065) 0.465 0.415 0.415 volume 1,145,592

noch etwas zum Wert des Titels

(Zahlen welche noch nach oben revidiert werden !

Gold: 692.90$ / OZ
Silver: 13.09$ / OZ
Copper: 3.12$ / LB
Moly: 33$ / LB

With NPV @ 8% of 2.76 Billion

25% of 2.76 Billion = 675 Million
675 million / 373 million (fully diluted shares own 60% by insiders) = 1.80$ A SHARE




6809 Postings, 7561 Tage alpenlandund plötzlich werden wir auf 3.- stehen !!

09.09.10 10:30

aus Stockhouse Board

 [quote][b]Elmer Stuart (CEO) put 5 mins into production... LISTEN TO HIM, read between the lines!!!!!![/b] Elmer B. Stewart, P.Geol, MSc. Position: Chairperson of the Board, President and CEO

-------------------------------------------------- Mr. Stewart has a Masters Degree in Geology and over 32 years of domestic and international experience in mining and mineral exploration.[b] Mr. Stewart has been involved in putting five gold mines into production[/b]. To date, the project has an indicated resource of 1.4 billion tonnes, containing 7.8 billion pounds of copper, 7.9 million troy ounces of gold, 583 million pounds of molybdenum, and an astonishing 69.7 million troy ounces of silver. When we called the company to get an update on the project this month,[b] we were surprised to learn that Copper Fox has made new discoveries to complement [/b]the existing resource. We’re getting that work done, and we now have started the completion of the feasibility study. [color=red][b]We’re anticipating completing it by Q4 of this year[/b][/color], and it looks like we’re on track to achieve that.” [color=red][b]“There is absolutely no doubt that the Schaft Creek deposit is world class,” he adds.[/b][/color] “Last year we were hanging by our fingernails,” Stewart says. But now, the company is evaluating next steps and as such, has asked that the company’s board start considering whether it would like to keep a 25 per cent interest in the Schaft Creek project, or what the alternatives might be. The time to make decisions about Copper Fox’s future “is rapidly coming on us” and so it is important for stakeholders of the company to decide “where they want the company to be,” according to Stewart. “The fact of the matter is, Schaft Creek is a world-class deposit and has the potential to be a lot larger than it is. It keeps indicating that there’s a lot more to be found.” [b]The feasibility study will include an updated geological model, resource estimate, reserve estimate, revised capital cost and operating costs estimates and other technical, socio-economic and financial aspects related to the feasibility study[/b]. This comes hot on the heels of a pre-feasibility report completed in 2008 that revealed the possibility of a truly major discovery and this next phase of feasibility aims to build on those very promising results. Copper fox is confident that the Schaft Creek story is only beginning to build.

"Cooper Fox has one of the few projects in the world at the stage of development that the world needs based on the forward projected demand for copper". Schaft Creek mineral deposit extends a significant distance to the east and at depth beyond the limits of the current diamond drilling, - the Survey indicates that the IP anomalies that correspond to the Main, Paramount and Breccia Zones of the Schaft Creek mineral deposit are open to the north and south, and Depth "Our primary objective is to complete the feasibility study by the end of 2010. If the IP anomalies are an [b]indication of the size of the Schaft Creek deposit, [size=18][color=red]then the deposit is substantially larger than what has been defined to date.[/b][/color][/size] The IP anomaly indicates that copper-molybdenum-gold-silver mineralization extend to a considerable depth below the 500 metre level.[/quote]



3816 Postings, 7263 Tage flumi4Kowabanga !

09.09.10 10:31
Perf. seit Threadbeginn:   +1008,00%

6809 Postings, 7561 Tage alpenlandInsiderkauf und wietere Infos

16.10.10 18:31

Etwas Indiderkauf gestern.

10/15/2010 CUU buy 11,550  :D  :D .00 0.77 CAD

und, die BigBoy sitzen alle oben im "Wilden Westen"

[b]The big boys are all up at the camp this week and monday tuesday.[/b]

I know for a fact that CUU is there, Nova, Teck etc......
So good opportunities for the head of companies to do some PR.......That is when real business occurs

British Columbia: Tahltan People Celebrate 100th Anniversary Signing Of 1910 Declaration Of The Tahltan Tribe

Next week, the [b]Tahltan people and invited guests will gather in Telegraph Creek to commemorate the centenary of the Declaration of the Tahltan Tribe. [/b]On October 18, 1910, Tahltan leaders, in unity with 22 interior British Columbia tribes, signed the Declaration of the Tahltan Tribe, giving notice to the Government that the Tahltan people did not surrender their rights and title.



3816 Postings, 7263 Tage flumi4Perf. seit Threadbeginn: +948,00%

28.10.10 11:03
und die wenigsten hatten Teil daran.  

15890 Postings, 8562 Tage Calibra21Da hast du Recht

28.10.10 14:48
Ich war mir sehr sicher, dass Copper Fox ein Burner werden würde. Aber so extrem??? Ne...

Na gut, was soll´s. Mit Horseshoe Metals haben wir ja den nächsten Kupferplay.

6809 Postings, 7561 Tage alpenlandwieder mal was zum Fox

31.10.10 12:34


CUU wird nun zum Selbstläufer,
das Board wurde auf Stockhouse zum 3. meistgeschauten Board, über 1 mio Zugriffe in 7 Tagen  :D

Die Kommentare lauten dahin, dass das Mangement darufe zielt CUU zu verkaufen. Wird es Teck, müssen diese das 4-fache der Explorationskosten bezahlen. Und 1/4 der Aktien verbleiben bei CUU oder diese müssten ebenfalls ausgekauft werden.

Gestützt auf die laufenden Insiderkäufe wird davon ausgegangen, dass das Management sehr zuversichtlich ist über die zu erzielenden Einnahmen.

Auch bezüglich des kommenden Resourcenberichtes sind die Insider offensichtlich sehr gut gestimmt !

[quote] All they have to do within 120 days is formally declare their intention wrt the back-in agreement. If they back-in fully then they end up with 75%. They are then obliged to spend 4 times CUU expenditures on the development of the mine and arrange for financing. CUU will not end up with 220 million in their coffers.
As you say, CUU has no intention of being around for the construction and production anyway. Copperfox will be sold. If investors want to invest in a Shaft Creek producer then they should have bought Teck months ago.
In any event, I think your confidence in CUU Management is well placed. I too am very overweight. See you at the finish line.

CUU  TSX-V $0.82   +0.03  +3.80%  :D  volume 409,413


832 Postings, 5125 Tage dersammlerInsiderkäufe

31.10.10 12:52
Der Kurs könnte langsam mal zu neuen Sprüngen ansetzen und sehr gute News müßten auch bald mal kommen. Ansonsten würden die vielen Insiderkäufe wenig Sinn machen. Die wollen ja schließlich ihr Privatvermögen auch vermehren.
Welcher Übernahmereis wäre wohl für CUU realistisch?  

832 Postings, 5125 Tage dersammlerdas 4-fache der Explorationskosten bezahlen

31.10.10 17:31
Also ich habe mal ein wenig gerechnet und sollte Copper Fox für das 4-fache der Explorationskosten übernommen werden, dann wäre ja die MK ja schon erreicht.
Oder Irre ich mich da?  

6809 Postings, 7561 Tage alpenlandTrading halt, erste Resultate der Bohrungen

05.11.10 10:12
Der Handel wurde 14:40 Lokalzeit ausgesetzt.
Und es kamen die good news !!
Siehe unten. Werden wir schon bald die $-Grenze überschreiten?
Bin ziemlich gespannt wie es weiter geht.

[quote]VANCOUVER, Nov. 4 /CNW/ - Copper Fox Metals Inc. (TSX-Venture: CUU) is very pleased to announce the assay results for the recently completed diamond drill hole CF398. Two diamond drills are currently working at Schaft Creek to test the extensions of the mineralization intersected in DDH CF398 and to test the deposit at depth for higher grade copper-gold mineralization. Highlights of activities are as follows:


Diamond drill hole (DDH) CF398 has intersected 0.70% copper, 0.42 g/t gold, 2.80 g/t silver and 0.04% molybdenum (1.13% copper equivalent) over an interval of 54.3 metres (m) of copper mineralization starting at 7.1 m below surface confirming the potential to outline a higher-grade "starter pit",
DDH CF398 intersected a higher grade of mineralization that assayed 0.47% copper, 0.37g/t gold, 3.00 g/t silver and 0.02% molybdenum (0.78% copper equivalent) over a 213.7 m interval from 325 m to the bottom of the hole at a depth of 538.7 m. The copper-gold-molybdenum-silver mineralization is open at depth and the assay results confirm the mineralized nature of the chargeability anomaly identified in July 2010,
The analytical results show that the copper grades and notably the gold grades increase significantly toward the bottom of DDH CF398,
The re-sampling of approximately 40 historical diamond drill holes that contain higher grade copper mineralization is progressing well,
Held public open house sessions on the draft Application Information Requirements (AIR) in Tahltan communities, Terrace and Stewart B.C. The public comment period on the draft AIR will close on November 5, 2010, and
The Quantec Titan-24 deep penetrating DCIP and MT survey over the interpreted north and south extensions of the Schaft Creek deposit has been completed.
Mr. Stewart, President of Copper Fox stated that "The decision to add another diamond drill at Schaft Creek was based on the visible mineralization encountered in DDH CF398 and DDH CF399. DDH CF398 has confirmed two very significant aspects of the Schaft Creek deposit being a zone of high grade copper mineralization at surface; potentially a "starter pit" and a substantial increase in the copper and gold grades towards the bottom of the hole. Drilling is now underway to test the down dip extension of the mineralization at the bottom of DDH CF398.

Diamond Drilling Update:

The weighted average grades for the mineralized intervals in DDH CF398 are set out below in Table-1.

DDH ID Dip Azimuth From (m) To (m) Interval (m) Copper (%) Gold (g/t) Molybdenum (%) Silver (g/t) Cu Eqv (%)
2010CF398 -55 90 7.1 539.2 532.1 0.42 0.27 0.02 2.00 0.67
including 7.1 61.4 54.3 0.70 0.42 0.04 2.80 1.13
including 325.5 539.2 213.7 0.47 0.37 0.02 3.00 0.78

Note: The core intervals listed in Table-1 above do not represent true widths.

DDH CF398 is located in an area that is approximately 500 metres long by 200 metres wide that is being tested as a potential higher grade "starter pit" for the feasibility study that is currently underway.

The mineralization in DDH CF398 is hosted potassic altered upper intrusive breccia, in andesite, granodiorite and an intrusive breccia at the bottom of the hole. The potassic alteration is overprinted by abundant vein controlled prophylitic alteration.

The copper-gold-molybdenum-silver mineralization located below the 325.5 metres in DDH CF398 corresponds to a moderate Induced Potential response that is open at depth. The Quantec survey shows that this anomaly extends for at least an additional 600 metres to the east of DDH CF398. The 600 m wide eastern portion of the Induced Polarization anomaly has not yet been tested by diamond drilling.

Table-2: 2010 Diamond drill status Schaft Creek:

DDH ID Easting Northing Dip Azimuth Total Depth (m) Status
CF399 379413 6360654 -55 90 517.3 Completed
CF400 379962 6360823 -90 na 239.9 Completed
CF401 379415 6360800 -55 90 495.9 Completed
CF402 379313 6361056 -55 90 na In progress
CF403 379353 6360512 -80 270 na In progress[/quote]  

6809 Postings, 7561 Tage alpenlandVon Insider, Onkels und Tanten

11.11.10 10:28

aus Stockhouse Board:

Anyone know how far down the family tree you have to be before you are not considered an insider ? I gave it my usual half arsed attempt and gave up . What I'm getting at is [b]I think true insider ownership is probably 80% or better [/b]. If an insider is buying over 12m shares on the open market , then let's say I'm his nephew and I'd own a couple million shares throw in McDonald's cousins nieces etc , etc , etc , see where I'm going with this . The posters on this board probably own 2-5 % of the total shares , I'm a small fish and I own 233K . My ultimate point is that at 80% insider ownership that leaves about 73M shares that might be traded in the future [ Mine wo'nt and I'm adding more when I free up cash . ] Is 70 million freed up shares enough to garner big institutional buying ? What would it cost for an institution to come in and aquire a stake of between 5-10 million shares , I think this would be a bigger[b] hindrance than not being able to buy shares under 1$ . IMHO this is why Cuu is undervalued no float , so ignore daily price drops and cash [/b]in , in the near future .[b] The majority of the shares sold this week were probably bought last friday between 80 - 90 cents and the traders have been stopped out or they reached their loss threshold and moved on to something else [/b]. My 80% figure is conservative , probably closer to 85 % which leaves 55M shares .

(Trad Google) Wer weiß, wie weit der Stammbaum Sie, bevor Sie nicht ein Insider betrachtet werden können? Ich habe es meiner üblichen Versuch ein halb arsed und gab auf. Was ich hinaus will ist denke ich wahr Insider Eigentum ist wahrscheinlich 80% oder besser. Wenn ein Insider über 12m Aktien Kauf ist auf dem freien Markt, dann lassen Sie uns sagen, ich bin sein Neffe und ich selbst ein paar Millionen Aktien werfen McDonald's Cousins Nichten etc, etc, etc, zu sehen, wo ich mit diesem gehe. Die Plakate sind in diesem Forum wahrscheinlich selbst 2-5% des gesamten Aktienkapitals, ich bin ein kleiner Fisch und ich besitze 233K. Meine letzte Punkt ist, dass bei 80% Eigentum Insider, dass etwa 73M Aktien, die in die Zukunft [Mine wo'nt gehandelt werden und könnte ich hinzufüge, mehr als ich Free Cash-Blätter. ] Liegt bei 70 Millionen Anteilen genug, um große institutionelle Kauf Garner befreit? Was würde es für eine Institution zu kommen und erwerben einen Anteil von zwischen 5-10 Millionen Aktien kosten, ich glaube, dies wäre ein größeres Hindernis als nicht in der Lage, Aktien unter 1 $ kaufen. IMHO deshalb Cuu kein Schwimmer ist unterbewertet, so ignorieren täglich Preissenkungen und Cash-in, in der nahen Zukunft. Die Mehrheit der verkauften Aktien in dieser Woche waren vermutlich am vergangenen Freitag zwischen 80 gekauft - 90 Cent und die Händler wurden oder gestoppt erreichten sie ihren Verlust Schwelle und zog auf etwas anderes. Meine Figur ist 80% konservativ, wahrscheinlich näher bei 85%, die 55M Aktien Blätter.


832 Postings, 5125 Tage dersammleralpenland

11.11.10 13:04
Und was soll uns jetzt dieses Posting sagen?  

6809 Postings, 7561 Tage alpenlandGold und Silver lieb ich !

06.12.10 11:26

[quote]Edelmetalle – heute früh im Fernen Osten gewaltige Fluchtwelle in Gold und Silber: Gold 1413!, Silber touchiert 30! "Bernanke macht’s möglich". :):)[/quote]
Wir sind voll dabei :)

Hier eine Neurerechnung des aktuellen Wertes der Mine = 150 usd
Dies ohne die bald kommenden neusten Resourcenmengen.

Now question is how much new ore will be added to the new resource estimate including 25 years of core re-sampling for more moly , gold and silver, current drilling at depth of 800m, higher grade, North South expansion of Shaft Creek...

Metal Summary Based on Closing Prices on 2010-12-03 Metric / Metal Gold Silver Copper Molybdenum
Total Counts (reserves + resources) 8.60 M oz 79.10 M oz 3.47 M t 298.35 K t
Metal Prices in US$ (from 2010-12-03) $1,413.50 per oz $29.31 per oz $3.99030 per lb $16.00 per lb
Metal Value per Share (MVpSh)
Shown in US$. Based on fully diluted share count $32.91 $6.27 $82.52 $28.48
Derzeit Metal Value per Share (MVpSh) US$150.19


6809 Postings, 7561 Tage alpenlandGS sieht für Kupfer steigende Preise

19.12.10 13:35

Sehr gute Prognosen für Kupfer:

und Insider Käufe:
Transaction Currency
12/17/2010 CUU vol 15,500 value 11,315.00 buys 4 CAD

"Prices above $10,000 could make some projects feasible, whereas maybe they would not be at $7,000 or $8,000, Norrish said. “But it will take time to get those up and running,” he said.

Analysts with Goldman Sachs, in a research report, said base metals such as copper are even closer to a “structural bull market” than oil because of supply issues. In the case of crude, declining inventories and rising prices may be followed by OPEC producing from spare capacity. But for many base metals, producers are already at full capacity and existing inventories are the only “spare,” Goldman said.

In fact, Goldman said, nearly all exchange inventories may be exhausted over the course of 2011, forcing the market into demand rationing.

We are expecting copper stocks to fall to the lowest that they’ve ever been,” Norrish said."


6809 Postings, 7561 Tage alpenlandKupfer Nachfrage könnte Prouktion überschreiten !!

28.12.10 10:49

Kupfer Nachfrage könnte Prouktion überschreiten !!   
Copper Jumps to Record as China Stockpiles Drop, Demand Outpaces Supplies Very Happy Very Happy


832 Postings, 5125 Tage dersammlerFrohes neus Jahr.

31.12.10 10:44
Wünsche allen ein frohes neues Jahr. Vor allem Gesundheit und Glück und ganz am Ende auf steigende Kurse.  

6809 Postings, 7561 Tage alpenlandheute grosse Volumen und up !

17.01.11 18:22

die 1 cad Dollar angeknackt :):):)
die geduldigen werden alle belohnt :cool::cool:

und plötzlich grosse Volumen :kiss:


Great start to the day before Vancouver show.

BIG buyers are loading up.

Remember the market always knows before we do.....


6809 Postings, 7561 Tage alpenlandund weiter up !

18.01.11 22:26
und am Schluss alles Käufe aus dem Briefkurs 8)

CUU TSX-V $1.08 +0.08 +8.00% :D Volume 2,526,291 :D

und dies nur wegen der Ausstellung :!:
(wer's glaubt, nein wegen den kommenden Resultaten)

6809 Postings, 7561 Tage alpenlandund wieder gen Norden

21.01.11 17:59
zum Glück lasse ich mich nicht verwirren von (gehabten) Tagesschwächen :)

COPPER FOX METALS ORD (CUU)   Börsenplatz Währung Letzter Preis  11:48:06 Veränderung
Venture  CAD  1.07  +0.08 (+8.1%):cool::cool:  
Geldkurs-Volumen   Geldkurs  - Briefkurs  - [b]Briefkurs-Volumen   [/b]
28'500  1.07  1.08  [red]93'000[/red]  

Real time prices

Im Briefkusvolumen sitzt ein ziemlicher Brocken, mal schauen ob der abgebaut wird.  

6809 Postings, 7561 Tage alpenlandhier neuste Meldung, alles läuft nach Plan..

14.02.11 17:55

BeitragVerfasst am: 14.02.2011 - 17:46    

Monday, February 14, 2011
Milestone In Environmental Assessment Of Schaft Creek Achieved
Additional Assays From 2010 Drilling Pending

Vancouver, British Columbia -- February 14, 2011 -- Copper Fox Metals Inc. ("Copper For" or "the Company") (TSX-Venture: CUU) is very pleased to announce that it has received confirmation from the BC Environmental Assessment Office and the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency that its Application Information Requirements (AIR) for the proposed Schaft Mine has been approved.

The AIR has been developed to meet the requirements of the cooperative environmental assessment being conducted pursuant to both the British Columbia's Environmental Assessment Act and the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act. The cooperative nature of the Schaft Creek environmental assessment ensures adherence to both federal and provincial legislation. Canada and British Columbia have aligned their review timelines to expedite the review process as well as the timeline for final decisions for environmental approval.

Pursuant to the Section 11 Order dated April 21, 2010, the AIR incorporates comments from First Nations, provincial, federal and local governments and the public that were considered to be within the scope of the assessment.

The terms and conditions of the AIR will be included in the Environmental Impact Statement/Application for an environmental assessment certificate for the Schaft Creek project currently being prepared by Stantec Consulting Ltd., on behalf of Copper Fox.

Copper Fox has completed multiple years of environmental, economic, social, health and archaeological baseline studies in the Schaft Creek Project area. Both the work plans and the final baseline reports have been presented to technical regulators and First Nations for their review and comment.

The baseline data requirements listed in the AIR can be met and or exceeded with the studies completed by Copper Fox to date. Copper Fox will further enhance the Schaft Creek data set in Q1 2011 with additional baseline water quality and quantity data.

Mr. Stewart, President of Copper Fox stated, "We are very pleased to have been able to work with the First Nations, the provincial, federal, local governments and other interested parties to achieved this important milestone. Preparation of the Environmental Impact Statement/Application for an environmental assessment certificate for the Schaft Creek project can now proceed and is currently expected to be filed during the second quarter of 2011. Baseline studies and the collection of additional environmental information from the Schaft Creek deposit will continue during this period".

About Copper Fox

Copper Fox is a Canadian based resource company listed on the TSX-Venture Exchange (CUU) focused on completing a Feasibility Study on the Schaft Creek deposit, one of the largest undeveloped copper, gold, molybdenum and silver deposits in North America. Categorized as a "giant porphyry deposit" this project is at the advanced development stage with a Preliminary Feasibility Study ("PFS") prepared by Samuel Engineering, Inc. of Denver, Colorado, in September 2008. The results of the PFS were extremely "robust" reporting a NPV @ 8% (before tax) of $2.8 billion dollars over a 23 year mine life. They contemplated processing 100,000 tonne per day ("tpd") from an open pit mine using a standard flotation recovery process. The PFS estimated the current Mineral Resources (using a 0.2% copper equivalent cutoff) at Schaft Creek includes; Measured Resources of 436.5 million tonnes grading 0.30% copper, 0.23 g/t gold, 0.02% molybdenum and 1.55 g/t silver, Indicated Resources of 929.8 million tonnes grading 0.23% copper, 0.15 g/t gold, 0.02% molybdenum and 1.56 g/t silver.

A Feasibility Study on a minimum 120,000 tpd open pit mine is expected to be completed in early 2011.

Copper Fox holds title and a 100% working interest in a contiguous 21,025 hectares (51,954 acres) property which includes the Schaft Creek deposit subject to certain royalty agreements, a 30% carried interest held by Laird Copper and an earn back option held by Teck Resources Limited ("Teck"). Copper Fox is currently earning a 78% interest in Liard Copper from Teck. Teck's earn back option to acquire 20%, 40% or 75% of the Schaft Creek project is triggered upon completion of a positive Feasibility Study. Should Teck elect to exercise its option for 75% they are required to fund subsequent property expenditures up to a total of 400% of those incurred by Copper Fox ($57.2 million to date) and arrange for project financing, including the Copper Fox portion. For full details of the option please refer to the Company's website

*United States investors are advised that current Mineral Resources are not current Mineral Reserves and do not have demonstrated economic viability. All figures are rounded to reflect the relative accuracy of the estimate and in keeping with "best practice principals".

For additional information contact: Investor line 1-866-913-1910 or J. Michael Smith, EVP, at 1-604-689-5080

On behalf of the Board of Directors

Elmer B. Stewart
President & Chief Executive Officer


6809 Postings, 7561 Tage alpenlandPrivate Placement

17.02.11 19:14

CUU TSX-V $1.18 +0.14 +13.46% Very Happy volume 2,180,706 Cool



VANCOUVER, Feb. 17 /CNW/ - Copper Fox Metals Inc. ("Copper Fox" or "the Company") (TSXV: CUU) is pleased to announce that subject to approval of the TSX-Venture Exchange, the Company intends to complete a non-brokered private placement to raise up to $3,750,000 in flow-through funds (the "Offering"). The Offering will consist of 3,000,000 flow-through units at a price of $1.25. Each unit will consist of one flow through common share and one half of a non-flow through purchase warrant. One full purchase warrant plus $1.50 entitles the holder to purchase a Copper Fox common share until expiry on December 31, 2011. In the event Copper Fox trades above $1.65 for ten (10) consecutive days, the purchase warrants, if unexercised, will expire 30 days thereafter. The Offering will have a minimum subscription of 6,000 units ($7,500.00) and 1,000 increments thereafter. The flow-through common shares will be 100% eligible for Canadian Exploration Expense (CEE) as defined by the Canadian Income Tax Act.

The Company has agreed to pay a finder's fee of 6.5% payable in cash and a 6.5% finder's option will be payable to registered dealers and arm's length third parties. The Finders option will entitle the holder to acquire that number of common shares equal to 6.5% of the of the number of flow-through units sold, exercisable at a price of $1.25 per share, for a period of twelve (12) months following closing date.

Monies raised from this financing will be used toward completing the updated resource estimate and the Feasibility Study at Schaft Creek.

About Copper Fox
Copper Fox is a Canadian based resource company listed on the TSX-Venture Exchange (CUU-TSX-V). Copper Fox was recently recognized by TSX Venture Inc. as a member of the distinguished TSX Venture 50® group where it had the distinction of being ranked first overall for 2010.

The Company is focused on completing a Feasibility Study on the Schaft Creek deposit, one of the largest undeveloped copper, gold, molybdenum and silver deposits in North America. Categorized as a "giant porphyry deposit" this project is at the advanced development stage with a Preliminary Feasibility Study ("PFS") prepared by Samuel Engineering, Inc. of Denver, Colorado, in September 2008. The results of the PFS were extremely "robust" reporting a NPV @ 8% (before tax) of $2.8 billion dollars over a 23 year mine life. They contemplated processing 100,000 tonne per day ("tpd") from an open pit mine using a standard flotation recovery process. The PFS estimated the current Mineral Resources (using a 0.2% copper equivalent cutoff) at Schaft Creek includes; Measured Resources of 436.5 million tonnes grading 0.30% copper, 0.23 g/t gold, 0.02% molybdenum and 1.55 g/t silver, Indicated Resources of 929.8 million tonnes grading 0.23% copper, 0.15 g/t gold, 0.02% molybdenum and 1.56 g/t silver.

A Feasibility Study is being led by Wardrop, A Tetra Tech Company on a minimum 120,000 tpd open pit mine and the study is expected to be completed by the end of June 2011.

Copper Fox holds title and a 100% working interest in a contiguous 21,025 hectares (51,954 acres) property which includes the Schaft Creek deposit subject to certain royalty agreements, a 30% carried interest held by Liard Copper and an earn back option held by Teck Resources Limited ("Teck"). Copper Fox is currently earning a 78% interest in Liard Copper from Teck. Teck's earn back option to acquire 20%, 40% or 75% of the Schaft Creek project is triggered upon completion of a positive Feasibility Study. Should Teck elect to exercise its option for 75% they are required to fund subsequent property expenditures up to a total of 400% of those incurred by Copper Fox ($57.2 million as of December 31, 2010) and arrange for project financing, including the Copper Fox portion. For full details of the option please refer to the Company's website

*United States investors are advised that current Mineral Resources are not current Mineral Reserves and do not have demonstrated economic viability. All figures are rounded to reflect the relative accuracy of the estimate and in keeping with "best practice principles".

On behalf of the Board of Directors

Elmer B. Stewart
President & Chief Executive Officer


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