Commerce Resources: Faktenthread + TA + News
Company Videos
Wednesday June 11, 2014
Friday January 23, 2015
Commerce Resources (TSXV:CCE) President, Chris Grove, spoke to Resource Investing News at the Vancouver Resource Investment Conference 2015 about the Blue River Project in British Columbia, and the Ashram Rare Earth Project in Quebec. In 2014, Commerce drilled 1,500 on Ashram and initiated a pilot plant project that will reproduce metallurgy. Mr. Grove says that investors can expect, “continued updates on the metallurgy as it advances through the different stages of the pilot plant,” as well as a a drill program this year.
Monday April 6, 2015
By Teresa Matich+ - Exclusive to Rare Earth Investing News
RIN: Your pilot plant, which was initiated this February, aims to produce a marketable mixture of rare earth concentrates. Which rare earths are included in these concentrates? Who buys them, and do they need further processing to be usable by end users?
CG: The process will produce essentially the full range of rare earth elements as they are distributed in our deposit. However, we don’t ascribe economics to at least five of those, right from the get-go — even though they will be in certain concentrates we will produce, they’re not expected to have any kind of economic importance.
We believe that in terms of the different concentrates that we are targeting, these are the kinds of concentrates that are bought as feedstock [by] the rare element processors globally right now. I’m talking about Chinese processors, American companies in the rare elements sector and the world’s largest rare element processor, which is the Belgian-French company Solvay (EBR:SOLB). I’m also talking about Japanese companies that have customers who are processors.
All of those kinds of companies have expressed an interest in receiving a sample from us, and each group typically deals with a slightly different concentrate. Very simply, you can make a mixed rare earth element carbonate concentrate, a mixed rare earth element oxide concentrate, a mixed rare earth element chloride concentrate — those are three broad classes. Then you can have either a full range in those concentrates or in specifics. With Solvay, their specifications for a sample are the tightest; I believe it’s a mixed rare earth element carbonate concentrate that has the cerium, lanthanum and the thorium removed, so that is what we would be targeting for them. All in all, there are at least three, if not four, different kinds of concentrates that we’ll be producing from this pilot plant...
RIN: What are your costs?
CG: The cost estimate in the PEA adjusted for the foreign exchange right now would be US$6 to produce a kilogram.
RIN: And how much does the concentrate sell for?
CG: Well, we would suggest the value of what we would produce for a kilo would be in the range of, say, $28. That is the data that we have released at this point in time. That is just from the PEA from 2012 and we are redoing all of that with the prefeasibility study...
Hat ich mal ganz früher von Videomart, der is aber leider traurigerweise verschieden;-)
Mackowski on Innovation and/or Revolutionary Rare Earths Technology (Part 1)
Posted on May 18, 2015 by Steve Mackowski
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Posted on May 25, 2015 by Steve Mackowski
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Posted on June 1, 2015 by Steve Mackowski
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'Aufgrund inhärenter Komplexität ist der Markt für Seltene Erden ('REEs; Rare Earth Elements') schwierig zu verstehen. Leider haben es Investoren nicht einfach, während ihrer Due Diligence Überprüfung die gesuchte Klarheit zu finden, vornehmlich wegen den vielen Stimmen, die diesen Markt kommentieren. Zum Beispiel der kürzlich erschienene Artikel von John Hykawy über illegale chinesische REE-Produktion, in dem zumindest grundlegende Fundamentalpunkte inakkurat wiedergegeben werden. Nimmt man allerdings den ebenfalls vor kurzem erschienenen Artikel 'Levelling the Rare Earth Playing Field' von Alastair Neill unter die Lupe, so kann ich nur schmunzeln. Mit 13 Artikeln während den letzten 2 Jahren versuchte Rockstone dringend benötigtes Licht auf diese Branche zu werfen und ich denke, dass es wieder an der Zeit ist, ebenfalls einen Kommentar abzugeben.'
Fragen & Antworten zu meinem Artikel Beleuchtung des Spielfelds der Seltenen Erden, Stephan Bogner, Rockstone
Commerce Resources
A viable source of Rare Earth Elements?
10 Majors requested samples!
Commerce Resources Corp. - Update at 121 Mining Investment
Chris Grove
MON, 18 APR 2016, 2:50PM GMT+7
You are still advancing the Ashram REE project in Québec, could you perhaps provide an overview of what you have done so far in the past 12 months, and what you’re planning to do in the next 12 months?
Sure! In the very near future (say, mid-August), we expect to start a new drill program which will be right in time for the site visit we are planning to host later this month. We are expecting the Quebec Minister of Mines, Luc Blanchette and Robert Sauve, the Chairman of the Societe du Plan Nord to visit Ashram in late August.
We are currently raising cash to predominantly fund the pilot plant and metallurgical test work, and these steps should allow us to fine-tune our flow sheet that will be used in the PFS. We still need to finishing one remaining step, the magnetics, where after we will be producing the samples that have been requested by majors, and on top of that, we will look to upgrade our “free” fluorite (which hasn’t been taken into account when we calculated the economics of Ashram) by-product to acid grade fluorspar.
We will also continue to be active with community meetings, presentations at trade shows and environmental data collection on site.
As you notice, we will continue to advance the Ashram project after having completed the groundwork in the past few quarters and year. We have actually completed a very nice review of our activities at Ashram in a two pager (which you can read here). We continued to collect data for the baseline environmental work but also pretty much completed the condemnation drilling to determine where the site infrastructure should be built...