Chance auf mehrer 100% Gewinn??

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7824 Postings, 6272 Tage videomartHeute kein Handel in Toronto

02.08.10 15:50
Feiertag in Ontario und den meisten anderen kanadischen Provinzen  

7824 Postings, 6272 Tage videomartCopper May Rise to $7,615 in London

02.08.10 18:11
Copper May Rise to $7,615 in London Within Two Weeks: Technical Analysis
By Anna Stablum and Nicholas Larkin - Aug 2, 2010 8:12 AM GMT+0200 Mon Aug 02 06:12:03 UTC 2010  

7824 Postings, 6272 Tage videomartCongo to review copper, cobalt taxes: PM

03.08.10 16:00

7824 Postings, 6272 Tage videomartGlencore weitet internationales Geschäft aus:

03.08.10 16:20
Glencore to Purchase Metal-Warehousing Business of Italy's Pacorini Group

 Aug 2, 2010 7:37 PM GMT+0200 Mon Aug2, 2010 17:37:51 UTC  

7824 Postings, 6272 Tage videomartCopper market tightening, moves to balance-Xstrata

03.08.10 21:21

7824 Postings, 6272 Tage videomartChina rural growth to boost copper - Codelco

03.08.10 21:30

7824 Postings, 6272 Tage videomart"Report On Business"- Artikel

03.08.10 22:20
Eric Reguly
Glencore-Xstrata union would shake up a mining industry in hibernation

"Merger would create an instant super major capable of competing with the heavyweights"

Rome — From Thursday's Globe and Mail
Published on Thursday, Jul. 29, 2010 6:00AM EDT

Last updated on Thursday, Jul. 29, 2010 6:18AM EDT  

7824 Postings, 6272 Tage videomartSteelguru - Bericht aus der letzten Woche

03.08.10 22:51
LME sees trading of molybdenum and cobalt to continue to grow
Wednesday, 28 Jul 2010  

7824 Postings, 6272 Tage videomartChina cobalt prices may be near bottom

04.08.10 22:31
Shanghai 04 August 2010 07:01

China's cobalt concentrate import market remains moribund, although cobalt product prices may be nearing bottom with local market enquiries increasing in the past week. "It seems many are trying to buy at the bottom," said a cobalt salt maker in southern China. Some cobalt chloride transactions were reported at around 69,000 yuan ($10,171) per tonne but market participants did not consider the level representative as volumes were not big.

27135 Postings, 6268 Tage brunnetacall on Friday, August 6, 2010

05.08.10 12:16

7824 Postings, 6272 Tage videomartCodelco sees copper demand driven by BRIC nations

05.08.10 13:01
SHANGHAI | Thu Aug 5, 2010 6:03am EDT  

1532 Postings, 5870 Tage Bernd99Veröffentlichung Quartalszahlen

06.08.10 12:57

Q-2 Zahlen kommen noch vor Markteröffnung in Kanada.

14:30 Uhr MESZ beginnt die Tel.-Konferenz über die Veröffentlichung der Quartalszahlen.

Ein Live-Audio-Webcast mit Präsentationsfolien werden ebenfalls abrufbar sein.

USA -Rufnummer 1-888-231-8191 oder  gebührenfrei 647-427-7450 für Anrufe von außerhalb Kanadas.



1532 Postings, 5870 Tage Bernd99Audio-Webcast

06.08.10 13:05

Anmeldung unter



1532 Postings, 5870 Tage Bernd99Zahlen sind da !!

06.08.10 13:12

- Das Unternehmen hatte einen Bruttogewinn von $ 4.700.000 und einen Reingewinn von
2,0 Mio. USD.......


708 Postings, 5650 Tage Dusty05Ernüchterung nach diesen Zahlen.

06.08.10 14:18
Einfach nur enttäuschend diese Zahlen. Da waren ja die  Q1-Zahlen 3mal besser.
Und auf den schlechten Kupferpreis im Juni läßt sich das nicht schieben. Da wird der Kurs bestimmt noch mal ordentlich nachgeben.
Meine Meinung  

7824 Postings, 6272 Tage videomartMit 3mal besser kommt man wohl nicht ganz hin:

07.08.10 15:59

Katanga profits plummet in Q2 on lower prices [UPDATE]

 LONDON (Metal-Pages) 06-Aug-10.  Katanga Mining reported a net income of $2 million on a gross profit of $4.7 million in the quarter ended 30 June 2010, sharply down from net income of $27.6 million on gross profit of $39.1 million in the first quarter. ...


7824 Postings, 6272 Tage Katanga Mining announces Q2 results

09.08.10 23:30
Monday, 09 Aug 2010
Katanga Mining Limited announced its financial results for the Q2 of 2010.

Highlights during and subsequent to the three months ended June 30th 2010:

1. Total sales for the Q2 of 2010 were USD 115.2 million comprising USD 83.3 million for copper cathode, USD 29.5 million for cobalt metal and USD 2.3 million for copper concentrate.

2. The Company had a gross profit of USD 4.7 million and net income of USD 2.0 million. Results for the Q2 were negatively impacted by the fall in the copper price to USD 6,510 per tonne at the end of June. This resulted in a negative mark to market adjustment of USD 15.6 million on copper awaiting final pricing.

3. The Company generated USD 41.0 million in positive cash flows from operating activities. The closing cash balance as at June 30th 2010 was USD 97.7 million.

4. C1 cash cost for the Q2 of 2010 was USD 1.70 per pound of copper. C1 costs were negatively impacted by a reduction in cobalt credits and lower than budgeted production. C1 cash costs per pound of copper are cash costs including mining, processing, administration and refining, net of cobalt credits.

4. Copper production was 12,554 tonnes which was a slight improvement on the previous quarter of 12,458 tonnes. Production was constrained by fleet availability at Kamoto underground mine and processing constraints at Luilu which are in the process of being resolved. Cobalt production was 887 tonnes which was in line with production for the Q1.

5. Three major milestones were achieved during and subsequent to the quarter
(I). Commercial mining activities at the KOV pit commenced in July 2010 and dewatering is progressing as scheduled with approximately 72% of the water having been pumped out as of July 31st 2010.
(II). The CM6 mill in the Kamoto Concentrator, associated feed systems and flotation cells have been refurbished and commissioned. This has increased the milling capacity at KTC from 3.4 million tonnes to 5.6 million tonnes per annum. This equates to approximately a total capacity of 196,000 tonnes of contained copper in concentrate per year.
(III). Rehabilitation of the Luilu plant continued with the installation of new thickeners, drum filters and belt filters which have been commissioned and have increased the plant’s capacity to 110,000 copper tonnes per annum.  

1532 Postings, 5870 Tage Bernd99Grosse Pakete wechseln den Besitzer

10.08.10 20:59

Hohes Volumen bei steigenden Kursen - sieht doch gar nicht so schlecht aus.

Die Q2-Zahlen waren zwar nicht so gut - aber wenigstens stand ein klitzekleines Plus vor der Zahl.

Kann eigentlich nur weiter aufwärts gehen. Der Kupferpreis marschiert auch in Richtung 7500$.

Sind alles positive Signale für KAT.



7824 Postings, 6272 Tage videomart2 Crosstrades von TD Securities

10.08.10 21:11
264.200 & 675.700 Stücke.
Ansonsten Anonymous grösster Käufer.  

7824 Postings, 6272 Tage videomartUnruhe bei den "Nachbarn":

10.08.10 22:10
Illegal miners overrun Freeport's Congo mine
10 Aug 2010 15:47:40 GMT
Source: Reuters  

7824 Postings, 6272 Tage videomartErneut hohes Volumen

11.08.10 18:05
2 Crosstrades von TD Securities: 250k & 200k
Grösster Käufer: Anonymous mit über 300k^kat&p=0&t=19&vol=1  

7824 Postings, 6272 Tage videomartGrösstes Volumen seit Mitte April

11.08.10 21:10
2 weitere Crosstrades von TD Securities: 250k & 500k

Etwas beängstigend, obwohl Katanga heute besser abschneidet als die meisten anderen Kupferwerte.

Es gibt übrigens neue "Research Reports":  

1532 Postings, 5870 Tage Bernd99Research Reports

11.08.10 21:31

49$ für 19 Seiten! Was kann da schon interessantes drinstehen, was noch nicht veröffentlicht wurde.

Ich verkneife mir sowas. Aber wer es braucht, bitteschön.


7824 Postings, 6272 Tage videomartBlack Rock World Mining Trust

11.08.10 22:30
...hat 0,2% seiner Anlagen in Katanga Mining und 6% in Glencore investiert.  

1532 Postings, 5870 Tage Bernd99Es wird wieder viel gehandelt.

12.08.10 16:53

In Kanada schon wieder eine Millionen-Order ausgeführt!

Dieser hohe Umsatz wird schon langsam unheimlich.


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