Canada Zinc Metals. WKN: A0RAQJ Zink
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die abschließenden Ergebnisse erwarten dürfen. Denn wie von mir weiter oben (08.09.) bereits erörtert, lautete die diesbezügliche Meldung über den Abschluß der Untersuchung wie folgt:
"Geological logging and sampling is now complete on all eight holes and a total of 1,100 samples, including standard QA/QC samples, have been taken through the Cardiac Creek Zone. Samples from the first five holes have reached the Acme Analytical Laboratories (a Bureau Veritas company) in Vancouver, BC; and three holes are in transit from site to lab.The true width estimates of each Cardiac Creek intercept are not yet available but are being modeled and will be calculated upon release of pending assay results. Assays results from the first two holes are expected in approximately one week with the remainder following thereafter."
Die genauen Breitenschätzungen jedes Cardiac Creek-Abschnitts sind noch nicht verfügbar, werden aber aufbereitet und werden nach Freigabe der anstehenden Proben-Ergebnisse berechnet. Die Proben-Ergebnisse der ersten beiden (Bohr-)Löcher werden in etwa einer Woche (also diese Woche) erwartet, der Rest folgt nach.
Hier nochmal der Link der Mitteilung:
Die ersten Auswertungen wurden am 14./15.09. bekannt gegeben. Der abschließende Teil sollte ja nun, ich denke mal diese Woche, folgen.
Was nicht minder interessant ist: Alle hier warten ja mit Spannung nicht nur auf diese Ergebnisse, sondern auch darauf, was die Gesellschaft nun mit der Liegenschaft vorhat. Da die Untersuchungen abgeschlossen sind (s. o. a. Mitteilung), sollte die Entsheidung der Gesellschaft über das weitere Vorgehen nicht mehr lange auf sich warten lassen.
aus dem gestrigen CZX Newsletter:
Potential Share Price Catalysts:
§ Assay Results from 8-Hole Akie Drill Campaign — Q3/Q417;
§ Complete metallurgical test work — Q118;
§ Updated Akie Resource Estimate — Q218; and
§ Preliminary Economic Assessment — Q218
Kann also durchaus noch etwas dauern aber in Q2/2018 ist die Braut aufgehübscht und bereit zum verkauf....
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada – Tuesday, October 3, 2017 – Canada Zinc Metals Corp. (TSX Venture Exchange: CZX) is pleased to announce additional drill results from the 2017 Akie drill program. The program focused on resource expansion and new target development on the robust and high-grade central core of the Zn-Pb-Ag Cardiac Creek deposit. The program commenced in June and was completed in August using two drills. A total of 8 drill holes were successfully drilled on the Cardiac Creek deposit for a total of 4,700 metres. Assay results are pending from the remaining four drill holes.
2017 Drill Result Highlights
Drill hole A-17-137 returned 11.79% Zn+Pb and 19.1 g/t Ag over a true widthof 57.79 metres including 14.51% Zn+Pb and 23.4 g/t Ag over a true widthof 37.06 metres as well as 15.44 metres of 22.61% Zn+Pb and 36.2 g/t Ag.
Drill hole A-17-138 returned 7.75% Zn+Pb and 10.4 g/t Ag over a true widthof 24.96 metres including 10.07% Zn+Pb and 12.3 g/t Ag over a true widthof 11.82 metres
Mr. Peeyush Varshney, CEO of Canada Zinc Metals, commented: “We are very pleased to report the spectacular results from Hole 137 which represents the best intersection ever encountered on the Cardiac Creek deposit. The drilling in 2017 continues to demonstrate the consistent nature of the high-grade core to the Cardiac Creek deposit in terms of grade and thickness. While we continued to expand the high-grade core in 2017, the potential remains to expand the overall limits of the deposit at depth and along strike. We look forward to reporting the remaining results from the 2017 drill program.”
“The Cardiac Creek deposit is a top tier zinc asset with a large, tabular, conformable resource defined that is amenable to underground mining methods, and strategically located within the Kechika Trough, an untapped massive Zn-Pb-Ag SEDEX district, of which Canada Zinc Metals is the dominant landholder,” continued Mr. Varshney.
Plans are underway to complete comprehensive metallurgical testing on 2017 drill core composites representing the known width and breadth of the Cardiac Creek deposit. The composites are being assembled at Base Metallurgical Laboratories Ltd. of Kamloops, BC, under the direction of Tom Shouldice, Principal Metallurgist. The objective of the program is to assess the metallurgical performance of samples from the deposit using heavy media pre-concentration followed by conventional flotation processes to recover lead and zinc into concentrates. The program is intended to generate sufficient metallurgical data to support a Preliminary Economic Assessment (PEA). The work will be assisted by mining and metallurgical staff at JDS Energy and Mining of Vancouver, BC. The Company is planning to proceed to a Preliminary Economic Assessment (PEA) after metallurgical results are made available, anticipated in early Q1 2018. In addition to the metallurgical work, the Company anticipates the NI 43-101 Resource will be updated once the final results are obtained from the remainder of the 2017 drill program.
The objective of hole A-17-137 was to test the high-grade core of the Cardiac Creek deposit in an open area down-dip of A-15-121, and along strike of A-15-124. This goal was successfully achieved with a pierce point located approximately 60 metres down-dip of drill hole A-15-121 and 125 metres from A-15-124. The results from A-17-137 are expected to expand the known limits of the high-grade core down-dip and material from this intercept will also be used for subsequent metallurgical testing.
The hole intersected a very broad envelope of mineralization from 454.40 to 559.44 metres encompassing both the Cardiac Creek Zone and Footwall Zone, representing a true width of 57.79 metres that returned 11.79% Zn+Pb and 19.1 g/t Ag. Within this envelope the Cardiac Creek Zone returned 14.51% Zn+Pb and 23.4 g/t Ag over a true width of 37.06 metres from 466.78 to 534.09 metres, which includes higher grade intervals such as 22.61% Zn+Pb and 36.2 g/t Ag over a true width of 15.44 metres from 506.00 to 534.09 metres. The Footwall Zone, present from 544.48 to 559.44 metres, returned 16.77% Zn+Pb and 25.3 g/t Ag over a true width of 8.20 metres.
Both the Cardiac Creek Zone and Footwall Zones are characterized by thickly layered sulphides interbedded with siliceous black shale. The sulphide layers host gradually increasing sphalerite and galena content as indicated by the strong development of mottle-textured sulphides enriched in sphalerite, galena, quartz, and carbonate, with lesser amounts of pyrite towards the base of the two zones. Underlying the two zones of mineralisation is a massive sulphide lens (95% pyrite 5% carbonate) occurring from 559.44 to 565.00 metres. Lower in the sequence, thin intervals of massive pyrobitumen within the Silurian siltstones were also encountered. The Company is currently investigating the nature of the pyrobitumen and its possible links to the mineralisation represented by the Cardiac Creek deposit. The hole ended at a depth of 614.78 metres.
The objective of hole A-17-138 was to test the up-dip and south-eastern edge of the high-grade core in a large open area along strike of hole A-11-98 and up-dip of A-06-40. This goal was successfully achieved with a pierce point located approximately 60 metres along strike of A-11-98 and approximately 90 metres up-dip of A-06-40. The results from this intercept will provide ongoing continuity to the high-grade core and the material will also be used for subsequent metallurgical testing.
A broad envelope of mineralisation was intersected from 403.32 metres to 440.85 metres representing a true width of 33.40 metres that returned 6.24% Zn+Pb and 9.0 g/t Ag. Within this envelope the Cardiac Creek Zone is present from 412.15 metres to 440.17 metres, grading 7.75% Zn+Pb and 10.4 g/t Ag over a true width of 24.96 metres. Higher-grade intervals are present including 10.07% Zn+Pb and 12.3 g/t Ag over a true width of 11.82 metres from 426.27 to 439.52 metres.
The Cardiac Creek Zone is characterized by massive beds of brown pyrite with increasing amounts of light grey sphalerite bands and mottled textured sulphide bands enriched in sphalerite, galena, quartz and carbonate towards the base of the zone. The hole was drilled to a depth of 454.776 metres ending in the Silurian siltstones of the Road River Group.
Knaller oder?
unten lesen:
"Herausgeber und Mitarbeiter von bullVestor sind keine professionellen Investitionsberater. ..."
m.M.n: die waren, sind und bleiben halt bezahlte Pusher...
siehe den Anhang... von Echelon Wealth Partners Inc.
und bitte am Ende des Reports das auch lesen:
... During the last 12 months, has Echelon Wealth Partners Inc. received compensation for having provided investment banking or related services to this Issuer? YES"
Ich kenne eher entgegen gesetzte Aussagen, steigende Zinkpreise.
Die Läger werden seit geraumer Zeit immer leerer, mangels Angebot.
Es wird bereits über Erreichung des "Pinch Point" spekuliert (das heißt, dass die Lagerbestände max. für 10 Arbeitstage reichen).
Dass letzte mal (vor 10 Jahren) stieg der Zinkpreis bei Erreichung des Pinch Point auf USD 4.500 die Tonne (aktuell rd. USD 3.300 die Tonne).
Eine so illiquide Pennystock-Aktie aus Kanada ist pure Zockerei auf eine Illusion die so wahrscheinlich nie eintreten wird.
Ich war selbst mal investiert und bin froh nach langer Durststrecke des Wartens mit + verkauft zu haben.
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada – Monday, November 20, 2017 – Canada Zinc Metals Corp. (TSX Venture Exchange: CZX) is pleased to announce the final drill results from the 2017 Akie drill program. The program focused on resource expansion and new target development on the robust and high-grade central core of the Zn-Pb-Ag Cardiac Creek deposit. The program commenced in June and was completed in late August using two drills. A total of 8 drill holes were successfully drilled on the Cardiac Creek deposit for a total of 4,700 metres.
2017 Drill Result Highlights
Drill hole A-17-142 returned an envelope of mineralisation grading 11.15% Zn+Pb and 15.5 g/t Ag over a true width of 32.65 metres including a significant 23.32% Zn+Pb and 30.9 g/t Ag over a true width of 11.31 metres from the Footwall Zone.
Drill hole A-17-143 returned 7.77 % Zn+Pb and 9.8 g/t Ag over a true width of 20.49 metres including 10.41% Zn+Pb and 15.0 g/t Ag over a true width of 7.90 metres.
Mr. Peeyush Varshney, CEO of Canada Zinc Metals, commented: “We continued to be extremely pleased by the results we are seeing from the Cardiac Creek Zone both at depth and along strike to the NW. The mineralisation intersected from the Footwall Zone in hole 142 represents the highest-grade material ever intersected from that zone and mineralisation present in hole 143 continues to expand the limits of the high-grade core into an area that has seen limited drilling. We look forward to incorporating the results from the 2017 drilling program into our models as we move into the assessment and planning phase.”
Gruß Ebbe
The program is intended to generate sufficient metallurgical data to support a Preliminary Economic Assessment (PEA). The work will be assisted by mining and metallurgical staff at JDS Energy and Mining of Vancouver, BC. The Company is planning to proceed to a Preliminary Economic Assessment (PEA) after metallurgical testing is complete.
The Company has engaged independent Qualified Person Robert Sim, P.Geo., to update the mineral resource estimate for the Cardiac Creek deposit. The work is expected to be complete before the end of the year. The current resource estimate for the Cardiac Creek deposit was presented in the NI 43-101 Technical Report dated June 28, 2016, with an effective date of May 16, 2016. The 2017 drilling program has provided eight additional intercepts into the deposit.
anbei ein Link vom Metals Investor Forum in Toronto vom 10.-11.11.2017.
Hier hat Peeyush Varshney die Firma vorgestellt. Ganz gut gelungen wie ich finde.
Gruß und schönen Sonntag allen.