$$ Cal-Bay, nun ein Kauf? $$
mehr mit ansehen. Das Teil soll nun mal
richtig Explodieren!!!
That’s it... let’s make some money now!
Thursday November 16, 1:19 pm ET
CARLSBAD, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Cal-Bay International, Inc. (OTCBB: CBAY - News) Cal-Bay President & CEO Clarification Statement of Issued & Outstanding Shares of Cal-Bay International, Inc.
Cal-Bay Issued & Outstanding Common & Preferred B Shares as of November 16th, 2006:
Common Shares: 78,230,998 With approximately 3,500,000
awaiting cancellation.
Class B Shares: 103,830,716 With approximately 6,000,000
shares awaiting cancellation
President's Comment: "There seems to be a rumor that the issued and outstanding shares are significantly higher than the accurate numbers reflected herein; therefore, this statement clarifies the actual outstanding shares reported by the Company's Transfer Agent as of today. Cal-Bay's market capitalization of the combined common shares and Preferred B shares based on the current stock price of $0.052 per share is approximately $9.5M. The Company's quarterly report to be published next week will reflect the Corporations assets are now in excess of $100M, and the equity position now held against the assets is in excess of $41M. This number is most cases would be the basis of the formula to determine the book value of the stock, and typically most company's stock trades at a multiple of book value. I hope this statement will assist clearly the long-term investors of Cal-Bay International."
Roger Pawson
President & CEO
---The Company's quarterly report to be published next week will reflect the Corporations assets are now in excess of $100M, and the equity position now held against the assets is in excess of $41M.--
The Company's quarterly report to be published next week will reflect the Corporations assets are now in excess of $100M, and the equity position now held against the assets is in excess of $41M
Hört das denn nie auf!
Müßt ihr euer Geld umbedingt den Halsabschneidern da drüben in den Rachen schmeißen, Kinder!
Werdet doch mal schlauer! Langsam wirds doch peinlich!
...---The Company's quarterly report to be published next week will reflect the Corporations assets are now in excess of $100M, and the equity position now held against the assets is in excess of $41M.--...
Das Vertrauen in CBAY ist kaputt! Das muss erst zurückerarbeitet werden. Wenn Pawson das Filing nächste Woche einreicht ist ein erster Schritt getan.
Die Anzahl der O/S ist nun kein Geheimnis mehr. Und die Angst vor einem Abrutschen in den Pinksheetmarkt ist nun auch nicht mehr berechtigt.
That’s it... let’s make some money now!
los werden?
Man bist du im Talk schon bei allen auf
Ignore als das du nun Star Trek hier
spielen musst.
"Auf der Suche nach neuen Welten"
Man Toni verzieh dich einfach wieder in
den Talk oder mach einmal was gutes in
deinem Leben und verlasse ARIVA und lass
den Rest der Welt ENDLICH in Ruhe.
Das schwarze Entlein das keiner mag!!!