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26th Oct
...For the Quebec government, the symbolism of Stornoway’s launch goes beyond opening a new mine with a new resource. It represents the first project to be completed under the auspices of the Plan Nord, a provincial initiative to invest about $1.3 billion in infrastructure and other projects over the next five years in hopes of attracting $ 22 billion in private- sector investment north of the 49th parallel.
In March 2014, Stornoway completed $944 million in financing transactions: $ 220 million in funding through the provincerun Investissement Québec, $105 million from the Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec pension managers and US$ 360 million from the privately owned Orion Mine Finance...
...“Stornoway is an extraordinary example of the vision we had as a government,” said Pierre Arcand, Quebec’s Minister of Energy and Natural Resources, who is also responsible for overseeing Plan Nord.
“This is the best partnership there is. It’s a partnership with passionate developers, an involved community and a government that helps to confer the project.”...
...Although Stornoway says financial assistance was crucial in getting Renard operational, the road was one of the most simple but beneficial contributions from Plan Nord.
In 2012, t he government loaned Stornoway $ 77 million to complete a 240-kilometre extension of Route 167, giving allseason access by way of the Chibougamau and Mistissini communities. The road, championed publicly by Charest as a centrepiece of Plan Nord, became a political lightning rod after costs ballooned from the initial $260 million estimate to more than $470 million.
While every site visit used to mean flying in by float plane or helicopter, Route 167 has allowed Stornoway to drive in crews and equipment, as well as liquefied natural gas to power the mine operations.
Nochane Rousseau, the Mining Leader for Quebec at the PwC consulting firm, says the road will open the potential mining projects that previously could not be easily accessed. It also allows for exploration work that relies less on costly helicopter flights.
“When you have a new mine with new infrastructure you open the territory and decrease the exploration work,” Rousseau said.
At the opening ceremony, Arcand announced the government will continue Route 167 to connect with Route Transtaïga — a road that runs much of the way across the province 100 kilometres north of Renard.
“If they do that, they open northern Quebec,” Rousseau said. “(Arcand) did not say when they’re going to do it, but he said that they’re going to work on it.”
The Plan Nord covers 1.2 million square kilometres, representing 72 per cent of Quebec’s land mass but, with only 120,000 people — about a third of whom are First Nations — it’s less than two per cent of Quebec’s population...
Geld Stk. 332.000
Brief Stk. 334.000
mit anderen Bö.Pl.
Geld Stk. 332.000
Brief Stk. 414.000
da bahnt sich was an ... oder ?
Bislang hatte sich der Börsenguru und Fondsmanager Marc Faber eher als Crash-Prophet einen Namen gemacht. So sagte der Schweizer einst den Abschwung in Japan, den Börsencrash von 1987 und die Dotcom-Blase im Jahr 2000 richtig voraus. Weil er zusätzlich Herausgeber des monatlichen "Gloom, Boom & Doom"-Reports ist, wird er hier und da gerne mal "Dr. Doom" genannt.
Auch wenn er in Bezug auf die allgemeine Wirtschaftsentwicklung seiner pessimistischen Linie treu bleibt (dem S&P 500 prognostizierte er im August einen Einbruch von 50 Prozent) überraschte Faber in dieser Woche mit einer ungewohnt erfreulichen Weissagung. Im Interview mit "CNBC" erklärte er, dass den Rohstoffpreisen aufgrund katastrophaler Infrastrukturbedingungen in Asien eine baldige Rally bevorstünde. Und auch in der westlichen Welt würde die Nachfrage nach Rohstoffen ob der zunehmenden Fiskalaktivitäten weiter ansteigen.
Vor allem der Ölmarkt dürfte hiervon kräftig profitieren. Laut Faber sei es durchaus möglich, dass der Barrelpreis "in gar nicht allzu ferner Zukunft" die 70-Dollar-Marke durchbrechen könnte. Solche Worte aus dem Mund eines Crash-Propheten - das geht bei Anlegern runter, wie Öl.
Wallstreet-online Newsletter Donnerstag, 27.10.2016
oder wird ironie nur verstanden mit beipackzettel dabei?
null null sechs
Vom Ree-Markt nach wie vor keine Wendung in Sicht,
Instis lassen den Sektor links liegen, Plan Nord ist eine Mühle die nur langsam mahlt! - Alles in allem kann ich zur Zeit nichts erkennen was die Kursrichtung drehen könnte...
...ich schätze mal CCE kann 2016 ebenfalls abschreiben!
Zeitpunkt: 28.10.16 12:43
Aktionen: Löschung des Beitrages, Nutzer-Sperre für 1 Tag
Kommentar: Unterstellung
Zeitpunkt: 28.10.16 12:43
Aktionen: Löschung des Beitrages, Nutzer-Sperre für 1 Tag
Kommentar: Unterstellung
Zeitpunkt: 29.10.16 14:58
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Provokation - Bitte nicht nachtreten.
Zeitpunkt: 29.10.16 14:58
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Provokation - Bitte nicht nachtreten.
Zeitpunkt: 29.10.16 15:18
Aktionen: Löschung des Beitrages, Nutzer-Sperre für 1 Tag
Kommentar: Unterstellung - einer Doppel-ID.
Zeitpunkt: 29.10.16 15:18
Aktionen: Löschung des Beitrages, Nutzer-Sperre für 1 Tag
Kommentar: Unterstellung - einer Doppel-ID.
Following the PEA, additional in-depth analysis of the REE market and value chain was completed, through dialogue with end-users & market experts in addition to internal research, and it was concluded that a reduced production scenario with a modular approach is optimal for the project
A production scenario of 3,000 to 5,000 tonnes REO per year is now targeted for the PFS1
• Modular approach
• Reduce start-up, operational, and future expansion
• Reduced CAPEX
• Positioned for more favourable access to financing
capital for project development
• Targeted production scenario range is the REE “sweet spot”
• Review of operating facilities globally indicates that this is the most optimal facility size for market
The revised production scenario will lower the risk profile for the overall project while better position it for success through development
At 3-5kt REO per annum, based on PEA parameters, the estimated production range for the magnet feed REO would be:
• Nd oxide – 510 to 855 t/a • Pr oxide – 145 to 245 t/a • Tboxide –4to8t/a
• Dyoxide–18to32t/a
PFS1 (Ongoing) Anticipated Mine to Market Scenario
Targeted annual production capacity of 3,000 to 5,000 tonnes REO (modular approach), with evaluation of saleable products ongoing through discussion with end-users & market consultants
• Open-pit mine with mineral process plant on-site
– Flotation concentrate produced
• Trucked north on haul road to barge
facility near Ungava Bay
• Transported by boat to hydromet facility on St. Lawrence Seaway
• Flotation concentrate processed at hydromet facility to a high-grade mineral concentrate (~45-50% REO), and through to saleable product(s)
Product Suites being considered
1. Mixed rare earth carbonate (REC)
2. La-Ce depleted mixed REC, La oxide, Ce carbonate
3. Nd-Pr oxide, La oxide, Ce carbonate, SEG- HRE carbonate
4. Separated REOs via strategic Partner
A thorough understanding of the entire value chain, and associated end-users, is essential for determining the proper saleable products to be produced
Mixed REC concentrate product targeted with vertical integration to final separate REOs being evaluated
One of the highest grades of the large tonnage advanced-stage rare earth deposits with mineralization from surface
Deposit has a very favourable REE distribution containing significant amounts of the Magnet Feed REEs from surface to depth, with a highly enriched MHREO Zone near surface
Flowsheet currently produces a potentially saleable met-grade fluorspar concentrate (>60% to 94% CaF2)
und so kam was kommen mußte
back to 0,065 mit fast 100 k
Und dort ist nix passiert.
".....die noch günstiger reinwollen"
Absolut lächerlich, wenn hier versucht wird, Interesse an dieser Bude vorzugaukeln.
Unheimliches Gedrängel, um da noch billig reinzukommen.
Aber alle shares scheinen in festen Händen !!
31.10.2016 • Ein neuer Gesetzentwurf aus China schreckt die deutschen Autohersteller auf: Schon ab 2018 soll offenbar eine Quote für Elektroautos gelten.
By Bloomberg New Energy Finance on 17 August 2016
China is said to be considering the introduction of compulsory quotas for carmakers that would require them to produce more electric vehicles or purchase carbon credits from their peers, in a bid to tighten emissions and support companies in developing what the government considers a strategic industry.
The proposed measure will require certain automakers to produce or import new-energy vehicles in proportion to the number of fuel-burning cars they sell, according to a draft document prepared by China’s National Development and Reform Commission.
Companies that fail to achieve the carbon dioxide emissions reduction targets would be required to buy credits or pay fines of as much as five-times the average price of the credits, the country’s top industry regulator and policy maker said...[/url
by Jon LeSage August 12, 2016
China is considering phasing out subsidies for plug-in electrified vehicles and switching over to automaker mandates similar to California’s system.
For China’s “new-energy vehicles” campaign, the government may eliminate its generous incentive program for electric vehicles and plug-in hybrids and transition over to a credit-based system for automakers to follow. Automakers would be required to build or import new-energy vehicles in proportion to the number of traditional internal combustion engine vehicles they sell.
Companies failing to manufacture these vehicles complying with emission reduction targets would have to buy credits or pay fines that could go up to five-times the average prices of the credits. The National Development and Reform Commission government agency is working out the details now of a draft proposal...
0.043 EUR =
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