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7997 Postings, 6795 Tage daxcrash2000Löschung

28.09.16 13:19

Zeitpunkt: 28.09.16 15:01
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Provokation



5805 Postings, 5001 Tage thairatLöschung

28.09.16 14:58

Zeitpunkt: 28.09.16 15:06
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Provokation



1970 Postings, 8570 Tage EllerLöschung

28.09.16 15:17

Zeitpunkt: 29.09.16 10:04
Aktionen: Löschung des Beitrages, Nutzer-Sperre für 1 Tag
Kommentar: Unterstellung



1970 Postings, 8570 Tage Eller..gehören :)

28.09.16 15:23

5805 Postings, 5001 Tage thairatEldor hosts 4 elements/element groups of risk-list

28.09.16 18:35
Commerce Resouerces Eldor hosts 4 elements/element groups of the risk-list by the Brittish Geological Survey

C. Ecclestone: Frankly reading between the lines of the BGS list the prime characteristic that gets any metal rated critical is NOT a lack of supply, but that the Chinese have any sort of dominance in a metal, and thus the ability to turn off most or all supply in a situation where countries are “fixing bayonets”.

#1 REE, 9,5 on relative supply risk index
#21 Tantal, 7,1 rsri
#25 Fluorine, 6,9 rsri
#26 Niobium, 6,7 rsri

5805 Postings, 5001 Tage thairatEldor: diversified supply of primary resources

28.09.16 18:45
Policy-makers, industry and consumers should be concerned about supply risk and the need to ensure diversified supply of primary resources.  

2532 Postings, 4020 Tage Crashdax3000#22405

28.09.16 18:53
Warum Grove daraus kein Kapital schlagen kann, erschließt sich nicht jedem.

402 Postings, 3171 Tage mach 40,07 ??

30.09.16 15:24
das war einmal

7997 Postings, 6795 Tage daxcrash2000durchschaubar

30.09.16 17:00
dieselben leute die früher bei 30% PLUS meinten, dat wär nix,

meinen jetzt, ein rückgang um 8% wär die Hölle


5805 Postings, 5001 Tage thairatMeet and greet at mines and money

30.09.16 20:29
Meet and greet at mines and money
Commerce Resources has been part of the "Quebec Delegation” at the Mines and Money and this gave Chris some good chances to communicate a little longer with the new Minister of Mines, Pierre Arcand, who is also the Minister for Plan Nord. Monsieur Arcand said to Chris and several times in his public speeches, that REE’s and lithium are two main focuses of the government now.

Additionally, Chris had several good conversations with the Chairman of the Societe du Plan Nord, Robert Sauve, on connecting Eldor with the rest of the world.

Chris was although seen talking to Constantine Karyanopolous the President of Neo Performance Materials, which is to say, the man who used to be the Chairman of Molycorp, and the former president of Neo Materials before it was bought by Molycorp.

Neo Performance Materials own Silmet, in Estonia, which of course not only processes REE’s but also tantalum/niobium feed from Brazil – and additionally they are proud of not buying African spot market tantalum. We should suggest Chris to send Silmet a sample from the Blue River project,-) With state-of-the-art processing and separating facilities in Europe and Asia, the Company helps customers to diversify the risk of sourcing materials from a single country.


5805 Postings, 5001 Tage thairatMan sehe und staune was Quebec geben kann

30.09.16 20:56

Man sehe und staune was Quebecs Minister Pierre Arcand geben kann:

The Québec Government Awards Stria Lithium $114,400 in Grants for Prefeasibility Study

Minister Arcand said the prefeasibility study was a first step that might lead to a total investment of $20 million in Baie Comeau and lead to the creation of some 30 direct jobs.

He said the Stria technology and manufacturing project dovetailed with Plan Nord’s development objectives in terms of business diversification in the Northern Québec region.

“The pre-feasibility study that will lead Stria Lithium into this region meets one of the (government’s) objectives for Plan Nord 2035,” said Minister Arcand. “And that is to support promising projects with a view to the diversification through enhanced mineral processing, in particular, minerals such as diamond, apatite, ilmenite, lithium, graphite and rare earths. ”


5805 Postings, 5001 Tage thairatQuebec rechnet mit Ashram PFS in 2016

30.09.16 21:05
In Nunavik, 130 kilometres south of Kuujjuaq, the aim of the Ashram (Eldor) project of Commerce Resources Corp. is to extract rare earths from a carbonatite. The project involves the mining and on-site concentration of the rare earth ore followed by off-site processing at a hydrometallurgical plant in southern Québec to produce a mixed rare earth carbonate concentrate. Work in support of a prefeasibility study is already underway, and the study is expected in 2016.

Gouvernement du Québec
Ministère de l’Énergie et des Ressources naturelles
September 2016  

5805 Postings, 5001 Tage thairatCeasars Report on Commerce Ashram and Miranna

01.10.16 18:27
Commerce Resources advances Ashram and samples high-grade Niobium at Eldor

on 26 September, 2016 in Blog, Zimtu Capital

...As the Miranna zone is extremely close to Ashram and its planned open pit, there could be a lot of synergy advantages that could make the development of Miranna worthwile, as the infrastructure expenses will already have been incurred by Commerce when it plans to develop Ashram. Of course, a lot more work needs to be done, and it will be very important to see if a drill program can confirm the existence of a wide-spread Niobium-Tantalum-Phosphate zone...  

2532 Postings, 4020 Tage Crashdax3000#22409: Was schwurbelst du wieder ?

02.10.16 19:37
Natürlich ist ein Plus von 30% ein Witz !
Kommt auf den Basiskurs an !
Wenn die Bude bei 1 cent steht feiern hier 2 ewig gestrige sicher die 2 cent mit
der Mega-Performance von 100%

Pennystock-Sysndrom !  

5805 Postings, 5001 Tage thairatnur 500 sind in Can short in CCE

02.10.16 21:20

7997 Postings, 6795 Tage daxcrash2000Löschung

02.10.16 23:56

Zeitpunkt: 04.10.16 10:06
Aktionen: Löschung des Beitrages, Nutzer-Sperre für 1 Tag
Kommentar: Beleidigung



7997 Postings, 6795 Tage daxcrash2000Löschung

02.10.16 23:57

Zeitpunkt: 04.10.16 10:07
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Spam



465 Postings, 4105 Tage bmuesli@crashdax

03.10.16 13:51
träume weiter von 0,01 Cent nur wird dieser nicht kommen du Geizkragen ...lach  

2532 Postings, 4020 Tage Crashdax3000Kannst du nicht lesen?

03.10.16 15:53
Wo steht, daß ich von 0,01 Cent träume?
Ich denke, diese Schrottbude ist mit 1-2 Euro-Cent fair bewertet.... man soll ja nicht übertreiben.

Oder warum sollte man CCE im Depot haben?
Die bekommen doch seit 15 Jahren nichts gebacken.  

5805 Postings, 5001 Tage thairat1,5 Milliarden gezahlt für Niobium und Phosphat

03.10.16 16:16
Niob, Phosphat, braucht kein Mensch, hau weg den Mist: Chinese CMOC Announces Acquisition of Anglo American’s Niobium and Phosphates Businesses for US$1.5 billion Hoppla, China gibgas und kauft den Schrott! "The niobium business is an important strategic addition to CMOC’s existing molybdenum and tungsten business as it is a critical value-added input for specialised alloys and steel production. The phosphates business provides strategically important diversification benefits to the Company’s metals portfolio. The phosphates sector has attractive long-term fundamentals and positive outlook due to robust demand and supply dynamics in Brazil,” the Asian firm said in a statement. “This transaction marks a strategic milestone for CMOC, giving us a foothold in three international mining jurisdictions, Brazil, Australia and China. It demonstrates our disciplined approach to international growth of acquiring high quality assets while achieving earnings, commodity, and geographic diversification,” CMOC Chairman and Executive Director Mr. Li Chaochun commented.’s-Niobium-Phosphates  

2532 Postings, 4020 Tage Crashdax3000ist die Infomation bedeutend für CCE?

03.10.16 16:41

5805 Postings, 5001 Tage thairatBetter buy Ta from Blue River and Niob from

03.10.16 20:02

2532 Postings, 4020 Tage Crashdax3000Mummpitz

03.10.16 20:05
Bid: 0.06
Bid Size: 1,160,000  

2532 Postings, 4020 Tage Crashdax3000thairat: Du schnallst es nicht !

03.10.16 20:09
Diese Wurstbude muß erstmal die Wirtschaftlichkeit des Abbaus nachweisen.
Eigentlich nicht schwer zu verstehen.  

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