Barrick Gold

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Neuester Beitrag: 10.03.25 17:06
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Neuester Beitrag:10.03.25 17:06von: Highländer49Leser gesamt:9.297.364
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649 Postings, 5706 Tage Chartlingerui ui ui

04.12.13 18:41
jetzt aber :-)))  

4868 Postings, 5389 Tage BirniGold und Barrick schießt nach Norden.

04.12.13 18:51
Jetzt scheint der Moment gekommen zu sein, wo Gold und barrick rasant explodieren. Alle, die auf weiter fallende Kurse gewettet haben, und das sind Viele, müssen zurück in den Markt.
Barrick könnte schnell wieder 1-2 Dollar steigen.  

1357 Postings, 4193 Tage Janislavmist

04.12.13 18:52
und vorhin hatte ich noch überlegt nochmal bei 15,50 nachzukaufen  

4868 Postings, 5389 Tage BirniInder werden sich Gold nicht verbieten lassen.

04.12.13 19:01

157 Postings, 4563 Tage sqashiich würde es

04.12.13 19:01
mir ja auch wünschen doch fehlt mir noch der nachhaltige Glaube....20.00 Uhr Fedprotokoll...danach könnte man vielleicht mal eben immer wieder spannend ,ob man mit seiner Entscheidung drinnen zu bleiben,richtig liegt...und wen ich verfaul...Barrick bleibt im Depot..basta  

790 Postings, 4230 Tage J.J.D.ich trau dem Braten nicht

04.12.13 19:11
nur nervöses kaufen und verkaufen beim Gold- kein klarer Trend. Eine Schwalbe macht noch keinen Frühling- Seitenlinie bis  ich einen Trend erkenne  

790 Postings, 4230 Tage J.J.D.mal an die

04.12.13 19:27
Chartisten unter euch- ab wo gibt's denn beim Gold ein Long Kaufsignal- ich könnte mir immer noch die 1270 vorstellen???  

649 Postings, 5706 Tage Chartlingertapering

04.12.13 19:29
kommt das tapering möcht ich nicht an bord sein. mehr kann ich im moment leider nicht beisteuern :-(  

293 Postings, 6175 Tage biber25Da hab ich ja mal einen guten Einstieg

04.12.13 19:33
erwischt! Kurz vorm Intraday Spike mit 30.000 zu 0,217 in ABX Barrick rein mit CH0223300176....

Trotz momentan roten Marktumfeld hält sich die Aktie sehr gut, auch wenn sie derzeit vom Intraday Hoch bröckelt... Liegt wohl an der News das eben, dass ein Mr. Thornton, Investmentbanker mit hervorragenden Kontakten in China, ins Barrick Board berufen wurde.

20:00 Uhr steht noch das Beige Book an, dass könnte nochmal richtig auswirken auf Barrick Gold....

Hab mein Invest mit einem engen SL bei 0,20 abgesichert, von daher sehe ich alles easy was die nächsten Tage kommt

Viel Erfolg allen Investierten....

790 Postings, 4230 Tage J.J.D.das ist ja die Frage überhaupt

04.12.13 19:35
wo geht das Stroh beim tapering hin???  

790 Postings, 4230 Tage J.J.D.das ist nur wieder angefüttert

04.12.13 19:57
satt wird keiner davon- seitwärts  

2376 Postings, 4255 Tage EskimooGold schießt

04.12.13 20:01
Barrick kriecht  

790 Postings, 4230 Tage J.J.D.schmilzt weg wie ein

04.12.13 20:10
Schneemann im Frühling- schade um die Zeit  

677 Postings, 4145 Tage Zockopatapering

04.12.13 20:23
Wenn die Rückführung expansiver geldpolitischer Maßnahmen angekündigt und verwirklicht wird, wird man gar nicht so schnell gucken können, wie Gold auf ca. 1150 Euro ist.
Von Barrick mag ich in diesen Zusammenhang gar nicht reden.
Was mit Gold kurzfristig passiert ist, waren nur Manipulationen zum Anfüttern für Long-Investe.
Wird sich wahrscheinlich sogar heute abend noch konsolidieren.  

3268 Postings, 5676 Tage demolisvor 2 tagen verlor

04.12.13 20:26
gold über 30 dollar und barrick 7%....nun steigt gold 25 dollar und die lahme barrick ente schafft gerade mal +-0......wo soll man da was positives finden ???
luft raus, flasche leer würd der gute trappatoni sagen !!  

2376 Postings, 4255 Tage Eskimooman muss kaufen,

04.12.13 20:33
wenn sie keiner haben will!  

1357 Postings, 4193 Tage Janislavach komm

04.12.13 20:38
hilft alles nix
Optionsscheine Laufzeit Dezember 2014 dazugekauft :-)  

677 Postings, 4145 Tage ZockopaIch möchte das ja alles glauben,

04.12.13 20:42
was hier so gekauft und verkauft wird.
Allein ,mir fehlt der Glaube........  

1357 Postings, 4193 Tage Janislavwarten wir mal ab

04.12.13 21:08
wie oft war es schon so, das BG erst hinterher gekrochen ist, und dann an nem Tag Zweistellig im Plus war. Schauen wir mal was Goldi die nächsten Tage macht.  

2257 Postings, 5808 Tage freakcityHeute Vorstandssitzung

04.12.13 21:23
gibts dazu news  

5270 Postings, 4471 Tage MotzerTapering: ein Kasperletheater

04.12.13 21:45
Selbst wenn das Tapering kommt, ist der Effekt doch nur psychologisch. Dadurch wird lediglich der Anstieg des Geldmengenwachstums gebremst. Es wird aber kein Geld aus dem Kreislauf gezogen. Der Niedrigzins wird trotz Tapering bleiben.

Insofern kommt mir das Gerede vom Tapering wie ein riesiges Kasperletheater vor.  

293 Postings, 6175 Tage biber25@freakcity

04.12.13 21:49
Munk's well-connected successor looks to fix Barrick

Soon after he joined Barrick Gold Corp's board last year, John Thornton, the designated successor to founder and chairman Peter Munk, took a company team to visit Ford Motor Co and learn about the automaker's turnaround story.

Ford, where Thornton has been a director since 1996, and its Detroit peers were on the skids just four years ago. But now the automaker is posting record earnings after a major overhaul of its costs and products.

The expedition to Ford may offer a glimpse into what the former Goldman Sachs Inc second-in-command thinks is needed at Barrick, the world's biggest gold producer, as it faces a host of challenges amid a diminished outlook for the mining industry.

The 59-year-old American, a China hand who is expected to become sole chairman at Toronto-based Barrick by next spring, takes charge at a time when sentiment has soured on the mining sector after cost overruns and a sinking gold price. Observers say he could shore up Barrick by allying it with powerful investors in China.

Munk, a controversial figure who many say holds too much sway in the Barrick boardroom, picked Thornton as his co-chairman and successor, and the pair have worked closely for more than a year.

Barrick has underperformed many of its peers so far this year. Its shares are languishing near 21-year lows, hurt also by market dissatisfaction with the company's governance and corporate missteps that include ballooning costs at its Pascua-Lama project in the Andes and a disappointing copper mine purchase in 2011.

"The whole industry is going through a pretty radical rethink about their strategy," said Goldman Sachs vice-chairman Michael Evans. He said China is the key strategic consideration not just for Barrick but for the entire industry.

"I think John will use that seat as chairman to think about transformational change in people, strategy, culture, whatever. It's the way he thinks," said Evans, who has known Thornton for 20 years and witnessed his ascent at Goldman.

Yet Thornton, who lacks a mining background, may not be every investor's dream chairman.

There is no evidence yet that he has bolstered Barrick's ties with Chinese investors. Meanwhile, his $11.9-million signing bonus inspired a minor shareholder revolt. And some investors are disappointed that he has not acted more quickly to align executive pay with performance at Barrick as he was fresh from doing just that at HSBC Holdings, where he was head of the board's compensation committee.

"When Thornton joined in 2012, there was an expectation level that change would be effected much quicker," said Onno Rutten, a portfolio manager with Mackenzie Investments' precious metals and resources funds, which own about 1 million Barrick shares.

Barrick's board is mulling changes to its executive compensation, according to a recent filing. Sources familiar with the situation say it will soon announce a revamped board, including new independent directors.


Chairman of Barrick is not a ceremonial role, and that is not likely to change under Thornton, who is known as a hands-on board member. Thornton joined Barrick's board 21 months ago and was named co-chair in June 2012.

To his supporters, the father of four is a bold visionary with unparalleled government and business connections in deep-pocketed China, one of the world's largest metal consumers, and those ties are a key reason Munk picked him for Barrick.

After boarding school in Connecticut, Thornton completed programs in history, law and management at Harvard, Oxford and Yale. He has been a director at not just Ford and Barrick but also at Intel Corp, China Unicom and News Corp.

Thornton left Goldman in 2003, when he was co-chief operating officer, after it became clear he would likely wait years for a shot at the top job.

One of a handful of partners who built Goldman's businesses in Europe and Asia in the 1980s and 1990s, he chose an unconventional second career in 2003, teaching a leadership seminar and serving on the advisory board of Tsinghua University's business school, a top institution in Beijing.

"What few would have known or appreciated was the importance attached to such an appointment by the Chinese government," wrote Charles D. Ellis in his 2008 book, 'The Partnership: The making of Goldman Sachs', noting that Thornton was the first non-Chinese person in such a position.

The job had Thornton commuting between his home in Palm Beach, Florida, and Beijing once or twice a month and made him a teacher and mentor to many of China's political elites.

A training ground for China's senior leaders, Tsinghua counts President Xi Jinping, former President Hu Jintao and former Premier Zhu Rongji among its alumni. Thornton also serves on the International Advisory Council of Chinese sovereign wealth fund CIC (China Investment Corp).

Barrick recently held talks with CIC and other investors about potential partnership opportunities, said two sources who asked not to be named as the talks were confidential.

Sources familiar with Barrick's discussions say the company's efforts go beyond merely securing a passive equity investment in the company. Two sources said Barrick was interested in a deeper, long-lasting partnership with the Chinese that could include co-development and co-financing on big projects, possibly Pascua-Lama.


Teaching some of China's current leaders gave Thornton "the kind of trust, the kind of acceptance, the kind of relationships in a country where the fuel for our next phase of growth" will come from, Munk said in April.

Dominic Barton, global MD of management consultancy McKinsey & Co, went to Thornton for advice a decade ago when he moved to Shanghai as McKinsey's Asia chairman.

Barton remembers a phone call some years back from Thornton inviting him to a workshop with a Communist Party official named Xi Jinping - now president.

A source familiar with a recent meeting Barrick arranged during the United Nations General Assembly said the foreign minister of China, Wang Yi, attended "because John was there".

Even so, several banking and industry sources say Thornton faces an uphill climb in forging deeper ties with the Chinese. They say the country is more interested in investing in industrial metals like copper and iron ore than a precious metal like gold.

Thornton, who chairs the board of the Brookings Institution, one of Washington's most influential think tanks, has connections outside China as well.

Political connections are increasingly important to miners as governments around the world demand higher environmental standards and more taxes. In Chile, costs at Barrick's Pascua-Lama gold and silver project have risen in part because of requirements that the miner address environmental concerns, especially around contamination of water.

According to sources familiar with the situation, Thornton held talks with the presidents of Chile and Argentina to work through obstacles facing the project, which straddles the border between the two countries.

But it is not clear how much progress he made. The massive project, which has long-running and complex problems and has drawn opposition from a nearby indigenous group, was shelved in October.


A key question for Barrick shareholders is whether Munk, 86, will still hold sway in the Barrick boardroom after he steps down as chairman. Many have complained that Munk has been too dominant.

But McKinsey's Barton said the gray-haired, bespectacled Thornton is his own man, and not easily cowed. Barton recalled attending a meeting with Thornton and a Chinese client some years back. Thornton opened by asking the chairman whether he was more loyal to his company or the Communist Party, a sensitive question in China.

"When the translation happened, people sucked their breath in a bit, and I was going, 'Yup, we're out this account.' But it was good. The guy actually smiled," said Barton.  

169 Postings, 4278 Tage mrkiJ.J.D.:

04.12.13 23:38
Für unsere Long Freunde, ;-) wenn ich Long gehen würde, dann würde ich das jetzt machen. Vielleicht  kurz abwarten, möglich das der Kurs bis 1238-1228 $ zurück kommt. Wie man sehen kann die Marke von 1211 $ hat gut gehalten.  Ich schorti, :-(  muss man eben durch.

Auf jeden Fall denkbar wäre es, das Gold in Bereich von 1280-1317 $ nuf schießt. Dabei sollte die 1211 $ nicht mehr fallen. Risiko ist eben immer dabei! Das Tief 08.2013 im Auge behalten, und siehe Retracement.

Viel Glück ! Übrigens der Trend ist seit zwei Jahren erkennbar ! :-)


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790 Postings, 4230 Tage J.J.D.@mrki- Danke werdsmir durch

05.12.13 08:24
den Kopf gehen lassen- bin unsicher :(  

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