Ballard Power Systems lebt noch (Wieder)
Nur weiß man halt nicht, wann daraus Umsätze und womöglich Gewinne entstehen.
Herr MacEwen bemerkte: "Der globale Megatrend zur Elektrifizierung der Mobilität beschleunigt sich und setzt der auf Brennstoffzellen basierenden Energie für Motivanwendungen zunehmend Impulse. Es gibt eindeutige Signale dafür, dass sich die Wasserstoff- und Brennstoffzellenindustrie in einem aufregenden Stadium ihrer Entwicklung befindet." Wir bekräftigen unseren Ausblick für das Gesamtjahr 2019 und nehmen auch unsere Erwartungen für ein starkes Wachstum im Jahr 2020 und darüber hinaus zur Kenntnis, um die fortgesetzte Führungsposition von Ballard beim Antrieb von Brennstoffzellen-Elektrofahrzeugen zu untermauern. "
"We expect all 1,000 of those to have Ballard fuel cell engines inside" said Randy
Ballard Power Systems' (BLDP) CEO Randy MacEwen on Q2 2019 Results - Earnings Call Transcript
Aug. 1, 2019 5:22 PM ET | About: Ballard Power Systems Inc. (BLDP)
"Ballard Power Systems will provide the fuel cell modules to power the two trucks. Each will have three FCmove-HD fuel cell modules using Ballard’s LCS technology– with each generating 70 kilowatts of power."
O-Ton: "..significant pipeline of opportunities that we see moving into the backlog 2019"......
und CRRC ref. Schienenfahrzeuge...hat alles zwei Jahre länger gedauert aber scheint nun auch voll los zu gehen (wie bei Alstom und Hydrogenics):
Kurzum: Aktie müsste viel höher stehen angesichts der Perspektiven....
Zoom auf Planungsworkshop für emissionsfreie Businfrastruktur für Verkehrsunternehmen am 14. August in Long Beach, Kalifornien (Link: #theotherelectricbus #poweredbyBallard #hydrogen #fuelcell
etwas vermessen "center of excellence" genannte Projekt in Dänemark soll bereits ab Ende 2019
produzieren. Und es liegt bereits ein Vertrag mit einem norwegischen Fährschiff - Betreiber zur
Ausrüstung eines Schiffes vor, das 2021 in Dienst gehen soll. Wenn Schweröl verbrennende
Schiffe durch solche mit bz-Antrieb ersetzt werden.....eieiei
MacEwen bezeichnet die 1000 H2Bus Fahrzeuge in Europa wiederholt als "relatively modest volume"
Amit Dayal
Understood. Thank you for that. And then in relation to the H2Bus opportunity up 1,000 buses. How should we view Ballard's sort of opportunity set here? Are you potentially going to participate in all of these 1,000 buses or a portion of these? How will that play out indeed?
Randy MacEwen
Yeah. So just to be clear, the consortium has come together for the deployment of 1,000 fuel cell electric buses in Europe. 600 of them already have secured funding, we expect 200 of them to be deployed in Latvia, 200 in the UK, and 200 in Denmark of course, where we have our European head office as well. So we see 600 of those, as moving forward, all of them, this 600, plus all of the additional 400. And there's lots of work going on to identify these cities and countries for those additional 400.
We expect all 1,000 of those to have Ballard fuel cell engines inside. And the way the consortium was structured was that the pricing and the lean forward together, the consortium members was based on, again, what I'd characterize is relatively modest volume. So we're very excited about this development. It took a lot of work for the consortium to come together and approach cities and countries for these deployments.
So we're very pleased with how this consortium has come together. We've got some great partners there and a very powerful opportunity that will showcase again Ballard's leading fuel cell engines for bus applications and pretty significant scaling compared to where Europe has been historically.
Interessant ist auch das: Ballard behält die 49% am Weichai JV, da Broad Ocean das Angebot von 10% nicht genutzt hat.
Jeff Osborne
Excellent. Good morning. Couple questions on my end. Is there still discussion about Broad Ocean investing in the Weichai JV? I might have missed that but I didn't see any reference to it in the MD&A and your prepared remarks.
Randy MacEwen
Good morning, Jeff. And thanks for the question. We did have discussions to invite Broad Ocean to participate in the Weichai-Ballard JV. They've decided not to do that. So we're quite happy with the outcome because we gave them the opportunity to participate. And, we liked having the 49% position, we think the JV is going to have very high value in the future and want to own as much of it as possible.
Zum Broad Ocean JV sagt er auch noch folgendes: Ein grosser Investor ist dazugekommen, der das JV zum Laufen bringen möchte. Damit hätte man Weichai und BroadOcean!
Rob Brown
First on the Synergy deal, it sounds like that's come back nicely, is that indicative of the Chinese market ramping back and maybe what's your expectations now on that business into 2020?
Randy MacEwen
Thanks for the question, Rob indeed. I would say it's representative of the new parties that are coming to the China hydrogen fuel cell industry because what's happening there is a new investor that is announced, I think it's about RMB180 million to RMB200 million financing in the synergy. That company is called Beijing Energy which is a very large coal producer in China.
They see lots of opportunity for coal gasification to hydrogen and the use of the hydrogen in the near term. They are investing heavily in renewable energy to hydrogen in the future and also have made an acquisition of Feishi Bus in Guangdong province as well, which is one of the leaders in my opinion at this point in hydrogen fuel cell bus deployments. So they are making a number of investments in the hydrogen fuel cell industry.
And this investment in the joint venture is effectively -- or actually in Synergy is effectively to support the future funding of the JV. They view their stack as many do in the industry as a key part of the value chain and wanted to make sure they had exposure to this. So that financing is expected to close in the very near term. And I think positions Synergy and the Synergy-Ballard JV very strongly going forward.
We did ship some MEAs actually in Q2 to the JV. We have a new $8 million purchase order for which we expect going forward, we expect to see some digital deliveries in 2019. So that's, frankly -- wasn't something we had expected earlier in the year, just given the level of uncertainty. But we'll have to wait, of course, to see this financing closed.
But I'm very excited about these developments at Synergy bringing in such a strong player. And I've had the opportunity to meet the top executives, including the CEO of Beijing Energy. I'm very impressed with their commitment in the hydrogen fuel cell industry. So I think you have got it right. It's an indication of the level of interest, as well as the quality of the counterparties continue to step up, including in China.
Alles in Allem ein exzellentes Ergebnis!