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Eröffnet am: | 16.12.12 10:31 | von: weltumradler | Anzahl Beiträge: | 10.487 |
Neuester Beitrag: | 25.04.21 00:01 | von: Petraqssia | Leser gesamt: | 2.440.536 |
Forum: | Hot-Stocks | Leser heute: | 372 | |
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meldet sich in letzter zeit verdächtig häufig, und hat wohl gewisse gedächtnislücken wie ich nach einigen bier. weshalb ist einfach zu erklären.
u.a. ausgabe vom 11.09.2013
"......So ist die Konjunktur in Irland noch längst nicht so robust wie wünschenswert wäre und die Wahrscheinlichkeit einer Kapitalerhöhung, um die Staatshilfen zurückzuzahlen, steigt gerade angesichts des höheren Aktienkurses deutlich......"
in den letzten beiden ausgaben wurde der hinweis einer möglichen ke entweder einfach vergessen, semesterferien sind doch schon rum, oder verschwiegen. ich finde schon, dass dies ein wichtiges entscheidubgskriterium für ein invest bzw. aufstockung darstellt.... - wetten, dass bei der nächsten ausgabe wieder darauf hingewiesen wird.
den studenten sei verziehen.......
gruss weltumradler
wenn ich tausend Bewertungen mache und zehn steigen und diese dann als .....................
darstelle, ich weiß nicht ob das so richtig und seriös ist.
und was ich heute als super bewertet habe ist übermorgen schon das allerletzte.
ich denke das sich jeder ein eigenes bild machen sollte.
hier in diesem Forum gibt es genügend sachlich kompetente Beiträge.
Imobilienpreise besser als erwartet.
Bei Gewinn, können vielleicht die Verlustvorträge realisiert werden.
Dax/Dow liefen auch (zu) gut!?
Seitenlinie ist auch mal beruhigend ;-)
Wenns gute news gibt halt mit geringerer Stückzahl wieder rein oder bei kurskorrektur südlich mit höherer ..
Boi wird uns noch viel Freude bereiten
glaub ich war schon 8-10 mal drin in der boi ;-)
entweder bei nem rücksetzer wieder rein oder nach guten news etc ..
man sollte auch gewinne realisieren und nicht nur träumen!
steuern sind von mir bis jetzt auch gezahlt .. wer nen schönen gewinn hat sollte auch die gut 30% steuer im depot auf das plus nicht vergessen ..
"Aktie zieht an und keiner kommentiert es.
Imobilienpreise besser als erwartet.
Bei Gewinn, können vielleicht die Verlustvorträge realisiert werden."
Verlusstvorträge sind realisiert .. man kann sie mit gewinn höchstens wieder "reparieren" bzw gewinne realisieren ohne steuern zu zahlen ..
Habe dafür mein Lehrgeld bezahlt und meine Erfahrungen gesammel.
Jeder fährt seine eigene Linie....
Schönes we ...
was passiert beim absturz?auch laufen lassen?
ich trade fast ausschliesslich die BOI ;-)
rein/raus nach gefühl .. und es läuft ..
wenn sie dann mal ohne korrektur weiter gen norden zieht geh ich halt etwas höher als beim letzten verkaufskurs wieder rein!
denke zu 80% bin ich günstiger wieder rein!
habe annährend die gleiche stückzahl gehabt wie jene die ich bei ca 11-13cent hatte ..
und:ich habe bereits steuern gezahlt ;-)
soviel kann ich also nicht verkehrt gemacht haben gegenüber "laufen lassen"!
einfache rechnung:angenommen du hast bei ca 12cent 100.000stück gekauft welche nun ihren wert etwa verdoppelt haben .. vom gewinn 12.000,- sind etwa 3.500,- für die katz!
durch wiedereinstiege habe ich verdoppelt und bereits den staat gefüttert!
ist doch eh egal :-) mit der BOI liegen sowohl longis wie auch daytrader goldrichtig!!!
Economic and Monetary Affairs Commissioner believes Dublin could exit on its own
Ireland may not need precautionary credit to exit its bailout programme, according to EU Economic and Monetary Affairs Commissioner Olli Rehn.
Mr Rehn said the reform programmes in Ireland and Spain pledged in exchange for financial support were on track and both economies were growing strongly.
“We are currently holding discussions with both countries as well as within the Eurogroup, to see what is the best way to successfully exit the programme,” he said.
“The principle that it is better to be safe than sorry prevails and we will look into what are the best ways to ensure a successful exit from the programmes.”
“Thanks to the economic turnaround supported by the programmes in both countries they have a very good chance of exiting the programme successfully and returning to durable market funding,” Mr Rehn, who was in Washington for talks with the IMF, said.
“It is still premature to see if there is a need for any precautionary arrangement. I would not rule it out, but, as I said, both have a very good chance in succeeding even without a precautionary arrangement,” he said.
The Government has indicated it intends to seek a €10 billion credit buffer from Brussels to insulate it against any market shocks when the bailout expires in December.
European Union officials hope that Ireland may mark the beginning of the end of the euro zone’s debt problems if it does draw a line under its funding worries next year.
Concerns about how Spain’s economy will function in an era of tighter credit and more constrained housing markets continue to weigh on the prospects for its banks and government.
Some policy-makers in Brussels have said that Spain and Ireland would be wise to seek a new credit line, just in case. Even if never used, it would enable the European Central Bank to include Ireland or Spain in its programme of government bond purchases, sending a powerful signal of confidence to markets.
But such credit lines would also come with conditions and further close monitoring - limiting the choices in economic policy-making that governments accept only as a last resort. Mr Rehn said that it was far too early to discuss the arrangement for Portugal’s exit from its bailout programme. Lisbon’s financial lifeline from the eurozone will end in the middle of 2014.
He noted Portuguese exports and domestic demand were on the rise but said the country was still facing many challenges.
Additional reporting by Reuters
Minister tells Fine Gael members NTMA has €25bn backstop in place for bailout exit
Minister for Finance Michael Noonan has suggested there is little work left to do on the budget and that he felt the State already had a financial “backstop” in place for when it exits the international bailout.
Speaking at the Fine Gael national conference in Limerick, the Minister said there were only a few “bit and bobs” left to decide on when the Cabinet meets tomorrow for the last time before he and Minister for Public Expenditure Brendan Howlin outline the budget on Tuesday.
He joked to delegates that they would be “astounded by all the good news I am announcing”.
Mr Noonan said it was his decision to attempt to lower the State’s deficit in 2014 below the 5.1 per cent of GDP target set by the troika as he wanted to ensure fiscal adjustment was “finished by 2015”.
“The longer the adjustment takes, the greater the uncertainty that will hang over the economy,” he said. “And uncertainty will cause people to defer investment and spending decisions, which is the last thing we need now that the recovery in the labour force is taking hold.”
Lowering the deficit to 4.8 per cent, which the Government is targeting through a €2.5 billion adjustment, meant the economy had “a sufficient buffer in the event of international shocks,” Mr Noonan added.
He said the cash balance of some €25 billion held by the National Treasury Management Agency meant the State had “a backstop already in place” for when the bailout was exited.
Looking to the future, Mr Noonan said Ireland cannot go back to “an economy built on the quicksand of a credit and property bubble”.
“This Government is building an economy that is based on real activity such as agriculture, tourism, IT, manufacturing and a normal sized construction sector,” he said.
The national conference is continuing in Limerick today with a number of ministers taking part in the event before returning to Dublin tomorrow for a final Cabinet meeting to lock down the last details of the budget.
Hundreds of party delegates from across the country are attending the conference and the main event today will be an address from Taoiseach Enda Kenny at 8.30pm.
Mr Noonan, Minister for Jobs Richard Bruton, Minister for Transport Leo Varadkar and Minister for Agriculture Simon Coveney are this morning participating in a discussion on jobs, recovery and exiting the bailout.
Mr Coveney said the State was entering a phase that could potentially be “a golden age” for Irish farming.
“The enthusiasm surrounding the agri-food sector and the increased investment by our largest food companies will provide sustainable jobs for rural communities in the long term.”
Other sessions will cover subjects such as lifelong learning, health, political reform, justice and the Gathering.
Taoiseach Enda Kenny will deliver an address to delegates later tonight.
Last night, he told the crowd he was confident the budget would help the State to record a primary surplus in 2014 and allow the Government to begin reducing the national debt.
He said the Coalition’s two objectives for the budget were to carry on the work of repairing the public finances and to continue to invest in improving competitiveness and the creation of jobs.
“The €2.5 billion adjustment will deliver a deficit of 4.8 per cent next year and a primary surplus also, which means our debt can start to reduce,” he said.
A primary surplus is achieved when tax income is greater than the day-to-day cost of running the State when excluding interest payments on the national debt.
Mr Kenny spoke positively of the work done by Minister for Social Protection Joan Burton but said more effort was needed in the area, where he said reform was avoided by previous governments, so people would not be condemned to years in the dole queues.
The Taoiseach said every jobseeker had rights and responsibilities but that in the current circumstances facing the State nothing was guaranteed. “If people want to continue to receive benefits then they must engage with services . . . it’s compulsory,” he said. “Work must pay and be seen to pay.”
isch richtg oder falsch...................