Amarantus Bioscence - WKN: A1J9ZB - MEGA NEWS $$$$
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wenn die alten in berlin umgetauscht sind, kann ich dann diese in usa verkaufen ?
AMBS - Our data presentation after market close on January 8th will provide a MAJOR catalyst that is fundamentally natural and organic. Not only are we expecting data that shows ~30% better results than a drug, GDNF, valued at $250 million preclinical, but Dr. Rubinfield will be presenting immediately after on the commercialization potential of MANF. This conference is not one of those assemblies where a bunch of science dorks come together to show off their projects, its an investors conference. We have one of the most reputable scientists of the past century ready to talk about some HUGE, multi billion dollar markets MANF is preparing to run for. Not only will this potentially bring in much needed funding for AMBS, it will bring in a lot of deep pocket investors who will be joining us longs in the ride of a lifetime. Don’t lose sleep over the day-to-day movement of this stock. All your focus should be on the true value of MANF and AMBS, and the data coming out as positive as we expect.
ich hatte damals jeden eingeladen und nur einige haben gehört. vorallem was heißt damals ist erst 4 wochen her he he