AXIA boooooooomt!
Axia steigt um über +90%
und es wurden nur rund 5000 Stück
für ca. 1100 Dollar gehandelt...
15:59:17 0,2100 1000
15:40:17 0,2000 1195
15:31:15 0,2000 2000
15:30:12 0,1900 568
15:30:08 0,2000 0
15:30:08 0,2000 800
Was passiert wohl, wenn hier jemand mit 10.000 Dollar einsteigt?
und es wurden nur rund 5000 Stück
für ca. 1100 Dollar gehandelt...
15:59:17 0,2100 1000
15:40:17 0,2000 1195
15:31:15 0,2000 2000
15:30:12 0,1900 568
15:30:08 0,2000 0
15:30:08 0,2000 800
Was passiert wohl, wenn hier jemand mit 10.000 Dollar einsteigt?
Ist ja irre! Plötzlich erwacht wieder das Interesse an Axia!
21:45:59 0,2000 2400
21:23:41 0,2000 25000
21:23:18 0,2000 3000
19:21:51 0,2100 5000
19:20:26 0,2100 100
15:59:17 0,2100 1000
15:40:17 0,2000 1195
15:31:15 0,2000 2000
15:30:12 0,1900 568
15:30:08 0,2000 0
15:30:08 0,2000 800
Um 21:23:41 gingen zu 0,2000 Dollar 25000 shares über die Theke!
Das macht 5000 Dollar! War das ein Kauf oder ein Verkauf?
Naja! Egal!
Auf jeden Fall stehen wir mit rund 80% im Plus und Schichau hat nur 12 Prozent geschafft ;-) Was habe ich jetzt gewonnen? Eine Reise nach Sri Lanka ;-)
21:45:59 0,2000 2400
21:23:41 0,2000 25000
21:23:18 0,2000 3000
19:21:51 0,2100 5000
19:20:26 0,2100 100
15:59:17 0,2100 1000
15:40:17 0,2000 1195
15:31:15 0,2000 2000
15:30:12 0,1900 568
15:30:08 0,2000 0
15:30:08 0,2000 800
Um 21:23:41 gingen zu 0,2000 Dollar 25000 shares über die Theke!
Das macht 5000 Dollar! War das ein Kauf oder ein Verkauf?
Naja! Egal!
Auf jeden Fall stehen wir mit rund 80% im Plus und Schichau hat nur 12 Prozent geschafft ;-) Was habe ich jetzt gewonnen? Eine Reise nach Sri Lanka ;-)
du selbst hast deine letzten ersparnisse gestern in axia gesteckt...
ich hoffe, das geht heute so weiter, ich will den dollar sehen
ich hoffe, das geht heute so weiter, ich will den dollar sehen
...dann geht´s auch mit dem Häuserbau schneller voran ;-)
Roads a bridge between North, South - President
Written by Administrator
Friday, 21 July 2006
President Mahinda Rajapaksa made a clarion call to Road Development Authority engineers to commit themselves to merge the gap between the North and the South through the development of road structures in the island.
He was addressing the Road Development Authority Engineers Association Annual General Meeting at the Presidential Secretariat yesterday.
"When the World Bank President came here I spoke to him about the possibility of getting funds to build a highway linking the North and the South. I hope this would materialise as the Road to Peace," President said.
Reiterating the Government's commitment to development against the backdrop of any adverse implications, the President highlighted the importance of developing road infrastructure as a catalyst to development and peace.
"As a Government committed to development we have paid special attention to the development of infrastructure. Our ancestors received world acclaim for their achievements in engineering. Our duty should be to use this as a catalyst in developing a hassle free and development oriented road structure for our future generation," the President said.
"Roads could be used to bridge the gap between village and the city and could be used as a catalyst to prospective investments both local and foreign".
"As the guardians of the roads in our country,the responsibility of future growth is on your shoulders. As such you should take it to your heart to do justice to the free education you received and the faith we all have placed on you with a committed effort to development," he added.
Highways Minister Jeyaraj Fernandopulle hailed the occasion as a historic one.
"This is the first time a meeting of this nature is being held at the Presidential Secretariat. That in itself shows the Government's stance on the development of roads as a high priority issue".
"Korea has 4,000 km of highways and China has 40,000 km, but we do not even have one kilometre. As such we should all commit ourselves to developing this most important type of infrastructure. We have launched several highway projects," Fernandopulle added.
Both T.B.Ekanayake Minister of Road development and his deputy Rohana Kumara Dissanayake stressed the importance of developing the 64,600 Km road network in the island. Citing a World Bank report Dissanayake said that poverty was prevalent in areas where the road structure was poor. "We should change the trend and use better roads to develop the villagers."
Chairman of the Association Moses Mariyadasan reiterated their commitment to road development behalf of all his colleagues. A web site was launched depicting the work of RDA.
Roads a bridge between North, South - President
Written by Administrator
Friday, 21 July 2006
President Mahinda Rajapaksa made a clarion call to Road Development Authority engineers to commit themselves to merge the gap between the North and the South through the development of road structures in the island.
He was addressing the Road Development Authority Engineers Association Annual General Meeting at the Presidential Secretariat yesterday.
"When the World Bank President came here I spoke to him about the possibility of getting funds to build a highway linking the North and the South. I hope this would materialise as the Road to Peace," President said.
Reiterating the Government's commitment to development against the backdrop of any adverse implications, the President highlighted the importance of developing road infrastructure as a catalyst to development and peace.
"As a Government committed to development we have paid special attention to the development of infrastructure. Our ancestors received world acclaim for their achievements in engineering. Our duty should be to use this as a catalyst in developing a hassle free and development oriented road structure for our future generation," the President said.
"Roads could be used to bridge the gap between village and the city and could be used as a catalyst to prospective investments both local and foreign".
"As the guardians of the roads in our country,the responsibility of future growth is on your shoulders. As such you should take it to your heart to do justice to the free education you received and the faith we all have placed on you with a committed effort to development," he added.
Highways Minister Jeyaraj Fernandopulle hailed the occasion as a historic one.
"This is the first time a meeting of this nature is being held at the Presidential Secretariat. That in itself shows the Government's stance on the development of roads as a high priority issue".
"Korea has 4,000 km of highways and China has 40,000 km, but we do not even have one kilometre. As such we should all commit ourselves to developing this most important type of infrastructure. We have launched several highway projects," Fernandopulle added.
Both T.B.Ekanayake Minister of Road development and his deputy Rohana Kumara Dissanayake stressed the importance of developing the 64,600 Km road network in the island. Citing a World Bank report Dissanayake said that poverty was prevalent in areas where the road structure was poor. "We should change the trend and use better roads to develop the villagers."
Chairman of the Association Moses Mariyadasan reiterated their commitment to road development behalf of all his colleagues. A web site was launched depicting the work of RDA.
Current Shares Short: 930
Average Daily Share Volume: 7702
Days to Cover: 1
Morgen wird gecovert!
Current Shares Short: 930
Average Daily Share Volume: 7702
Days to Cover: 1
Morgen wird gecovert!
Hier nochmal ein Auszug vom "letter to shareholders"
vom February 14, 2006.
(...) "We not only demonstrated the superiority of our panel technology, but we also demonstrated our ability to create, train and manage work teams in remote areas. That was the biggest challenge and again our greatest success. With this experience we can move our technology anywhere in the world, I am convinced. Just in the last few months we have indeed had inquiries from Pakistan, the Dominican Republic and Nigeria to introduce out technology to their countries."
"In addition, our technology has promising application here in the U.S. as well. In fact several homes including higher end residences have been built with this method. We recently hired an individual with more than 20 years experience in the construction and home development business to begin pursing opportunities in the Gulf Coast and other areas that need a housing technology that can stand up to hurricane strength winds and flooding."
"I will be returning to Sri Lanka in March of this year with Raj Janan, to meet with the Red Cross, the United Nations and other NGOs which have seen our development and expressed interest in our capabilities. It is my hope to return to the US with new contracts to build our strong, simple but beautiful single family homes, contracts that not only help people in dire need of help, but contracts that are profitable at the same time. There is a need for nearly 200,000 new homes in Sri Lanka alone, and we
fully expect to be responsible for a fair share of these new developments."
vom February 14, 2006.
(...) "We not only demonstrated the superiority of our panel technology, but we also demonstrated our ability to create, train and manage work teams in remote areas. That was the biggest challenge and again our greatest success. With this experience we can move our technology anywhere in the world, I am convinced. Just in the last few months we have indeed had inquiries from Pakistan, the Dominican Republic and Nigeria to introduce out technology to their countries."
"In addition, our technology has promising application here in the U.S. as well. In fact several homes including higher end residences have been built with this method. We recently hired an individual with more than 20 years experience in the construction and home development business to begin pursing opportunities in the Gulf Coast and other areas that need a housing technology that can stand up to hurricane strength winds and flooding."
"I will be returning to Sri Lanka in March of this year with Raj Janan, to meet with the Red Cross, the United Nations and other NGOs which have seen our development and expressed interest in our capabilities. It is my hope to return to the US with new contracts to build our strong, simple but beautiful single family homes, contracts that not only help people in dire need of help, but contracts that are profitable at the same time. There is a need for nearly 200,000 new homes in Sri Lanka alone, and we
fully expect to be responsible for a fair share of these new developments."
Der business trip wurde ja auf Juli verschoben.
Die Ergebnisse sind... naja u.a. folgende:
(...) "Our meetings with the United Nations, Red Cross and other nongovernmental agencies NGOs were all very positive and have resulted in new proposals for additional work."
"While we are proud of our efforts to help with the families affected by the tsunami, we are now looking to work with companies in the commercial, residential and development sectors," added Flannery. "This panel technology is ideal for all types of building structures from apartments and residential homes to factories and multistory buildings. We made great progress this trip in establishing relationships with the Sri Lanka government and private builders to begin this process."
Axia steht also erst am Anfang eines Prozesses, bei dem es um neue Aufträge geht...
Von dem Auftrag über die 1000 Häuser, die Axia mit bauen soll, gibt es keine neuen finanziellen Berichte. Abgesehen von Sri Lanka gibt es keine neuen Aufträge aus Pakistan, Indien, der Golfküste oder der Rest der Welt! Und die Zahlen der letzten Quartale ist Jeff uns noch immer schuldig. Ich rechne mal mit einem Schuldenberg von rund 20 Millionen Dollar! Soviel könnte Axia in der Zeit VOR Sri Lanka angehäuft haben. Das klingt auf den ersten Blick viel, könnte aber durch zahlreiche Aufträge innerhalb eines Jahres abgebaut werden! Wenn denn nun mal endlich neue Aufträge kommen würden!!!
Die Ergebnisse sind... naja u.a. folgende:
(...) "Our meetings with the United Nations, Red Cross and other nongovernmental agencies NGOs were all very positive and have resulted in new proposals for additional work."
"While we are proud of our efforts to help with the families affected by the tsunami, we are now looking to work with companies in the commercial, residential and development sectors," added Flannery. "This panel technology is ideal for all types of building structures from apartments and residential homes to factories and multistory buildings. We made great progress this trip in establishing relationships with the Sri Lanka government and private builders to begin this process."
Axia steht also erst am Anfang eines Prozesses, bei dem es um neue Aufträge geht...
Von dem Auftrag über die 1000 Häuser, die Axia mit bauen soll, gibt es keine neuen finanziellen Berichte. Abgesehen von Sri Lanka gibt es keine neuen Aufträge aus Pakistan, Indien, der Golfküste oder der Rest der Welt! Und die Zahlen der letzten Quartale ist Jeff uns noch immer schuldig. Ich rechne mal mit einem Schuldenberg von rund 20 Millionen Dollar! Soviel könnte Axia in der Zeit VOR Sri Lanka angehäuft haben. Das klingt auf den ersten Blick viel, könnte aber durch zahlreiche Aufträge innerhalb eines Jahres abgebaut werden! Wenn denn nun mal endlich neue Aufträge kommen würden!!!
Wer war das?
Was geht ab?
Axia lebt?!
Heute +100%! 0,20 Dollar!
Tickliste Zeit Kurs Volumen
16:17:37 0,2000 4900
16:16:37 0,1800 5000
16:15:42 0,1800 0
16:15:42 0,1800 100
Was geht ab?
Axia lebt?!
Heute +100%! 0,20 Dollar!
Tickliste Zeit Kurs Volumen
16:17:37 0,2000 4900
16:16:37 0,1800 5000
16:15:42 0,1800 0
16:15:42 0,1800 100
hoffentlich war das erst der Anfang!!
die sollte doch jetzt explodieren! wäre doch super wenn das leiden endlich ein Ende hätte!
die sollte doch jetzt explodieren! wäre doch super wenn das leiden endlich ein Ende hätte!
...ich mag aber irgendwie nicht so richtig daran denken...
Aber wer weiß: Vielleicht bereitet Jeff gerade die Zahlen
der letzten Quartale vor, um sie uns zu präsentieren ;-)
oder ein neuer Auftrag aus Sri lanka kommt reingeflogen ;-)
oder die Häuser in Galle oder Batticaloa sind endlich fertig gestellt
und das Geld auf Jeff´s Konto ;-)
oder Pakistan & Indien haben sich bei axia gemeldet und häuser bestellt ;-)
oder nur ein strohfeuer...
Aber wer weiß: Vielleicht bereitet Jeff gerade die Zahlen
der letzten Quartale vor, um sie uns zu präsentieren ;-)
oder ein neuer Auftrag aus Sri lanka kommt reingeflogen ;-)
oder die Häuser in Galle oder Batticaloa sind endlich fertig gestellt
und das Geld auf Jeff´s Konto ;-)
oder Pakistan & Indien haben sich bei axia gemeldet und häuser bestellt ;-)
oder nur ein strohfeuer...
heute 100% plus, morgen 100% minus,
Umsätze viel zu gering, als das der Kurs nachhaltig steigen könnte
Umsätze viel zu gering, als das der Kurs nachhaltig steigen könnte
Ich hatte doch noch so eine DEPOTLEICHE lol.
Da erinnere ich mich gerne noch an das:
Euer Pangäa
Da wurden ja gestern richtig viele Axia´s gekauft und verkauft ;-)
21:59:20 0,1000 10000
21:58:53 0,1200 1617
21:54:16 0,1100 400
21:54:08 0,1100 100
21:46:04 0,1000 10000
21:25:39 0,1000 10000
20:31:34 0,1000 700
20:31:34 0,1000 9300
20:28:00 0,1000 10000
16:17:37 0,2000 4900
16:16:37 0,1800 5000
16:15:42 0,1800 0
16:15:42 0,1800 100
Macht insgesamt 7.147,04 Dollar...
21:59:20 0,1000 10000
21:58:53 0,1200 1617
21:54:16 0,1100 400
21:54:08 0,1100 100
21:46:04 0,1000 10000
21:25:39 0,1000 10000
20:31:34 0,1000 700
20:31:34 0,1000 9300
20:28:00 0,1000 10000
16:17:37 0,2000 4900
16:16:37 0,1800 5000
16:15:42 0,1800 0
16:15:42 0,1800 100
Macht insgesamt 7.147,04 Dollar...
Aus einem anderen Forum:
"Habe eine BM erhalten:
"Hallo VL
hab mal das hier von dir gelesen:
Der Kurs ist nahezu tot. Was bringt also ein "weiteres" schlechtreden eigentlich noch ? -> NIX
ich glaube, das stimmt nicht ganz- Die MM´s haben den Kurs nur runtergetaxt. Umsätze sind grösstenteils nur Scheinumsätze. In Wirklichkeit haben die wahrscheinlich bei weitem noch nicht alle Aktien zurück, die sie shortverkauft haben-weil es vielen oder den meisten egal ist ob Totalverlust oder für Kleingeld wegwerfen.
Kapiere bloss nicht, warum die MM´s so ungeduldig sind. Ich meine irgendwann kriegen die die Aktien soundso zurück-und dann egal zu welchem Preis. Sobald nämlich die Aktionäre ihre Verluste aus steuerlichen Gründen realisieren müssen, werden sie Axia verkaufen.
Eine Möglichkeit ist vielleicht, daß sie die Aktien von Jeff ausgeliehen haben und er eine kurze Rückgabefrist gesetzt hat oder er einfach nur sehr hohe Leigebühren verlangt.
Ich tippe mal, dass der Kurs vielleicht noch eine Weile zwischen 10 und 20 Cent pendelt. Wenn dann mal wieder 20 Cent im Bid liegen-verkaufen wahrscheinlich doch ein paar-wenn sie merken, dass man kurz darauf wieder nur 10 Cent kriegt.
Ich denke mal die MM´s haben sich an uns dumm und dämlich verdient.
Hoffe aber doch, dass Jeff den Löwenanteil geschnappt hat und genug Kapital hat um endlich mal was gescheites auf die Beine zu kriegen. Sollte er uns aber bescheissen wollen dann gnade ihm Gott."
Könnte da was dran sein ?
Beim letzten Satz stimme ich auf jeden Fall zu."
"Habe eine BM erhalten:
"Hallo VL
hab mal das hier von dir gelesen:
Der Kurs ist nahezu tot. Was bringt also ein "weiteres" schlechtreden eigentlich noch ? -> NIX
ich glaube, das stimmt nicht ganz- Die MM´s haben den Kurs nur runtergetaxt. Umsätze sind grösstenteils nur Scheinumsätze. In Wirklichkeit haben die wahrscheinlich bei weitem noch nicht alle Aktien zurück, die sie shortverkauft haben-weil es vielen oder den meisten egal ist ob Totalverlust oder für Kleingeld wegwerfen.
Kapiere bloss nicht, warum die MM´s so ungeduldig sind. Ich meine irgendwann kriegen die die Aktien soundso zurück-und dann egal zu welchem Preis. Sobald nämlich die Aktionäre ihre Verluste aus steuerlichen Gründen realisieren müssen, werden sie Axia verkaufen.
Eine Möglichkeit ist vielleicht, daß sie die Aktien von Jeff ausgeliehen haben und er eine kurze Rückgabefrist gesetzt hat oder er einfach nur sehr hohe Leigebühren verlangt.
Ich tippe mal, dass der Kurs vielleicht noch eine Weile zwischen 10 und 20 Cent pendelt. Wenn dann mal wieder 20 Cent im Bid liegen-verkaufen wahrscheinlich doch ein paar-wenn sie merken, dass man kurz darauf wieder nur 10 Cent kriegt.
Ich denke mal die MM´s haben sich an uns dumm und dämlich verdient.
Hoffe aber doch, dass Jeff den Löwenanteil geschnappt hat und genug Kapital hat um endlich mal was gescheites auf die Beine zu kriegen. Sollte er uns aber bescheissen wollen dann gnade ihm Gott."
Könnte da was dran sein ?
Beim letzten Satz stimme ich auf jeden Fall zu."
Axia Building Technologies, Ltd. Signs Letter of Intent with Building Better Communities to Build Homes in New Orleans
SAN DIEGO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Aug. 14, 2006--
Axia Building Technologies, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Axia Group, Inc., (Pink Sheets:AXGJ) announced today that it has signed a letter of intent with the nonprofit organization Building Better Communities (BBC) to begin building homes in Louisiana for families who have been displaced by Hurricane Katrina. The LOI calls for Axia to work with BBC to first build two model homes in New Orleans with the goal to build up to ten (10) homes over the next six months.
Stated Jeffrey Flannery, CEO of Axia Group, Inc., "This is an exciting development for Axia, as this partnership with Building Better Communities will give us our first foothold into the storm damaged areas of the Gulf Coast. Obviously we feel that our technology is one of the best suited for these regions and this will give us an opportunity to showcase our system."
Building Better Communities is a nonprofit organization that has been active in helping families gut and remodel their homes in Louisiana for over a year. To date, BBC has helped rebuild more than 200 homes in the region. The organization has helped hundreds of families through its food and assistance programs.
Stated Stacy Duty, Executive Director of BBC, "We are very pleased to be working in conjunction with Axia on these vital projects in Louisiana. Their technology provides for stronger homes that are better able to withstand future storms, which will undoubtedly continue to visit the area. We see this as the first step in a long, productive and rewarding relationship."
Axia and BBC plan to commence building as early as October of 2006.
More information on Axia Group, Inc. can be found on the company web site at Information on Building Better Communities can be found at Investors are cautioned that certain statements contained in this document as well as some statements in periodic press releases and some oral statements of AXGJ officials are "Forward-Looking Statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 (the "Act"). Forward-looking statements include statements which are predictive in nature, which depend upon or refer to future events or conditions, which include words such as "believes," "anticipates," "intends," "plans," "expects" and similar expressions. In addition, any statements concerning future financial performance (including future revenues, earnings or growth rates), ongoing business strategies or prospects, and possible future AXGJ actions, which may be provided by management, are also forward-looking statements as defined by the Act. Forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of the Company to materially differ from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements and to vary significantly from reporting period to reporting period. Although management believes that the assumptions made and expectations reflected in the forward-looking statements are reasonable, there is no assurance that the underlying assumptions will, in fact, prove to be correct or that actual future results will not be different from the expectations expressed in this report. These statements are not guarantees of future performance and AXGJ has no specific intention to update these statements.
Source: Axia Group, Inc.
SAN DIEGO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Aug. 14, 2006--
Axia Building Technologies, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Axia Group, Inc., (Pink Sheets:AXGJ) announced today that it has signed a letter of intent with the nonprofit organization Building Better Communities (BBC) to begin building homes in Louisiana for families who have been displaced by Hurricane Katrina. The LOI calls for Axia to work with BBC to first build two model homes in New Orleans with the goal to build up to ten (10) homes over the next six months.
Stated Jeffrey Flannery, CEO of Axia Group, Inc., "This is an exciting development for Axia, as this partnership with Building Better Communities will give us our first foothold into the storm damaged areas of the Gulf Coast. Obviously we feel that our technology is one of the best suited for these regions and this will give us an opportunity to showcase our system."
Building Better Communities is a nonprofit organization that has been active in helping families gut and remodel their homes in Louisiana for over a year. To date, BBC has helped rebuild more than 200 homes in the region. The organization has helped hundreds of families through its food and assistance programs.
Stated Stacy Duty, Executive Director of BBC, "We are very pleased to be working in conjunction with Axia on these vital projects in Louisiana. Their technology provides for stronger homes that are better able to withstand future storms, which will undoubtedly continue to visit the area. We see this as the first step in a long, productive and rewarding relationship."
Axia and BBC plan to commence building as early as October of 2006.
More information on Axia Group, Inc. can be found on the company web site at Information on Building Better Communities can be found at Investors are cautioned that certain statements contained in this document as well as some statements in periodic press releases and some oral statements of AXGJ officials are "Forward-Looking Statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 (the "Act"). Forward-looking statements include statements which are predictive in nature, which depend upon or refer to future events or conditions, which include words such as "believes," "anticipates," "intends," "plans," "expects" and similar expressions. In addition, any statements concerning future financial performance (including future revenues, earnings or growth rates), ongoing business strategies or prospects, and possible future AXGJ actions, which may be provided by management, are also forward-looking statements as defined by the Act. Forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of the Company to materially differ from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements and to vary significantly from reporting period to reporting period. Although management believes that the assumptions made and expectations reflected in the forward-looking statements are reasonable, there is no assurance that the underlying assumptions will, in fact, prove to be correct or that actual future results will not be different from the expectations expressed in this report. These statements are not guarantees of future performance and AXGJ has no specific intention to update these statements.
Source: Axia Group, Inc.
Stocks >> NEWS
Axia Group, Inc. Provides Update on Construction Activities and Business Development
SAN DIEGO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Aug. 17, 2006--
Axia Group, Inc. (Pink Sheets:AXGJ) today issued the following statement from Jeffrey Flannery, CEO and President, on recent activities and developments in the Company:
"We began last year with a modest goal to build a few hundred homes in Sri Lanka. Today we are truly an international company with the ability to expand our efforts worldwide. While growing our efforts in Sri Lanka, we hope within the next few months to demonstrate working projects in Central America, Louisiana and California.
To help us communicate our financial situation with our shareholders, we have hired a new accounting firm to help us update our financial reports and to allow us to be more timely in our reporting to shareholders. While we compile that information, I would like to offer the following update on our activities.
In Sri Lanka, Axia has continued to demonstrate progress on the project that we began last year with SOS Kinderdorf, a German nongovernment organization (NGO). We undertook to rebuild a village on the eastern shore of Sri Lanka, one of the areas hardest hit by the tsunami in 2004. Despite working under extremely harsh conditions, we have built 75 of the strongest and most attractive 'tsunami homes' in the country. The remaining homes will be completed by the end of the year.
By the end of 2006, we hope to show completion of more than $2 million in projects in Sri Lanka and initiation on several million dollars in new projects that we will strive to have completed in 2007. The SOS project in eastern Sri Lanka is $1.8 million in gross revenues. We had projected a 15% to 17% profit margin, but that is being adjusted as delays due to weather and the conflict have diminished our potential profits. However, we are negotiating with SOS to increase payments per home on this project in order to help compensate for these 'Acts of God and War.' In Galle, we are finishing a $180,000 project that will be profitable for the company.
While we will continue to support humanitarian efforts whenever possible, organizations in Sri Lanka have changed their rebuilding strategies in recent months, focusing less on single family homes. While we are continuing our talks and negotiations with other NGOs such as the Red Cross and UNOps, new projects are more along the lines of multistory apartments and school buildings. At the same time, we have much greater interest from the commercial and private sector in our technology. So we expect to see our company's focus shift more towards commercial projects.
To support this new work, we have added Oscar Stadthagen to our team to serve as General Operating Manager. Oscar has been building homes and commercial buildings with the panel technology for more than 9 years in Nicaragua, Costa Rica and other countries. Through his efforts we hope to bring talks with several potential clients to closure in the near future.
Our success in Sri Lanka has also led to new potential opportunities in the US and Central America. We are exploring a strategic relationship in the U.K. that will allow us to expand into Europe. We now have an experienced team of engineers, builders and project managers that can now command projects anywhere in the world. As recent company releases have indicated Axia is aggressively seeking to introduce our technology and building systems in the Southeast and Western United States.
It may appear that we are moving slowly, but when I look back at where we were as a company 8 months ago, I see major progress in many areas. We are now a construction, technology and consulting company that can take on a project of almost any size. We have a presence in the United States, Central America and the Far East. We will not show a profit this year and may not show a profit next year. To expect that from such a young company that has taken on an ambitious business plan is not realistic.
However, in my opinion we are the best at what we do - which is design and build structures with our panel technology. And as the world starts to recognize, as it is now doing, that we need alternative to timber, not just to save our forests but to protect us against storms and to help us save energy, I hope we will be at the forefront of this movement. In the coming months we will demonstrate that we are indeed the best."
More information on Axia Group, Inc. can be found on the company web site at
Investors are cautioned that certain statements contained in this document as well as some statements in periodic press releases and some oral statements of AXGJ officials are "Forward-Looking Statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 (the "Act"). Forward-looking statements include statements which are predictive in nature, which depend upon or refer to future events or conditions, which include words such as "believes," "anticipates," "intends," "plans," "expects," and similar expressions. In addition, any statements concerning future financial performance (including future revenues, earnings or growth rates), ongoing business strategies or prospects, and possible future AXGJ actions, which may be provided by management, are also forward-looking statements as defined by the Act. Forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of the Company to materially differ from any future results, performance, or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements and to vary significantly from reporting period to reporting period. Although management believes that the assumptions made and expectations reflected in the forward-looking statements are reasonable, there is no assurance that the underlying assumptions will, in fact, prove to be correct or that actual future results will not be different from the expectations expressed in this report. These statements are not guarantees of future performance and AXGJ has no specific intention to update these statements.
Source: Axia Group, Inc.
Axia Group, Inc. Provides Update on Construction Activities and Business Development
SAN DIEGO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Aug. 17, 2006--
Axia Group, Inc. (Pink Sheets:AXGJ) today issued the following statement from Jeffrey Flannery, CEO and President, on recent activities and developments in the Company:
"We began last year with a modest goal to build a few hundred homes in Sri Lanka. Today we are truly an international company with the ability to expand our efforts worldwide. While growing our efforts in Sri Lanka, we hope within the next few months to demonstrate working projects in Central America, Louisiana and California.
To help us communicate our financial situation with our shareholders, we have hired a new accounting firm to help us update our financial reports and to allow us to be more timely in our reporting to shareholders. While we compile that information, I would like to offer the following update on our activities.
In Sri Lanka, Axia has continued to demonstrate progress on the project that we began last year with SOS Kinderdorf, a German nongovernment organization (NGO). We undertook to rebuild a village on the eastern shore of Sri Lanka, one of the areas hardest hit by the tsunami in 2004. Despite working under extremely harsh conditions, we have built 75 of the strongest and most attractive 'tsunami homes' in the country. The remaining homes will be completed by the end of the year.
By the end of 2006, we hope to show completion of more than $2 million in projects in Sri Lanka and initiation on several million dollars in new projects that we will strive to have completed in 2007. The SOS project in eastern Sri Lanka is $1.8 million in gross revenues. We had projected a 15% to 17% profit margin, but that is being adjusted as delays due to weather and the conflict have diminished our potential profits. However, we are negotiating with SOS to increase payments per home on this project in order to help compensate for these 'Acts of God and War.' In Galle, we are finishing a $180,000 project that will be profitable for the company.
While we will continue to support humanitarian efforts whenever possible, organizations in Sri Lanka have changed their rebuilding strategies in recent months, focusing less on single family homes. While we are continuing our talks and negotiations with other NGOs such as the Red Cross and UNOps, new projects are more along the lines of multistory apartments and school buildings. At the same time, we have much greater interest from the commercial and private sector in our technology. So we expect to see our company's focus shift more towards commercial projects.
To support this new work, we have added Oscar Stadthagen to our team to serve as General Operating Manager. Oscar has been building homes and commercial buildings with the panel technology for more than 9 years in Nicaragua, Costa Rica and other countries. Through his efforts we hope to bring talks with several potential clients to closure in the near future.
Our success in Sri Lanka has also led to new potential opportunities in the US and Central America. We are exploring a strategic relationship in the U.K. that will allow us to expand into Europe. We now have an experienced team of engineers, builders and project managers that can now command projects anywhere in the world. As recent company releases have indicated Axia is aggressively seeking to introduce our technology and building systems in the Southeast and Western United States.
It may appear that we are moving slowly, but when I look back at where we were as a company 8 months ago, I see major progress in many areas. We are now a construction, technology and consulting company that can take on a project of almost any size. We have a presence in the United States, Central America and the Far East. We will not show a profit this year and may not show a profit next year. To expect that from such a young company that has taken on an ambitious business plan is not realistic.
However, in my opinion we are the best at what we do - which is design and build structures with our panel technology. And as the world starts to recognize, as it is now doing, that we need alternative to timber, not just to save our forests but to protect us against storms and to help us save energy, I hope we will be at the forefront of this movement. In the coming months we will demonstrate that we are indeed the best."
More information on Axia Group, Inc. can be found on the company web site at
Investors are cautioned that certain statements contained in this document as well as some statements in periodic press releases and some oral statements of AXGJ officials are "Forward-Looking Statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 (the "Act"). Forward-looking statements include statements which are predictive in nature, which depend upon or refer to future events or conditions, which include words such as "believes," "anticipates," "intends," "plans," "expects," and similar expressions. In addition, any statements concerning future financial performance (including future revenues, earnings or growth rates), ongoing business strategies or prospects, and possible future AXGJ actions, which may be provided by management, are also forward-looking statements as defined by the Act. Forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of the Company to materially differ from any future results, performance, or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements and to vary significantly from reporting period to reporting period. Although management believes that the assumptions made and expectations reflected in the forward-looking statements are reasonable, there is no assurance that the underlying assumptions will, in fact, prove to be correct or that actual future results will not be different from the expectations expressed in this report. These statements are not guarantees of future performance and AXGJ has no specific intention to update these statements.
Source: Axia Group, Inc.
Kaum aus dem Urlaub zurück, gibt´s auch hier nix Gutes!
Obwohl Axia gleich zwei Meldungen veröffentlicht hat, stehen
wir beim Allzeittief! Habt ihr das von Safe Travel Care gelesen?
SFTV hat den Sentry5000 von Titan übernommen. Ursprünglich wollte Axia
doch den Sentry5000 vermarkten. Jeff Flannery ist bei Axia und
bei SFTV der Chef! Jetzt hat SFTV wohl einen Auftrag über
150.000 Dollar erhalten: Genau! Für den Sentry5000!
Hätte Axia die Übernahme damals getätigt, hätten wir jetzt den
Auftrag bekommen! Doch stattdessen gibt´s immer noch keine News bezüglich
Zahlen und mal wieder nur einen neuen letter of intent, der bei
Jeff ja bekanntlich nicht viel zählen muss ;-)
Also Axia wird, wenn überhaupt, wohl erst gegen Ende des Jahres
oder 2007 wieder etwas zum Leben erwachen... Bis dahin sollten
hoffentlich neue Aufträge reinkommen, die WIRKLICH Geld bringen!
Zum Beispiel aus den USA oder Europa ;-)
Also gute Nacht!
Obwohl Axia gleich zwei Meldungen veröffentlicht hat, stehen
wir beim Allzeittief! Habt ihr das von Safe Travel Care gelesen?
SFTV hat den Sentry5000 von Titan übernommen. Ursprünglich wollte Axia
doch den Sentry5000 vermarkten. Jeff Flannery ist bei Axia und
bei SFTV der Chef! Jetzt hat SFTV wohl einen Auftrag über
150.000 Dollar erhalten: Genau! Für den Sentry5000!
Hätte Axia die Übernahme damals getätigt, hätten wir jetzt den
Auftrag bekommen! Doch stattdessen gibt´s immer noch keine News bezüglich
Zahlen und mal wieder nur einen neuen letter of intent, der bei
Jeff ja bekanntlich nicht viel zählen muss ;-)
Also Axia wird, wenn überhaupt, wohl erst gegen Ende des Jahres
oder 2007 wieder etwas zum Leben erwachen... Bis dahin sollten
hoffentlich neue Aufträge reinkommen, die WIRKLICH Geld bringen!
Zum Beispiel aus den USA oder Europa ;-)
Also gute Nacht!
Hätte Jeff damals mit Axia den Sentra5000 gekauft
und nicht mit seinem anderen Unternehmen Safe Travel Care,
dann hätten WIR (!!!!!!!!!!) uns jetzt hierüber gefreut!
Titan Energy Development, Inc. to Share in $2,030,000 Award from the Michigan 21st Century Jobs Fund to Test the Sentry 5000's Ability to Run On Alternative Fuels
Titan Energy Development, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Safe Travel Care, Inc. (OTCBB:SFTV), announced today that it was awarded a grant from the Michigan 21st Century Jobs Fund and will receive $2,030,000 to be shared with its partners in the project, including: the US Military, Wayne State University and The NextEnergy Center. The grant will allow Titan Energy to test the ability of the Sentry 5000 mobile utility back up system to operate on multiple, alternative fuel sources which will potentially increase its application and marketability.
"This program will expand the readiness and desirability of our versatile emergency response system, the Sentry 5000, by extending its fuel sourcing from diesel to any likely available fuel option, including synfuels, bio diesel, and jet fuel," stated Thomas Black, President of Titan Energy Development, Inc. "This fuel flexibility will give first responders and Military personnel the ability to use several different fuels in an emergency when normal fuel distribution is disrupted or not available."
Michigan's Governor Jennifer Granholm, who visited Titan on September 13, created the Michigan 21st Century Jobs Fund in order to recognize some of the most promising and innovative job creating ideas Michigan has to offer. The original field of 505 proposals was narrowed to 179 finalists by an independent peer-review process conducted by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). The 179 finalists recently underwent intense, individual interviews by AAAS experts who then made final recommendations.
Added Thomas Black, "We believe Titan has a world class product with the Sentry 5000. With this generous grant from the Michigan 21st Century Jobs Fund we hope to offer a Sentry 5000 with even greater capabilities and flexibility. Our goal is to have a system that will operate and perform maximally on multiple fuel sources."
More information on Titan Energy Development Inc. and the Sentry 5000 Mobile Utility System can be found at NextEnergy is a non-profit corporation founded to enable the commercialization of energy technologies that positively contribute to economic competitiveness, energy security and the environment. For more information, visit
Symbol SFTV
und nicht mit seinem anderen Unternehmen Safe Travel Care,
dann hätten WIR (!!!!!!!!!!) uns jetzt hierüber gefreut!
Titan Energy Development, Inc. to Share in $2,030,000 Award from the Michigan 21st Century Jobs Fund to Test the Sentry 5000's Ability to Run On Alternative Fuels
Titan Energy Development, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Safe Travel Care, Inc. (OTCBB:SFTV), announced today that it was awarded a grant from the Michigan 21st Century Jobs Fund and will receive $2,030,000 to be shared with its partners in the project, including: the US Military, Wayne State University and The NextEnergy Center. The grant will allow Titan Energy to test the ability of the Sentry 5000 mobile utility back up system to operate on multiple, alternative fuel sources which will potentially increase its application and marketability.
"This program will expand the readiness and desirability of our versatile emergency response system, the Sentry 5000, by extending its fuel sourcing from diesel to any likely available fuel option, including synfuels, bio diesel, and jet fuel," stated Thomas Black, President of Titan Energy Development, Inc. "This fuel flexibility will give first responders and Military personnel the ability to use several different fuels in an emergency when normal fuel distribution is disrupted or not available."
Michigan's Governor Jennifer Granholm, who visited Titan on September 13, created the Michigan 21st Century Jobs Fund in order to recognize some of the most promising and innovative job creating ideas Michigan has to offer. The original field of 505 proposals was narrowed to 179 finalists by an independent peer-review process conducted by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). The 179 finalists recently underwent intense, individual interviews by AAAS experts who then made final recommendations.
Added Thomas Black, "We believe Titan has a world class product with the Sentry 5000. With this generous grant from the Michigan 21st Century Jobs Fund we hope to offer a Sentry 5000 with even greater capabilities and flexibility. Our goal is to have a system that will operate and perform maximally on multiple fuel sources."
More information on Titan Energy Development Inc. and the Sentry 5000 Mobile Utility System can be found at NextEnergy is a non-profit corporation founded to enable the commercialization of energy technologies that positively contribute to economic competitiveness, energy security and the environment. For more information, visit
Symbol SFTV
Safe Travel Care steigt bereits um über
70% wegen dieser Meldung! ICH KOTZE GLEICH!!!!!!!!
Jeff, Jeff, Jeff, ... Du hast uns sauber reingelegt!
Und jetzt freuen sich ANDERE darüber!!!! Ich explodier gleich!!!
70% wegen dieser Meldung! ICH KOTZE GLEICH!!!!!!!!
Jeff, Jeff, Jeff, ... Du hast uns sauber reingelegt!
Und jetzt freuen sich ANDERE darüber!!!! Ich explodier gleich!!!
By the end of 2006, we hope to show completion of more than $2 million in projects in Sri Lanka and initiation on several million dollars in new projects that we will strive to have completed in 2007. The SOS project in eastern Sri Lanka is $1.8 million in gross revenues. We had projected a 15% to 17% profit margin, but that is being adjusted as delays due to weather and the conflict have diminished our potential profits. However, we are negotiating with SOS to increase payments per home on this project in order to help compensate for these 'Acts of God and War.' In Galle, we are finishing a $180,000 project that will be profitable for the company.
Wenn diese Meldung von damals 100.000% wert wäre, würde ich ja noch sechs Monate warten ;-) Dann könnte ich bei 3 Dollar verkaufen ;-)
Wenn diese Meldung von damals 100.000% wert wäre, würde ich ja noch sechs Monate warten ;-) Dann könnte ich bei 3 Dollar verkaufen ;-)
Der letzte Axia-Kurs war bei sage und schreibe 0,03 $ oder 0,0236 Euronen. Bei meinem Kaufkurs von 0,75 Euro müßte der Kurs auf 0,952 $ steigen, damit ich + - null aus der Sache rauskomme. Das sind dann mal eben etwas über 3000 % Kurssteigerung. Es müssen schon sehr, sehr gute Nachrichten kommen, um so eine Explosion auszulösen.