ALBO Polarstern Vorraus! Für Longies und Fakten!
Wir sind alle froh wenn jemand unsere fragen beantwortet oder wichtige Infos verteilt werden zu Albireo Pharma, ob in deutsch oder englisch.
Und zum übersetzten kann man Google fragen oder Leute hier im Forum übersetzten das dann für andere.
Es ist doch wunderbar das langsam etwas Schwung ins Forum kommt und immer mehr Leute auf Albo aufmerksam werden.
Viele Grüße
I use Google translate for the German, even though I understand most (but cannot write). I recommend Google translate.
I am sorry about any troubles.
Best Regards
Nur zur Info, bin hier aber nicht mehr investiert. 25 mio US $ davon sind noch (unsold) aus dem letzten offering 2017, also relativiert sich das Ganze (So hab ich das beim schnellen Überfliegen zumindest verstanden) Nichts desto trotz ich rechne damit dass das hier ziemlich auf den Kurs drücken wird. Viel Glück allen investierten...
Vieleicht Nash oder Elobixibat EU/USA?
Wäre auch sehr positiv mmn zu sehen.
Grundsätzlich präferiere ich auch deine Version: Kohle dann, wenn benötigt und vorallem unter der Angabe, wofür genau das eingesetzt werden soll.
Ehrlich gesagt bereiten mir die möglichen 200000000 Millionen keine großen Sorgen, denn die letzten größeren KE gingen zu sehr fairen Preisen vonstatten.
Das wird sich jetzt wohl kaum ändern.
Hierzu ein Auszug aus dem 8K:
In connection with the Company entering into the 2019 Sales Agreement with Cowen, on March 6, 2019, the Company terminated the Sales Agreement, dated as of October 13, 2017 (the “2017 Sales Agreement”), that the Company previously entered into with Cowen with respect to an at-the-market offering program, under which the Company could offer and sell, from time to time at its sole discretion, shares of its Common Stock having an aggregate offering price of up to $50.0 million (the “2017 ATM Program”). As the Company previously disclosed, in February 2018, the Company sold 728,862 shares of its Common Stock for net proceeds of approximately $24.2 million pursuant to the 2017 ATM Program. As a result of the termination of the 2017 Sales Agreement, the Company will not offer or sell any additional shares under the 2017 ATM Program.
Das waren damals 33$ pro Aktie. Also kein Grund zu großer Sorge.
Interessantes aus dem 10K:
S.6: We have commercial rights to elobixibat in the United States, Europe, China and otherwise outside of the territories licensed to EA Pharma. We do not have any current plan to seek a license or other partnering transaction with a third party for elobixibat for chronic constipation in the United States or Europe. Whether or not we elect to seek such a transaction, we do not anticipate that we will conduct future clinical trials of elobixibat as a treatment for chronic constipation independently.
S.6: We expect to initiate a Phase 2 clinical trial of elobixibat in NAFLD and NASH in the second quarter of 2019.
Auf Seite 8 wird die Strategie des Unternehmens erläutert. Dazu:
If we receive marketing approval outside of the United States and Europe for A4250 to treat patients with PFIC or any other pediatric cholestatic liver disease or disorder, we plan to selectively utilize collaboration, distribution and other marketing arrangements with third parties to commercialize A4250 in the approved indication(s) in the regions outside the United States or Europe where we receive approval.
Wer sich für Patente interessiert,wird auf Seite 24 fündig.
Sales&Marketing (S.25):
We currently do not have a commercial organization for the marketing, sales and distribution of pharmaceutical products. We intend to build the commercial infrastructure necessary to effectively support the commercialization of A4250 in the United States and Europe, if A4250 is approved for PFIC or any other pediatric cholestatic liver disease or disorder. We believe that our commercial organization can be modest in size and targeted to the relatively small number of specialists in the United States and Europe who treat children with orphan cholestatic liver disease.
The commercial infrastructure for orphan products typically consists of a targeted, specialty sales force that calls on a limited and focused group of physicians supported by sales management, internal sales support, an internal marketing group and distribution support. Additional capabilities important to the marketplace include the management of key accounts such as managed care organizations, group purchasing organizations, specialty pharmacies, government accounts and reimbursement support. Based on the number of physicians that treat orphan pediatric cholestatic liver diseases and disorders, we believe that we can effectively target the physician audience for A4250 in the United States and Europe by establishing a sales force either internally or by contract. To develop the appropriate commercial infrastructure, we will have to invest significant amounts of financial and management resources, some of which may be committed prior to any confirmation that A4250 will be approved.
Outside of the United States and Europe, we plan to selectively utilize collaborations, distribution or other marketing arrangements with third parties to commercialize A4250 in any approved indication(s). Likewise, we intend to selectively seek alliances and collaborations to assist us in furthering the development or commercialization of product candidates, such as A3384 and, potentially, elobixibat, targeting large primary care markets that must be served by large sales and marketing organizations.
Cash (S.93):
As of December 31, 2018, we had approximately $163.9 million in cash and cash equivalents.
Fürs Erste war es das.
Just saying...
Gespräche mit möglichen Partnern für Bereiche außerhalb der USA und Europa laufen. Man will aber noch die Daten abwarten; wohl um bessere Konditionen zu erzielen.
Deshalb glaube ich auch nicht, dass hier Anteile an Investoren verramscht werden. Dazu wird es zu viele Interessenten geben.
Wir wissen natürlich nich wer die shares so nach und nach eingesammelt hat.