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Press Release Source: Clickable Enterprises, Inc.
Revenue Continues to Rise for Clickable Enterprises with 94% Increase in April
Wednesday June 20, 8:43 am ET
Gross Profit Inflates to 175% for the Month Compared with Same Period Last Year
LARCHMONT, N.Y.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Clickable Enterprises, Inc. (CKEI.PK), the first Internet-based home heating oil company, announced today that it generated $680,099 in revenue for April, compared with $350,677 in April 2006, representing a 94% increase. 276,027 gallons of oil were sold, compared with 147,629 gallons sold in April 2006, representing an 87% increase. Gross profit was $141,351, compared with $51,454 in April 2006, representing a considerable 175% increase.
"This is an encouraging beginning to what we expect will be a very strong fiscal 2008," said Nicholas Cirillo, Jr., president of Clickable Enterprises. Adding, "Contribution to Overhead increased from $14,009 in April 2006 to $67,790 in April 2007, and we realized a slight decrease in Employee Expense from ($48,287) to ($47,829) for the same comparative period."
The company recently reported approximately $7.5 million in revenue for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2007, a 39% increase from its prior fiscal year.
About Clickable Enterprises
Clickable Enterprises, through its wholly owned subsidiary,, is the first Internet-based heating oil company to offer customers affordable heating oil services. Based in Larchmont, New York, the company specializes in price control, risk management and product positioning, leaving the oil delivery and services to specially chosen vendors. The company continues to grow through acquisitions and marketing, including its sponsorship agreement with Google, Inc. (NASDAQ:GOOG - News), the world's largest Internet search engine. Clickable Enterprises currently operates in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Connecticut, and has a license to operate in Maryland. For more information visit
This release and oral statements made from time to time by the Company's representatives concerning the same subject matter may contain "forward looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These statements can be identified by introductory words such as "expects," "plans," "intends," "believes," "will," "estimates," "forecasts," or words of similar meaning, and by the fact that they do not relate strictly to historical or current facts. Many factors may cause actual results to differ from forward-looking statements, including inaccurate assumptions and a broad variety of risks and uncertainties, some of which are known and others of which are not. Known risks and uncertainties include those identified from time to time in the reports filed by the Company with the SEC, which should be considered together with any forward-looking statement. No forward-looking statement is a guarantee of future results or events, and one should avoid placing undue reliance on such statements.
For Clickable Enterprises, Inc.
Larry Fortune, 949-916-2942
Source: Clickable Enterprises, Inc.
jetzt kommen die 1000 prozent. die habe ich aber auch nötig nach 90 prozent verlust. ich kauf noch mal nach, denn es gibt keine bad news.
ps: bin schon steuerfrei(im verlust, mit 265 euro ek) ;-)
Aber pushen bei ein paar Kleinen wird hier die Welt nicht bewegen. Zumindest verlieren die hier investierten nichts durch die derzeitige Krise.
Dear Stockholders:
You are cordially invited to attend the Annual Meeting of Stockholders of Clickable Enterprises [...] for the following purposes, as set forth in
1. To elect three directors.
2. To approve an amendment to our Certificate of Incorporation, as amended, to increase
common stock from 500,000,000 to 1,000,000,000.
3. To approve a one-for-one hundred (1:100) reverse stock split of our common stock.
For the six months ended September 30, 2007 and 2006, we had a net income (loss) of ($2,682,934) and $1,736,744, respectively. For the fiscal years ended March 31, 2007 and 2006, we had a net income (loss) of $3,389,153 and ($4,514,894), respectively. We expect to continue to incur significant operating losses until such time as the volume of heating oil sold increases and/or we add ancillary products or product lines to our business.
Der Rest steht im obigen Link.
mal sehen ob ich meine 93,86 prozent minus nochmal wieder reinhole, aber bei dem minus??? und vor allem, bei dem prognostizierten minus (siehe bericht)
warum nicht, öl wird immer teurer, dann bleibt auch mehr hängen.
und ein geschäft wie das von clickable ist mE. in erster linie von stammkunden abhängig - das dauert 2-3-4 jahre.
aber die ersten 18 monate habe ich ja schon rumbekommen und den rest halte ich auch noch durch.
und 220.000 stück zu 16,25 zu veräussern, macht eh keinen sinn.
also dann, bis in ein paar monaten, dann schau ich mal wieder rein. wenn es Clicki dann noch gibt???
31-03-2006 -4,5
31-03-2007 -3,4
31-03-2008 -2,57 (erwartet)
Alles wie immer ohne gewähr.
Warscheinlich ist er bald pleite in der periode 31-03-07 bis 31-03-08 muss er 2,2 M $ aufhusten und danach nochmal 2,5 + was er sich an zusätzliche Liquidität noch holen muss.
500.000 Aktien kosten $ 200,- = (+/-) 137 € zzgl. Gebühren.
Dann lieber Trendsetter auch so einen aber in Solar bei Arnold S.
Jakarta (ANTARA News) - PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN) has set itself the target of increasing the volume of its gas sales in 2008 by 50 percent from 422 mmscfd (million cubic feet) in 2007, a spokesman said.
"We want our sales volume to increase 50 percent, especially after the South Sumatra-West Java (SSWJ) gas pipeline project has become operational," PGN President Director Sutikno said here Wednesday.
The increased sales were expected to prop up the company`s income by 50 percent from Rp8.8 trillion in 2007.
However, the income would be affected by possible loss due to the rupiah`s depreciation as PGN was selling its gas in dollars.
Sutikno said the SSWJ project was expected to contribute 600 mmscfd to the company`s gas supply capacity and some 900 mmscfd would come from other sources.
"We continue to manage our gas supply by reducing our allotment for the export market and increase supply for the domestic market. Gas supply is sufficient, including for local fertilizer industries," he said.
Sutikno said, the company would not raise its gas price although the government was planning to raise fuel oil prices.
"We are waiting for the pricing formula," he said.
The government was evaluating a new gas pricing formula as a reference for PGN`s gas selling price.(*)
PubDate: 05/21/08 22:18
Tip: 8k filed for reverse merger news coming !!!!!! kaching 22-Feb-10 09:57 am
An 8k has been filed for a reverse merger and news is expected today or tommorrow....we finally did it longs.
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